육성한 화단국화 품종인 황색 국화(Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.)인 ‘한아름볼(Hanarum Ball)’은 충남농업기술원 화훼 연구소에서 모본 ‘Gigi Gold’와 부본 ‘Jinny Ball’을 이용하여 육성되었다. ‘한아름볼’ 품종은 2014년에 인공 교배를 통해 개 발되었으며, 2015년부터 2017년까지 품종 특성을 조사한 후 2017년에 최종 선발되었다. ‘한아름볼’의 초형은 반구형으로, 노랑색 꽃잎(Yellow 5B)을 가진 반겹꽃을 지니고 있으며, 개화 기는 9월 21일이다. 초장은 36.0cm로, 초폭은 66.0cm, 화폭 은 4.1cm, 본당 착화수는 1,147개, 꽃잎수는 81.0개이며, 엽색 은 녹색(Green 137B)이어서, 대조품종인 ‘금방울’과 유사한 형 태와 색을 가지고 있으나, 꽃크기와 착화수, 개화시기에서 차이 를 보였다. ‘한아름볼’은 도로변이나 화단 등 조경용으로 활용 가능하며, 화훼 농가에 새로운 소득원을 제공할 수 있는 품종으 로 기대된다.
본 연구에서는 부산신항에서 스크러버를 장착한 선박이 세정수를 배출하였을 때 인근 해역에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위해 확산예측을 수행하였다. 세정수에 포함된 용존무기탄소(DIC)의 농도를 통제한 채로 세정수의 pH 조건별로 해역에 미치는 영향을 대조기 와 소조기로 나누어 평가하였다. 선박 1대에서 24시간 동안 세정수를 배출할 때, pH가 최대 0.076, 0.083 감소하였다. DIC의 경우 0.561mg/L, 0.612mg/L 증가하였다. 부산신항에 수용가능한 선박수인 24대를 전부 가정하여 실험하였을 경우 pH는 0.200, 0.545 감소하였고, DIC는 1.464mg/L, 3.629mg/L 증가하였다. 일반적으로 스크러버가 세정수를 처리하였을 때 pH 6.1인 것을 감안하여 선박 1대에서 pH 6.1인 조건으 로 24시간 동안 세정수를 배출하는 경우 우리나라 연근해의 연간 pH 변화량보다 약 33.7배 더 큰 폭으로 감소하는 것으로 계산되었다. 선 박이 24대일 경우에는 하루이상 표층의 성층화를 유발하고 수심 4m까지 영향을 주는 것으로 예측되었다.
In the Northern Hemisphere, northward shifts due to global warming are apparent in various organisms such as butterflies, birds, and plants. In South Korea, ranges of butterflies are expected to shift northwards. We tested whether distribution limits of Korean butterflies shift northwards. We used two Korean butterfly atlases (1938-1950, 1977-2011) for analysis of the range shifts. Northern limits of southern species moved significantly northward (ca. 60 km) for 50 years, whereas southern limits of northern species did not significantly move northwards nor southwards. This finding parallels with other studies on butterflies and birds in Europe and North America.
It is expected that the successful nationwide reforestation and the increased temperature would greatly change butterfly fauna in South Korea. We compared current data (2002~2007) regarding abundance and presence of butterfly species at two sites in the central portion of the Korean Peninsula to data from late 1950s and early 1970s for the same sites. The expected changes were documented by abundance change of butterflies at two study sites in the previous study. Using the same data, the greatly changed species and the change of species presence were analyzed. Population changes of 99 butterfly species which occurred at both sites were significantly correlated between two sites. The greatly increased species included three Southern (S) species and one Northern (N) species. However, the greatly declined species included five N species and no S species. This change is coincided with the expectation from the northward movements of butterfly species due to global warming. The current status of the greatly changed species was discussed on the review with other studies. The binary data(presence/absence) in present study support the expected changes of butterfly species based on global warming and reforestation. The interactive effect of two environmental changes was also recognized as like the change of abundance in the previous study.
To meet the needs of customer, manufacturing companies are diversifying product making methods. In order to adapt to changes, companies are trying to find a new manufacturing system. In this research, MTS(Make to Stock) and MTO(Make to Order) production m
Ant species were reported to have specific vertical distribution in high mountains in Korea. The vertical distribution was recognized in Hanla mountain being highest in South Korea using pitfall traps in 2006. This phenomena suggests that temperature may be a main factor for distribution of ant species, since 0.5~0.6℃ of temperature decrease per each 100 m of altitude. The present study was carried out to test this hypothesis. Ant communities were surveyed using pitfall traps (ten traps per each site) at 234 sites, which included 9 high mountains in South Korea. The vertical distribution of ant species were found in all the high mountains. Abundance data (probability of occurrence, %) of seventeen abundant ant species which occurred at more than 10% of the study sites were analyzed using multiples regression analysis with four independent factors such as temperature, precipitation, light intensity, and NDVI. As results of the regression analysis, temperature was most important in determining the abundance in 11 of 17 species. Light intensity was most important in 3 species, and precipitation in 1 species. In the 11 species being highly dependent on temperature, determination index (R2) of regression model with one factor of temperature was approximately 90% of determination index of the regression model with all four factors. On the base of dependence on temperature and of ecological characteristics (ground foraging), six species such as Paratrechina flavipes, Myrmica kotokui, Pachycondyla javana, Pristomyrmex pungens, Camponotus atrox, and Crematogaster osakensis were selected as bioindicator for global warming. In the bioindicator ant species, M. kotokui and C. atrox were predicted to decline in abundance and distribution in Korean peninsula as temperature increases, whereas other four species including P. flavipes, P. javana, P. pungens, C. osakensis were predicted to increase. Temperature-Distribution models were established in four most temperature-responsive species including P. flavipes, P. javana, P. pungens, and M. kotokui, and distribution maps of the species were made from the model. Reversely, temperature was estimated from ant data of five bioindicator species using regression model, of which R2 is 0.66.