
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 113

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There has been a heated discussion worldwide over tourist deviances that disrupt lives of local residents and cause damage to companies, city authorities, and the natural environment. Previous studies primarily turn to discrepancies in the cultural and educational background between tourists and local residents to explain such phenomena. Nonetheless, the possibility of people inclining to misbehave simply because they are away from home has rarely been investigated. In this study, we seek to examine factors rooted in the nature of tourism that are accountable for such phenomena. According to the definition by UNWTO (1995), one of the key characteristics of tourism is the displacement of usual environment. Tourism, therefore, is inevitably associated with surroundings of unacquainted others residing in the unfamiliar environment. Following the social control paradigm, previous studies have revealed that people are more likely to enforce social control on in-group members than on out-group members (Nugier, Chekroun, Pierre & Niedenthal, 2009). We further propose that psychological closeness between people and surrounding others would have an impact on their expectation to receive others’ social contrail and consequently their intention to engage in the counternormative behavior. Using an experimental study, we found that participants in the travel condition, compared with those in the home condition, feel less close to surrounding others and are more likely to misbehave. Such effect is mediated by the perceived social control. Implications for organization and companies in the tourism sector are drawn to prevent the spread of tourist misbehavior. Limitations and future directions would also be discussed.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hotel industry vs. online travel agencies: forever foe? The rise of Online Travel Agency (OTA) conglomerates such as Expedia and Priceline has forced the hotel industry to find ways of working with, or avoiding, an increasingly powerful channel for room distribution, and an increasingly relevant set of brands for consumers (Zhang, Denizci Guillet, & Kucukusta, 2015; Lee, Denizci Guillet, & Law, 2013). Although strategizing how to work with different electronic distribution channels has been studied, very few of them have addressed hoteliers‘ perceptions of OTAs, and how OTAs are affecting the industry. In this exploratory research, we sought to investigate the state of current and possible future relationships between OTAs and the hotel industry, from the perspective of diverse hoteliers in the U.S. Using a grounded theory method (Charmaz, 2014; Corbin, Strauss, & Strauss, 2014) that advises to maximize variety to increase the chances of finding new distinctions through a method of ‗constant comparison‘ between data sources, we interviewed eight highly accomplished hotel industry professionals in the U.S., mostly executives, across a variety of roles. Two of our informants were owners/operators of a large hotel management group (Interviewees 1 and 2), one was a former C-level executive at a major hotel brand (Interviewee 3), one was a senior executive at a midlevel regional hotel brand (Interviewee 4), one was the owner/operator to two family-run independent hotels (Interviewee 5), one was the owner of an independent, luxury hotel online services provider (Interviewee 6), one was the manager of a mid-level major brand hotel (Interviewee 7), and one was the owner of a hotel real estate investment company (Interviewee 8). The interviews were semi-structured on: the influence of OTAs on their business, and the hotel industry in general and current strategies for working with, or competing against, OTAs. The interviewees were guaranteed full anonymity, and the resulting 60-75 minute conversations were fully transcribed. Based on the grounded theory design, we followed gradual phases of data analysis: a preliminary open coding phase where concepts are associated with a line-by-line reading of transcripts; a focused coding phase where a limited number of concepts are chosen for further analysis; and an ‗axial‘ coding phase where concepts are systematically related to each other. During the open coding phase, this study‘s authors individually did initial code generation. They then came together to select the primary themes that emerged during focused coding, and worked together to relate the chosen themes to each other, and to key contextual variables such as industry role, hotel size, and hotel category. The impact of OTAs The first consistent perception of OTAs from every corner of the hotel industry is that they ―are not going away‖ (Interviewees 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8). The interviewees noted that OTAs first came into the picture post 9-11 when the market was down. Back then, hoteliers ―signed up for OTAs without thinking about any future impacts‖ (Interviewee 5), and ―did not anticipate how disruptive they were going to be, because the original OTA model was to sell distressed or unusable inventory‖ (Interviewee 1). The negative perceptions of OTAs were widespread, with the use of terms such as ―necessary evils‖, ―evil empires‖, and ―Frankenstein‖ (Interviewees 4 and 5). The hotel industry ―sold its soul‖ to OTAs (Interviewee 1), we [hoteliers] are idiots‖ (Interviewee 8) and ―we hate them all.