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        검색결과 334

        1996.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper is focused on the desirable improvement schemes of the local network of information and telecommunication network. In this study, we examined whether polices of information and telecommunication of government have been carried out a desirable programme to meet the public interest, found out several problems in the these policies. Such problems as follows : (1) a system of local information & telecommunication is developing by a Model of Top-Down. In the present management system, an interest of the public of local society about the local telecommunication network is a much lower level, (2) there is no general controlling roll of the local information & telecommunication, (3) there is no service controlling system of local telecommuni-cation, and (4) there is no organic coordinating system of inter-departments in the central government level. In order to resolve these problems, this study suggests a few desirable sxhemes for the local telecommunication : (1) an establishment of middle-long range planning for the integrated future network of info-telecommunication, (2) an organizing of telecommunication network being suitable for the local characteristics toward B-ISDN.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This is the first report about the development of INMARSAT-C Satellite communication terminal. We analyze the existing Inmarsat-C terminal and examine each rules(IMO rule, domestic rules) about terminal. With that result, we design the basic hardware and software of terminal. This report consists of ; 1) the contents of the overall of operating situation and resources of INMARSAT-C system as like operation of communication system, communication channels and services 2) the contents of the specification of Inmarsat-C terminal hardware and software and the rules of IMO and Type approval 3) the design of basic hardware and reserch of signal modulation/demodulation using Viterbi algorithm 4) the design of software algorithms and functions focused in korean situations.
        1995.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As Daniel Bell says, that modern society is an information society. In contrast to earlier days, modern society has placed a high value on information and knowledge. Therefore, modern civilization depends largely on information and knowledged, which is the most valuable sources of all intelligence activities. By coordinating a large number of human action, the information creates a powerful social tool. It combines its personnel with its resources and new materials at various level. At the same time, It continually evaluates how well it is performing and tries to adjust itself accordingly in order to achieve social goals. As we shall see, all this allows information to sew the various needs of society. In connection with above mentioned problem consciousness, the study is designed to sew the following purposes. As its title indicates, and perhaps most significant. This study is to review and reinterpret the existing literature on local telecommunication system, networks, and policy direction in order to arrive at a somewhat more general approach to understanding them. In local telecommunications service, the service exploitation and promotion and database development must be accomplished by establishing local telecommunications. If we develop local telecommunications toward the progressing direction, we would dissolve the regional information disparity and could also make the local policy suited for high-intelligence society. It is true of any science that knowledge is never complete. It is also true of a science that knowledge should grow, through systematic reexamination of the body of findings. There are certainly true of this study on the developmental direction for local telecommunication system.
        1994.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        GMDSS(the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System), which is utilizing recently developed systems such as satellite communications and positioning system, digital communication system, computer and microelectronics technology, etc., has been adopted by International Maritime Orgnization(IMO) and coordina-ted with such organization as the International Telecommunication Union(ITU), World Meteorological Organizatoion(WMO), etc. This system took effect partly on February 1st 1992 according to the 1988 SOLAS Amemdments and, after some more complementary measures, will be fully operational by February 1st 1999. Comparing with the existing communication system, the new system is mainly based on the latest scientific technologies, and therefore overall countermeasure will be necessary to accept the system reasonably. GMDSS will transform the current communication system basically and be the major factor to change the demand and supply of personnel for radio communication. To cope with the system assertively, regulations relating to the radio installation, the posting of radio operators, the bounds of their duty, etc. must be established and the demand and supply of radio operators to meet the system must be accomplished pertinently. Moreover, the technique and quality of the person-nel responsible for the system must be upgraded to carry out the obligations by international regulations as well as to ensure the safety of life and property at sea. Looking into the actual situations of our country, every regulation relating to the GMDSS has been improved, but the concerned educational institutions and administrations have not yet prepared the rational and concrete schemes on the educational methods and adquate procedures for the system. Therefore, in this thesis, the author intends to propose directions for improving the courses and contents of education of the relating educational institutions and to suggest rational schemes for balancing the demand and supply of personnel to the administrative anthorty concerned.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        GMDSS(Global Maritime Distress and Safety system) is a new communication system for the distress and safety at sea which is utilizing the recent advancements in satellite communication and positioning system, digital communication system, computer and microelectronic technology, etc., and will completely substitute the current communication system by 1999. Although the improvements of education for producing qualified Radio Operators as well as the establi-shments of policy for accepting the system are required, the educational institutions and relating administ-rations have not yet prepared the rational and concrete schemes on the educational methods and accepting procedures for the system. In this study, as the result of analyzing the GMDSS, courses of training and relating data, the authors suggested principles for improving the course and contents of education and rational schemes for balan-cing the demand and supply of Radio Operators. The authors expect not only the consequences of this study can be utilized as reference materials for the instruction to ratio communication in the organs of education but also that the following effects can be obtained by the study. 1. Security of distress and safety communication system at sea by the establishment of relating regula-tions. 2. Rationalization of the management of radio communication at sea and improvement of the communi-cation system on the vessel. 3. Upgrading the quality of Radio Operators and presenting schemes for current qualified persons. 4. Activation of industry producing radio instruments. 5. Balance of the demand and supply of Radio Operators and development of shipping industry.
        1986.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Abroad-band design method of a lumped-element 3 dB quadrature hybrid without magnetic coupling is proposed and discussed, where techniques of cascading fundamental hybrids via second-order delay equializers and adding matching sections are adopted. It is shown that the designed broad-band lumped-element 3 dB quadrature hybrid can be easily constructed and its bandwidth reaches up to 54%. Furthermore, the experiments have been carried out, the results of which agree with the theoretical ones, and hence, the validity of the broad-band design method proposed here was confirmed.
        1982.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The NAVSTAR/GPS is a satellite-based navigation system that will provide extremely accurate three-dimensional position and velocity information to users anywhere on or near the earth. This system has been studied primarly for military use and thus the results of studies are seldom obtainable for civilian use up to date. Expecting this system to be opened to civilian use in the future, this paper aims to the collection of basic data of the PN phase modulated communication system adopted in the GPS system by computer simulation. The results of studies are as follows; 1) The PN phase modulation of the speed of 106b/s can be simulated by Fourier summation, the spectrum region which can be restricted is in the region of 0.5-1.5 MHz and spectrum number required is over than 270. 2) By computer simulation, it is verified that optimum r.f filter bandwidth is about 0.3 MHz for the case of 106b/s PN codes phase modulated in 1.575GHz carrier. 3) In case that PN rate to data rate is between 10 and 100, the allowable minimum SNR to demodulate data signal correctly by optimum LPF is about 0.3. It is also verified that the larger the frequency ratio of PN code to the data code, the lower the allowable minimum SNR required.
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