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        검색결과 1,827

        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is one of a study of the innovation process of Co-Created Value (CCV) typed Supermarkets in Japan. The study is done through a collaboration style with Yaoko and Hallo-day, which are recognized as the most CCV typed Supermarkets in Japan for the past 6 years (The two Supermarkets are similar to Wholefoods Market and Wegmans in the U.S.). Basically, this study aims to indicate the mechanism of why these SM manage to grow continuously. The hint to finding the answer in these SM is hidden in“Highly Sticky Information (HSI)”, which is the precious information attached to these employees working in Meal Solution Space refined as “Cooking Support Corner (CSC)”. This HSI is only the source of a competitive power. In Management and Marketing study, I believe the Market Orientation (MO) and CCV is strongly related. To note, inside the company function is MO, and outside relation of the company and the consumer is defined as CCV (See Figure 1). The existing studies in this study are summarized into five directions; “Theory of Sticky Information (TSI), Service-Dominant Logic (SDL), Service-Logic (SL), CCV, and MO”. First, TSI by v. Hippel (1994) and Ogawa S. (1998) were advocated. This theory explains that the HSI is attached to people, and it is the precious information (e.g., Consumers’ needs, insights, and dissatisfaction experience in retailing) and its transfer cost is expensive. Therefore, the company must find a way to collect this precious information in low cost and smoothly absorb such information effectively in their company. In order to do so, the company needs to have a place to communicate with their customer. This lead to the incremental innovation of interactive community space within SM. Secondly, the SDL by S.L. Vargo and R.F. Lusch (2004), and the SL by C.Grönroos, (2006) were advocated. Their concept is basically common understanding of“Consumer 1)shinya.nakami182367@gmail.com Creates Context Value.”However, SDL tends to centralize the concept from the point of the goods more so compared to SL, ; SDL is based on 4Ps marketing in the U.S., whereas the SL is based on the relationship marketing and service marketing in North Europe. Third, the CCV by C.K. Prahalad & V. Ramaswamy (2004) and Muramatsu,J. (2015, 2016) were advocated. Their concept is related to the SDL and the SL. In short, their concept explains that the Value communicates and interacts with consumers and employees in the communication space (Real-Store or Virtual), then, the consumers may need to explain a bit, and finally they create the context value. This stream is the “CCV in Marketing.”And it is important that“Consumers Create Customer Experience”.Nowadays, as many may have already recognized, the CCV is closely related to “Omni-channel”phenomenon. At last, MO by K. Kohli & B.J. Jaworski (1990) and J.C. Narver & S.F. Slater (1990) were advocated. Their concept is constructed roughly in three processes. First step is to collect the customers’ needs and insights. Second step is to sharing such resource within the company. Third step is a feedback, which allows improvements and the production of goods and service to the customers. MO shows how the company understands and work with the customers’ viewpoint. In summary, TSI, SDL, SL, CCV and MO are closely linked with the concept of “Customer Satisfaction and Engagement Orientation by V. Kumar (2016)”in service marketing. And this study is very unique to connecting CCV and MO based upon“TSI”in Japanese CCV typed SM, using not only quantitative, but also in qualitative survey. Next, the purpose of this study is to analyzed the relationship between Performance and “CCV and MO” with awareness of HSI, which is attached to the employees working in Meal Solution Corner of CCV typed Supermarkets, and to make a theoretical framework. The main SM reference is Yaoko in Saitama prefecture and Hallo-day Co. in Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. They both hold two unique and strong points. First, they have a clear cooperate policy. Another is that they have established a clear business positioning. In their interviews, the head representatives from both SM stated that, the most important key for the SM is to be loved by their customers, and to be trusted. Also, my hypothesis was that because the two SM companies had the strong character of CCV orientation, they can continue on with the incremental innovation. The reason why is that, they had 5 elements from customers’ viewpoint, “Koten-keiei” based on Chain Operation, CCV Orientation, Hypothetical Culture, Learning Organization, and Cross-Functional Organization (Nakami 2015, 2016). With 5 such key elements, they manage to increase the sales and profit for over 20 years. In Retailing, store has two meanings. One is a space for selling goods, the other is that it is a “community space” for the residents in each region. Nowadays, the latter role seems to be especially important for strategy in differentiating with Virtual-retailer versus Real- retailer. The two SM companies, Yaoko and Hallo-day, have interactive communication space called “CSC”at the store. The employees as house-wife is working in CSC (Often times, the employees are also relatable to consumers as they themselves are housewife working part time.). By communication of employees and customers in