‖ (Interviewee 5). The interviewees expressed that OTAs have had an unexpectedly significant and negative impact on the hotel industry and their business, ―dramatically changing the landscape of hotel business‖ (Interviewee 8). With a marketing budget far larger than that of many hotels, OTAs have successfully convinced consumers to book on their websites for speed, convenience, choice, and loyalty points, and made them believe – incorrectly, according to the interviewees – that they can get the cheapest rates there. The negative view of OTAs has led to a predominantly zero-sum view of the hotel- OTA relationship. OTAs have consolidated to develop a large network of suppliers, and they have been taking more direct business away from hotels, according to the interviewees. As such, the main impact of OTAs on the interviewees‘ hotel bookings was increasing costs due to commission fees to the OTAs, which ―drive up the customer acquisition cost, [which is why] profit hasn‘t gone up in proportion to the revenue increase‖ over the years (Interviewee 6). All but one interviewee mentioned the term ―rate parity,‖ whereby hotels and OTAs have to offer the same room rates on their respective websites. Nonetheless, one interviewee expressed discontent about OTAs‘ practices of rate parity, because hoteliers have ―no clue what they‘re selling [my inventory] for, especially when hotels are packaged with other travel products‖ (Interviewee 5). To minimize this negative financial impact, hotels try to increase direct bookings as much as possible from their members by offering extra features such as mobile check-in, or better rates available only to them. This ‗closed group‘ offering is also practiced by OTAs through which their loyalty program members can also be offered more favorable pricing or terms. The interviewees mentioned that the impact of OTAs is larger for independent than for chain hotels because independent hotels have no ―big distribution channel, and it‘s a way for [them] to be visible‖ (Interviewee 8). However, OTAs are more expensive for independent than for chain hotels, as the latter can leverage their large size to negotiate better terms with OTAs. The OTA commission rates at the interviewees‘ hotels ranged between 6% and 28%, with the highest rate being for independent hotels. Four interviewees pointed out that hotel location and service/price level influence the degree to which OTAs are utilized. That is, OTAs‘ booking volume is higher at resorts, and at hotels at or near airports with a high guest turnover. OTAs‘ booking volume is also higher for hotels with limited service (economy or budget hotels) than those with higher levels of service/price (luxury or upper scale hotels). The former, as compared to the latter, are akin to ―soap on a shelf‖ (Interviewee 8) because they are not distinctive in the consumer‘s mind, and consumers who choose to stay at the former are typically price-elastic. Although the majority of bookings at major chain hotels are still generated by direct bookings, what concerns the hoteliers most is that the percentage of bookings by OTAs has been ―growing at a double-digit rate for many years‖ (Interviewee 3). This makes the interviewees feel that ―OTAs take customers away‖ from their hotels (Interviewee 8). Strategic response of the hotel industry Although all the interviewees acknowledged and worried about the negative financial impact of OTAs, the only consistent strategy for coping with OTAs was to divert bookings to more cost-effective channels such as direct booking, or ―limit visibility over premium dates as much as possible‖ (Interviewee 8). They responded that they use or have to use most or all major OTAs (e.g., Expedia, Priceline), simply because these are prevalent and most familiar to consumers today. The response to the perceived OTA threat varied, depending on the respondent‘s role in the hotel industry. The REIT investor (Interviewee 8) and the major brand executive (Interviewee 3) displayed the purest zero-sum view of the relationship. The REIT investor believed the best response is to strengthen the bargaining position of hotels and win back lost revenue, expressing that hotels are ―letting other people take all this money…we‘re stupid.‖ From the major brand perspective, the best response was consolidation (getting bigger) to have better leverage in complex OTA negotiations, and to have more capital for marketing campaigns and technology development. For the more ―independent‖ respondents there was more scope to react by working with OTAs at some level. The single hotel manager and the independent hotel owner both used the metaphor of ―playing the game‖ to survive in the new era: ―You‘d better play ball with them if you want a presence online‖ (Interviewee 5). For an independent hotel, ―Expedia is my franchise website‖ (Interviewee 7) because OTAs are ―doing things that I could never do as an independent‖ (Interviewee 5). In particular, they emphasized the necessity to understand and master the digital marketing landscape of social media, review sites, search engine optimization, daily deal sites, and a good online presence on their own websites, expressing ―You gotta fish where the fish are‖ (Interviewee 4). Independent and small hotels do suffer from higher OTA commissions, but can also work in their favor in terms of preferred placement in hotel searches and referrals from OTAs. The technology service company‘s, (Interviewee 6) key strategic response was to gain control over customer data, because customer email addresses are particularly important for ―retargeting and email marketing to get guests back for zero costs‖ but is difficult to obtain when receiving bookings from OTAs. Some interviewees were able to see other potential strategic responses that were promising, but not yet pursued widely. One example was ‗bundling‘ products and services along with hotel rooms in new ways (Interviewees 1, 2, 4, 5, 6), similar to Airbnb‘s recent pivoting of offerings. Recognizing that part of the success of OTAs comes from customer convenience, some interviewees thought that innovations such as eliminating check-in (Interviewee 4) would help hotels cope with the new pressures. The regional hotel chain executive and the hotel management company owners perceived that changes to the physical product offered by hotels were needed to compete with Internet providers, especially Airbnb, saying that hotels need to ―rethink the long hallway‖ and the ―300 square-foot rooms‖ (Interviewee 4). This same executive saw significant barriers to innovation in the hotel industry. ―We [hotel industry] are definitely trying…but we are capital heavy, labor heavy, slow to innovate‖ (Interviewee 4). Discussion Our exploratory findings suggest that hoteliers, across a variety of hotel industry roles, had an almost uniformly profoundly negative, zero-sum view of the OTA relationship. While not dismissing the very real concerns and profitability pressures of the hotel industry, we are concerned that these perceptions may lead hotel industry players to not pursue or develop the relationship between them and OTAs in more mutually beneficial ways. The strategy of choice right now is to simply compete directly with OTAs, which is not a strategy that has necessarily worked for