Automation of frontline service encounters, or the replacement of frontline employees by technologies, is increasingly more common. This new service style, often called self- service, has attracted the attention of service providers who are looking to cut costs (Lin & Hsieh, 2007; Walker et al., 2002) and increase efficiency (Bitner et al., 2002; Curran et al., 2003; Dabholkar, 1996). On the other hand, a major disadvantage of self-service is that it puts the burden of service delivery on consumers (Lu et al., 2019). In other words, the introduction of self-service means a shift from consumers being served by frontline employees to their serving themselves by interacting with technologies. This means that consumers’ acceptance is key for self-service to be implemented successfully.
최근 점점 더 많은 연구자와 정부에서 해양에너지 자원 개발에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있다. 장죽수도는 조류에너지 밀도가 높아 조류 발전소를 건설하기에 적합한 잠재적 후보지 중 하나이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 ADCIRC 모델을 이용하여 장죽수도의 조류자원의 잠재량을 평가하기 위한 수치적 접근방식을 제시하고, 내부 코드를 이용하여 조석 특성을 입력 매개변수로 활용하여 1 MW급 규모의 조류에너지 변환장치를 대상으로 4개의 레이아웃으로 배열하고 후류 효과로 인한 연간 에너지 생산량에 관한 수치해석을 수행하였다. 그 결과 효율이 가장 좋은 배치는 연간 최대 12.96 GWh/year의 에너지를 생성할 수 있으며, 이 값은 후류 효과로 인한 에너지 손실을 고려하 면 연간 0.16 GWh씩 감소될 수 있음을 보였다. 또한, 창낙조 때 터빈 요 각도를 변경함으로써 이 요소가 에너지 추출에 미치는 영향을 분석하였으며, 터빈 배열은 터빈 요 각도가 346°와 164°(북쪽에서 시계 방향으로)일 때 대조기와 소조기에서 차례로 최대 조류 에너지를 얻 을 수 있었다.
In this paper, a pico hydro turbine employing low head circulation water at fish farms is designed and evaluated. Due to the advantages of simple structures, small head requirements, and low-cost investment, the constant thickness propeller turbine is considered as a feasible solution. The design process based on the free vortex method is presented in full detail, and a 4-blade runner is built using BladeGen. The turbine performance is analyzed both numerically and via experimental methods. Despite slight differences, the results show similar trends between CFD simulations and experiments carried out on factory test-rigs in a wide range of working conditions. At the design flow rate, the turbine achieves the best efficiency of 70 %, generating 3.5 kW power when rotating at 420 rpm. The internal flow field, as well as the turbine's behavior, are investigated through the distribution of blade streamlines, pressure, and velocity around the runner. Moreover, the pressure coefficient on the blade surface at 3 span positions is plotted while the head loss for each simulation domain is calculated and displayed by charts.
원심 해수냉각 펌프를 분석하기 위하여 다른 운전 유량에 대한 캐비테이션 거동을 조사하였다. 3D 2상 해석은 ANSYS-CFX 상 용코드로 수행되었다. 해석에는 k-ε 난류와 Rayleigh-Plesset cavitation 모델이 사용되었다. 수치 예측에 기초하여 세 가지 토출 유량값에 대 하여 헤드 드롭 특성곡선이 작성되었다. 더 높은 유량에서 임펠러는 버블 캐비테이션에 보다 취약하다. 0.7Q, Q 및 1.3Q(Q: 설계 유량)에서 작동하는 펌프의 3 % 헤드 드롭 위치는 각각 NPSHa 1.21 m, 1.83 m 및 3.45 m에 해당한다. 증기 기포의 볼륨이 예측되고 캐비테이션의 위치는 임펠러 내에서 발생하는 캐비티를 시각화하여 예상하였다. 또한, 압력계수와 날개 부하 분포가 구체적으로 제시되어 캐비테이션이 펌프 운전에 미치는 해로운 영향을 나타냈다. 또한, 압력계수 분포와 날개부하 차트가 구체적으로 제시되어, 펌프 운전에 캐비테이션이 미치는 해로운 영향을 나타냈다.
