
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 642

        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of superovulation treatments on ovarian responses, oocyte recovery rates and grades of collected oocytes using an ultrasound-guided transvaginal approach in Korean native cows. Superovulation in cows was induced with two different regimenes: 1) FSH-decreasing dose(n=8): the cows were received twice per day for three days of the total dose of 400 mg of FSH-p, 2) FSH-single dose(n=9): the cows were administrated a single dose of 400 mg of FSH-p in 25% PVP. The Observation of visible follicles and collection of oocytes were performed 12 hours following the last FSH in FSH-decreasing dose group and 48 hours after the FSH-single dose injection. All visible follicles larger than 6 mm were punctured and aspirated with a 6.5 MHz convex-array ultrasound transducer designed for intravaginal use. The mean number of visible follicles(> 6 mm) was significantly(P<0.05) higher in the FSH-decreasing dose treatment (22.811.9) and FSH-single dose treatment (20.612.0) groups than the non-treatment group(7.08). The mean recovery rate of oocytes was not significantly(P<0.05) different between the treatment and control groups, but the mean number of collected oocytes was significantly(P<0.05) higher in the FSH-decreasing dose treatment( 12.611.5) and FSH-single dose treatment (11.813.6) groups than the non-treatment group(3.70.5). In conclusion, the FSH-single dose treatment at superovulation in cows for ultrasound-guided aspiration might increase the number of aspiratable follicles and the recovery rate of follicular oocytes as the FSH-decreasing dose treatment.
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ovaries of Korean native cows or heifers were obtained from a slaughter house and kept on 28~3O˚C and transported to laboratory within 2 hrs. The follicular oocytes were collected follicles. The oocytes were matured in vitro for 24 hrs. In TCM-199 supplemented with 35 g /ml FSH, 10 g /ml LH, 1 g /ml estradiol-17 and granulosa cells at 39˚C under 5% in air. The caudal epididymis of Korean native bulls were obtained from a slaughter house and transported to laboratory within 30 minutes. Swim-up of collected spermatozoa and freezing sperm was layered under 2ml fertilization B. 0. medium in two tissue culture tubes and held at a 45˚C angle for 0~2 hrs. They wrer fertilized in vitro by freezing sperm treated with heparin for 24 hrs, and then the zygotes were co-cultured in vitro with bovine oviductal epithelial cells for 7 to 9 days. The follicular oocytes recovered were classified into 41.7% as grade I, 51.5% as grade II and 6.8% as graed III. The number of oocytes recovered per ovary was averaged 8.3 and they were classifed into 2.3 as grade I, 2.5 as grade II and 2.3 as grade III. The cleavage rate of matured oocytes was significantly(P
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Large scale production of cloned embryos requires the technology of multiple generational nuclear transfer(NT) by using NT embryos itself as the subsequent donor nuclei. In this work we investigated comparatively the effects of enucleated oocytes treated with ionomycin and 6-DMAP on the electrofusion rate and in vitro developmental potential in the first and second NT embryos. The embryos of 16-cell stage were collected from the mated does by flushing oviducts with Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline(D-PBS) containing 10% fetal calf serum(FCS) at 47 hours after hCG injection. The recipient cytoplasms were obtained by removing the nucleus and the first polar body from the oocytes collected at 15 hours after hCG injection. The enucleated oocytes were pre-activated by 5 min incubation in 5M ionomycin and 2 hours incubation in 2 mM 6-DMAP at 19~20 hours post-hCG before microinjection. In the first and second generation NT, the unsynchronized 16-cell stage embryos were used as nuclear donor. The separated donor blastomeres were injected into the enucleated activated recipient oocytes by micromanipulation and were electrofused by electrical stimulation of single pulse for 60 sec at 1.25kV/cm in +, + - free 0.28 M mannitol solution. In the non-preactivation group, the electrofusion and electrical stimulation was given 3 pulses for 60 sec at 1.25 kV/cm in 100M +, + 0.28 M mannitol solution. The fused oocytes were co-cultured with a monolayer of rabbit oviductal epithelial cells in TCM-199 solution containing 10% FCS for 120 hours at 39 in a 5% incubator. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. In the first generational NT embryos, the electrofusion rate of preactivated and non-activated oocytes(80.4 and 87.8%) was not significantly different, but in the second generational NT embryos, the electrofusion rate was significantly(P<0.05) higher in the non-activated oocytes(85.7%) than in the preactivated oocytes(70.1%). 2) In the first and second generational NT embryos, the developmental potential to biastocyst stage was significantly(P<0.05) higher in the preactivated oocytes(39.3 and35.7%) than in the non-preactivated oocytes(16.0 and 13.3%). No significant difference in the developmental potential was shown between the first and second generational NT embryos derived from the preactivated oocytes. In conclusion, it may be efficient to use the oocytes preactivated with ionomycin and 6-DMAP for the multiple production of cloned embryos by recycling nuclear transfer.