CSC learns about customers’ needs, insights, and possible dissatisfaction in service and even some resource issues within the consumer’s family. These precious information are the most precious and important resources for the retailers. Therefore, CSC is positioned as the information center between the store and the Headquarter. But the average SM has not recognized this importance. They have recognized CSC simply as a Sample Tasting Corner. This is a big mistake. They see the place as similar to eat-in-corner. CSC is the space of “Solving Problem”in the customers based on Job theory by C.M. Christensen (2016). In this study, there is one more important viewpoint, which is known as MO. This concept was proposed by Kohli & Jaworski (1990) and Narver & Slatter (1990). This study is based on the concept of MO in the action viewpoint by Kohli & Jaworski, where the employees working in CSC has the HSI from the customers and share this with the store amongst different departments along with the headquarter, and to propose the counter action to the customers. If the retailing has understood this concept, they would be able to produce incremental innovation. The research question of this study as mentioned in prior, has two unique points. One is to why this study analyzes the importance between performance and HSI, CCV and MO both the consumer’s side and Company’s side. In short, one of the character is how the consumer reputes the CSC with HSI. Second is to how the middle management (GM and manager) working in Yaoko and Hallo-day’s headquarter and the management (shop manager and the chief in each department) in the store repute the CSC, and to what degree do they hold the ability of MO (See Figure 2). There are two analysis approaches in this study. First, Regression Analysis approaches the store-loyalty-focuse of CSC from consumers’ side. Second is Covariance Structure Analysis, which is similar to Sakagawa’s where after the factor analysis of MO and CCV ability in both Headquarter and Store management workers within he company side. The summary of this study is as follows. The consumers see the CSC as the space to gain further and deeper knowledge of goods and a place of communal gathering and interactive space, with mind also placing in hopes that they can provide awareness to the workers in regards to their dissatisfaction in service or further requests and demands in service. On the other hand, the management layers in headquarter reminds CSC as the space of cross MD and the space to execute MO”. The store manager is almost same similar to the management layers in headquarter. However, the difference in view of the two may seem the only true difference is MD Standardization. The reason why is that a manual is needed to establish MO within a store. This CCV typed study result seems to be similar to the study result of Sakagawa’s Chain Store Model in Japan (2016) that MD Standardization is important to execute MO in Retailing especially. In present, this study is continuing to build up the research framework compared between Chain Store Model in Japanese SM by Sakagawa Y. (2016) and CCV Model, and whether there is a CSC in store or non-cooperating supported Hallo-day SM quantitatively. At the GMC2018, I plan to deliver the report of analyzed result and the research framework. Finally, these findings of quantitative and qualitative study will be useful and beneficial towards the study of innovation process in the retailing, both consumers’ and companys’ viewpoint. Perhaps, HSI will be more effective to create CCV and MO in Retailing as the platform between the consumers and retailers continues to seek for enhancement in high quality and demand. Also, this study will be extended to Omni-channel study to make Customer Experience in Real store and Virtual (Customer Touch-point).
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Internet of Things (IoT) research is devoted to the idea that a wide array of devices, including appliances, vehicles, buildings, and cameras, can be interconnected to collect and share their abundant sensory information to use for intelligent purposes. IoT technologies are universally seen as transforming the manufacturing and services sectors. Service-Dominant (S-D) logic focuses on a dynamic, ongoing way to co-create value through resource integration and service exchange. Based on research data from business-to-business and business-to-government customers, as well as feedback from employees and managers of two different manufacturers, our study addresses four questions: (1) In the light of the IoT-does the second axiom of the S-D logic—value is co-created by multiple actors, always including the beneficiary—still hold true for B-to-B and Business-to-Government (B-to-G) customers? (2)With reference to the IoT—is there a difference in the acceptance of digital services between B-to-B and B-to-G groups? Does the age group of the customers have to be considered? (3) Are there digital customer services already perceived as being ―co-created‖ in the sense of the S-D logic? (4) Marketing management in the digital age—how to implement IoT projects in buyer-manufacturer relationships considering the abovementioned chances and challenges. Discussing a background of disruption management and S-D logic, we examine factors that influence IoT buyer–manufacturer project success in organizational networks, and compare the attitude of different customer groups towards these projects. Our findings show that in the IoT-driven digital projects even long term customers that trust in their manufacturers have very strong reservations with regards to data safety. We propose a modular concept of a relationship alignment model to enhance trust in manufacturer's credibility in the context of disruptive IoT projects. The evaluation of our empirical studies revealed serious reservations of managers and service employees towards an active integration of customers into digital product maintenance. If manufacturers are not willing to incorporate customers in digital platforms and networks and provide them with digital services they are interested in, this will hamper A-to-A co-creation of value in digital IoT projects.