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        검색결과 453

        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Climate change and global warming are directly effecting the population dynamics of insects of medical importance and insect pests of agricultural commodities during the last few years. The outbreak of some insect-borndiseases and decreasing yield of agricultural products are both caused and results of climate change are known everywhere in the world. Recent reports of honey bee diseases and out breaks, as well as increase in the incidence of CCD(Collapse Colonial Disease) are causing great concerns and pose big problem for our bee keepers in many countries in North America and Europe. These important infectious diseases are possible carried and propagated by bee mites primarily by Varroa mites, which have recently experienced increasing populations in USA and UK includes some European countries. Recently some Asian honey bees adapted to live in the urban areas as the example of Apis dorsata move to Mae Fah Luang Campus more than 30 colonies and even in Chulalonkorn Campus more than 10 colonies increase from few colonies in the the last few years. Apis florea have been found more than 161 colonies this year in Kanchanaburi (River Kwai province) this year(2009). The discussion of some wild honey bees migration will concentrate on research program of our bee research unit of the university in Thailand.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deciduous tree fruits such as pears and apples are widely grown in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and are well adapted to the seasonal environment in that region. Extended cold periods provide adequate chilling to break dormancy and reinitiate growth in the spring. Cold exposure synchronizes the physiological processes and makes sure that bloom is uniform and that fruit matures in a uniform manner. As a result of global warming, some fruit-growing areas may experience inadequate cold exposure during the winter months, gradually shifting the southern boundary for production of deciduous fruits further north. However, climate change will affect not only growth and fruiting habits of fruit trees but also the insect and mite pests which feed on them. There is general agreement that in temperate regions a trend towards warmer summers and milder winters will generally benefit insect and mite pests and increase their injuriousness. Temperature changes in particular will impact the development, mortality, phenology, and voltinism of fruit pests. Here we discuss how climate change may affect pests and control practices on deciduous tree fruits in the Hood River Valley of northern Oregon. This small valley extends in a north-south direction from the Columbia River to the foothills of Mt. Hood and is characterized by a varied topography and large altitudinal differences (sea level to 600 m). The major pest of pears and apples in that area is codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., a cosmopolitan pest which is present in most deciduous fruit-growing areas of the world. Like its host trees, the codling moth is well adapted to a seasonal environment. Diapause is the principal mechanism which synchronizes its phenology with the tree and the presence of fruit, the larval food source. Diapausing overwintering larvae require cold exposure (chilling) to terminate diapause in late winter or early spring. At the lower elevations close to the Columbia River the codling moth is bivoltine but gradually becomes univoltine at the higher elevations where the growing season is shorter and fewer heat units (above 10oC) are available for development. Long-term temperature records from the lower Hood River Valley indicate that the 25 years since 1985 have been considerable warmer than the 25 years prior to 1985. For instance, the average heat units available for codling moth development over a season have increased by more than 10% over the last 25 years. The codling moth is adapting to this warming trend by gradually increasing its voltinism (number of generations). As a result, the severity of codling moth as a pest can be expected to increase. Therefore, fruit growers will have to adjust and intensify control practices to keep fruit free from codling moth damage. We will also explore how other fruit and foliage feeding pests which are part of the pest complex of pears and apples in northern Oregon fare under different global warming scenarios compared to codling moth.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vector-borne diseases are transmitted to humans by blood-feeding arthropods such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. These cold-blooded animals are influenced by environmental change. A recent report by IPCC showed that the emission of greenhouse gases has already changed world climates. Heat waves in Europe, rises in global mean sea level, summer droughts and wild fires, more intense precipitation, and increasing numbers of large cyclones, hurricanes and typhoon may be typical example of extreme climate phenomena related to global warming. High temperatures during winter season may increase survival rate among arthropod vectors in Temperate Zone. Warming may accelerate the spread of mosquitoes such as Aedes albopictus in the northern parts of Japan and European countries. The spread of the mosquito vector through global used-tire trading in recent decades to Africa, the Mideast, Europe, and North and South America caused an outbreak of Chikungunya fever in north Italy in 2007.