For efficient introgression of the downy mildew resistance gene from a resistant cultivar into domestic breeding lines, molecular markers used for marker-assisted backcrossing (MAB) were developed in onion (Allium cepa L.). The resistance gene (Pd) was originally introgressed from a wild species, A. roylei, by interspecific hybridization, and the resistant gene was known to be positioned at the end of chromosome 3. Therefore, cDNA sequences of loci located at the ends of chromosome 3 of two linkage maps were obtained from a transcriptome database. Primer pairs were designed on exon sequences of eight loci. Among them, the PCR products of the i25255 locus showed length polymorphism between A. roylei and onions, and both large and small-sized PCR products were observed in the resistant cultivar. Sequence analysis showed that a 67-bp indel existed in the intron sequences. Based on this indel polymorphism, a simple PCR marker, designated DMR1, was developed. Analysis of diverse onion accessions showed that no accessions contained the A. roylei-specific marker genotype except for the resistant cultivar. These results indicated that the DMR1 marker was successfully tagging the A. roylei fragment harboring the downy mildew resistance gene, and the resistant cultivar was heterozygous for the resistance gene. After further analysis of multiple loci positioned at chromosome 3, a range of the A. roylei fragment introgressed in the resistant cultivar was determined in two linkage maps. On the basis of the range of the A. roylei fragment, three molecular markers used for recombinant selection in MAB were also developed.
To reveal the linkage relationship between the Ms locus, a restorer-of-fertility gene for cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS) caused by CMS-S cytoplasm in onion (Allium cepa L.) and previously reported molecular markers linked to the Ms locus, 11 recombinants selected from 4,273 segregating plants originating from the cross between male-sterile maternal and male-fertile paternal lines were analyzed. Results showed that genotypes of a codominant marker, jnurf12, were perfectly matched with the male-fertility phenotypes in all recombinants, but that this marker was not applicable in diverse breeding lines due to multiple band patterns. For the development of more reliable markers, a 12-bp indel was identified from the sequences which were obtained by genome walking, and was used to develop a simple PCR marker which was designated jnurf13. When 104 diverse breeding lines containing CMS-S cytoplasm were analyzed with the jnurf13 marker, male-fertility phenotypes of all breeding lines were perfectly matched with marker genotypes. To our surprise, phenotypes of 153 breeding lines containing CMS-T-like cytoplasm were also matched with genotypes of the jnurf13 marker which was linked to the Ms locus for the CMS-S system. Furthermore, phenotypes of four F2 populations containing CMS-T-like cytoplasm co-segregated perfectly with jnurf13 genotypes. Allelic segregation distortion was detected in two F2 populations using the jnurf13 maker. The results of this study were in conflict with a previous model for inheritance of fertility restoration in the CMS-T system. Therefore, we proposed a new model based on the data analyzed with the jnurf13 marker, which was in linkage disequilibrium with restorer-of-fertility genes for both CMS systems.
Inactivation of the gene (DFR-A) coding for dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) involved in the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway results in a yellow bulb color in onion (Allium cepa L.) and three inactive alleles have previously been identified in onion. Additionally, three active and six inactive DFR-A alleles were newly identified from extensive analyses of diverse onion germplasm. Presently, a yellow mutant containing a 171-bp deletion in the promoter region was identified and designated DFR-APD. Critically reduced transcription of this mutant allele and perfect co-segregation with color phenotypes in segregating populations were observed. Another yellow mutant (DFR-A5’DEL) containing a 518-bp deletion covering exons 1 and 2, which played important roles in DFR function, was identified. Meanwhile, both 2-bp and 4-bp insertions in the coding region leading to creation of pre-mature stop codons were also identified and designated DFR-AGT and DFR-A2AT, respectively. A 1-bp substitution mutation (DFR-AK48N) changing a positively charged lysine residue into a neutral asparagine was identified. This lysine residue, a NADPH binding site, was strictly conserved in other species. In addition, insertion of a leucine residue around substrate binding sites and catalytic triad was identified in several yellow accessions and was designated DFR-ATTA. Phylogenetic analysis of DFR-A alleles showed that all inactive alleles were independently derived from four different active alleles. In addition, the close relatedness and diversity of DFR-A mutants implied that all these mutations might have occurred after domestication of onions and had probably been maintained by artificial selection.
성인에 비해 방사선에 민감하고 검사건수가 증가하고 있는 영·유아의 CT 스캔 시의 장기흡수선량을 평가하기 위해 스캔부위를 머리부위와 가슴부위로 구분하고 64 MDCT를 이용하여 축방향 스캔과 나선형 스캔으로 비교했다. 스캔부위에 상관없이 나선형 스캔 시의 선량이 축방향 스캔 시 보다 유의하게 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 축방향 스캔과 비교해서 나선형 스캔 중 피치 1.355를 사용했을 때가 나머지 두 피치(0.525, 0.988)를 사용했을 때보다 가슴부위 스캔의평균 장기흡수선량이 유의하게 높게(평균 -12.03%) 나왔다. 나선형 스캔 시 장기흡수선량이 축방향 스캔보다 평균 20.54% 낮게 나왔다. 결과적으로 인체모형을 통한 장기흡수선량을 평가한 본 연구는 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션 결과값을실증하고, CT 검사를 받는 영·유아의 장기흡수선량의 보다 정확한 평가에 기여할 것이다.
