
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 24

        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Gospel of Mark was written around A.D. 70 earlier than other Gospel Books. This Gospel reflected the cultural and historical contexts in which Mark the author of the Gospel lived. Mark did not merely write about the life and work of Jesus Christ, but also contextualized His life and ministry theologically for his community of faith. This paper focuses on how Mark's view and his understanding of Jesus' mission can be interpreted and applied to modern cross-cultural missions. According to this study, the Gospel of Mark is significantly missional and therefore his community of faith was mission-oriented. The center of the Gospel is Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose again among the dead three days after his death. When He died, the curtain of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. Then a Roman centurion confessed, "Surely this man was the Son of God" (Mk15:39). When He rose on the first day of the week, the sun shone brightly. The power of darkness disappeared. Jesus' disciples were called and trained by their Master to become fishers of men (Mk1:17). For about three years they were always together with their Lord. However, they were scattered when their Lord Jesus Christ was arrested and persecuted by Jewish leaders under Pilate. Some women from Galilee followed Him to Golgotha, where He was crucified. Judas betrayed Him. Peter confessed that he would never leave Him alone. However, he denied Him three times before the rooster crowed twice (Mk14:30). The disciples were rebuked by their Lord because they did not understand God's salvific will, that is, Jesus' death and His resurrection for the whole mankind (Mk10:45). The Gospel of Mark reveals that the primary purpose of His incarnation was to proclaim the Kingdom of God, the core of the Gospel (Mk1:38). The Kingdom of God was already initiated through His ministry among the people who were physically sick, economically poor, and socially isolated. It can be established and expanded through His presence and the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was forsaken completely by His Father, the God Almighty, for our sins. The Gospel of Mark denies any forms of imperialism in which Christendom, rather than Christianity is expanded through weapons under the name of Jesus Christ. The Gospel does not show the easy or successful ways of mission. Rather, to follow Jesus Christ the Gospel points to the cross which every Christian should bear. Jesus Christ will come again in clouds with great power and glory (Mk13:26). Whoever follows Him to die with Him will rise with Him on the Day of His coming. The Lord will gather His people from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens (Mk13:27). The work of God enables the Gospel to meet receptive hearts and the Kingdom of God will be accomplished.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis is review on a study for the relation Gospel and local culture in Korea. There were theological efforts to searching for the relation between Gospel and traditional culture since transmitting christianity to Korea. I call the discussion of the relation between Gospel and traditional culture theology of inculturation. The notion of inculturation is a term that is mainly discussed in the context of encounter between the Christian Gospel and the local culture. Inculturation also means that Christianity takes root within a particular culture, bears fruit and continues to thrive. It is to be lived and evangelized in the life of korean people. Thus when the local culture of Korea have received the evangelical values of Christianity, it had undergone the process of being renewed and perfected. The inculturation of Christianity brings about mutual progress and renewal. When the Gospel meets the culture of Korea, it renews and perfects local culture. In turn, the Gospel gains the richness of the proper value of the local culture. The objective of inculturation is to embody the spirit of Gospel in hope that its Christian message permeate the lives of the people. IncuIturation needs to undergo the process of local and historical adaptation. This presentation will examine the literature on inculturation and focus on the reality of inculturation, what contemporary Koreans desire concerning the inculturation of the Christianity, and the direction that Inculturation needs to take at this time in history. Inculturational theology in Korea is a result of searching for the relation between Gospel and korean traditional culture. In this Thesis I also share putting the question of inculturational theology in Korea. At first I will review the styles of inculturational theologies by korean theologians. An next I will also look upon theological duties which we should have take. There are much studies on the progress of inculturation in Korea. I am proud of that. In conclusion, I will propose some tasks for the theology of inculturation in korean Christianity. At first, there must be relevance of context in the inculturation. And We must study christian culture which has been inculturated since the first age of mission to Korea. I think that the Korean Church is expected to take root in Korean society as Korean Christianity is always being inculturated according to time and place.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 양심에 대한 루터의 가르침을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과로서 루 터의 양심 개념이 가지고 있는 특징을 다음과 같이 요약해 볼 수 있다. 첫 째, 루터는 양심의 문제를 단순히 도덕·윤리적 차원이 아닌, 근본적으로 인 간과 하나님의 관계, 특히 구원론의 틀 안에서 다룬다. 둘째, 양심의 판단 대상이 되는 것은 개별적 행위이기 전에 한 인간 전체다. 셋째, 양심은 하 나님의 판단을 따를 때 제대로 기능한다. 넷째, 양심에 대한 루터의 가르침 은 법과 복음, 믿음과 사랑, 그리고 ‘~으로부터의 자유’와 ‘~을 향한 자유’ 라는 신학적 주제들과 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있다. 여섯째, 루터는 하나님과 인간의 관계에서 양심의 문제를 정립하고 나서, 이 토대 위에 인간과 인간 사이의 관계에서 양심 문제를 다룬다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        스코틀랜드 연합장로교회에 의해 만주에 파송된 선교사 존 로스 (1842-1915)는 1877년부터 한글복음서를 번역하기 시작하였으며, 1882년 부터 1887년까지는 복음서와 신약성서를 최초로 발행하고 보급하기 시작 하였다. 그는 󰡔예수셩교요안복음젼셔󰡕 초판(1882)에서 소위 ‘간음한 여 인 이야기’(Adulteress Pericope)로 불리는 7:53-8:11 부분을 의도적으로 삭 제하였다. 그 이유는 무엇이었는가? 그는 󰡔예수셩교요안복음젼셔󰡕 초판 을 발행할 때에, 단순하게 기존에 번역되었던 중국어 문리역본이나 북경관 화역본, 영어 역본들, 또는 역사적인 그리스어성서 개정역본 가운데 바로 전(前)해에 옥스퍼드대학교 (University of Oxford)에서 발행되었던 역본을 그대로 번역하지 않았다. 이 연구가 살펴본 문헌적 증거들은 로스가 성서 사본비평학에 깊은 관심을 가지고 있었으며, 옥스퍼드 판 그리스어성서 개 정역본에서 한 걸음 더 나아가 시내산 사본(Codex Sainaiticus)의 요한복음 본문 취급을 따랐음을 암시한다. 1881년에 발행된 옥스퍼드 판에서는 요한 복음 7:53-8:11의 소위 ‘간음한 여인 이야기’가 그 앞뒤의 꺽쇠괄호 표시와 함께 여전히 본문에 포함되어 있으며, 대부분의 고대사본들이 이 부분을 생략했음을 표시하는 각주가 첨부되어 있다. 로스는 옥스퍼드 판의 이러한 소극적인 편집을 넘어서서 해당 구절의 과감한 삭제를 감행하였다. 기왕에성서번역의 원칙으로서 그리스어 용어들을 음역하는 등 그리스어 성서원 문을 최대한으로 존중하는 원칙을 보여주었던 로스는 요한복음 초판에서 시내산 사본(the Codex Sinaiticus)의 본문을 따라 ‘간음한 여인 이야기’를 삭제하였으며, 이는 주해를 첨가한 옥스퍼드 판의 원판인 웨스트코트(B. F. Westcott)와 호트(F. J. A. Hort)의 The New Testament in the Original Greek (1881)과 그 궤를 같이 하는 것이다. 이러한 삭제의 결정은 특별히 이제 복음을 향하여 ‘새로운’ 선교지인 한국을 위하여 당대 최선의 성서번 역본을 제공하겠다는 로스의 학문적 노력과 선교사적 열정의 반영이라고 보여진다.
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