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Forest pests are one of the major disturbance factors in forest ecosystem and their outbreaks are expected to be severer under influence of climate changes. Among the forest pests, coleopterans can be key stone species because they are one of the dominant groups in forest and their ecological functions are very diverse. Moreover, saproxylic beetles contributed to ecological succession of forests thus, ecological functions of forests are changed in response to their outbreaks. The outbreaks of mountain pine beetle (MPB) were the most dramatic examples that outbreaks by climate change induce changes in ecological function of forest. Compositions of coleopteran species were variable to latitudinal changes whereas compositions of functional group were consistent. This showed that ecological function of coleopteran had resilience to climate changes and directions of changes in coleopteran communities were predictable based on species-specific latitudinal distribution. In addition, abundance of saproxylic beetles increased with increase in DBH (diameter at breast height), suggesting tree ages are one of the key factors for saproxylic beetles. Finally, potential changes in interactions between saproxylic beetles and trees under climate changes were discussed.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Insect occurrence is closed related to crop and environment. Global climate changes as environment factor influencing not only crops but also insects on their behavior, distribution, development, survival and reproduction. Insect life stage are most often calculated using accumulated degree days from base temperature and biofix point. Temperature is also main factor to changes in moisture humidity and CO2 that effect on crop and insect development. Precipitation is another climate change on consideration factor to insect survival. Therefore, the precise impacts of climate change on insects is somewhat uncertain because it may change favor some insects while others may inhibit their development. On predicting the impact of climate change on insect is very complex exercise and need closed cooperation with experts on modeling. Some generalized predictions can be made, based on current pest distributions and severity of insect outbreaks in individual regions. At the present in Thailand, some alien insect species often present by global trades as by climate change.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global warming is one of the most buzzing words these days, as the average temperature increased up to 6.4℃ before the end of 21st century and the water level to 59cm causing severe draught, heavy snowfall, and monster typhoon all over the world. The capacity of natural ecosystem will not be able to contain such changes. Many of the species will be endangered and some of them are warned to be extinct, and accordingly water and food supply will not meet the demand of human. In 2007, IPCC, Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change, made fourth report about global warming and estimated that the CO2 content in the atmosphere increased about 1.35 times to 379ppm at 2005 from 280ppm before the industrialization period pulling the average air temperature up by 0.7℃ a year. The water level as well increased by 1.8mm a year as the polar iceberg and permanent snow melt down. Global warming caused by environmental pollution and greenhouse gas may lead to the increase of price of not only agricultural product but also the industrial products as a consequence, a phenomenon so called Ecoflation, Ecology+inflation. IPCC forecasted that if the present phase use of fossil energy continues the air temperature in 2090-2099 will increase by 4℃ and the water level by 26-59cm compared to that of 1980-1999, warning particularly that the average increase of global temperature by 1.5-2.5℃ a year will put the species of 20-30% into danger of extinction. According to the report by the Korea National Statistical Office about the effect of climate change on the production of agriculture and fishery, the cultivation area of apple which is typical temperate fruit decreased to 29,204ha in 2007 from 52,447ha in 1992. On the other hand the cultivation area of peach increased greatly to 15,014ha(2005) compared to 12,000ha in 1996 as it became possible to grow wherever in Korea. Similar change can also be found for orange and grape, orange can be grown in Jeonnam and Kyuongnam province, and grape in Kangwon province. Jeju island and southern coastal area of Korea worry about the inhabitation of subtropical pests when they invade these area, in fact the pest outbreak as a result of the increase of generation a year is ever more frequent. The typical examples are Paratlanticus ussuriensis (Uvarov), the lantern fly, Lycorma delicatula, and the fruit moths like Carposina sasakii Walsingham.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Global warming has serious implications for all aspects of human life, including elevated sea levels, crop failure and famine, changes in global rainfall patterns, changes to plant and animal populations, and serious health effects. Especially Infectious diseases are global entities that depend dynamically on the interaction between the population and the existing regional climate. The global warming requires a basic understanding of the greenhouse effect. In nature, the greenhouse effect is responsible for elevating the Earth’s temperature, making it possible for life to thrive. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrocarbons, per fluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. Population size and global warming are related because human activities increase production of greenhouse gases. This effect culminates in global warming and ecosystem. Severe weather events may result in injuries and fatalities, and heat waves can cause direct effects such as dehydration heat asthenia, hear exhaustion, heat stroke, and respiratory disease. Earth system changes increasing climate variability, increased rainfall in some areas and drought in others, and more frequent severe weather events, have considerable potential to affect human health. Impact of Climate change on Public Health is difficult to quantify the exact risk. Particularly, about infectious diseases, the impact depends on the complex interaction between the human host population and the causative infectious agent. Important human factors include crowding, food scarcity, poverty, and local environmental decline. Some health effects of climate change may result from indirect impacts on natural ecosystems Ecosystem changes can increase the rage, seasonality, and infectivity of some vector borne disease. For example, altered climatic conditions can change the habitats of vectors such as mosquitoes or rats and affect the parasites they carry. Changing the abundance and geographic range of carriers and parasites could shift the seasonal occurrence of many infectious diseases and cause them to spread. Heavy rain falls and related factors are associated with water borne disease outbreaks, and these may increase the risk of food borne illness. Higher levels of carbon dioxide and heat may promote production of allergens by such plants as ragweed, and warmer weather may promote the formation of groundlevel ozone. Humidity combined with heat facilitates fungal growth and transmission The World Health Organization estimated, in its "World Health Report 2002", that climate change was estimated to be responsible in 2000 for approximately 2.4% of worldwide diarrhoea, and 6% of malaria in some middle-income countries . However, small changes, against a noisy background of ongoing changes in other causal factors, are hard to identify. Clearly, global warming will cause changes in the epidemiology of infectious diseases. The ability of mankind to react or adapt is dependent upon the magnitude and speed of the change. The outcome will also depend on our ability to recognize epidemics early, to contain them effectively, to provide appropriate treatment, and to commit resources to prevention and research This article will introduce the concepts of global warming, focus on the impact of climate changes on human health and infectious disease, and present future strategy in KCDC
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose of CH4 reference gases Intercomparison is to evaluate measurement ability among different laboratories and to improve problems in analyzing reference gases. As a result, the goal is for being reached a scale within the limits of the possibility in intercomparison. Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) and Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) carried out CH4 reference gases intercomparison of the Far East Asia managed by Japan and CH4 intercomparison among standard institutions managed by Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance (CCQM) respectively. CH4 reference gas and standard gases is injected to calibrate instrument drift by turns and checked uncertainty of measurement additionally. Expanded uncertainty in intercomparison among meteorological administrations in the Far East Asia showed 1784.3 ppb±0.26%, 1935 ppb±0.29% respectively. Expanded uncertainty in the case of one point calibration and multipoint calibration showed 1903 ppb±0.11%, 1904 ppb±0.32% respectively. One point calibration obtained better result than mult-point calibration because of having an extent of different manufacturing uncertainty in the case of using various standard gases and having an instrument drift caused by long-time analysis. Through these intercomparison experiment, we could know that concentration of CH4 standard gases produced in CMDL was higher about 1.3~1.4% (about 24~26 ppb) than those of KRISS. This is reason caused a difference between manufactured by gravimetric method and manometric method. Therefore, the standard gases is required to intervalidation with standard institutions and GAW observatories. Also, a low level standard gases need to be calibrated by upper level standard gases periodically.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 지구계 교육을 통하여 과학을 공부하는 10학년의 학생들에게 도움이 되고자 하는 것이다. 지구계 교육은 과학 교과 간 구분을 완화하고 조화로운 교수-학습을 이루어감으로써 올바른 자연관과 인간관 육성에 기여할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 지구계 교육 프로그램 중 '화산 폭발과 기후 변화(Volcanic Eruptions and Global Climate Change)'라는 주제를 선정하고 이를 7차 교육 과정의 '과학' 교과에 적합하도록 수정, 보완하여 그 적용가능성을 점검해 보았다. 그 결과 과학에 대한 인식(p=0.003), 과학에 대한 흥미(p〈0.001), 과학적 태도(p〈0.001) 등의 과학에 대한 태도의 변화에 있어서 실험 집단이 통제 집단에 비해 거의 모든 영역에서 긍정적 변화를 보였다. 학업 성취도면에서는 지구계 교육 프로그램을 적용한 실험 집단이 전통적 수업을 진행한 통제 집단보다 높은 학업 성취도를 보였다(p=0.038). 실험 집단의 학생들은 적극적이고 진지한 태도로 수업에 임했으며 자기 주도적으로 학습하였다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 과학 교과에 지구계 교육 프로그램의 적용은 학생들의 과학적 흥미와 호기심 고양 및 과학적 소질과 올바른 자연관 신장에 좋은 영향을 줄 것으로 기대할 수 있다.