
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 57

        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to search for social situations of the Activity Limitation and to examine some useful missionary tasks which can be used to prove social welfare. This paper begins with some theological criterions for mission of social welfare, particularly concerning the factor of holistic missions. Also, this paper directs attention to some traditional misunderstandings about missions of churches in Korea. The social situations of Activity Limitation is not good Participation if there are lots of problems. According to research by the Institute of Health and Social in Korea in 2005, supported by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, so many Activity Limitations are not satisfied with social welfare in Korea. The following statistic states some reasons why their state of welfare is low in their daily life. preventive Activity Limitation school adaptation percentage of employment insufficiency public transportation 89.0% 59.5% 38.2% 79.5% This paper suggests four useful tasks for missions of social welfare especially for Activity Limitation. First, 'The second conference of mission strategy for Activity Limitation 1999' suggested a 'Theology of Disability' which were based on human morality. A Theology of Activity Limitation should be the inner essence of God and the same time the essential mission of the church that namely is 'missio Dei'(mission of God). Second, churches in Korea should develop some models and principles for Activity Limitation managing etc. The Origin of social welfare come from the Activity of churches in middle age Europe and modern Diakonia(Greek: social service) come from the ‘Innere Mission'(domestic mission) which worked for Street Children. Finely, the contents of mission that the essential mission of churches in Korea means the social welfare. Third, pastors have to reach a consensus about the mission for Activity Limitation welfare and churches should be clear about its identity for social responsibility and welfare. The following statistic states consensus of pastors about social welfare. necessity of social work pastor in church importance of volunteer for social service importance of participation for social welfare practical encourage social service 89.8% 86% 72% 20.9% Fourth, each church alone can't get a high degree sufficiency for social welfare in their community. Also churches have to make a network, with other churches, and social work organizations in their community. A network and cooperation of churches and organizations develop to maximize limited resource and man power.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a form of a private prison, a religious prison implies to a prison with religious programs arranged by a religious organization and operated based on such programs. We denounced a private prison a great deal repeatedly until its introduction was finalized in 2001, and it was approved in a form of a religious prison. A religious prison was approved under great expectations of securing effectiveness of correction, enhancing efficiency of correction, and assuring and expanding human rights of prisoners based on the spirit of religion originally. However, a possibility of an unfair treatment, infringing human rights of prisoners, losing the authority of a national prison, and misusing the rights of punishment by a religious prison may also be raised. Because such possesses ambivalence of being able to accomplish the results appropriate for the purpose of introduction or to show an adverse effect depending on how a religious prisoner is operated. Accordingly, various forms of a religious prisoner must be introduced based on thorough supervision of the country in order for a religious prison to produce expected results. In addition, the outlook of a religious prison would be bright when an equal treatment and an unrestrained option for prisoners are guaranteed.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As long as convicted prisoner is a citizen of the nation, his/her fundamental human rights must be guaranteed to the maximum extent in accordance with the constitutional spirit within the range of not becoming a barrier to accomplish a legitimate penological purpose. When we put too much emphasis on protection of human rights of prisoners insomuch as to disturb and violate the correctional order and regulations, however, it would not only cause life and physical safety of both prisoner and correctional officer to be threatened but to make eligible prisoners unable to return to society through correctional and reformative activities, which are basic and valid penological objectives, and also correctional institute unable to detain an offender in custody that is a premise of imprisonment. Therefore, it is required to accomplish the ultimate penological goals so much as to make convict return to society, while the state should guarantee human rights of prisoners, and, at the same time, firmly establish correctional orders. But there are contradictory relationships between protection of convict rights and establishment of correctional orders, so that problems have risen in due course from the perspective of how to achieve harmonization between the two. Then, it would not be too much to say that to maintain discipline and order in correctional institution up to an appropriate level is the most basic premise for penological practices. In this sense, it can be said that to establish correctional orders in a firm manner is essential for penological practices. If discipline and order is exceedingly strict in observance, however, convict will merely become an object to be controlled, thus that it would be not only difficult to achieve certain expected effects of correctional goals but to bring about worries to infringe human rights because of unwanted limitation of fundamental rights of individuals. So then, it is thought that to set up balanced relations between human rights protection and establishment of correctional order by harmonizing tensive relationships in between is an important task in contemporary correctional practices. In any case, limitation of fundamental human rights of convict, however, should not cross boundary that has been set in order to maintain an orderly prison life having secured physical custody of convict.