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tourism and hospitality service providers have been seeking ways to engage customers into the value creation process to deliver personalized customer experience. Rapid development of information communication technology has facilitated such practice by providing various computer-based or mobile platforms. While online platforms such as social network sites and online communities have received most research attention, mobile instant messaging (IM) remains under-researched in spite of its unique potential for firm-customer interaction and communication. Based on service-dominant logic (Vargo & Lusch, 2004) and computer-mediated communication theories (Walther, 1996), this study examines (1) the factors influencing customers’ perceived co-creation experience facilitated by mobile IM, and (2) customers’ perceived value of personalization results from such experience in the tourism and hospitality context. Data was collected via online survey targeting Chinese users and was analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results found significant positive effects of users’ perceived social presence, perceived media richness and prior experiences on their co-creation experience. The significant positive relationships between customers’ co-creation experience and perceived personalization of the service offering validate the unique potential of mobile IM to engage customers into value co-creation with tourism and hospitality service providers. The findings extend the theoretical framework of value cocreation to a context mediated by mobile IM. Managerial suggestions are provided for tourism and hospitality companies to engage with customers using mobile IM.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the research of global marketing so far, research on the "arterial industry" that manufactures products and supplies them to the market is mainstream, and empirical studies of downstream automobile distribution service companies and automobile recycling companies are inadequate. Research on global marketing by automobile recycling companies is increasingly required due to the growing global environmental problems and the demand for providing inexpensive high quality mobility. In this research, we will clarify the trajectory of internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in automobile recycling by using case of KaihoSangyo Co. exporting used parts to 85 countries including Africa. This company is a global advanced company of automobile recycling with headquarters in Kanazawa. He received a variety of outside awards including SDGs business awards. KaohoSangyo's automobile recycling overseas development project is an effort to combine commercial success and sustainable development. The company has established a system to export second-hand used parts of used cars in Japan to developing countries, to visualize quality, to buy and sell. In addition, we are building a system that is beneficial and necessary for emerging countries, such as nurturing overseas buyers' talent, constructing second-hand parts procurement systems in Japan, building overseas second-hand car auction systems. As a result, shortage of mobility in developing countries has been resolved through realization of low price, realizing the reuse of used parts in Japan in emerging and developing countries.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nowadays, customers have become increasingly dissatisfied with accepting products and services offered by suppliers. Instead, they are involved in product development as co-productor (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004). There are diverse types ranging from online discussion to virtual design enabling customer involved in co-creation activities related to product support. “Customer design” enables the firm to have possibilities enhancing the whole value of product design during development process (Fuchs & Schreier, 2011). However, some of scholars have found that customers cannot always play a useful role in luxury product design. Fuchs and Schreier (2011) studied that buyers can easily observe the source of design, which damage the image of co-designed product. That is because luxury product always played as a specific label of wealth and states to some extend (Ko & Phau, Aiello, 2016). Thus, this study draws from co-creation theory to investigate the specificity of online luxury design, using an experimental method. We analyze and discuss the diverging affection of luxury design held by co-creation idea innovativeness and behavior intensity, and the role played by sponsoring firm and community members.