other traditional industries when digital intermediaries have entered their space, especially highly fragmented ones with many service providers such as the media and retail industries (Grossman, 2016). This view of the relationship does explain the relative lack of innovation about how to maximize the benefits of this relationship for both sides. In contrast to the zero-sum view, we would point to an alternative theory such as coopetition (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 2011). The theory of co-opetition points to two simultaneous processes: the cooperation required to ‗create the pie‘, or create value for all parties; and the competition to ‗divide up the pie‘ or capture the value created. Success in co-opetition comes from ‗changing the game‘ by developing new partnerships with four related parties: customers, suppliers, competitors, and complementors that offer ancillary services. In our data, we saw some tentative recognition of co-opetition possibilities in each of these four categories. For new customer relationships, we saw some desire by hoteliers to improve customer convenience and value, beyond simply increasing loyalty rewards. Some hoteliers recognized that OTAs have succeeded in part because of the consumer convenience and value proposition is a superior one. For new supplier relationships, there is limited recognition that new kinds of hotel products might be needed, supplied by non-traditional sources as in the Airbnb case, or by construction partners when building new hotels. Hotels have traditionally worked with complementors by bundling rooms with various travel services such as gaming or meals, but OTAs and Airbnb now offer similar services, making it difficult for hoteliers to differentiate themselves. Thus, there is an opportunity for hoteliers to creatively rethink their relationship with complementors, which none of our respondents mentioned. Despite the negative perceptions, our respondents reported some possibilities for new relationships with their OTA competitors, by using digital marketing techniques to their own advantage. To take an example, instead of having a booking war against OTAs, Red Lion Hotels strategically decided it would partner with Expedia in 2016. When customers see Red Lion hotel rates on Expedia sites, they see both a loyalty member rate, which is lower, and a non-member rate. Even if they are not part of Red Lion‘s loyalty program, customers can still book the loyalty rate and are then automatically enrolled as Red Lion members – thus enjoying member benefits while at the same time also earning points with Expedia. To complete the enrollment, the customer‘s email address is then sent to Red Lion ―which is a big deal because the online travel agencies don‘t normally share such information with partners‖ (Schaal, 2016b, p. 1). Looking across all four categories of new co-opetition relationships, however, we see little evidence of coordinated, systematic strategies for pursuing them in the hotel industry. For the hotel industry to respond to the rise of today‘s OTAs, and the other technology companies that might enter the industry in the future, we suggest that hotels will need to transcend their negative, zero-sum views of the OTA relationship and actively experiment with new co-opetition relationships. In addition, the hotel industry should also continue to improve the effectiveness of its traditional responses to OTAs, including their loyalty programs and brand loyalty initiatives. Several interviewees acknowledged that consumer behavior is changing and consumers today are not as brand loyal at they used to be. Research results echo the same phenomenon. For example, Wollan, Davis, De Angelis, and Quiring (2017) found that 71% of 25,426 respondents in 33 countries said ‗loyalty programs do not engender loyalty‘; 77% ‗retract their loyalty more quickly than they did three years ago‘; and 61% said they ‗switched one brand to another in the last year.‘ Decreasing brand loyalty is also apparent for hotels. MBLM (2017) found that consumers have the least ‗brand intimacy‘ (emotional bond with a brand) with hotel brands compared to those of other industries such as automotive and retail. Similarly, Oracle Hospitality (2017) found that 58.7% of survey participants (8,000 in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, France, Germany, Japan, U.K. and U.S.) stated that they do not belong to any hotel program. The Global Traveler Study (2014) also found the diminishing meaning of ‗loyalty to one hotel,‘ as 66% of their 4,618 respondents in the U.S., U.K., Germany and China are members of 1-4 hotel loyalty programs, while 15% are members of 5 or more programs. Despite the decreasing numbers and the questioned value of such programs, hoteliers are still trying to make consumers loyal to their own brand by enticing them to join their loyalty program. This effort is to increase direct bookings and compete with OTAs by offering ‗member-only‘ incentives such as member discounts, or additional perks such as free late check-outs, free meals, or free upgrades. However, these incentives may exacerbate the already increasing costs for hoteliers, particularly if they are attracting consumers who are price sensitive and would not book directly unless they get something back. While the interviewees mentioned their efforts to increase direct bookings through loyalty programs, none referred to the cost of those programs. Given the changing consumer behavior toward becoming less loyal to brands, it stands to reason for hoteliers to re-consider their loyalty programs. Conclusion Hoteliers are fighting intermediation and trying to push direct bookings. This is nothing new for them since they have been doing it with traditional travel agencies for years. Yet, bookings with traditional agencies remain strong, and OTA bookings continue to grow. It seems that it might be time for hoteliers to quit fighting intermediation, and embrace the ―good‖ that it can bring by adopting a co-opetition mindset, while also creatively thinking about brand loyalty programs and what they might bring to that mindset – if anything. In the zero-sum perception of OTAs, however, we found little space for innovative thinking about how to create new offerings through new partnerships, or loyalty programs. While existing OTAs, and emerging OTAs such as Airbnb, are personalizing services for customers, offering new services that are bundled with rooms, and new products with a new population of room suppliers, the hotel industry‘s response is to simply copy what the OTAs are doing and apply it to their own online bookings. We urge the hotel industry to move beyond this response, and be equally creative in finding new co-opetition opportunities that speak to the traditional strengths of the hospitality industry and its experienced professionals.