절화장미 "레드참" 품종은 전라남도농업기술원에서 육성한 적색 스탠다드 품종으로 수세가 강하고 동계생산성이 높은 적색 "First Red"를 모본으로, 적색이며 화형이 예쁜 "Cardinal" 를 부본으로 하여 2003년에 인공교배하였다. 화형과 화색이 예쁘고 수량성이 우수하며 가시가 적은 1계통을 최종 선발하였다. 2007년부터 2008년까지 3회에 거쳐 특성 및 생산력검정을 실시하여 스탠다드 대형계 품종으로 화색이 적색이며 가시가 적고 흰가루병에 강한
A new deep red colored standard rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar, `Best Red' was developed at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES). Seedling and line selection were conducted in 2003 and its characteristics were examined three times from 2004 to 2006. 'Best Red' which was obtained by cross between 'Vital' and 'Cardinal'. It shows a red group color (RHS No. 46C), medium fragrance, and standard flower with good harmony between ray floret and flower center. The upper stem is moderate curved. The average yield during 2004-2006 was 111 stems/m2. Its vase life was 10 days. This cultivar was registered as a commercial cultivar in 2007. It is suitable for greenhouses in all regions in Korea and will be released to farmers in 2009.
A new pale pink colored standard rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar, 'Fine Pink' was developed at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES). Seedling and line selection were conducted in 2003 and its characteristics were examined three times from 2004 to 2006. 'Fine Pink' was obtained by crosse between 'Nobless' and 'Yvessaaintlaurent'. It shows a red group color (RHS No. 56C), very weak fragrance, and standard flower with good harmony between ray floret and flower center. It has a characteristic of straight stem. The average yield during 2004-2006 was 113 stems/m2. It has 10 days vase life and resistance to powdery mildew. This cultivar was registered as a commercial cultivar in 2007. It is suitable for greenhouse in all regions in Korea and will be released to farmers in 2009.
A new light pink colored standard rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar, 'Top Pink' was developed by the cross between 'Nobless' and 'Belami' at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES) through seedling and line selection in 2003, and characteristic evaluation during 2004-2006. 'Top Pink' shows a Red group color (RHS No. 49A), strong fragrance, and standard flower with good harmony between ray florlet and flower center, and straight stem. The yield was 131 stems/m2 averaged over three years (2004-2007). It showed 10 days vase life and was resistant to powdery mildew. This cultivar was registered as a commercial cultivar in 2007. It can be cultured in greenhouses in Korea and will be released to farmers in 2009.
A new dark pink colored standard rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar, 'Global Pink' was developed by the cross between 'Nobless' and `Belami' at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES) through seedling and line selection in 2003 and characteristic evaluations during 2004~2006. 'Global Pink' showed Red purple group color (RHS No. 65B), very weak fragrance, and standard flower with good harmony between ray florlet and flower center. Its yield was 134 stems/m2 averaged over three years (2004-2007). It showed 10 days vase life and was resistant to powdery mildew. This cultivar was registered as a commercial cultivar in 2007. It can be cultured in greenhouses in Korea and will be released to the farmers in 2009.
A new white colored spray rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar Danmi was developed at the Jeollanamdo AgriculturalResearch and Extention Services (JARES) after seedling and line selection in 2002, and its characteristics were examined twicefrom 2004 to 2005
A new light pink colored standard rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) cultivar “Temperla” was developed at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extention Services (JARES) after seedling and line selection in 1999, and its characteristics were examined two time