        2004.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the stiffness and damping matrices are experimentally constructed using the structural modal information on frequencies, damping ratio and modal vectors, which are obtained by shaking table tests. Free vibration, harmonic and white noise vibration tests are performed. The acceleration of the shaking table was used as the input signal, and the resulting accelerations of each floor were measured as output signals. The characteristics and limitations of modal information from the each test are compared. The results of this study would be a basic resource of the analytical and experimental studies on the system identification of structures
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Post-tension system was applied most PSC bridges in Korea. Also Grouting was applied to prevent corrosion of the strand. For this reason, it is difficult to inspection the condition of the strand after completion. Therefore, in this paper, the Nondestructive testings(NDTs) developed at domestic and foreign was investigated. In addition, the current level and limit of the NDTs were analyzed considering the existing bridge environment. As a result of the study, Strand condition inspection using NDTs have been analyzed to have technical and environmental limitations.
        2016.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Breast specific gamma imaging (BSGI) is a nuclear medicine breast imaging technique. The sensitivity of BSGI is unaffected by post-operative scars or implants, and thus, BSGI is helpful for the differential diagnosis of postoperative recurrence. Here, the authors report a case of diffuse chest wall recurrence on the side of radical mastectomy that was not detected by BSGI, but was detected using other nuclear medicine imaging techniques.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리는 불과 15년 전까지만 하여도 2차원적 이미지를 컴퓨터에 입력하여 편집 또는 변형을 통해 원하는 평면의 이미지를 얻어내는 시대를 거쳐 왔으며 실 사진처럼 인쇄된 평면이미지에 놀라움을 감추지 못했었다. 또한, 지금까지의 3차원적 아이템은 출력의 목적보다는 입체영상, 가상현실 또는 평면적 프린트를 위한 목적이 대부분이었으며, 극소수의 경우만이 목업(mock-up)을 위한 3차원의 수리적 타당성을 시뮬레이션(simulation)하기 위함이었다. 이것은 지극히 대량생산을 위함이었으며 개인의 필요성에의해 행해진 3차원적 조형과정은 아니었다. 그러나 지금의 시대는 3차원이라는 거대한 시대적 이슈에 힘입어 급기야 개인적 용도를 위한 3차원 출력이 가능한 시대를 맞이하였다. 즉, 개인적으로 필요한 소량의 소도구들을 3차원 플라스틱 등으로 프린트하여 사용할 수 있게 되었다는 의미인 것이다. 하지만 아직은 이러한 3차원 프린터의 등장에 많은 호기심을 보이고 있으나, 일반인이 접하기에는 많은 장애 즉, 활용에 있어서의 이론적 정보 및 하드웨어적 특성에 따른 기술적 정보 등이 부족한 것이 현실이다. 따라서 본 연구는, 현재 가장 일반적이며 보급형 3차원프린터인 Fused Deposition Modeling(이하 FDM)방식의 프린터에 있어서 어떠한 원리와 특성을 가지고 있는지 고찰하고, 실험을 통하여 나타난 다양한 문제점의 제시와 함께 온도 및 아세톤의 분사에 의한 표면처리 등을 이용한 해결방안을 제시함으로써 급속히 진화하는 3차원프린터에 우리 디자이너들이 대응하고 각자의 창작활동에 응용해 나아갈 수 있는 작은 디딤돌이 되고자한다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The punishment laws and regulations should be strictly interpreted and applied according to phrases based on ‘Nullum crimen sine lege’ principles, and they should not be interpreted excessively in disadvantage of the defendant nor be interpreted analogically, and requirements and/or conditions of attachment of electronic device should be also interpreted in same way. The prosecutors were permitted to ask the court order of attachment of electronic device in accordance with the Act on the Electronic Monitoring of Specific Criminal Offenders when a criminal was admitted to have habit by committing sex violence crime two times or more(including guilty judgment). Majority opinions accepted 'guilty judgment' only: When the court judged whether or not the one who was given request for oder to attachment of electronic device committed sex violence crime two times or more, it should not consider previous record of protective disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Act. On the other hand, minority opinions said that the regulation should be applied at guilty judgment only, so that previous record of protective disposition against