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research examined whether the (in)congruence between the geographical distance between the viewer and the destination, and the dynamic distance experienced via zoomin and zoom-out affects the recommendation likelihood of the travel destination. Specifically, when the viewer’s motivation is utilitarian (e.g., travelling for work), we expect the congruence effect (H1): a higher recommendation likelihood when the geographic distance is congruent with the dynamic distance; that is, the viewer is more likely to recommend the travel destination when the destination is geographically far away from (close to) with a zoom-out (zoom-in) view. By contrast, when the viewer’s motivation is hedonic (e.g., travelling for fun), we expect the incongruence effect (H2): a higher recommendation likelihood when the geographic distance is incongruent with the dynamic distance; that is, the viewer is more likely to recommend the travel destination when the destination is geographically far away from (close to) with a zoom-in (zoomout) view. We test these ideas in an experimental study.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous research has found that taking photos during travel for the purpose of sharing with others via SNS (social networking sites) induces self-presentational concerns, which can decrease engagement and enjoyment of the experience. However, the previous studies have defined travel engagement and enjoyment too narrowly and failed to consider the heterogeneity in terms of the importance of photo-taking. While some travelers are reluctant photo takers and regard taking photos as a bother, others place more importance on photo-taking than sightseeing, and may therefore find it difficult to enjoy the travel experience without taking photos. To address these deficiencies, we modeled not only negative, but also positive relationships between photo-taking and travel engagement and enjoyment. The results showed that when taking photos, travelers who regard photo-taking as important were more engaged in the experience and enjoyed it more than travelers who regarded photo-taking as less important. Thus, this study provides a theoretical contribution to research on travel engagement.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to examining the mainland Chinese tourists‟ behavior on and credibility perception of travel websites. According to the data collected from the online questionnaire survey, mainland Chinese tourists tend to share negative experiences on the web; and consider more on review information than on reviewers‟ information.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Business event are much important to economies of many destinations all over the world (Jago, Mair, Deery, & Bergin-Seers, 2008). As the term, “business events” is referred to be the MICE industry, encompassing with Meeting, Incentive, Conference/Convention, and Exhibition. The MICE industry underpins tourist visitation for many destinations. Such destinations have transferred into making substantial investments to provide the meeting/exhibition facilities and hotel needed for business events. Announced in the 5th of MICE and Luxury Travel Conference, India will generate 6.5 million outbound incentive tourists by 2030. Especially in these years, the number of MICE outbound tourists has been more than 1.5 million and the number of Luxury travel tourists has been up to 3.6 million (India Infoline Housing Finance Limited [IIFL], 2017). Research for one of the business events that remains in minority is incentives. Incentive travel, also known as IT, is defined as one of worldwide management tools which uses special travel experiences or recognizes participants who exceed the expectation on performance (Society of Incentive Travel Executives [SITE], 2013). According to the Incentive Federation, the number of U.S. business using non-cash rewards has raised dramatically from just 26% in 1996 to 84% of all U.S. businesses in 2016 (Incentive Federation, 2017). Incentive travel is becoming a field in which not only attractions and venues matter, but also the organization of parallel training activities and conferences around an incentive activity is possible (Celuch, 2014). The United States remains a primary destination for 82% of U.S. planners choosing U.S. in 2017 (Incentive Federation, 2017). Another popular incentive destination, Australia is also viewed as one of ideal destinations for incentive travel. Tourism Australia in 2008 indicated that 34% of incentive travelers is from China, 12% is from New Zealand, and 10% is from Japan. Taiwan has received over 10 million travelers from abroad in 2016. However, tourists from India traveling to Taiwan are only 33,000 passengers. According to report in 2016, International Congress & Conference Association [ICCA] announced that Taipei City has held 83 international conference and become top 10 destinations in Asia for The Best Stop to Meet Asia. However, is Taiwan a good incentive travel destination for India? Despite a limited amount of information on expenditure and the number of incentive programs, numerous gaps remain in our understanding of this sector of business events and cross-culture marketing, including how incentive travel organizers in India select their travel destination? And how this process may differ in source markets? This exploratory study aims to examine these site selection factors in the incentive travel context and identify any similarities and differences in how incentive travel is conceptualized, planned, and organized in India. Literature review Incentive Travel The incentive market has seldom been studied in great depth as an individual segmentation. Lewis (1983) carried out a concept that incentive travel represents a sizable market segment for hotel companies in many destination areas. Sheldon (1995) highlighted that travel was regarded as a motivating reward or incentive among America’s Fortune 100 companies, and that travel incentives were mostly used by companies in the service sector. Shinew and Backman (1995) identified the “trophy value” of travel incentives, and proposed that incentive travel allows long-lasting positive engagement in staffs’ job performance. Xiang and Formica (2007) used cognitive mapping to understand how incentive travel managers view the business environment, concluding with fast-pacing of incentive travel market, and global structural changes presenting challenges to incentive planners. Budget and cost, uniqueness of the destination, and availability of suitable facilities were thought to be factors influencing the choice of destination for incentive travel (Mair, 2005); however, this has not yet been demonstrated in empirical research. Convention Site Selection According to Crouch and Ritchie (1997) “the choice of destination can make or break the convention”. The first research by Fortin and Ritchie (1977) was considered the process undertaken by meeting planners when deciding on which location to choose for annual meeting or convention. The nine factors identified by Crouch and Ritchie (1997) are accessibility, local support, extra-conference opportunities, accommodation, meeting facilities, information, site environment and other criteria. Despite knowledge of the convention site selection process, very little research has considered how different types of meetings choose their destinations. In one of the few studies to consider the site selection process of incentive planners, Del Chiappa (2012) suggests a certain degree of “destination inaccessibility” could make incentive location being more extraordinary and exclusive. Mair, Jin, and Yoo (2016) indicated that incentive travel planners across three market- China, Australia, and America, shares similar perceptions on what characterizes incentive trips but differ slightly in the planning and operational phase pertinent to varying company characteristics and requirements. However, little is known about the cultural differences in incentive programs from one nation to the next. Methodology This research is an exploratory qualitative research, using in-depth interviews with incentive travel organizers, public relations professionals, company and staff who has participated in incentive travel to Taiwan and other Asian countries. Eight in-depth interviews (between 30 and 60 minutes) were carried out in India. The data collecting method is snowball sampling and 11 interviewees were invited by incentive organizers’ recommendations, while a list of qualified tour operators/specialists authorized by national tourism bureaus and organization (e.g., Ministry of Tourism Government of India or Travel Agents Association of India Active Member) are consulted as a sample frame, shown as table 1. Further, all interviewees were senior managers in their companies. For in-depth interviews, researcher has traveled to Mumbai, New Delhi and Jamshedpur in India between 12th and 26th Jan, 2018. Interviewees were asked to give some background on their incentive business. They were also asked to give information on how their incentive programs were structured and how they cooperate both with their incentive clients and with local suppliers of their incentive trips. Finally, they were asked in open-ended questions about their views on site selection, with eight site selection factors identified by Crouch and Ritchie (1997) and the outline designed by Mair, et al (2016). Findings This study explored site selection of incentive travel from the perspective of incentive planners, company, and participants. The finding suggests that the most popular incentive travel destination for Indian is Thailand with low expense and luxury hospitality. Most important part for choosing a destination is considering about food and beverage since there are a lot of vegetarian and chef should be familiar with Indian cuisine, for instance, foods in Singapore is more likely to be accepted by Indian. Both the operators and staffs from the company indicate that Indian travelers would like to have Indian cuisine and Bollywood show during the incentive trips, instead of local and cultural performance from the destination. Conference and accommodation facilities in China is well-prepared for MICE but expense is too high. Accessibility to Taiwan or to any countries won’t be a problem for incentive travel planners; nevertheless, there is still few direct flight from India to Taiwan which will influence the budget on overseas transportation. In addition, unfamiliarity with destination image of Taiwan reduces intention of visiting. However, since a new destination will be a motivator for encouraging employees to work hard, novelty destination for incentive trip is still important. One incentive travel planners suggest that enhancing the destination image by story-telling would help attracting Indian’s interests. Perceived risk will be reduces depending on local support (DMC). Incentive planners in India illustrate although decision maker is the representatives from companies, however, planners would give several packages of different countries, depending on budgets, basing on destination information from public relations professionals. It is obvious that public relations professionals and travel agencies are critical characters for site selection in India. F&B and budget are major considerations differing from other markets- China, Australia, and America. Conclusions This article interviewed incentive operators, public relations professionals, and company purchase incentive travel, and examined how incentive travel is conceptualized, planned, and organized in India. The study suggests government and bureau relating to MICE should get well prepared for cross-cultural incentive traveler, according to Indian culture. In addition, destination imagine promotion would be another effort for planners to select a site for incentive program. Since incentive planners in India are not familiar with Taiwan, local support/ DMC could look for public relations professionals from India as a connection, and put more focus on India as a potential market. Further study should explore the site selection in different countries, and marketing strategies. A limitation of this research that should be acknowledged is the small sample size. However, the initial conclusions from this research suggest that, while the site selection factors identified in other markets provide a useful place to start, incentive travel organizers do not rely on same factors. The findings from this project will provide a basis for future research in the area of incentive, and useful information for incentive planners/organizers in Taiwan and worldwide.