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        검색결과 132

        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Paraloconota was described as a subgenus of the genus Atheta by Cameron (1939) including seven species and he noted that it is similar to Aloconota Thomson, but can be distinguished by transverse impression of abdominal tergite IV and absence of tubercle of male tergite VII. Since then, Coiffait (1982) first treated it as a genus and described a new species. Pace (1993) proposed it as a subgenus of the genus Liogluta Thomson, 1858. Later, however, he (1998) treated it as a different genus related Liogluta. Smetana (2004) followed Coiffait (1982) and Pace (1998), and listed a subgenus Paraliogluta Pace of Liogluta as a synonym of Paraloconota. Members of the Paraloconota can be distinguished from other aleocharine genera by combination of the following characters: infraorbital carina incomplete or absent; labium with ligula divided in 2 lobes at base, lateral pseudopores absent on prementum; mesoventral process reaching to half length of mesocoxae, pointed at apex; metaventrite not produced between metacoxae narrowly separated; pubescence relatively long; legs long; empodial seta distinctly longer than claw; male tergite VII without tubercle; median lobe of aedeagus narrow apically in ventral aspect. (Cameron 1939, Pace 1991) The genus Paraloconota contains 26 species with a limited distribution in the East Palaearctic and Oriental regions (Smetana 2004) and they are usually found in the long moss attached to boulders in swiftly running mountain streams (Cameron 1939). While studying on Korean Athetini, the genus Paraloconota and a new species, P. koreana sp. n., are identified for the first time in Korea. Also we found that they are in agreement with the diagnostic characters of the tribe Geostibini Seevers, 1978 presented by Elven et al. (2012). In this study we transfer from Athetini to Geostibini and provide a habitus photograph and illustrations of the diagnostic characters of Paraloconota koreana sp. n..
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two families of checkered beetles (Cleridae and Thanerocleridae) contain approximately 3,600 described species. Clerus is one of genera belonging to the Omadius genus-group (Cleridae: Clerinae: Clerus series), and distributed in Palaearctic, Indo-Australian and Afrotropic regions containing 17 species. Among the known species, 11 species have been recorded from Palaearctic region (seven from East Asian countries). Through a taxonomic study on the Korean Clerus species, a total of three species, C. dealbatus (Kraatz, 1879), C. pilosellus (Gorham, 1878) and Clerus sp. nov. are recognized. From the present study, it was confirmed that C. dealbatus was misidentified as Thanasimus lewisi (Jacobson, 1911) in the country, due to the similarity of the body coloration. The presence of the latter species in Korean insect fauna is very doubtful. Diagnostic characters of three Korean Clerus species are presented.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In terms of aphid species identification, both host plant association and morphological characteristics are crucial factors. However, aphids in the genus Aphis Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Aphididae) often are cryptic in morphology due to their rapid radiation. Moreover, overlapping host plant species can make difficult situation worse. Three cryptic species Aphis gossypii Glover, Aphis glycines Matsumura, and Aphis rhamnicola sp. nov. occur together on the Buckthorn, Rhamnus spp. in the overwintering season in Korea. Due to lacking informative morphological characters and host plant sharing, the new species recently has been recognized as a distinct species. In this study, A. rhamnicola sp. nov. on various host plants was compared with the primary host sharing species, A. gossypii and A. glycines, based on morphological and molecular characteristics. In the results, there were significant genetic differences between three species, despite the high similarities in morphology. Our results provide strong evidence for establishing new species, which seems to be a typical heteroecious species that alternates between only primary host, Rhamnus spp., and various secondary hosts. We describe a new species, A. rhamnicola sp. nov., for apterous and alate vivipara, fundatrix, ovipara, and gynopara, including diagnostic key for host sharing species in genus Aphis.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Duplachionaspis속(屬)의 D. divergens (Green, 1899) 1종을 국내분포로 처음 보고하고, 동 속과 종의 특징, 동아시아산 Duplachionaspis속(屬)의 종 동정에 필요한 검색표, 사진자료, 분포 및 기주 정보를 함께 기재하였다.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We recognize a new species, belonging to the genus Neopsephus Kishii 1990, from Is. Jeju. The novel species is closely allied to N. takasago Kishii 1990 known from Taiwan. This study provides the detailed morphological characteristics investigated by SEM and molecular data inferred from COI and 16S rRNA of mitochondria.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new genus, belonging to the tribe Hemicrepidini of subfamily Dendrometrinae, from Taiwan is established. The new genus is compared to their related eight genera occurring in Taiwan by cladistic analysis based on diagnostic characters used in generic level.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Goniozus Förster which is belonging to the subfamily Bethylinae (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), are one of the large genera, and consist of approximately 170 species worldwide. Most members of Goniozus are ectoparasitoids of immature stages of microlepidopteran families, mainly Gelechiidae, Pyralidae and Tortricidae. As a results of this study, a total of five species of the genus Goniozus are recognized in Korea, which includes two new species, two newly recorded species and a previously recorded species. Diagnosis and illustrations for each species are presented.