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        검색결과 1,349

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Al-B4C neutron absorbers are currently widely used to maintain the subcriticality of both wet and dry storage facilities of spent nuclear fuel (SNF), thus long-term and high-temperature material integrity of the absorbers has to be guaranteed for the expected operation periods of those facilities. Surface corrosion solely has been the main issue for the absorber performance and safety; however, the possibility of irradiation-assisted degradation has been recently suggested from an investigation on Al-B4C surveillance coupons used in a Korean spent nuclear fuel pool (SFP). Larger radiation damage than expectation was speculated to be induced from 10B(n, α)7Li reactions, which emit about a MeV α-particles and Li ions. In this study, we experimentally emulated the radiation damage accumulated in an Al-B4C neutron absorber utilizing heavy-ion accelerator. The absorber specimens were irradiated with He ions at various estimated system temperatures for a model SNF storage facility (room temperature, 150, 270, and 400°C). Through the in-situ heated ion irradiation, three exponentially increasing level of radiation damages (0.01, 0.1, and 1 dpa or displacement per atom) were achieved to compare differential gas bubble formation at near surface of the absorber, which could cause premature absorber corrosion and subsequential 10B loss in an SNF storage system. An extremely high radiation damage (10 dpa), which is unlikely achievable during a dry storage period, was also emulated through high temperature irradiation (350°C) to further test the radiation resistance of the absorber, conservatively. The irradiated specimens were characterized using HR-TEM and the average size and number density of radiation-induced He bubbles were measured from the obtained bright field (BF) TEM micrographs. Measured helium bubble sizes tend to increase with increasing system (or irradiation) temperature while decrease in their number density. Helium bubbles were found from even the lowest radiation damage specimens (0.01 dpa). Bubble coalescence was significant at grain boundaries and the irradiated specimen morphology was particularly similar with the bubble morphology observed at the interface between aluminum alloy matrix and B4C particle of the surveillance coupons. These characterized irradiated specimens will be used for the corrosion test with high-temperature humid gas to further study the irradiation-assisted degradation mechanism of the absorber in dry SNF storage system.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the event of a loss of a SNF (spent nuclear fuel) transport cask during maritime transportation, it is essential to evaluate the critical depth at which the integrity of the cask can be maintained under high water pressure. SNF transport casks are classified as Type B containers and the integrity of of the containment boundary must be maintained up to a depth of 200 meters unless the containment boundary was breached under beyond-design basis accidents. However, if an intact SNF cask is lost at a depth deeper than 200-meter, release of radioactive material may occur due to breach of containment boundary with over-pressure. In this study, we developed a code for the evaluation of the pressure limit of SNF transport cask, which can be evaluated by inputting the main dimensions and loading conditions of cask. The evaluation model was coded as a computer module for ease of use. In the previous study, models with three different fidelities were developed to ensure the reliability of the calculation and maintain sufficient flexibility to deal with various input conditions. Those three models consisted of a high-fidelity model that provided the most realistic response, a low-fidelity model with parameterized simplified geometry, and a mathematical model based on the shell theory. The maximum stress evaluation of the three models confirmed that the mathematical model provides the most conservative results than the other two models. The previous results demonstrate that mathematical models can be used in the code of computer modules. In this study, additional models of transport cask were created using parametric modeling techniques to improve the accuracy of the pressure limit assessment code for different cask and situations. The same boundary conditions and loading conditions were imposed as in the previous simplified model, and the maximum stress results considering the change in the shape of the transport container were derived and compared with the mathematical model. The comparison results showed that the mathematical model had more conservative values than the simplified model even under various input conditions. Accordingly, we applied the mathematical model to develop a transportation container pressure limit evaluation code that can be simulated in various situations such as shape change and various situations.