Cytoplasmic male sterility caused by DCGMS (Dongbu cytoplasmic and genic male-sterility) cytoplasm and its nuclear restorer-of-fertility locus (Rfd1) with a linked molecular marker (A137) have been reported in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). To construct a linkage map of the Rfd1 locus, linked amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were screened using bulked segregant analysis. A 220-bp linked AFLP fragment sequence from radish showed homology with an Arabidopsis coding sequence. Using this Arabidopsis gene sequence, a simple PCR marker (A220) was developed. The A137 and A220 markers flanked the Rfd1 locus. Two homologous Arabidopsis genes with both marker sequences were positioned on Arabidopsis chromosome 3 with an interval of 2.4 Mb. To integrate the Rfd1 locus into a previously reported expressed sequence tag (EST)-simple sequence repeat (SSR) linkage map, the radish EST sequences located in three syntenic blocks within the 2.4-Mb interval were used to develop single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for tagging each block. The SNP marker in linkage group 2 co-segregated with male fertility in an F2 population. Using radish ESTs positioned in linkage group 2, five intron length polymorphism (ILP) markers and one cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker were developed and used to construct a linkage map of the Rfd1 locus. Two closely-linked markers delimited the Rfd1 locus within a 985-kb interval of Arabidopsis chromosome 3. Synteny between the radish and Arabidopsis genomes in the 985-kbp interval were used to develop three ILP and three CAPS markers. Two ILP markers further delimited the Rfd1 locus to a 220-kb interval of Arabidopsis chromosome 3.
TE를 변화시킨 정상인 대뇌의 MR spectrum에서 주요 대사물질의 면적과 SNR을 측정하여 PRESS 펄스파형과 STEAM 펄스파형 그리고 1.5T와 3.0T간의 자장세기에 따른 spectrum 간의 차이를 알아보고자 하였다. Phantom 실험을 통하여 적절한 TR을 정한 후, 정상인 지원자 10명(3.0T 5명, 1.5T 5명 ; 남 22~30세 : 평균 26세 )을 대상으로 단일용적기법의 STEAM과 PRESS 기법을 시행하였다. 사용된 장비는 3.0T MR scanner(Magnetom Trio, SIEMENS, Germany)와 1.5T MR scanner(Signa Twinspeed GE, USA)이였다. 영상변수는 TR은 2000ms, TE 는 30ms, 40ms, 50ms, 60ms, 90ms, 144ms, 288ms, NA는 96, 용적 크기는 20×20×20mm3로 하였으며, spectrum 획득시간은 3분 20초였다. 획득한 데이터는 후처리과정을 통하여 PRESS와 STEAM, 그리고 1.5T와 3.0T system 간 의 NAA, Cho, Cr 등의 단순면적값과 SNR을 비교하였다. 또한 육안적 관찰을 통하여 각 대사물질들의 관찰정도를 비 교하였다.. 1.5T와 3.0T MR spectrum을 분석한 결과, STEAM과 PRESS의 주요 대사물질의 단순 면적값과 SNR은 TE가 증 가함에 따라 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, PRESS는 STEAM보다 1.5T에서 1.4배, 3.0T에서 1.3배 높은 SNR을 보였다. 자장의 세기에 따른 SNR 비교에서는 TE가 30ms에서 3.0T가 1.5T보다 약 2배 정도 높은 SNR을 보였으나 TE값이 증가함에 따라 3.0T에서의 SNR 감소율이 1.5T에서의 SNR 감소율보다 커서 TE가 90ms 이상부터는 큰 차이가 없었 다. 반면 3.0T의 spectrum에서는 1.5T에서 구분할 수 없었던 α-Glx, β․γ-Glx, NAA complex등 작은 대사물질들을 보다 정확히 감별 할 수 있었고 short TE의 PRESS일 때 short TE의 STEAM보다 작은 대사물질들이 잘 관찰 되었다. 3.0T spectrum의 해상도와 SNR이 1.5T spectrum에 비하여 우수함을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 90ms이상의 long TE 에서는 3.0T와 1.5T spectrum간의 SNR은 차이가 없었다. 따라서 고자장하에서의 자기공명분광법은 30ms 이하의 짧 은 TE를 이용한 PRESS 펄스 파형을 사용하는 것이 임상적으로 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.
확산 텐서 영상을 이용하여 뇌경색 환자의 손상된 백질 섬유를 시각화할 수 있게 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 뇌경색 환자에서 NIHSS와 분할 비등방도의 상관을 평가하고자 하였다. MR 확산영상에서 뇌경색이 확인된 16명(남:11, 여:5, 평균연령 61세) 환자를 대상으로 24방향 DTI를 시행하였다. 뇌경색 발발 후 2주 이내에 증상이 개선된 환자 9명과 증 세가 악화된 환자 7명으로 구분하였다. FA값의 정량측정을 위해 병소와 병소 반대측이 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있 음을 확인하였다. 확산강조영상에서는 병소가 고신호로 보였으나, FA값은 정상측 보다 낮게 측정되었다. NIHSS상의 임상증상이 개선된 환자들의 FA값은 0.41, 반대측 정상부는 0.49로 병소측이 15%정도 낮게 측정되었다. 그러나 NIHSS상 증상이 악화된 환자들의 경우 병소측 FA값이 0.28, 반대측 정상부는 0.56으로 큰 차이를 보였다. 결론적으 로 DTI에서의 FA값은 뇌경색 환자의 예후를 평가하는데 매우 유용한 지표로 이용될 수 있을 것이다.