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Elder consumers are important consumer segment because of baby boomers and incoming aging societies in many countries. MacInnis and Mello (2005) indicate that hope is an important construct to influence consumer decisions. For many elder people who rely on others to lead a life gradually lose control of making consumption decision for themselves. If autonomy is one of the important value for elder people as Leventhal (1997) proposed, the moderating effect of decision autonomy to counterbalance the effect of hope is discussed in this study if it can enhance elder consumers’ SWB. This study firstly explored the antecedent factors of hope by adopting subjective evaluation from elder consumers. Then, hope was further manipulated in terms of goal importance and goal uncertainty to investigate the mechanism on consumption decision and SWB. A between-subjective experiment manipulated hope in two dimensions, goal importance (high / low) and goal outcome certainty (certainty / uncertainty), invited 142 consumers aged above 65 years old to participate. Result indicates that better mental health and financial ability as well as younger cognitive age relate to the hope of elder consumers and influence SWB. Hope is partially the psychological mechanism to influence more on SWB. Decision autonomy is not found its moderating effect on hope to SWB.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The service failure phenomenon is a long-recognized problem in hospitality industry’s marketing, and has consequently attracted significant research attention (Chan, Wan, & Sin, 2007). Once service failures occur, customers usually assess the causes of the problem. Researchers have thus studied the impact of service failures on customer failure attribution and their behavioral outcomes toward the service provider. Usually, studies examine consumer psychological processes when only one service firm is involved. However, it is unclear whether customer failure assessments are the same when they have to assess more than one service at the same time. According to a review article by Cohen, Prayag, and Moital (2014), consumer behavior has been extensively examined in the field of tourism in many aspects (e.g., decision making, motivations, satisfaction, and loyalty); however, research assessing failure attribution within tourist satisfaction literature is still rare. Moreover, in service marketing studies, it is somewhat surprising that existing service research has overlooked the fact that customers may confront failure situations where there are two or more service providers involved (Weber & Sparks, 2010). Hence, this study makes two key contributions. First, it addresses scholars’ calls for more research assessing failure attribution within a tourist satisfaction context. Second, it contributes to our understanding of consumer behavior in tourism industry by studying customer perceptions of service failures within service networks, where at least two firms are involved in the incident. This study uses in-depth interviews for data collection. And interview results indicate that relational and network characteristics have a significant influence on how customers attribute service failures to different service providers.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many firms see organizational learning systems as critical to facilitating competitive advantage. However, until now, few tourism studies have empirically investigated and identified how the different characteristics of highly competitive organizations, such as travel agencies, influence competitive advantage in a dynamic environment. This study uses a mediation-moderation analysis for such an empirical examination. A total of 288 travel agencies from Taiwan were analysed. The authors found that travel agencies’ shared goals may influence competitive advantage through characteristics of dynamic capability development, differential strategy implication and social capital accumulation. Greater levels of organizational learning may positively strengthen the relationships between (a) shared goals and dynamic capability, (b) shared goals and social capital, and (c) social capital and competitive advantage. Implications of these findings for managerial and theoretical frameworks are also discussed.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        By carrying out experimental research, the authors aim to explore the influence of animosity on tourists’ travel intention. Although animosity is proven to have a direct negative impact on consumer’s purchase intention in many other product categories in the consumer marketing domain (Moufakkir, 2014), little has been investigated into its impact on tourists’ behavioural intention within the tourism context. It is a first study in tourism using experiment method to examine the relationship between Chinese tourists’ animosity triggered by different scenarios and their outbound travel intention. By analysing and comparing types of animosity and price promotion, the research contributes to the existing literature in both consumer behaviour and tourism via better understanding the impact of attitude (animosity) on behaviour (travel intention) and the relative marketing application (price promotions). This study has discovered that although animosity triggered by unexpected incidents and political disputes will lead to significant decrease in travel intention, even deep price cut cannot reverse the unwillingness to travel to those destinations when animosity exists. This research is particularly important for countries/regions that are seeing an increasing number of Chinese tourists and investing heavily to provide tailored products and services to this target market, negative feelings, particularly animosity should be taken into consideration when developing tourism strategies (Richter, 1983).