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For Korean nuclear fuel cycle project, it is necessary to design and evaluate the integrity of spent fuel storage. For the design and evaluation of spent fuel storage, it is necessary to evaluate the properties of various materials used in spent fuel storage. The materials previously considered in the design of nuclear power plants were limited to static properties and were listed in design and manufacturing code and standards. However, for the evaluation of the storage containers in scenarios such as transportation and events, dynamic material property evaluations are required. Research on the dynamic properties of materials is generally conducted in the fields of automotive and aerospace, and most of the studies are on metal materials under sheet conditions. Since the structural materials of the storage containers for used nuclear fuel are mostly composed of thick materials, consideration should be given to property evaluation methodology and quantitative comparison. In this study, the mechanical properties of stainless steel material with canister application were evaluated according to the strain rate, and the crack resistance evaluation was also performed. It was confirmed the changes in strength and crack resistance according to the increase in strain rate and observed differences in microstructural hardening behavior.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Long-term safe storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) determines sustainability of the current light water reactor (LWR) fleet. In the U.S., SNF is stored in stainless steel canister in dry cask storage system (DCSS) after spending several years in wet pool storage system while there is no DSCC in Republic of Korea. The SNF storage time in DSCC is expected to be multiple decades since no permanent geological repositories are identified in both countries. One limiting factor for extended storage of SNF in DSCC is chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) in the welded regions of the stainless steel canisters. The propensity for the occurrence of CISCC has warranted the development of the mitigation and repair technologies to ensure the safe and long-term storage for both present and new canister although no CISCC failure was reported yet. This study investigates cold spray deposition coatings of 304 L and 316 L stainless steels on prototypical stainless steel canisters such as sensitized flat and C-ring samples. The cold spray technology has been identified as the most promising approach by Extended Storage Collaboration Program (ESCP) driven by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The talk includes microstructural characterization, adhesion strength measurement, residual stress evaluation, and corrosion behavior of the coated materials in boiling MgCl2 solution and electrochemical corrosion tests in NaCl solution. In addition, the capability of repair of cracks on the canister surface using the coating technology will be presented.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear inspection is necessary to verify nuclear activities. If North Korea takes denuclearization, North Korea’s nuclear materials should be verified through non-destructive testing and destructive testing for nuclear material production. Since destructive testing of all substances is impossible, nondestructive testing is essential. Most non-destructive tests are performed by measuring the energy of gamma rays, but the characteristics of nuclear fuel can be evaluated by measuring neutron sources when enclosed with thick shields and when shielding structures are difficult to remove. Before the neutron source evaluation of MAGNOX used by North Korea, the relative characteristics will be evaluated later by analyzing the burnup, enrichment, and cooling time of the spent nuclear fuels discharged from the domestic nuclear power plant. This study evaluated the source strength and major nuclides according to burnup for the WH17×17 nuclear fuel assembly. The depletion calculation was conducted using SCALE 6.2 ORIGEN, and 3.5wt% enrichment, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 MWd/kg burnup, and five years cooling time, the minimum requirement for transport specified in the notice of the Nuclear Safety Commission, was applied. Although the impact assessment on enrichment should be evaluated with MCNP Tally to consider the fission reaction of the generated neutrons, this study only evaluated the spontaneous fission and (a, n) reactions that occurred first because it only evaluates the burnup impact. As burnup increased, neutron generation increased, and most of the total neutron strength occurred through spontaneous fission from the 10 MWd/kg burnup step. The influence of Pu-240 nuclides was dominant in the 10 MWd/kg burnup step but most neutrons were generated in tiny amounts of Cm- 244 generated from 20 MWd/kg burnup. Since DPRK’s 5 MWe Yongbyon MAGNOX has very low burnup (about 0.7 MWd/kg), the primary neutron sources of 10 MWd/kg, Am-241 and Pu isotopes, especially Pu-240, are expected to be used as indicators for evaluating spent nuclear fuel characteristics. If only specific nuclides are evaluated as major neutron sources at lower burnup than those evaluated in this study, in that case, the accuracy of non-destructive testing can be improved. Additionally, the evaluation according to the enrichment and cooling time should be considered as well.