Spodoptera eridania and S. ornithogalli (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), which are polyphagous pests that damage various crops such as tomatoes and beans are regulated quarantine species that are highly likely to invade South Korea. Therefore, it is crucial to promptly and accurately identify the presence of S. eridania and S. ornithogalli in crop fields to effectively eradicate as a regulated quarantine species. In this study, we developed a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay, which allows for rapid in-field identification. To develop the LAMP assay, we selected target species-specific genomic regions from the whole-genome sequences of one target and 13 other lepidopteran species. We validated each five and six primer sets that consistently produced positive reactions in S. eridania and S. ornithogalli, respectively. To test the sensitivity of the each locus, LAMP reactions were performed using various reaction times using crude DNA, which was extracted from various types of adult tissues. All sensitivity tests were also successful.
The genus Nipponopsyche Yazaki is reported from Korea with an unrecorded species, N. fuscescens Yazaki for the first time. Adult, larva, pupa and genitalia of the species are redescribed with SEM illustrations, and DNA barcode for precise identification of the species is also provided.
The susceptibility of Dermanyssus gallinae adults, collected from poultry farms in 5 regions, to 11 acaricides was investigated. When bifenthrin and formic acid with pyridaben were diluted 100 times, bifenthrin showed 100% acaricidal activity; however, formic acid with pyridaben showed less than 20% acaricidal activity for poultry farms in 3 regions (Gyeongju, Chilgok, and Geumsan) except Yeoncheon and Anseong. Clothianidin, thiamethoxam, fenitrothion, and formic acid with pyridaben showed differences in acaricidal activity among regions. Therefore, farmers should concentrate during the selection of these acaricides. However, carbaryl, cartap hydrochloride, dichlorvos, and bifenthrin showed high activity against D. gallinae collected from poultry farms in five regions. To control D. gallinae effectively, the alternation of acaricides is necessary, and indiscriminate pesticide use should be avoided. Therefore, this study can serve as a basis for controlling D. gallinae.
The acaricidal activity of a methanolic extract and fractions from the rhizome of Cnidium officinale against Dermanyssus gallinae adults was investigated. The C. officinale methanolic extract exhibited 100% acaricidal activity after 48 h of treatment at a dose of 4,000 ppm. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed (Z)-ligustilide as a constituent of C. officinale. Acaricidal activity was examined in three experimental tests (spray, fumigation and contact), with the spraying method being the most effective. The methanolic extract of C. officinale showed both contact and fumigant activities, though only fumigant activity was observed with (Z)-ligustilide. These results suggest that C. officinale derived material can be used for the development of a control agent for D. gallinae.
수문모형의 매개변수 추정에 필요한 유량 관측 자료의 수집은 시·공간적으로 제한이 있어 우리나라도 아직 상당수의 미계측유역이 존재하며, 이를 보완하고자 주변 유역의 정보를 활용하는 지역화 방법들이 연구되어 왔다. 그러나 지역적 특성이나 기후 조건에 따라 지역화 방법의 결과가 상이하여 어느 지역에 어떠한 지역화 방법이 가장 우수하다고 판단하기 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 보편적으로 사용되는 지역화 방법인 지역회귀모형의 설명 변수에 공간근접모형으로 추정한 수문모형의 매개변수를 추가하여 회귀모형의 적합성을 향상시켰으며, 이를 하이브리드 지역화모형이라 정의하고 기존 방법들과 비교하였다. 계측유역으로는 관측 자료가 충분한 남한의 37개 유역을 선정하였고, 수문모형은 개념적 수문모형인 GR4J를 사용하였으며, 계측유역에 대한 수문모형의 매개변수 산정은 Shuffled complex evolution 알고리즘을 사용하였다. 유역 특성변수들 간 다중공선성을 고려하기 위해 Variation inflation factor를 사용하였고, Stepwise regression을 통해 회귀모형의 최적 설명변수를 선택하였다. 통계 값을 통해 모형의 적합성을 비교한 결과, 하이브리드 지역화모형에서 가장 작은 RMSE 값을 나타내었으며, 유역별 모의 값의 변동성이 줄어들어 결과의 불확실성 또한 낮아짐을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 하이브리드 모형이 미계측유역의 유출량 산정을 위한 하나의 대안이 될 수 있음을 확인하였다.
