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        검색결과 440

        2024.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The growing significance of sustainable energy technologies underscores the need for safe and efficient management of spent nuclear fuels (SNFs), particularly via deep geological disposal (DGD). DGD involves the long-term isolation of SNFs from the biosphere to ensure public safety and environmental protection, necessitating materials with high corrosion resistance for DGD canisters. This study investigated the feasibility of a Cu–Ni film, fabricated via additive manufacturing (AM), as a corrosion-resistant layer for DGD canister applications. A wire-fed AM technique was used to deposit a millimeter-scale Cu–Ni film onto a carbon steel (CS) substrate. Electrochemical analyses were conducted using aerated groundwater from the KAERI underground research tunnel (KURT) as an electrolyte with an NaCl additive to characterize the oxic corrosion behavior of the Cu–Ni film. The results demonstrated that the AM-fabricated Cu–Ni film exhibited enhanced corrosion resistance (manifested as lower corrosion current density and formation of a dense passive layer) in an NaCl-supplemented groundwater solution. Extensive investigations are necessary to elucidate microstructural performance, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance in the presence of various corroding agents to simplify the implementation of this technology for DGD canisters.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내 건축물에서는 노후한 철근콘크리트 구조물의 안전성이 중요한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 구조물 부분이나 전체의 무너짐으로 인해 경제적 손실을 초래할 수 있으며, 이는 주로 구성 재료의 내구성 결 함으로 인해 발생한다. 여러 노후화 인자 중 동결융해와 부식은 주요한 열화 요인으로 작용한다. 동결 지역의 구조물은 동결융해가 위험 요소로 작용할 수 있으며, 해양 구조물은 해수에 존재하는 염소이온 에 의해 부식될 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 복합 열화 작용과 철근콘크리트 부재의 성 능 저하 관계를 이해하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 동결융해와 부식의 복합적 피해가 RC 보의 거동 에 미치는 영향을 실험적으로 조사하였다. 7개의 RC 보를 제작하여 각각 다른 수준의 열화 조건을 부여한 후 휨 시험을 실시하였다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fundamental aspects of creating passivation layers for corrosion resistance in nuclear engineering applications, specifically the ability to form complete layers versus porous ones, are being explored in this study. Utilizing a laser ablation technique, 1,064 nm fire at 10 Hz with 60 pulses per shot and 0.5 mm between impact points, aluminum samples are treated in an attempt to create a fully formed passivation layer that will be tested in a LiCl-KCl eutectic salt. By placing these samples into an electrochemical environment mimicking a pyroprocessing system, corrosion rates, resistances and material characteristics are tested for one week and then compared between treated and untreated samples. In initial testing, linear sweep voltammetry indicates corrosion current density for the untreated sample at −0.038 mA·cm−2 and treated samples at −0.024 mA·cm−2 and −0.016 mA·cm−2, respectively. This correlates to a control sample corrosion rate of −0.205 mm·yr−1 and treated rates of −0.130 mm·yr−1 and −0.086 mm·yr−1 for samples 1 and 2. In addition, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy circuits show application of a longer-lasting porous passivation layer on the treated metal, compared to the naturally forming layer. However, the current technique fails to create a uniform protection layer across the sample.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the suppression of the corrosion of cast iron in a copper–cast iron double-layered canister under local corrosion of the copper layer. The cold spray coating technique was used to insert metals with lower galvanic activity than that of copper, such as silver, nickel, and titanium, between the copper and cast iron layers. Electrochemically accelerated corrosion tests were performed on the galvanic specimens in KURT groundwater at a voltage of 1.0 V for a week. The results revealed that copper corrosion was evident in all galvanic specimens of Cu–Ag, Cu–Ni, and Cu–Ti. By contrast, the copper was barely corroded in the Cu–Fe specimens. Therefore, it was concluded that if an inactive galvanic metal is applied to the areas where local corrosion is concerned, such as welding parts, the disposal canister can overcome local or non-uniform corrosion of the copper canister for long periods.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current study explores the possibility of graphene as a protective layer on the zinc substrate through an optimized electrophoretic deposition process. Graphene has been synthesized from H2SO4, HNO3, and HClO4 solutions by an electrochemical exfoliation route. This method is known for providing a scalable and economical approach to the synthesis of graphene. The exfoliated graphene nano-sheets were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, UV–visible, and field emission scanning electron microscope to evaluate its properties. The three different synthesized forms of graphene nano-sheets were electrophoretically deposited onto Zn substrates at two different potentials. Scratch testing was employed to check the adhesion quality of the coatings. The corrosion behaviour of Zn and graphene-coated Zn substrates was studied in borate buffer and 3.5 wt% NaCl solutions through potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study systematically investigated the efficacy of incorporating graphene/cerium hydroxide (GH) composite material into epoxy-modified polyurethane resin coatings for enhancing the corrosion resistance of Q690qE steel within polluted marine atmospheric conditions. The research encompassed a range of electrochemical assessments and analyses. Notably, the E/GH-0.3% coating displayed a substantially positive open-circuit potential (OCP) and prominently reduced corrosion current density, leading to annual corrosion rates of 2.72 mm/a following 25 days of immersion. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) elucidated the superiority of the E/GH-0.3% coating, characterized by the highest impedance modulus |Z| at 0.1 Hz, indicative of robust corrosion protection. Remarkably, the self-healing performance of E/GH-0.3% and E/ GH-0.5% coatings was evidenced by the formation of a composite passivation layer at scratch sites, particularly pronounced after 40 days of immersion. These findings underscore the promising potential of the GH composite as an effective corrosion inhibitor, holding significant promise for the advancement of protective coatings in harsh coastal industrial environments.