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the advent of globalization and the accompanying rapid changes in economic environments, firms have gradually transformed their mode of operations from one based on the traditional good-dominant logic to one based on service-dominant logic. The emergence of service-dominant logic has resulted in the development of value co-creation, which refers to the process through which firms, suppliers, and customers all become involved in the discovery and creation of product value and create added value through even and reasonable distribution. Drawing upon the SDT theory, the current study has the following three research objectives. First, the current study investigated the influence of transformational leadership on employee-based value co-creation and the impact of transformational leadership on employees’ intrinsic motivation to further enhance their value co-creation. Second, this study sought to understand the mediating mechanisms between transformational leadership and employee-based value co-creation; financial and non-financial variables were used as the mediators to explore whether the financial incentive affects employees’ intrinsic motivational process with regard to the transformational leadership that leads to employees’ intrinsic motivation. Third, positive psychological capital was used as a mediator to examine whether it mediates the relationship between the financial perspective and value co-creation. Fourth, self-concordance was also adopted to examine whether self-concordance mediates the relationship between the financial perspective and value co-creation. We collected 513 survey responses from 81 teams in firms from diverse industries in Taiwan. The present study makes the following contributions. First, previous research related to leadership behavior primarily focused on the influences of leadership behaviors on employee attitudes and behaviors. Only a few studies addressed the impact of leadership on value co-creation. Drawing on the self-determination theory to build our research framework, our study contributes to the field by investigating how transformational leadership stimulates employee-based value co-creation. Second, the present study investigated the psychological mechanisms involved in the motivational process in the context of the ways in which transformational leadership facilitates changes in employee behavior, particularly for employees’ intrinsic motivation. Third, the present study proved that financial and non-financial incentives respectively mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and positive psychological capital. Additionally, both financial and non-financial incentives mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and self-concordance. These results suggest that both financial and non-financial incentives could be effective ways for transformational leaders to intrinsically motivate their employees. These findings are valuable contributions to the leadership studies field. Fourth, the present study adopted hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to conduct a multi-level analysis of the relationship between transformational leadership and value co-creation.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mobile shopping motivations affects the interaction between mobile shoppers and mobile retailers. This study examines how mobile shopping motivations affect value co-creation, customer equity drivers, and customer lifetime value through a structural equation model. Mobile shopping motivations as mobile shoppers’ needs are time saving, right purchase and money saving. To meet mobile shoppers’ needs, mobile shoppers, mobile retailers, and other customers are willing to collaborate. Value co-creation that Yi and Gong (2013) scaled includes customer participation behaviour such as information seeking, information sharing, responsible behaviour, and personal interaction, and customer citizenship behaviour such as feedback, helping, advocacy, and tolerance. The results indicate that mobile shopping motivations are significant determinants of value co-creation behaviours, implying that mobile shopping motivations are driving factors of value co-creation. Customer participation behaviour has significant effects on value equity and brand equity while customer citizenship behaviour shows positive effects on brand equity and relationship. As for customer lifetime value, relationship equity has significant positive effect, while value and brand equity had no significant influence. This study also shows that mobile shopping motivations affect both value equity and relationship equity of mobile shopping apps by improving information sharing, responsible behaviour, and personal interaction, feedback, helping, and advocacy. Value equity and relationship equity also have significant effects on customer lifetime value. The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications for their findings.