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        검색결과 66

        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The chemical and meteorological effects on the concentration variations of air pollutants (O3 and its precursors) were evaluated based on ground observation data in coastal and inland regions, Busan during springs and summers of 2005-2006. For the purpose of this study, study areas were classified into 5 categories: coastal area (CA), industrial area (IA), downtown area (DA), residential area (RA), and suburban area (SA). Two sites of Dongsam (DS) and Yeonsan (YS) were selected for the comparison purpose between the coastal and inland regions. O3 concentrations in CA and SA were observed to be highest during spring (e.g., 40 ppb), whereas those in DA and RA were relatively low during summer (e.g., 22~24 ppb). It was found that O3 concentrations in IA were not significantly high although high VOCs (especially toluene of about 40 ppb) and NOx (≥ 35 ppb) were observed. On the other hand, the concentration levels of O3 and PM10 at the DS site were significantly higher than those at the YS site, but NOx was slightly lower than that at the YS site. This might be caused by the photochemical activity and meteorological conditions (e.g., sea-land breeze and atmospheric stagnance). When maximum O3 (an index of photochemical activity) exceeds 100 ppb, the contribution of secondary PM10 ((PM10)SEC) to total observed PM10 concentrations was estimated up to 32% and 17% at the DS and YS sites, respectively. In addition, the diurnal variations of (PM10)SEC at the DS site were similar to those of O3 regardless of season, which suggests that they are mostly secondary PM10 produced from photochemical reactions.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Until comparatively lately, the annual time series of the SO2 concentration had been shown in a decreasing trend in Ulsan as well as other Korean cities. However, the high concentration of SO2 was frequently found in the specific countermeasure region including the national industrial complex such as Mipo and Onsan in the Ulsan city for the period of 2001∼2004. There are many conditions that can influence the high concentration of SO2 at monitoring sites in Ulsan, such as: First, annual usage of the fuel including sulfur increased in comparison with the year before in spite of the fuel conversion policy which wants to use low sulfur oil less than 3% and LNG. Second, point source, such as the power plants and the petroleum and chemistry stacks, was the biggest contributor in SO2 emission, as a analyzed result of both the air quality modeling and the stack tele-monitoring system (TMS) data. And third, the air pollutants that occurred in processes of burning and manufacturing of the fuel including sulfur were transported slow into a special monitoring site by accumulating along the frontal area of see-breeze. It was concluded that Ulsan's current environmental policy together with control methods should be changed into the regulation on total amount of emission, including a market-based emission trading with calculating of atmospheric environmental critical loads, for the SO2 reduction like the specific countermeasure for the O3 and PM10 reduction in the Seoul metropolitan area. And this change should be started in the big point sources of 1∼3 species because they are big contributors of Ulsan's SO2 pollution. Especially it is necessary to revitalize of the self-regulation environmental management. Other control methods for sustaining the SO2 reduction are as follows: maintenance of the fuel conversion policy, reinforcement of the regional stationary source emission standard, and enlargement of the stack TMS.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rapid progress in urbanization has resulted in a change of the micro climate, especially in the urban area. In order to investigate the phenomenon of the heat island in the residential micro climate, a field survey was carried out by 4 sets of the residential type in Jeonju under typical winter synoptic condition. As analytic methode, it is used the comparison on the relation of the Land-to-Coverage Rate to Heat Island and Oxygen Concentration. And as a key question it is asked how stable characteristics of the micro climate will result from the survey of the Heat Island and the Oxygen Concentration, used as indicator. To ensure the trustworthy result of research, it is calculated the critical influence of the wind velocity and the Land-to-Covearage Rate. As a result of comparative analysis, it could be confirmed that the local temperatures in all sets of the residential type were higher than the average temperature in Jeonju. But the housing type A "exclusive use for housing zone" has relativly the most stable and best living condition. On the contrary the residential type B and D has the worst toward the oxygen concentration in the time zone 9-12 a.m., which didn't reach the minimum of the oxygen concentration 20.5%. It means that the higer the development and population density is, the worse is the situation of the Quality of Life in the residential types in accordance with the heat island and oxygon concentration.