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Heavy water primary system decontamination technology is essential to reduce worker exposure and improve safety during maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Advanced decontamination technology development aims to secure controlled decontamination technologies that can reduce the cost of radiation exposure and dramatically reduce the amount of secondary waste generated when decontaminating large equipment and large-area facilities. We conducted a study to identify candidate corrosion inhibitors through the literature and analyze the degree of corrosion of carbon steel samples. Countries with advanced nuclear technology have developed chemical decontamination technology for the entire nuclear power generation system and applied it to the dismantling and maintenance of nuclear power plants. In the decontamination process, the corrosion oxide film must be removed. If the base metal is corroded by the decontaminant in this process, additional secondary waste is generated and treatment costs increase. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a corrosion inhibitor that inhibits the corrosion of the carbon steel base metal in the decontamination process to generate a secondary waste liquid that is favorable for waste reduction and treatment. In this presentation, a study was conducted to analyze the extent of corrosion on a carbon steel base material and identify candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing. Samples were analyzed using optical microscopy and EPMA analysis to determine the thickness of the corroded oxide film. EPMA analysis also allowed us to map the elemental distribution of the carbon steel corrosion layer, which we plan to quantify in the future. The candidate materials for organic-based corrosion inhibitor were also selected based on their inhibition mechanism; having high electronegative elements for coordinate covalent bonding at metal surface and hydrophobic nonpolar group for preventing access of corrosive substances.The selection of candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing was based on the mechanism of the corrosion inhibitor. Organic-based corrosion inhibitors are adsorbed by donor-acceptor interactions between metal surfaces and highly electronegative elements. Corrosion can also be inhibited by arranging hydrophobic nonpolar groups on metal surfaces in the solution direction to prevent access of corrosive substances.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        After the major radioactivation structures (RPV, Core, SG, etc.) due to neutron irradiation from the nuclear fuel in the reactor are permanently shut down, numerous nuclides that emit alpha-rays, beta-rays, gamma-rays, etc. exist within the radioactive structures. In this study, nuclides were selected to evaluate the source term for worker exposure management (external exposure) at the time of decommissioning. The selection of nuclides was derived by sequentially considering the four steps. In the first stage, the classification of isotopes of major nuclides generated from the radiation of fission products, neutron-radiated products, coolant-induced corrosion products, and other impurities was considered as a step to select evaluation nuclides in major primary system structures. As a second step, in order to select the major radionuclides to be considered at the time of decommissioning, it is necessary to select the nuclides considering their half-life. Considering this, nuclides that were less than 5 years after permanent suspension were excluded. As a third step, since the purpose of reducing worker exposure during decommissioning is significant, nuclides that emit gamma rays when decaying were selected. As a final step, it is a material made by radiation from the fuel rod of the reactor and is often a fission product found in the event of a Severe accident at a nuclear power plant, and is excluded from the nuclide for evaluation at the time of decommissioning is excluded. The final selected Co-60 is a nuclide that emits high-energy gamma rays and was classified as a major nuclide that affects the reduction of radiation exposure to decommissioning workers. In the future, based on the nuclide selection results derived from this study, we plan to study the evaluation of worker radiation exposure from crud to decommissioning workers by deriving evaluation results of crud and radioactive source terms within the reactor core.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The primary heat transport system consists mainly of the in-core fuel channels connected to the steam generators by a system of feeder pipes and headers. The feeders and headers are made of carbon steel. Feeders run vertically upwards from the fuel channels across the face of the reactor and horizontally over the refueling machine to the headers. Structural materials of the primary systems of nuclear power plants (NPPs) are exposed to high temperature and pressure conditions, so that the materials employed in these plants have to take into accounts a useful design life of at least 30 years. The corrosion products, mainly iron oxides, are generated from the carbon steel corrosion which is the main constituent of the feeder pipes and headers of this circuit. Typical film thickness on CANDU-PHWR surface is 75μm or 30mg/cm2. Deposits on PHWR tends to be much thicker than PWR due to use of carbon steel and also for the source of corrosion products available on the carbon steel surface. Degradation of carbon steel for the feeder pipes transferring the primary system coolant by flow-assisted corrosion in high temperature has been reported in CANDU reactors including Point Lapreau, Gentully-2, Darlington and Bruce NPPs. The formation of Fe3O4 film on a carbon steel surface reduces the dissolution rate of steel substantially. The protectiveness of the Fe3O4 film over the carbon steel is affected by the environmental factors and the operational parameters of the feeder pipes, including the velocity, wall shear stress, solution pH, temperature, concentration of dissolved iron, quality of solution, etc. For effective chemical decontamination of these thick oxides containing radionuclides such as Co-60, it is necessary to understand the corrosion behaviors of feeder pipes and the characteristics of oxide formed on it. In this work, we investigated the growth of oxide films that develop on type SA-107 Gr. B carbon steel in high temperature water and steam environment by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES) for the quantification and the solidstate speciation of metal oxide films. This study was especially focused to set the experimental tests conditions how to increase the oxide thickness up to 50 m by changing the oxidation conditions, such as solution chemistry and thermo-hydraulic conditions both temperature and pressure and so on.
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