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Customer co-creation – customers‘ active participation and interaction with the company during their consumption processes, has gained increasing attention in tourism industry (Bertella, 2014; Chathoth et al., 2016; Campos, 2015). For example, Finnair and Helsinki airport invited passengers to workshop for co-developing new service concepts to improve passenger experience (Loukas, 2013). Despite of the increasing enthusiasm at the firm‘s side, customers do not necessarily share the mindset and feel ready for cocreation. The success of value co-creation greatly depends on continuous collaboration between customers and companies (Chathoth et al., 2013), making knowledge regarding customers‘ engagement in value co-creation essential. However, insufficient research attention has been devoted to theorize and empirically investigate the drivers of cocreation behavior in tourism (Grissemann & Stokburger-Sauer, 2012). To address this research gap, we draw on the organizational socialization theory (Van Maanen & Schein, 1979) to propose and empirically test customer education as driving factor for tourists‘ co-creation behavior during their tours. Additionally, we propose customer readiness as a mechanism mediating the effect of customer education on value co-creation behavior, while such effect should depend on tourists‘ involvement with tourism. Background and hypotheses development Organizational socialization refers to the process by which a newcomer gradually absorbs values, abilities, expected behaviors, and necessary social knowledge for assuming an organizational role and for participating as an organizational member (Louis, 1980, p. 229–230). Similar to the organizational socialization perspective, customer socialization characterizes how customers develop skills, knowledge, and attitude relevant to the marketplace (Ward, 1975), which offers a lens to explain how service providers can assist customers and behave as effective co-creators in the service system (Claycomb, Lengnick-Hall, and Inks, 2001). Büttgen et al (2012) demonstrated that customer socialization by training tactic has more important influence on consistent beliefs of service quality than prior reinforcement experiences, which engenders co-production motivation, in turn, leading to coproduction behavior as distal outcome of the socialization tactic. Previous studies suggest favorable customer outcomes to derive from the provision of customer education (Damali et al., 2016). Thus, this study proposed customer education as a socializing tactic, which is mediated by customer readiness for co-creation, to determine tourists co-creation behavior. The concept of co-creation has gained increasing attention in tourism literature, which is often described as the tourist‘s active participation, engagement and interaction during the consumption experience (e.g., Bertella, 2014; So et al., 2014). As Prahalad and Ramaswamy (2004, p. 8) stated, cocreation is ―the joint creation of value by the company and the customer, allowing the customer to co-construct the service experience to suit her context‖. Indeed, creating a favorable, memorable experience involves not only the service providers but also the tourism customers because customers are always the value co-creator (Vargo and Lusch, 2004). Challagalla and colleagues (2009) posit that firms can reach out to contact the customers to provide service after a sale is complete, rather than respond upon the customer‘s requests. In specific, Challagalla and et al. (2009) suggest the proactive service initiatives to consist of three dimensions, namely proactive prevention, proactive education, and proactive feedback seeking. In this study, the three key forms of proactive post-sales services proposed by Challagalla et al. (2009) provides a foundation that helps us to conceive customer co-creation behavior and define the dimensions underlying customer co-creation behavior of tourism services. Customer education, according to Meer (1984), involves learning activities that are organized and sustained by a firm to impart attitudes, knowledge or skills to customers or potential customers. Meanwhile, customer co-creation readiness (CCR) as a customer‘s condition or state in which he/she feels prepared to collaborate with service provider in value co-creation behavior, indicated by role clarity, ability and motivation to co-create (Meuter et al., 2005). Proper socialization process helps customers understand the product or service process as well as their role in performing service tasks, which not only could prevent customer‘s disruptive behaviors during the service process but also facilitate service flow and productivity (Rollag, 2012). Taken together, we propose the following hypotheses: H1: customer education will have a positive effect on customer co-creation behavior H2: Customer co-creation readiness will mediate the positive effect of customer education on customer co-creation behavior. Further, we postulate that tourist‘s product involvement is a boundary condition that constrains the positive effect of customer socialization. Socialization process does not always have much weight on tourists because the influence of socialization on each individual depends on tourists‘ individual characteristics (Van Maanen & Schein, 1979). Some tourists are highly interested in traveling whereas some consider traveling as a dessert in their meal. In line of this sense, we suggest the following hypothesis: H3: Product involvement will negatively moderate the mediation effect of customer co-creation readiness on co-creation behavior. Methodology The survey was posted on several well-known travel forums and referral networks. After eliminating invalid surveys, the authors obtain 300 valid questionnaires. Table 1 presents the sample characteristics. Customer education are measured by four items adapted from