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study suggested a new real-time traffic signal operation algorithm using combined data of travel time and occupancy rate. This study applied the travel time data to traffic signal control system, and developed the signal operation algorithm based on saturation degree that was calculated using the travel time data. This algorithm calculates a queue length using a delay model, and converts the queue length to the saturation degree. Moreover, it calculates signal timing variables using this combined saturation degree. This study conducted a microscopic simulation for effectiveness evaluation. We checked that the average intersection delay decreased by up to 27 percent. Moreover, we checked that this signal operation algorithm could respond to a traffic condition of oversaturation and loop detector error effectively and usefully. In korea, sectional traffic detection systems are being installed in various ITS projects, such as Advanced Transportation Management System(ATMS) and Urban Transportation Information System(UTIS). This study has important significance in the sense that it is new methodology to accept the sectional detection system in traffic signal control system.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the increased interest in the quality of life of modern people, the implementation of the five-day working week, the increase in traffic convenience, and the economic and social development, domestic and international travel is becoming commonplace. Furthermore, in the past, there were many cases of purchasing packaged goods of specialized travel agencies. However, as the development of the Internet improved the accessibility of information about the travel area, the tourist is changing the trend to plan the trip such as the choice of the destination. Web services have been introduced to recommend travel destinations and travel routes according to these needs of the customers. Therefore, after reviewing some of the most popular web services today, such as Stubby planner (http://www.stubbyplanner.com) and Earthtory (http://www.earthtory.com), they were supposed to be based on traditional Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs), and the travel routes recommended by them included some practical limitations. That is, they were not considered important issues in the actual journey, such as the use of various transportation, travel expenses, the number of days, and lodging. Moreover, although to recommend travel destinations, there have been various studies such as using IoT (Internet of Things) technology and the analysis of cyberspatial Big Data on the web and SNS (Social Networking Service), there is little research to support travel routes considering the practical constraints. Therefore, this study proposes a new mathematical model for applying to travel route recommendation service, and it is verified by numerical experiments on travel to Jeju Island and trip to Europe including Germany, France and Czech Republic. It also expects to be able to provide more useful information to tourists in their travel plans through linkage with the services for recommending tourist attractions built in the Internet environment.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 선운산도립공원 탐방객 290명을 설문조사하여, 탐방객들의 공원이용 특성을 분석하고, 이를 바탕으로 도립공원관리를 위한 시사점을 도출하기 위해 수행되었다. 탐방객 설문은 응답자의 사회경제적 특성, 선운산도립공원 이용 특성, 방문 동기, 공원 탐방 만족도에 관한 문항들로 구성하였다. 조사 결과 탐방객들은 공원 방문 전 공원에 관한 정보 수집을 하지 않는 경우가 많았고, 선운산도립공원과 주변 관광지를 연계해서 여행하는 경우도 많지 않았으며, 고창 생물권보전지역에 대한 인지도 또한 크지 않아, 공원관리 주체인 고창군의 적극적 홍보가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 응답자들의 16개 방문 동기를 요인분석한 결과, 선운산도립공원 탐방객들의 방문 요인은 ‘고지대 등산형’, 자연학습이 나 캠핑 등을 위한 ‘체험⋅관찰형’, 가족이나 친구와의 ‘친목 도모형’으로 요약할 수 있었다. 공원 방문 목적에 따른 공원 이용 만족도를 살펴보기 위해, 요인분석에서 추출한 세 가지 방문 요인과 응답자의 사회경제적 특성 변수들을 독립변수로 하고 다른 사람에게 선운산도립공원 방문을 추천하는 정도를 종속변수로 하는 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 3가지 방문 요인 중 ‘고지대 등산형’ 요인만이 방문 추천 의사에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 주었고, 다른 요인은 영향이 없는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 선운산도립공원이 등산객들에게만 만족스러운 경험을 제공할 뿐, 점차 증가하고 있는 체험⋅관찰형 탐방객 수요에 대응하지 못하고 있다는 의미로 해석될 수 있다. 환경해설과 같은 참여형 프로그램 개발이 요구된다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study presented attempts to analyze and categorize Chosun’s food ingredients and culture through a Western perspective based on 32 representative Western documents pertaining to old Korea. Before modernization, Westerners visited Chosun during their visits to old China or Japan. Westerners were most active in Chosun from the open port period to the annexation of Korea to Japan occupation. They were teachers, missionaries, diplomats, and doctors visiting Chosun with personal goals. In 31 book traveler’s journal, it records Chosen’s mainly produced ingredients, such as grains, spices, fruits, cabbage, chicken, and chestnuts; foods from Chosen include kimchi, soup, and tofu. Foreigners especially liked foods made of eggs and chicken, but they did not enjoy Chosun’s lack of sugar and dairy. Thirty-one book foreigners’ records describe Chosun’s Ondol, kitchen, crock, fermented foods, low dining tables, and chopsticks. Chosun people liked dog meat, unrestrained drinking culture, sungnyung, and tea culture. Foreign documentation on Chosun’s food culture allows modern scholars to learn about Chosun people’s lifestyles, as if their lives were a vivid picture
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is considered as potential vector of Zika virus in Republic of Korea (ROK). Vector control during mosquito season is one of critical factors for decline of viral transmission. Total 14 oversea travel-associated Zika cases by mosquito bite were reported throughout ROK from January to September 2016 and vector control and monitoring at surroundings of patient’s residences was carried out during three weeks after confirmation of the virus. Although population density rates of Ae. albopictus were remarkably various according to ecological surroundings, population density of Ae. albopictus near forest was higher than urban. All captured Aedes mosquitoes were used for detection of three flavivirus, Zika, Dengue and Chikunguya, using RT-PCR and any virus was not detected. Population density of Ae. albopictus decreased > 65% on average after vector control and in one area > 95% of population density decreased. Our data might reveal that vector monitoring and control at surroundings near residences of oversea travel-associated Zika patients might effectively prevent viral transmission by mosquito bite and naturalization of the virus in ROK.