Through data mining of the Cordyceps militaris genome, a lectin-encoding gene, CMLec3, was identified. In this study, the CMLec3 sequence was analyzed using bioinformatics approaches, and the gene was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 cells. The biological activity of the product was examined. In addition, CMLec3 gene expression levels were assessed. The results showed that the CMLec3 protein contained a lectin domain structure and was successfully expressed. The CMLec3 protein partly inhibited HeLa cell proliferation. CMLec3 exhibited the highest gene expression in the primordium at a level 5.19 times that of the mycelium and 1.35 times that of the fruiting body. This suggests that the gene may be related to fruiting body development.
Lentinus tigrinus (L. tigrinus), a white-rot fungus that grows naturally on rotten hardwood during spring and summer in China, is an edible and medicinal mushroom containing a valuable combination of nutrients including high amino acid concentrations and low sugar levels. However, no reports have isolated and characterized FIP genes from L. tigrinus to date. In our study, two novel fungal immunomodulatory proteins (FIPs) from Lentinus tigrinus were identified and named Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2. The bioactive characteristics of Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2 were compared to a well-known FIP (LZ-8 from Ganoderma lucidum) to investigate the effect of Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2 expression on Concanavalin A (ConA)-induced liver injury. Both Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2 protected livers from ConA-induced necrosis, as evidenced by decreased serum aminotransferase levels (AST, ALT) and relieved liver histology. Levels of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) and oxidative stress (SOD, MDA) were shown to be reduced by expressing Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2. In addition, the hepatoprotective effect of Fip-lti1, Fip-lti2, and LZ-8 correlated with ameliorating the imbalance of Th1/Th2 (IFN-γ/IL-4). The observed liver protection of Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2 was mechanistically explored. Treatments with Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2 regulated GATA3/T-bet expression, activated the decreased Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway, and countered the upregulated NLRP3/ASC/NF-κBp65 signaling in ConA-stimulated liver injury. In conclusion, we identified two fungal proteins (Fip-lti1 and Fip-lti2) that can protect liver from ConA-induced liver injury.
In the present study, we examined potential roles of glucose and pyruvate in nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of porcine oocytes. In the presence and absence of 10% porcine follicular fluid (PFF), either 5.6 mM glucose or 2mM pyruvate effect on meiotic maturation and followed development ability. However, DOs doesn't take full advantage of the glucose in medium, only pyruvate can increase MII rate and follow early embryo development ability significance. COCs were matured with 200 uM pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) inhibitor (dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA) or 2 μM glycolysis inhibitor (iodoacetate, IA), significantly lower levels of GHS in the DHEA an IA treated oocytes and the levels of ROS were higher significantly in the DHEA treated oocytes, treatment with DHEA significantly reduced the intra-oocyte ATP and NADPH level. Blastocysts from DHEA or IA treated group also presented higher apoptosis levels, meanwhile, the percentage of proliferating cells was dramatically lower than the non-treated group. In conclusion, our results suggest that 10% PFF promoted oocytes make full use of energy, glucose metabolism during in vitro maturation inseparable from the cumulus cells, PPP and glycolysis promoted porcine oocytes cytoplasmic maturation by supplying energy and reducing oxidative stress.
In recent years, leading digital technology companies have shown a strong interest in enabling children to send electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Recasting children from passive to active participants in marketing communications, this shift expands children’s marketing practices from how a company influences children via traditional marketing communications to how children influence a company’s marketing practices through eWOM. This paper aims to enhance our understanding about the use of children’s eWOM in marketing communications when children’s eWOM and children’s marketing begin to intersect. The eWOM literature demonstrated the effects of eWOM on product sales without identifying the sender (King, Racherla, & Bush, 2014). The extension of the effects from aggregated sender to children needs careful study in light of children’s marketing literature which showed children have distinct characteristics in the context of traditional marketing (Cross, 2002). In this study, we examine the positive expectation of business impact that explains firms’ adoption of children’s eWOM and further investigate the normative concerns about the social influence of children’s eWOM.