Bell and Eisingerich (2007). Product involvement depicts a customer‘s inherent needs, values, and interest towards tourism and is measured by ten items from Zaichkowsky (1985, 1994). Customer co-creation readiness is measured as a reflective first-order and reflective second-order construct by three dimensions: role clarity, ability, and motivation with 12 items adapted by Dellande et al. (2004) and Meuter et al. (2005). Customer co-creation behavior is measured as a reflective second order and reflective first order construct constituted by three dimensions of co-creation behavior with 12 items developed based on the review of concerns in the pre-site, on-site and post-site from several famous travel agencies. Results Measurement validation of constructs from construct reliability, convergent validity to discriminant validity were examined; and the results are provided in the table 2, indicating measurement validation requirements are satisfactory. Then, hypotheses testing was performed. In each analysis, we control variables, including customer gender, previous transaction experience with the travel agency (EP), and social desirability (SD), which are expected to have potential influence on co-creation behavior. H1 predicts a positive relationship between customer education and value co-creation. In support of H1, the analysis shows that customer education positively relates to co-creation of customers (β = 0.272, p = 0.043, R2adjusted= 0.292). Gender (β =-0.170, p<0.001) and SD (β =0.141, p=0.011) are negatively and positively related to customer co-creation behavior respectively. To test the mediating effect of customer readiness on the relationship between customer education and customer co-creation behavior, we used the PROCESS Macro (model 4) developed by Hayes‘s (2013) and estimated the effects with a bootstrap sample of 5000 cases. The indirect effect test indicates that customer education had a significantly positive effect on customer co-creation via the mediation of customer readiness for co-creation (0.312; 95% bootstrap CI [0.157, 0.517]) because the confidence interval did not include zero. The results support H2. Gender also has a significant effect on customer co-creation (β =-0.189, p <0.05). H3 postulated that product involvement will moderate the mediation effect of customer readiness. We used the PROCESS macro model 8 established by Hayes (2013) to test the moderated mediation. The conditional indirect effect test shows that customer readiness significantly mediates the influence of customer education on customer co-creation behavior, regardless of the level of product involvement (zero was not included in the confidence intervals). Nonetheless, customer education on customer co-creation behavior via customer readiness is significant and stronger in low level of product involvement (0.281; 95% bootstrap CI [0.186, 0.398]) but weaker in high level of product involvement (0.128; 95% bootstrap CI [0.029, 0.256]). Therefore, H3 is supported. Among the controlled variables, gender is the only significant predictor of customer co-creation behavior (β =-0.158, p<0.05). In a summary of dominant results of control variables, gender is significant in all three of the tested hypotheses; particularly, female shows a higher level of co-creation behavior than male. Conclusion we introduced organizational socialization theory to the literature on co-creation of tourism context and explored the effect of firms‘ education effort to socialize customers in co-creation activities. We found customer education as a socialization tactic and then conducting an empirical study by collecting data from several travel agencies to investigate the effect of firms‘ socialization tactic on customer co-creation. The results suggest that customer education could promote customer co-creation through customer readiness as a mediator. We also investigated whether the effect of socialization tactic differs on the different levels of product involvement. The results show that customers with high involvement were less influenced by customer education than those with low involvement.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research is concerned with the mediation of the relationship between co-creation and trust by emotions. Data is generated from responses to questions posed after panellists read a structured scenario. Emotions are found to partially mediate the relationship between co-creation and trust. The mediation effect is stronger in B2C situations than B2B, in services rather than products and for women more than men. In a services context there is full mediation of the relationship between co-creation and trust by emotions for women and for a business-to-consumer context. The strategic imperative that co-creation is vital in the services industry is underscored, particularly in a consumer situation or when dealing with women.