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Electronic Word of-Mouth (eWOM) helps consumers evaluate product quality and reduces decision risk without physical trials, and makes their purchase decision. More and more firms are embracing and applying eWOM marketing strategy as a complementary strategy for advertising to increase sales. However, little has been known regarding the mechanism underlying the eWOM effect on online consumer behavior and purchase decision. The paper is to examine the effect of eWOM to provide practitioners insightful guidance on service systems design and the allocation of firm resources to more effectively develop eWOM marketing strategies. This article seeks to shed light on eWOM effect from the empirical study. Consumers are increasingly using online consumer reviews to evaluate product quality. It is paramount for marketers to understand what makes online consumer reviews helpful to consumers and how this evaluation affects their decisions. Dual-process theory has been adopted in this study to investigate the factors and its links with consumers' purchase intention.This article examines how the electronic word of mouth (eWOM) information attitude (positive vs. negative), website's reputation, motivation to process information, consumer reviews, product evaluations, information quantity and source credibility contribute to the eWOM effect. The article also describes a study on the moderating role of the product type. The empirical study also examines the effects of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) on consumer consideration and choice of an product.The survey results from 652 participants of an online survey. The study consisted of an online survey that was conducted on a survey website in 2015. All measurement items were measured using 7-point Likert scales. In order to provide greater insight into the results, several iterations of factor and reliability analyses were undertaken to determine a reduced set of composite dimensions. Principal component analyses and reliability analyses were used to simplify and purify the factors by removing variables with less loadings. The proposed model was analyzed by using the maximum likelihood method (i.e., ML), with structural equations analyses (LISREL 8). This study highlights that consumers’ reliance on online user reviews to choose products is significantly influenced by the quantity of products available. This study also proposes a more robust hierarchical structure to model the interaction effect between online user reviews and product quantity. This article further studies the impact of eWOM across brand reputation websites on consumers’ purchasing decisions. In parallel with the eWOM available on the Internet, consumers are able to reach almost every piece of eWOM brand reputation relevant to their interested products. The effect of eWOM motivation may influence consumers’ search costs for product information and affect their final decisions.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper develops a conceptual model relating motivation, involvement, and changes to travel style to the selection of destinations and choice of events amongst non-professional participants involved in small-scale sporting events. A longitudinal comparison of t
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Major changes are challenging the tourist industry, such as new entrants, suppliers’ direct sales without intermediaries, and customers’ bargaining power due to Internet services, among others. In this context, the aim of this research is to assess the influence of two emerging constructs, eWOM adoption and customer engagement, jointly with consumer trust and brand equity, on travel agency loyalty. There is a huge amount of research available regarding the variables considered in this study: (i) brand trust and equity, and brand loyalty, have always been considered in the marketing literature; (ii) engagement and eWOM adoption have aroused interest from researchers since online comments gain popularity and usefulness. But their consideration in literature has been based, in most of the analyses, on symmetric relationships and it then fails to recognize the occurrence of causal asymmetry. In the present research a novel methodology is adopted, fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), which uses Boolean algebra to show how causal conditions combine to bring about outcomes. On a sample of 520 travelers and through a fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, data shows that brand trust and brand equity are key drivers of loyalty, measured as a repurchase intention. In fact, jointly both variables lead to travel agency loyalty and when no engagement-enthusiasm dimension exists, for individual repurchase intention, brand equity or brand trust are also needed. Moreover, just engagement in terms of interactions also leads to brand loyalty, but engagement-enthusiasm dimension needs support of eWOM adoption to impact travel agency repurchase intentions. This finding highlights the specific importance of each analyzed variable as key drivers of travel agency loyalty. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided based on results.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This interpretive and longitudinal study investigates how a group of Chinese students consume global brands of American origins, in China and in the UK. More specifically, this research examines how meanings attached to global food brands travel abroad with consumers and investigates the relationship between brand consistency and brand meanings across national boundaries. Findings from a thematic analysis of longitudinal data collected through focus group interviews over a nine-month period, reveal that some brand meanings are context and culture specific (contextual meanings) while others meanings travel with consumers across borders (core meanings). Theoretically, this study shows how global brands provide a platform of structural meanings, ideas and practices that are global and globalising in themselves, allowing a degree of fluidity and adaptation in relation to the local context of consumption.
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