
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foreign materials with a variety of types and sizes are found in food; thus, extraordinary efforts and various analytical methods are required to identify the types of foreign materials and to find out accurate causes of how they unintentionally enter food. In this study, human, cow, pig, mouse, duck, goose, dog, and cat were chosen as various types of animal hairs because they can be frequently incorporated into food during its production or consumption step. We morphologically analyzed them using stereoscopic, optical, SUMP method, and scanning electron microscopes, showing differences in each type. In addition, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) was used to analysis chemical compositions (11Na~92U, Mass%) of samples. As a result, we observed that mammalian hairs were mainly composed of sulfur. Organic compounds of samples were further analyzed by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) that can compare spectra of given materials; however, this method did not show significant differences in each sample. In this study, we suggest a rapid method for the identification of the causes and types of foreign materials in food.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 식육원료 4종(소, 돼지, 말 및 닭)을 각 각 판별하기 위하여 real-time PCR을 이용한 판별법을 개발하였다. 종판별을 위한 유전자로는 미토콘드리아 유전자 중 12S rRNA와 16S rRNA 부분을 대상으로 하였으며, 특이 프로브의 Reporter dye는 FAM, Quencher dye는 TAMRA로 설계하였다. 개발된 프라이머 및 프로브 세트 로 유사종에 대한 비 특이적 signal의 생성 유무를 관찰하기 위하여 총 10종을 대상으로 특이성을 확인한 결과, 비 특이적 signal은 확인되지 않았다. 식육원료에 대하여 realtime PCR을 통한 식육 판별 시 식육 혼합 방법에 따른 CT값의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 의도적 혼합 및 비의도적 혼입을 판별하기 위한 정량법 개발에서는 의도적 혼합의 경우 100% 식육과의 CT 값 차이가 4 cycle 이내이고, 비의도적 혼입일 경우 100% 식육과의 CT 값 차이가 6 cycle 이상이었다. 따라서 본 연구를 통하여 개발한 식육 원료의 의도적, 비의도적 혼입 판별법은 불량식품 유통 근절 및 소비자 인권보호에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        곡류, 두류, 어패류분말, 건조채소류 및 다류 등 5가지 식품유형에 대하여 전자선과 감마선 0-10 kGy 조사 후 광자극발광법(PSL)과 열발광법(TL) 분석을 통해 적용 가능성을 확인하고 두 선종의 결과를 비교·분석 하였다. PSL 분석 결과, 새우분말을 제외한 비조사 검체는 700 이하의 PCs, 음성검체로 나타났다. 전자선과 감마선 조사된 곡류, 두류 및 다류는 양성검체뿐만 아니라 중간검체, 음성검체로도 확인되어 적용 가능성이 낮았다. 특히, 두류는 감마선보다 전자선 조사된 검체가 더 명확한 판별이 가능하였 다. 전자선과 감마선 조사된 어패류분말과 건조채소류는 모두 양성검체로 나타나 조사선원에 관계없이 조사여부 확인이 가능하였다. TL 분석 결과 조사되지 않은 검체는 자연방사선에 의해 300oC 전후에서 낮은 peak를 가지는 글로우곡선이 나타났고, 대부분의 조사 검체에서는 150- 250oC의 부근에서 특유의 글로우곡선이 나타났다. 하지만, 쌀과 레몬홍차는 조사에 따른 특이적인 peak가 나타나지 않아 조사여부 확인이 어려웠다. 또한 TL 비를 산출해본 결과, 쌀과 레몬홍차를 제외한 대부분 비조사 검체는 0.0001- 0.0728, 전자선과 감마선 조사된 검체는 0.1004-4.6748로 나타나 조사여부를 확인할 수 있었다. 쌀과 레몬홍차의 TL 비는 0.1 이하로 나타나 글로우 1에서 확인한 것처럼 조사여부를 판단하기 어려웠다. 따라서 조사 선원에 따른 곡 류와 두류의 PSL 측정 결과는 전자선 조사된 검체가 더 명확한 판별이 가능하였고, TL 측정 결과는 쌀과 레몬홍차를 제외하고 모든 검체에서 조사 선원에 관계없이 조사 여부 판별이 가능하였다. 본 연구를 통해 전자선 조사에 따른 확인시험법 적용 가능성을 확인하고 선종에 따른 PSL 시험법에 대한 검지감도의 차이를 확인하였다. 연구결과는 전자선 추가 허용에 따른 데이터베이스 구축 및 조사 식품 관리체계 마련에 기초자료로 활용될 계획이다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the experimental method has been investigated using molecular biological way to identify raw materials from seasoned red-pepper sauce which is one of the most popular spices in Korea. 6 kinds of seasoned red-pepper sauces were chosen as a sample containing chilli pepper, garlic, onion as a major ingredient and species specific primers were used for the identification of the raw material of processed food. Selected samples were pre-treated to remove salt (samples were washed with distilled water 3~4 times for desalting), after that, to amplify the extracted genes, whole genome amplification (WGA) kit was performed. Afterwards, PCR products were confirmed through the electrophoresis. As a result, 102, 180, 280 bp of specific PCR products were confirmed for each major ingredients such as chilli pepper, garlic, onion. From this study, the gene extraction method was validated for the identification of ingredients from the spices and it would be applied to distinction of low quality chilli pepper powder including seasoned red-pepper sauce illegally.