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the rapid development of network economy and information technology, customers through the internet platform to participate in product development and innovation, dominant the spread of value proposition engagement spread, etc., has become an important part of the creation of customer assets, as well as a profound change in brand management. This paper constructs a model of how the brand experience affects customer assets in the virtual branding community under the perspective of value co-creation, analysis the impact of value co-creation of customer participation (sponsored value co-creation and autonomous value co-creation), the motivation of value co-creation on brand experience, and then on customer assets. This paper also explores the regulatory effect of value proposition engagement in brand experience and customer asset. This study will use the involvement theory and the theory of stimulus-response for empirical research, and through the questionnaire survey of consumers, using SPSS20.0 and AMOS20.0 statistical software on the relevance of relevant variables to grasp, and carries on the analysis using structural equation model. The research of this paper will enrich the exposition and explanation of building a brand experience better through value co-creation in virtual brand community, and provide theoretical support and practical advice for the implementation and management of customer assets.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The impact of customer involvement in NSD on customer loyalty is still unknown, because most studies examine loyalty perceptions of only active participants in co-creation, while the few studies involving co-creation observers provide conflicting results. Research is also limited, as it measures user participation only at the design level, while customers are empowered to participate at all NSD stages. This study contributes to the literature by developing a model capturing the various levels of customer involvement in NSD co-creation and then, measuring its impacts on two type of user loyalty: brand loyalty and loyalty on innovation community. Data were collected from users of the Domino’s Mogul pizza toolkit empowering them to participate in all NSD stages and also to become pizza entrepreneurs by designing and selling their pizzas. Findings comparing the brand loyalty and the innovation community loyalty perceptions of users with various levels of co-creation involvement provide useful insights.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study focuses on the digital generation in China and their engagement in social media to co-create values with firms. The study employed a qualitative research approach to first develop a social media co-creation value scale. This was followed by motivational analysis of social media engagement to co-create values. A spectrum of utilitarian and hedonic motives related to value co-creation behaviors via social media were then identified. Many theoretical and practical implications are provided based on the study findings.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Value co-creation has become an emerging venue of the customer engagement research. The purpose of the study is to investigate a model that represents the process (behavior and value) and consequence (satisfaction) of customer co-creation in the restaurant context. Specifically, with the theoretical support of service-dominant logic, the present study explores customer co-creation behavior as a key predictor of co-created value, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction. The results of the study confirm that customer value cocreation is a subtle process by examining the relationship between customer co-creation behavior at the “co-production” stage and co-created value at the “co-creation of value” stage. The findings of the study contribute to the evolving knowledge of customer cocreation of value, and offer practitioners in the hospitality and tourism industry effective marketing strategies based on re-examining customer relationships and engagement, thereby maximizing customer value.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The service setting is more than ever dynamic. Customers’ engagement is changing due to the multiple interactions at different levels of the consumption experience journey. The customer as an active and engaged value co-creator raises new challenges to theory and practice. However, the connection between engagement and co-creation is scarce in the literature. The experience of the active hotel customer occurs through customer engagement with internal actors and factors from prepurchase through to post-purchase. Since value co-creation results from the engagement of multiple factors and actors (f/actors) in the process, it is essential to understand the actors’ activities that promote or obstruct this process. This paper proposes a connection between customer engagement (CE) and value co-creation framework to ascertain and depict the internal actors’ activities and factors that foster or hinder customers’ experience in the hotel industry. The researchers used qualitative methods (35 in-depth interviews, document analysis and 4 observation sessions) in seven regions in Ghana to explore the customer’s perspective. Data was analysed with Nvivo11, within a thematic analysis framework. Findings suggest that customer’s engagement within the hotel environment with multiple actors has an influence on customer value co-creation/destruction process. It found that positive and negative engagement fosters/hinders guests’ interactions which lead to value cocreation/ destruction. The research also discovered that negative interactions occasioned by any factor/actor triggers value destruction at multiple stages of the experience journey. The study suggests theoretical and managerial implications focused on the actors’ practices that foster or hinder customer engagement and value co-creation.