
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jang, Ji Young. (2023). “A Study of Apology Strategy Realized in Apology Text of Public Figure: Focusing on the Impact on Public Evaluation”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 31(2), 59-93. The purpose of this study is to examine how the apology strategy used in the apology text of public figure affects the public's evaluation of the apology. Based on the losing face and saving face of the speaker and listener, the framework of the apology strategy was presented, and based on this, which apology strategy was used in the actual apology text. In addition, the public's evaluation of each apology was presented, and based on the analysis, the apology was divided into a positive apology and a negative apology, and compared and analyzed which apology strategy was used in each apology. The more the apology strategy was used to save the listener's face by damaging the speaker's face, the more the public evaluated the apology positively the more they did not use the strategy of saving the speaker's face and damaging the listener's face. On the other hand, apologies using strategies that save the speaker's face and damage the listener's face are negatively evaluated despite the use of strategies that damage the speaker's face. In other words, the apology strategy realized in the apology text is an important factor in determining the public's evaluation.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is undertaken to design a Korean presentation class for academic purposes based on CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach) and to find its effectiveness. In this study, 10 foreign graduate students participated in the class which teaches presentation strategies for 15 weeks. According to CALLA, some useful presentation strategies were introduced and practiced repeatedly, and the students’ presentations in Korean considering their major were completed gradually. As a result, positive effects from the presentation class on the perspective of language, non-language and data organization could be acquired through repetitive feedback and practice. Thus, the students could use the proper discourse for topics ranging from the introduction and development of the presentation to concluding presentation. The learners have shown a lot of improvements in presentation ability through the CALLA course regardless of language proficiency but the class design used in the study should be conducted in other presentation classes for academic purposes.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 지구계 교육을 통하여 과학을 공부하는 10학년의 학생들에게 도움이 되고자 하는 것이다. 지구계 교육은 과학 교과 간 구분을 완화하고 조화로운 교수-학습을 이루어감으로써 올바른 자연관과 인간관 육성에 기여할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 지구계 교육 프로그램 중 '화산 폭발과 기후 변화(Volcanic Eruptions and Global Climate Change)'라는 주제를 선정하고 이를 7차 교육 과정의 '과학' 교과에 적합하도록 수정, 보완하여 그 적용가능성을 점검해 보았다. 그 결과 과학에 대한 인식(p=0.003), 과학에 대한 흥미(p〈0.001), 과학적 태도(p〈0.001) 등의 과학에 대한 태도의 변화에 있어서 실험 집단이 통제 집단에 비해 거의 모든 영역에서 긍정적 변화를 보였다. 학업 성취도면에서는 지구계 교육 프로그램을 적용한 실험 집단이 전통적 수업을 진행한 통제 집단보다 높은 학업 성취도를 보였다(p=0.038). 실험 집단의 학생들은 적극적이고 진지한 태도로 수업에 임했으며 자기 주도적으로 학습하였다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 과학 교과에 지구계 교육 프로그램의 적용은 학생들의 과학적 흥미와 호기심 고양 및 과학적 소질과 올바른 자연관 신장에 좋은 영향을 줄 것으로 기대할 수 있다.
        1999.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현재의 여행정보를 제공하는 시스템의 특성은 숙박, 쇼핑, 교통, 관광상품 등의 전국적이고 종합적인 여행정보를 제공하기보다는 각 시스템별로 지역적이고 특성화된 여행정보를 제공하는 성향을 띄고 있다. 이는 여행정보를 얻으려는 사용자가 여러 사이트를 방문하고 스스로 종합하여 정보를 얻어내야 하기 때문에 전문 여행정보 시스템의 기능을 제대로 수행하지 못하고 있다. 문헌조사 상으로 현재 여행정보를 제공하는 시스템들의 일부항목에 관한 내용을 현황 파악한 결과, 대부분의 극히 한정된 주제의 내용만을 소개하기 때문에 여행자가 원하는 음식이나 유적지와 같은 항목과 숙박 그리고 교통과 같은 정보를 한번에 종합적으로 얻기 어려운 단점을 가지고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 기존의 여행정보시스템을 보다 신속하고 정확한 정보를 이용자들에게 제공할 수 있는 새로운 시스템 구축하고자 한다. 새로운 시스템은 ASP, COBA, JAVA를 이용하여 여행정보 시스템을 위한 새로운 로봇 프로그램을 구축함으로서 이용자들이 사용하기 편리하고 쉬운 여행정보를 제공한다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Plant molecular farming has attracted a lot of attention lately in the field of mass production of industrially valuable materials by extending application of the plant as a kind of factory concept. Among them, protein expression system using rice(Oryza sativa L.) callus is a technology capable of mass culture and industrialization because of a high expression rate of a target protein. This study was carried out to develop an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system to increase the utilization of rice callus. The transformation efficiency was improved by using the hand when seeds were de-husked for callus induction. Furthermore, we were possible induction of callus from 6 years old seed smoothly. Selection of the callus contained the target gene was required a cultivation period of at least 3 weeks, and the most efficient selection period was after 6 weeks of culture including one passage. This selection was confirmed that the gene was stably inserted into the genomic DNA of the plant cell by the southern blot analysis and progeny test. Such an efficient selection system of rice callus that can be cultured in the long term will be contribute to the industrialization of useful recombinant proteins using rice.
        2016.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Neurofibromatosis type 1 and ataxia telangiectasia are included in neurocutaneous syndrome. Ataxia telangiectasia is well known as the radiation hypersensitivity disease. The radiation sensitivity in neurofibromatosis type 1 is not well known. We report two cases of breast cancer with neurofibromatosis type 1. One patient received postoperative radiation therapy on left chest wall. The other patient received postoperative radiation therapy on right chest wall and supraclavicular area. We observed clinical radiosensitivity in these patients. Both patients did not show any acute adverse clinical response in chest wall and lung. Further evaluation of radiosensitivity in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 is needed.