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, effective gene extraction methods were compared to identify raw materials of processed meat products through molecular biological methods. Species specific primers were used to identify ingredients of processed foods and, as a sample, 13 kinds of processed meat products including beef, pork and chicken. According to the type of sample, 13 kinds of samples were classified into liquid type, source type and powder type. The samples were pre-treated (centrifugation) and (or) performed Whole Gene Amplification (WGA) kit for amplification of the extracted DNA. As a result, it was possible to identify the raw material of products through the centrifugation of sample 1 ml for liquid type of processed meat products. For source type of products after gene extraction, it was required to perform WGA for the identification of ingredients. For powder type products did not required any further pre-treatment and WGA. In this study, it was an opportunity to confirm the possibility of identification of raw material from the gene extraction of processed meat products and this method could be used to examine the authenticity of raw material of products.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of perceived walking environment around neighborhood on satisfaction for old adults in Daegu. The study was conducted using 407 questionnaires were collected through the survey. The walking environment was categorized into accessibility to neighborhood walking facilities and walking environment around path. Regarding perception of walking accessibility, access to ‘public transit stops’ and to ‘medical facilities’ was relatively high. For walking environment, ‘pavement condition’, ‘continuity of sidewalk’, and ‘slope of sidewalk’ were rated relatively high. Multiple regression analysis after factor analysis of walking environment variables showed that religious and convenient facilities, park and leisure facilities, and medical and welfare facilities had a significant effect on satisfaction in walking accessibility. For walking environment the convenience for walking, safety for walking, and amenities for walking had a significant effect on satisfaction. The findings from this study can be used for improving the walking environment for old adults.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to utilize big data contents of news and social media for developing a corporate strategy of multinational enterprises and their global decision-making through the data mining technique, especially text mining. In this paper, the data of 2 news media (BBC and CNN) and 2 social media (Facebook and Twitter) were collected for the three global leading Korean companies (Samsung, Hyundai Motor Company, and LG) from April, 2018 to April, 2019. The findings of this paper have shown that traditional news media and also modern social media have become devastating tools to extract global trends or phenomena for businesses. Moreover, this presents that a company can adopt a two-track strategy through two different types of media by deriving the key issues or trends from news media channels and also grasping consumers’ sentiments, preference or issues of interest such as battery or design from social media. In addition, analyzing the texts of those media and understanding the association rules greatly contribute to the comparison between two different types of media channels to see the difference. Lastly, this provides meaningful and valuable data empowered insights to find a future direction comprehensively and develop a global strategy for sustainability of business.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – This case study is dedicated to the study of the presence of KIA Motors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and its market and entry strategies for strategic globalization that allowed the company to establish itself within a conservative and clustered marketplace dominated by American and Japanese international brands. Research Design, data, and methodology – The main information for the case was gathered through an interview and questionnaire from the executives of the KIA Al Jabr, which got the exclusive dealership in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, secondary data were obtained from reliable and authoritative sources such as the Saudi government agency publications, newspapers, international business journals. Other related periodicals based on the results from previous and current studies on similar topics were critically reviewed as well. Results – The findings of this paper show the different business environments of the Saudi market and the importance of various points regarding the company’s global entry strategy even if the host market culture is quite different in many ways from other international markets. Conclusions – This case can provide Korean companies interested in the Middle East with insight into market penetration and global strategy, and present various perspectives and implications for global market access as well.