sexual violence in accordance with the Juvenile Act should be applied to sex violence crime two times or more. Majority opinion followed not only the Juvenile Act but also protective disposition to be advantageous to the one who was given request for oder to attachment of electronic device: But, ‘committing crime’ was limited to ‘guilty judgment’ except for behavior of corresponding case not to be good from point of view of interpretation of the Criminal Act. Majority opinion said that the one who committed sex violence crime should be punished in accordance with the Act on the Electronic Monitoring of Specific Criminal Offenders depending upon two cases to be unfair, that is to say, guilty judgment in accordance with general criminal procedures and protective disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Act. Judicial precedents of lower court differed to require legislative supplementation.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        차세대 게임으로 주목받는 체감형 게임의 발전을 위해서, 본 연구는 현재 체감형 게임의 현황을 파악하고, 하드웨어보다 미흡한 콘텐츠 개발의 문제점을 분석한다. 우선, 체감형 게임 콘텐츠가 지닌 문제점을 세 가지로 구분했다. 그리고 콘텐츠의 수요와 편향된 장르의 문제, 낮은 수준의 게임 난이도, 체감형 인터페이스의 작은 사용범위와 변질한 사용법 문제라는 3가지 문제점에 대응하는 각각의 해결방안을 제시하였다. 체감형 게임 콘텐츠 개발 방법에 대한 논의가 꾸준히 지속됨으로서, 체감형 게임에 특화된 게임 디자인 방식 형성이 발달할 것이며, 차세대 게임으로서 게임 산업과 게임 문화의 성장에 긍정적인 역할이 가능할 것이다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        해양사고는 민사법상의 손해배상, 형법상의 책임의 귀속 및 행정상의 제재와 같은 여러 가지 법적 책임 문제를 야기한다. 어떠한 행위에 의하여 결과가 발생하였다고 하여 바로 책임귀속이 되는 것은 아니다. 이러한 책임의 전제로서 해양사고를 야기한 행위와 그 결과 발생사이에 인과관계가 문제된다. 해양사고에 있어서 그 원인 규명은 해양이라는 사고 발생 장소, 증거확보의 어려움, 사고 발생시와 조사 시점과의 시간차 등으로 어려움이 많다. 그러나 정확한 원인 규명은 유사 사고 방지와 책임 소재를 가리는데 매우 중요한 요소이다. 인과관계를 논리학적으로 보면 무한히 확산 가능한 개념이지만 책임귀속에 있어서는 이를 제한할 필요성이 있다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 인과관계 이론을 바탕으로 해양사고에서의 인과관계를 검토하여 책임귀속의 합리적인 판단 기준을 논증한 것이다.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        WAM 모형은 대양의 파랑추산에 있어서 높은 정밀도를 가지고 있으면서도 타 모형에 비해 상대적으로 간결한 구조를 가지고 있어 국내외 많은 연구자들이 널리 활용하고 있으나, 모형의 특성상 심해ㆍ광역조건과 더불어 비교적 큰 격자에 적합하도록 설계되어 있고 파향의 격자 분할 방법으로 인해 경우에 따라서는 예기치 못하는 계산 결과를 산출하기도 한다. 본 연구에서는 WAM Cycle 4 모형을 대상으로 이 같은 문제점을 상세히 검토하고 관련 내용을 수정하여 천해ㆍ상세 해역에 대한 적용성을 확장하였으며, 수정된 WAM 모형은 이어도 해양과학기지에서 관측한 2003년 9월 한 달 동안의 정밀 파량관측 자료를 토대로 검정하여 그 타당성을 확인하였다.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 실험은 육묘기간동안 근권의 공간제한이 뿌리 및 지상부의 생장에 미t치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 가로 세로가 각각 5cm이고 깊이가 5, 15, 30cm인 포트를 이용하여 포트의 용적을 조절하였다. 뿌리의 발달과 지상부의 생장은 가식 후의 담배육묘기간 동안 근계의 형태발달 및 지하부와 지상부의 생장을 조사하여 포트 용적에 따른 근계의 발달 양상을 알아보고 우량묘 생산에 있어서 합리적인 포트 규격과 이식 적기를 수립하고자 실시하였다. 1. 근권의 공간 제한은 환경반응에 따른 뿌리생장을 억제하여 지상부의 주요 생육형질을 감소시켰다 포트 깊이에 따른 용적제한은 관부에서 새로운 뿌리형성을 유도하였다. 2. 뿌리수의 발달은 포트 깊이가 얕을수록 많았고, 상대증식률도 컸다. 전체 뿌리길이와 평균 간장률은 포트 깊이가 깊을수록 길었다. 3. 각 순위별 뿌리수는 포트깊이가 깊을수록 1차 순위와 2차 순위 뿌리수가 많았고 얕을수록 3차 순위의 뿌리수가 많았다. 뿌리의 구조는 가식 후 20일에는 깊은 포트에서 넓은 뿌리 구조를 보였고 가식 후 25일에는 얕은 포트에서 넓은 뿌리 구조를 보여 공간제한에 따른 뿌리 형태와 구조가 변화하였다.
        1981.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since 1960 tankers and bulk carriers have rapidly increased in size up to 500, 000 dwt. in operating as main system of transportation for the international trade at sea, and studies are doing carried out by various groups with a view to increasing the size still further. However, the service speed of these ships has remained almost constant, and steering devices of them have nearly not changed, comparing with regular size of a dry cargo ship. This creats the dituation where stopping distance and advance are proportionally longer for larger ships. In case of collision at sea, these vessels have been arised some serious casualties, such as sinking, fire and oil pollution. This paper analyzers a study for the handling of super huge vessels to avoid collision at sea, basing on the results of the crash astern test and turning test of them.
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