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on the fabrication of a WC/Co composite powder from the oxide of WC/Co hardmetal scrap using solid carbon in a hydrogen gas atmosphere for the recycling of WC/Co hardmetal. Mixed powders are manufactured by mechanically milling the oxide powder of WC-13 wt% Co hardmetal scrap and carbon black with varying powder/ball weight ratios. The oxide powder of WC-13 wt% Co hardmetal scrap consists of WO3 and CoWO4. The mixed powder mechanically milled at a lower powder/ball weight ratio (high mechanical milling energy) has a more rapid carbothermal reduction reaction in the formation of WC and Co phases compared with that mechanically milled at a higher powder/ball weight ratio (lower mechanical milling energy). The WC/Co composite powder is fabricated at 900℃ for 6 h from the oxide of WC/Co hardmetal scrap using solid carbon in a hydrogen gas atmosphere. The fabricated WC/Co composite powder has a particle size of approximately 0.25-0.5 μm.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, a new Co10Fe10Mn35Ni35Zn10 high entropy alloy (HEA) is identified as a strong candidate for the single face-centered cubic (FCC) structure screened using the upgraded TCFE2000 thermodynamic CALPHAD database. The Co10Fe10Mn35Ni35Zn10 HEA is fabricated using the mechanical (MA) procedure and pressure-less sintering method. The Co10Fe10Mn35Ni35Zn10 HEA, which consists of elements with a large difference in melting point and atomic size, is successfully fabricated using powder metallurgy techniques. The MA behavior, microstructure, and mechanical properties of the Co10Fe10Mn35Ni35Zn10 HEA are systematically studied to understand the MA behavior and develop advanced techniques for fabricating HEA products. After MA, a single FCC phase is found. After sintering at 900℃, the microstructure has an FCC single phase with an average grain size of 18 μm. Finally, the Co10Fe10Mn35Ni35Zn10 HEA has a compressive yield strength of 302 MPa.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 상전이법을 이용하여 P(VDF-co-HFP) 분리막의 구조를 조절하였다. Macrovoid 없는 구조를 얻기 위하여 다양한 조건에서 비용매유도상전이(NIPS) 공법으로 분리막을 제막하였으나 고분자의 낮은 결정화 속도로 인해 macrovoid가 생성된다는 것을 관측하였다. 이를 극복하기 위해 증발유도상전이법(EIPS)과 증기유도상전이법(VIPS)을 도입하였으 며 NIPS공법과 함께 제막되었을 때 이상적인 구조를 얻을 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) ‘Purple Beauty’ at micropropagation stage 3 was cultured under two levels each of medium sucrose concentration (0 and 30 g·L-1), photosynthetic photon flux density (50 and 200 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD), and CO2 concentration (350 and 1,000 μmol·mol-1), in a factorial experimental design, consisting of all eight possible treatment combinations. Shoot tip explants, obtained from in vitro-grown plantlets, were cultured on 50 mL agar-solidified Murashige and Skoog medium per container. Each culture container was sealed with a rigid lid vented by a high-efficiency particulate air filter attached to a 10 mm diameter hole made in the lid center, with an estimated number of 2.8 air exchanges per hour. All cultures were maintained for four weeks at 24°C/22°C (day/night) temperatures, 70%–80% relative humidity, and a 16 h/8 h (day/night) photoperiod was provided by white light-emitting diodes. The treatment combining high light intensity (200 μmol·m-2·s-1), high CO2 concentration (1,000 μmol·mol-1), and without supplementation of sucrose to the medium (i.e., photo-autotrophic conditions) resulted in better plantlet growth and development, with higher values being observed in terms of total fresh weight, tissue water content, leaf length, leaf width, and total chlorophyll content than in plantlets grown under the other treatments.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We perform density functional theory calculations to study the CO and O2 adsorption chemistry of Pt@X core@shell bimetallic nanoparticles (X = Pd, Rh, Ru, Au, or Ag). To prevent CO-poisoning of Pt nanoparticles, we introduce a Pt@X core-shell nanoparticle model that is composed of exposed surface sites of Pt and facets of X alloying element. We find that Pt@Pd, Pt@Rh, Pt@Ru, and Pt@Ag nanoparticles spatially bind CO and O2, separately, on Pt and X, respectively. Particularly, Pt@Ag nanoparticles show the most well-balanced CO and O2 binding energy values, which are required for facile CO oxidation. On the other hand, the O2 binding energies of Pt@Pd, Pt@Ru, and Pt@Rh nanoparticles are too strong to catalyze further CO oxidation because of the strong oxygen affinity of Pd, Ru, and Rh. The Au shell of Pt@Au nanoparticles preferentially bond CO rather than O2. From a catalysis design perspective, we believe that Pt@Ag is a better-performing Ptbased CO-tolerant CO oxidation catalyst.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sludge transporting pipes in wastewater treatment plant are easy to be clogged with struvite when the digested sludge and dehydrated filtrate are transported through the pipes, which lowers the efficiency of sludge treatment system in a WWTP. pH is one of the most important factors in struvite formation, and carbon dioxide separated from biogas can be used to control pH and struvite formation. By controlling pH, the amount of dehydrating agent can be reduced by about 10%, which saves the budget for facility maintenance. As CO2 is reused and dehydrating chemicals are saved, the approach can contribute to global warming gas reduction.