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        준고랭지에서는 여름감자를 수확하기 전에 배추, 무, 쥬키니호박 등의 작물을 감자 이랑 위에 바로 심고 후작물을수확한 후 10월 하순이나 11월 상순에 감자를 캐는 작형으로 농사를 짓는다. 이 때 전작물인 감자와 후작물의 품질 및수량성을 비교, 검토하여 농가에서 최적 재배법을 이용할수 있도록 하기 위하여 본 시험을 수행하였다. 품종은 중생종인 ‘수미’ 품종과 만생종인 ‘하령’ 품종을 사용하였으며 후작물처리는 무처리, 무, 배추구를 두고 품종별 난괴법 3반복을 처리하였으며 감자는 흑색비닐멀칭을 하여 재배하였다. 감자 수량조사는 적기수확, 15일, 30일 45일, 60일에 하였으며 후작물은 수확기에 수량조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 품종은 만생인 하령품종보다 중생종인 수미품종이 내부생리장해가 적고 상품수량이 높아 전작물 품종으로 적합하였으며 수미품종의 경우 무처리보다는 무, 배추 정식구에서부패서율, 기형서율, 녹화율이 낮게 나타났으며 상품서율과상품수량은 후기까지 유지되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해볼때 준고랭지에서 8월 중하순에서 9월 상순에 감자를 수확하지 않고 후작물(무, 배추)를 재배한 후 감자를 수확하여도수량성에는 문제가 없는 것으로 나타났으며 후작물의 수량성 또한 높게 나타났다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The high temperature due to climate change may result in the intensification of several drought and heat stress on crops including potato. These abiotic stress affect on potato development staages; sprout development, tuber initiation and maturation. Potatoes need moderate amounts of nitrogen and cool night for good tuber growth. Especially, high temperature in soil will delay tuber initiation and induce malformation. Therefore, to identify quickly heat tolerant lines and breeding potato lines adapt to high temperature in the field are needed. The objectives of this study were as follows; To apply in vitro screening method for identifying potato lines adapted to high temperature conditions. To verify these results under field assays carried out under natural high temperature field conditions. We used in vitro screening methods with breeding lines from Intranational Potato Center(CIP) under three temperature regime, 18℃, 25℃ and 30℃. All breeding liens had some genotype that produced microtubers at 18℃ and 25℃, with a clear tendency for lower percentage of tuberization at the high temperature. To verify in vitro screening methods for heat tolerance lines, we carried out natural high temperature filed evaluation at Tacna, La Molina and Sanramon in Peru. The results of both the in vitro test and the field assay showed clear relationship and similar expression of tuberization percentage. This finding supports the use of the in vitro assay as a rapid screening methods that represents performance at the field level. But the correlation between performance of the breeding lines under the in vitro and field condions was low. This could be due to differential response to breeding lines to characteristics of the field environment, such as soil salinity, drought, which were not represented in the in vitro assay.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The experiment was conducted to investigate the potential for environmentally friendly cultivation of cv. Haryeong, which was bred by the National Institute of Highland Agriculture in 2006, through evaluation of the late blight field resistance at the farmer's practices level. cv. Haryeong showed higher field resistance to late blight as 590.3 in mean Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) during the cultivation period than cv. Superior as 1377.7 in AUDPC. However there was no observed different trend among the experimental treatments. Mean of tuber yield of cvs. Haryeong and Superior were 2,870 kg/10a and 2,301 kg/10a, respectively, and in all experimental treatments Haryeong was 25% higher than those of Superior. Mean of dry matter content of Haryeong and Superior were 18.1% and 16.1%, respectively, and there were no significant differences among the experimental treatments. cv. Haryeong was confirmed as a suitable cultivar for environmentally friendly cultivation in this experiment. In the future, additional research on fertilization and disease management will be required.