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the wake of the Fukushima NPP accident, research on the safety evaluation of spent fuel storage facilities for natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis has been continuously conducted, but research on the protection integrity of spent fuel storage facilities is insufficient in terms of physical protection. In this study, accident scenarios that may occur structurally and thermally for spent fuel storage facilities were investigated and safety assessment cases for such scenarios were analyzed. Major domestic and international institutions and research institutes such as IAEA, NEA, and NRC provide 13 accident scenario types for Spent Fuel Pool, including loss-of-coolant accidents, aircraft collisions, fires, earthquakes. And 10 accident scenario types for Dry Storage Cask System, including transportation cask drop accidents, aircraft collisions, earthquakes. In the case of Spent Fuel Pool, the impact of the cooling function loss accident scenario was mainly evaluated through empirical experiments, and simulations were performed on the dropping of spent nuclear fuel assembly using simulation codes such as ABAQUS. For Dry Storage Cask System, accident scenarios involving structural behavior, such as degradation and fracture, and experimental and structural accident analyses were performed for storage cask drop and aircraft collision accidents. To evaluate the safety of storage container drop accidents, an empirical test on the container was conducted and the simulation was conducted using the limited element analysis software. Among the accident scenarios for spent fuel storage facilities, aircraft and missile collisions, fires, and explosions are representative accidents that can be caused by malicious external threats. In terms of physical protection, it is necessary to analyze various accident scenarios that may occur due to malicious external threats. Additionally, through the analysis of design basis threats and the protection level of nuclear facilities, it is necessary to derive the probability of aircraft and missile collision and the threat success probability of fire and explosion, and to perform protection integrity evaluation studies, such as for the walls and structures, for spent fuel storage facilities considering safety evaluation methods when a terrorist attack occurs with the derived probability.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Owing to the increase in saturation rate of the spent fuel storage pond in the Kori nuclear power plant, the interim spent fuel dry storage facility is scheduled to be constructed at the Kori site. To implement safeguards in the new dry storage facility effectively, the concept of “Safeguards-by- Design” (SBD) should be applied to reflect nuclear safeguard provisions in the earliest design stages. Detailed design information pertaining to dry storage facilities has not been determined; however, the design information related to safeguards have been inferred using case studies and interviews with nuclear power plant operators worldwide. On the basis of the results of the case studies on spent fuel dry storage facilities for light water reactors, most countries apply the metal cask method in containment buildings considering safety. Furthermore, Korean operators are also considering the same method owing to tight licensing schedules and safety issues. Using the Facility Safeguardability Assessment (FSA) methodology (one of the safeguard evaluation methodologies), the difference in design between the heavy water reactor spent fuel dry storage facility, an established IAEA safeguards approach reference nuclear facility, and the light water reactor spent fuel dry storage facility (the new nuclear facility) were analyzed. Two major differences were noted as issues pertaining to potential safeguards. First, the difference in design and transport method in terms of the difference in size and weight of the spent nuclear fuel is important; light water reactor fuel is 20 times heavier than heavy water reactor that needs partial defect inspection in assemblies. Second, the difference in safeguard approach owing to the difference between the modular storage method in heavy water reactor and the container type storage method in light water reactor must be considered; movable storage cask renders the IAEA surveillance approach difficult. The results of this study can be used to identify the safeguards requirements in advance, enabling the operator to design new dry storage facilities resulting in timely and cost-effective implementation.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The domestic representative nuclear fuel cycle facilities are post-irradiation examination facility (PIEF) and Irradiated Examination Facility (IMEF) at KAERI. They have regularly operated since 1991 and 1993, respectively. Due to the long period of use, the facilities are ageing, and maintenance costs are increasing every year. The maintenance methods have mainly been breakdown maintenance (BM) and partially preventive maintenance (PM). They involve replacing components that have problems through periodic inspections by on-site inspectors. However, these methods are not only uncertain in terms of replacement cycles due to worker’s deviation on the inspection results, but also make it difficult to respond accidents developed through failures on the critical equipment that confines radioactive material. Therefore, an advanced operation and maintenance studied in 2022 through all of nuclear facilities operated at KAERI. Advancement strategy in four categories (safety, sustainability, performance, innovativeness) was analyzed and their priorities according to a facility environment were determined so a roadmap for advanced operation and maintenance could be developed. The safety and sustainability are higher importance than the performance and innovativeness because facilities at KAERI has an emphasis on research and development rather than