        2002.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Air quality monitoring data and meteorology data which had collected from 1995. 1. to 1999. 2. in six areas of Daegu, Manchondong, Bokhyundong, Deamyungdong, Samdukdong, Leehyundong and Nowondong, were investigated to determine the distribution and characteristic of ozone. A equation of multiple regression was suggested after time series analysis of contribution factor and meteorology factor were investigated during the day which had high concentration of ozone. The results show the following; First, 63.6% of high ozone concentration days, more than 60 ppb of ozone concentration, were in May, June and September. The percentage of each area showed that; Manchondong 14.4%, Bokhyundong 15.4%, Deamyungdong 15.6%, Samdukdong 15.6%, Leehyundong 17.3% and Nowondong 21.6%. Second, correlation coefficients of ozone, SO2, TSP, NO2 and CO showed negative relationship; the results were respectively -0.229, -0.074, -0.387, -0.190(p<0.01), and humidity were -0.677. but temperature, amount of radiation and wind speed had positive relationship; the results were respectively 0.515, 0.509, 0.400(p<0.01). Third, R2 of equation of multiple regression at each area showed that; Nowondong 45.4%, Lee hyundong 77.9%, Samdukdong 69.9%, Daemyungdong 78.8%, Manchondong 88.6%, Bokhyundong 77.6%. Including 1 hour prior ozone concentration, R2 of each area was significantly increased; Nowondong 75.2%, Leehyundong 89.3%, Samdukdong 86.4%, Daemyungdong 88.6%, Manchondong 88.6%, Bokhyundong 88.0%. Using equation of multiple regression, There were some different R2 between predicted value and observed value; Nowondong 48%, Leehyundong 77.5%, Samdukdong 58%, Daemyungdong 73.4%, Manchondong 77.7%, Bokhyundong 75.1%. R2 of model including 1 hour prior ozone concentration was higher than equation of current day; Nowondong 82.5%, Leehyundong 88.3%, Samdukdong 80.7%, Daemyungdong 82.4%, Manchondong 87.6%, Bokhyundong 88.5%.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        비파괴분석을 통한 종실 성분 함량 측정의 가능성을 알아보고자 근적외분광분석기(NIRS)를 사용하여 강낭콩 종실 및 분말상태로 조단백 및 조지방 함량을 측정하였다. 1. 강낭콩의 100립중은 12.8-45.5g, 조단백 12.2-16.5%, 조지방 1.68-2.08%의 분포를 나타냈다. 2. 시험계통별 조단백 함량은 13.1-14.0% 13개(32.5%), 조지방 함량은 1.8-l.9% 18개(45%)로 가장 많은 비율을 나타냈다. 3. 검량선 작성시 종래의 화학적 방법에 의한 분석치와 NIRS 분석치 와의 상관계수는 조단백의 경우 비파괴의 종실이 0.90,분말 0.97이고 조지방의 경우 종실 0.40, 분말 0.92로 종실보다는 분말시료가 검량식의 작성에 유리함을 알 수 있었고, 화학성분으로 볼 때 조지방 검량식 보다는 조단백의 검량식이 유용성이 더 큰 것으로 판단되었다. 4. 작성된 검량식들의 정확도를 알아보기 위해 미지의 시료로 측정된 NIRS 분석치와 Validation과의 상관계수는 조단백의 경우 종실 0.86, 분말 0.84이었고 조지방은 종실 0.62, 분말 0.92를 나타내어 조단백의 이용은 가능할 것으로 판단되었다.
        1993.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리나라 주요 벼 재배품종 및 신육성계통(자포니카: 25품종, 통일형:8품종)에 대한 쌀 알칼리 붕괴성의 품종적 특이성을 분시검토하여 보고자 KOH 농도를 0.8-1.8까지 0.2% 간격으로 처리하여 농도별 쌀의 알칼리 붕괴반응을 조사하고 주성분분석법을 적용하여 품종적 유형을 분류하였다. 주성분분석에서 상위 2개 주성분치의 변이가 전변이량의 92%을 차지하였고 제1 및 제2 주요분치 좌표상의 품종분포에 따라 크게 4개 유형으로 군집화 시킬 수 있었다. 제 I 군에서는 전 KOH 농도에 걸쳐 거의 비슷하게 알칼리 붕괴성(ADV)가 낮은 도봉벼만 유일하게 분포하였고, 제 II군에는 1.4% KOH 농도에서 중간정도의 ADV 이면서 고-저 알칼리 농도 ADV간차가 중도인 백운찰벼, 신선찰벼 및 수원 34002 등 찰벼가 포함되어 있었다. 제 III군에는 1.4% KOH 농도에서 중-중고의 ADV 이면서 저-고 KOH 농도간 ADV 변화가 심했던 대부분의 통일형 품종과 자포니카 조생계가 분포되어 있었고 육도농림찰 001와 한강 찰벼등은 이 유형에 포함되어 있었다. 제 IV군에는 1.4% KOH 농도에서 ADV가 중고이상으로 높으면서 고-저 알칼리 농도 ADV간차가 중-중고인 중생 및 중만생 자포니카 품종들이 주로 분포 하였으며 조생인 금조벼가 이 유형에 속하였다. 여기서 제 1 주성분은 전 알칼리 농도에서 평균적으로 표현되는 붕괴성 정도였고 제 2 주성분은 저-고 KOH 농도의 ADV간 차 또는 KOH 농도에 따른 ADV 변화의 회귀계수와 밀접하게 관련된 요소였다. 1.2%-1.4% KOH 농도에서의 ADV는 저-고 KOH 농도간 ADV차와 2차 곡선 회귀계수를 나타내었다.세째, 질적관리가 매우 중시되는 고위험 신생아의 집중관리를 위한 '표준 의료관리지침서' 마련, 네째, 동 시설 및 관리에 준하여 주산기 의료시설에 대한 감독 및 감시기능 강화를 위한 제도적 장치가 마련되어야 할 것이다. to bed", 15.8 percent is "After breakfast", 13.3 percent is "After every meal", 5.2 percent is "Before breakfast" and 4.7 percent is "The sometimes it occurs to them". 3. The acquirement process of knowledge on the dental health were clinics or health center dentists (27.6%), TV(24.5%), magazine(9.2%), school(7.8%), relatives(5.3%). and 25.6 percent has never acquired. 28.3 percent of the farmers learned something by clinics and 28.1 percent of them haven′t heard about dental health. 4. The rate of persons who experienced oral diseases during 1 year period was 76.1 percent, and that of the educated was 19.9 percent and that of the uneducated 80.1 percent. The authorities concerned with treatment were dentist′
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