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was undertaken to examine the critical effect of + concentration on electrostimulation and post-electrostimulation media for electric activation of in vitro matured oocytes of Korean Native Cattle. Oocytes collected from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured in TCM 199 containing FSH, estradiol-17 and FBS with granulosa cell monolayer for 24 hours and denuded with hyaluronidase. And then cumulus-free oocytes were submitted to a DC field of 1.0 kV/cm for 60 sec in electroporation media(0.28 M mannito' and PBS) with different + concentations (0.00, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 mM). Stimulated oocytes were stained and examined for pronuclear formation after incuhation in SOF for 12 hours. The rates of pronuclear formation in hovine oocytes electrically stimulated in 0.28 M mannitol with 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 mM +(60.3, 82.2 and 75.0%) were significantly higher than without +(6.3%) at 12 hours after an electric pulse(p<0.005). The activation rates of Korean Native Cattle oocytes stimulated in PBS supplemented with 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 mM +(71.0, 75.8 and 75.4%) were significantly higher than without +(23.5%) after post-stimulation incubation(p<0.005). After incubation of oocytes in SOF with and without + following electric stimulation in 0.28 M mannitol with 0.10 mM +, the rates of pronuclear formation of bovine oocytes in +-free SOF(85.7%) was significantly higher than in SOF with 1.71 mM +(62.5%, p<0.05). When oocytes were stimulated in two electrostimulation media supplemented with + and incubated in +-free SOF, there were no significant differences in the rates of pronuclear formation hetween 0.28 M mannitol and PBS. These results indicate that a single electric pulse could induce activation of Korea Native Cattle oocytes in 0.28 M mannitol and PBS supplemented with +. Furthermore, to improve the activation rates, it was hetter that stimulated oocytes were incubated in +-free SOF after electric stimulation than in SOF with +.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To improve the efficiency of in vitro production of embryos with follicular oocytes in Korean Native cows, the recovery rates, in vitro maturation, fertilization and development, and the time required for collecting and processing oocytes by aspiration with or without slicing were evaluated comparatively. The ovaries were obtained from a local abattoir and placed in physiological saline at 25~28 and brought to the laboratory within 3 hrs. The oocytes were collected by aspiration of follicles(2~6mm) with or without slicing ovaries after aspiration, and classified into Grade I, Grade II, Denuded, Expanded oocytes by the morphology of cumulus cells attached and the homogeneity of cytoplasmic granules. Also the time required for each step of collecting and processing oocytes were measured. The cumulus cells were removed in some Grade I oocytes to measure their size and nuclear configuration before and after in vitro maturation. The Grade I oocytes were matured in vitro(IVM) for 24 hrs. in TGM-199 supplemented with 35g /ml FSH, 10g /ml LH, 1 g /ml at 39 under 5% C02 in air. They were fertilized in vitro(IVF) by epididymal spermatozoa treated with heparin for 24hrs. and then the zygotes were cocultured in vitro (IVC) with bovine oviductal epithelial cells for 10 days. The results obtained were as follows: The number of oocytes recovered per ovary was averaged 6.6 by aspiration and 11.2 by slicing post aspiration, which summed to 17.8. The number of Grade I oocytes recovered per ovary was averaged 3.1 by aspiration and 3.6 by slicing, which summed to 6.7. The percentage of Grade I to total oocytes recovered was significantly(P<0.05) higher as 48.0 % in aspiration than 31.6% in slicing post aspiration. The time requlred for recovering a Grade I oocyte by aspiration and slicing was 1.1 and 2.5 min, respectively. The mean diameter of Grade I oocytes by aspiration and slicing was similar as 148.7 and 151.5m, respectively. The percentage of Metaphase II stage oocytes after IVM for 24 hours was significantly (P
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to determine the effect of cumulus cell attachment and various factors on in vitro maturation of pig foflicular oocytes. Oocytes with various configuration of cumulus cell mass were collected ftom ovaries of mature gilts by asperating with syringe equipped with needles of different gauges, follicle size and with or without cumulus cells. They were cultured in TCM-199 mediun containing FGS(fetal calf serum) for 30~48 hours in incubator with air containing 5% at 38.5. Mter orcein staining at in vitro maturation condition, GV, GVBD, anaphase, telophase and M II were observed. Results are surumarized as follows: 1. Recovery rates were 55.8, 55.5 and 34.4% when the cumulus-compacted oocytes were collected with 18, 21, 26 gauge needles of syringes, respectively. 2. 79% of oocytes with compacted cumulus cells were at GV stage and most of the oocytes with partially denuded and denuded cumulus cells were from GVBD to M- II stages. 3. Percentage of mature oocytes among those which are follicular diameter of 1~2, 3~6 and over 6 mm was 42.6, 53.2 and 60.8%, respectively. 4. Percentage of mature oocytes among those which are compacted, partially denuded and denuded was 60.5, 46.2 and 35.4% respectively. 5. Percentage of mature oocytes in co-cultured with monolayers of cumulus cells was higher (57.1%) than that found with oocytes cultured alone (53.4%).