industrial production. Thus, strategy for advancement has focused even more on strengthening the safety and sustainability. To enhance safety, it has been identified that immediate improvement of aged structures, systems, and components (SSCs) through large-scale replacement is necessary, while consideration of implementing an ageing management program (AMP) in the medium to long term is also required. Facility sustainability requires strengthening operation expertise through training, education, and cultivation of specialized personnel for each system, and addressing outstanding regulatory issues such as approval of radiation environment report on the nuclear fuel processing facilities and improvement work according to fire hazard analysis. One of the safety enhancement methods, AMP, is a new maintenance approach that has not been previously applied, so it had to be thoroughly examined. In this study, an analysis was conducted on the procedure and method for introducing an AMP. An AMP for nuclear fuel cycle facilities was developed by analyzing the AMP applied to the BR2 research reactor in Belgium and modifying it for application to nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The ageing management for BR2 has the objective to maintain safety, availability and cost efficiency and three-step process. The first step is the classification of SSCs into four classes to apply graded approach. Secondly, ageing risk is assessed to identify critical failure modes, their frequency and precursors. Final step involves defining measures to reduce the ageing risk to an acceptable level in order to integrate the physical and economic aspects of ageing into a strategy for inspection, repair, and replacement. Similar approach was applied to the nuclear fuel cycle facility. Firstly, the SSCs of nuclear fuel cycle facilities have been classified according to their safety and quality classifications, as well as whether they are part of the confinement boundary. The SSCs involved in the confinement boundary were given more weight in the classification process, even if they are not classified as safety-class. A risk index for ageing was introduced to determine which prevention and mitigation measure should be chosen. By multiplying the health index and the impact index, the ageing risk matrix provides a numerical score that represents guidance on the prevention and mitigation of ageing effect. The health index is determined by combining the likelihood of failure and engineering evaluation of the current condition of SSCs, whereas the impact index is calculated by taking into account the severity of consequences and the duration of downtime resulting from a failure. This ageing management has to be thoroughly reviewed and modified to suit each facility before being applied to nuclear fuel cycle facilities.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fuel oil used for ships has the viscosity higher than the fuel used for general vehicles and contain impurities, so it’s exhaust gas results in the environment pollution. There have been studies actively conducted to examine alternative fuels for improving the quality of the marine fuel oil. It is, however, necessary to test the quality of fuel for mega ships, by conducting the simulation test using reduced-size models, before the demonstration step, because it takes too much cost and time to directly perform the demonstration of alternative fuels. This study, therefore, developed a 30-liter small-size boiler similar to the ship system and performed an initial fuel test by applying MGO to it. The findings show that the amount of nitrogen oxide to which 4% of the standard oxide level was applied was about 24.69ppm, when the oxide level was 10.02%, with the CO2 of 8.02%, the exhaust gas temperature of 291.15℃ and the combustion efficiency of about 74.53%, indicating that it will be necessary to conduct various studies through the ratio control in the future.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the design of fuel tanks for SUVs (sports utility vehicles) was dealt with through structural analysis. Fuel tank analysis was performed to evaluate safety, and improvement plans for weak areas were found and reflected in the design. In addition, strength analysis and pressure analysis were performed in parallel to solve the problem of oil leakage around the lower part of the fuel tank and the rear mounting that occurred during the endurance test, and the analysis results were reflected in the design. As a result of analysis through various design changes, it was possible to present an appropriate reinforcement flange shape. In addition, when the thickness of the fuel tank was changed from 1.0mm to 0.8mm, the stiffness of the fuel tank decreased by approximately 30%, and reinforcement was required.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 낮은 막 저항과 높은 수산화 이온 전도성을 가지는 세공 충진 이온교환막 제조법으로 연구하였다. 알칼리 내구성을 향상하기 위해 폴리 테트라 플로오 에틸렌 소재인 다공성 지지체를 사용하였고 세공에는 단량체 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA), vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC)를 이용하여 copolymer를 제조했다. 가교제는 divinylbenzene (DVB)를 사용하였고 가교제 함량별로 이온교환막을 제조하여 DMAEMA-DVB와 VBC-DMAEMA-DVB copolymer에서 가교제 함량이 미치는 영향에 관해 연구하였다. 그 결과, PTFE 소재 지지체를 이용하여 화학적 안정성이 향상 했고 저압 UV 램프를 사용하여 낮은 온도에서 빠른 광중합이 가능하여 생산성을 높일 수 있는 장점이 있다. 음이온교환 막 연료전지에 요구되는 이온교환막의 물리적 및 화학적 안정성을 확인하기 위해서 인장강도와 내알칼리성 테스트를 진행하였 다. 그 결과, 가교도가 증가할수록 인장강도 대략 40 MPa가 증가하였고, 최종적으로 이온전도도와 내알칼리성 테스트를 통해 가교제 함량이 증가할수록 알칼리 안정성이 증가하는 것을 확인하였다.