The amount of nutrients entering the soil annually about 100 million tonnes. Among the 100 million tons of nutrients is chemical fertilizers 600,000 tons with manure compost/liquid fertilizer 400,000tons. Fifty percent of nutrients is sprayed to soil but the crop is not used. So building up nutrients in the soil is released into the water together. There is no system that can maintain nutrient balance of the country. Chemical fertilizers and manure compost manure is used on an ongoing basis. Rivers, oceans, lakes, and reservoirs become serious problems of eutrophication. Nitrogen and phosphorus is the cause of eutrophication. As the excessive accumulation of water discharged to the environment, resulting in algae and red tides. The government responded by introducing the amount of total nutrient system in 2008. So the amount of nutrient that can be sprayed on the soil was picked reduced. For the reason, the farmers is became the handling of manure seriously. Since 2012, the manure is that speculation was banned in the ocean. Processing method and system response measures on land was needed. In this study were investigated for reuse and to remove the ammonium nitrogen contained less than 80 % of the total nitrogen with the Air stripping technique.
Manganese () is a trace element that is essential for normal physiology, and is predominantly obtained from food. Several lines of evidence, however, demonstrated that overexposure to exerts serious neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity and developmental toxicity, particularly in male. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of 0, 1.0, 3.3, and 10 mg/kg/day doses of on the reproductive organs in the immature female rats. Rats (PND 22; S.D. strain) were exposed to () dissolved in drinking water for 2 weeks. The animals were sacrificed on PND 35, then the tissues were immediately removed and weighed. Histological studies were performed using the uteri tissue samples. Serum LH and FSH levels were measured with the specific ELISA kits. Body weights of the experimental group animals were not significantly different from those of control group animals. However, ovarian tissue weights in 1 mg and 3.3 mg dose groups were significantly lower than those of control animals (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). Uterine tissue weights of 3.3 mg dose groups were significantly lower than those of control animals (p<0.01), while the 1 mg dose and 10 mg dose failed to induce any change in uterine weight. Similarly, only 3.3 mg dose could induce the significant decrease in the oviduct weight compared to the control group (p<0.05). Non-reproductive tissues such as adrenal and kidney failed to respond to all doses of exposure. The uterine histology revealed that the exposure could affect the myometrial cell proliferation particularly in 3.3 mg dose and 10mg dose group. Serum FSH levels were significantly decreased in 1mg dose and 10 mg groups (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). In contrast, treatment with 1 mg dose induced a significant increment of serum LH level (p<0.05). The present study demonstrated that exposure is capable of inducing abnormal development of reproductive tissues, at least to some extent, and altered gonadotropin secretions in immature female rats. Combined with the well-defined actions of this metal on GnRH and prolactin secretion, one can suggest the might be a potential environmental mediator which is involved in the female pubertal process.
A new standard rose cultivar ‘Pink Stone’ was bred from the cross between red standard cultivar ‘Red Queen’ and pink standard cultivar ‘Vivaldi’ at the National Horticulture Research Institute. The cross was made in 2001 and ‘Pink Stone’ was finally selected in 2006 after investigating characteristics for three years from 2003 to 2006. ‘Pink Stone’, a deep pink standard cultivar grows vigorously and has powder mildew resistant. The major characteristics of this cultivar are 115.1 stems/m2/year in yield, 77.7 cm in length of cut flower, 10.5 cm in flower diameter, 67.0 in petal number, and 12.0 days in vase life. This cultivar can be propagated by both cutting and grafting. The consumer’s preference of this cultivar is relatively higher than that of control cultivar, ‘Noblesse’.