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Systematic studies within the family Pterophoridae have been determined by external morpholgical characteristics (Yano 1963, Spuler 1910, Meyrick 1910). However, it is sometimes to be the result of species misplacement by the variation, depending on geographic isolation and genetic drift (Moran, 1986; Shufran et al., 2000; Anstead et al., 2002; Margaritopoulos et al., 2006). The genus Platyptilia Hübner [1925] is one of the largest genera of the family comprising more than 100 species according to the World’s Catalog by Gielis (2003) mainly distributed from Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions. Within the genus, Platyptilia ignifera has been suspected as very differentiated from other congeneric species in the morphological characters. In this study, to ascertain a placement of the species, we performed molecular analysis with one mitochondrial gene, COI and one nuclear gene, 28S, and morphometric analysis based on six ratios characters using principal components analysis (PCA). The sequences of the two genes, COI, 28S, implied that Platyptilia ignifera separated from Platyptilia spp. In addition, P. ignifera exhibited morphological characteristics distinct from other congeneric species. Based on these results, we propose that Neoplatyptilia gen. nov., for Platyptilia ignifera.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Up to days, 5 species belonging to the genus Clytus, one of the large genera among the tribe Clytini have been recorded from Korean peninsula. The genus Clytus can be distinguished from the other genera by combination of following characteristics: width of head between each antennal socket longer than length of scape; carinae on frons absent; 1st segment of hind-tarsus 2 times shorter than combined length of 2nd+3rd segments; hind-femora weekly swelled in middle part; posterior part of metasternum without process in ventral view. Clytus sp. nov. is most similar to C. clavicornis Reiche, an endemic species to Sicily island in Southern Italy, having thickened 5th or 6th to apical antennal segment. However, this species can be distinguished from the latter species by specific morphological characteristics. As a result of this study, we report Clytus sp. nov. as new to science with brief description and illustrations diagnostic characteristics with key to the Korean Clytus species.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We performed molecular and morphological analyses to determine generic limit of the genus Aulacorthum including several species with controversial taxonomic histories. The sequences of four mitochondrial genes, COI, COII, srRNA and lrRNA, and one nuclear gene, EF1a, implied that Aulacorthum is not monophyletic, with Aulacorthum magnoliae and Aulacorthum nipponicum forming a clade that is not sister to other currently recognized Aulacorthum species. Morphometric analysis based on 20 morphological characters also showed that A. magnoliae and A.nipponicum exhibited morphological characteristics distinct from congeneric species. Based these results, we propose a new genus, Neoaulacorthum ge. n. for A.magnoliae and A.nipponicum.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Scolytus of the family Scolytidae comprises more than 120 species through the world. Fifteen species of the genus Scolytus are revised from Korean peninsula. The genus Scolytus can be distinguished from the other genera by combination of following characteristics: frons slightly concave or convex with vertical wrinkles; club longer than 7-segmented funicle; pronotum fairly large, shining, punctured, narrowed towards the front, turning into a more slight or distinct neck-like constriction; vicinity of scutellum deeply impressed; elytra flat with punctures densely or sparsely arranged in rows; abdominal sternites from 2nd to 5th obliquely, convexly, concavely or vertically ascendant and with or without process or tubercles at middle. Scolytus frontalis Blandford, 1894 is new record to Korea. This species was collected from living Zelkova tree, Zelkova serrata which were planted along the street. We provide the habitus of this species and its biological informations.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new species of Adoxophyes unique from other closely resembling species was discovered based on molecular characters. Larvae of this species were collected from sweet cherry (Prunus avium) imported from China and intercepted under plant quarantine inspection at Korean sea and airport in 2008. They were reared to adult in the laboratory for accurate identification. We also collected two specimens from China for this study. In addition, we conducted a comparative study of three related Korean species (A. orana, A. honmai, and A. paraorana (= orana-like)) to confirm the identity of new species. We compared DNA barcoding sequences (~658 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene from 13 specimens of four Adoxophyes species. We also compared variable internal transcribed space region 1 (ITS 1) nuclear rDNA sequence for further identification. As a result of this study, we confirmed the identity of Adoxophyes a new species. We also provided pairwise p-distances among the species and their neighbor-joining tree.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Platyptilia Hübner is the largest group of the tribe Platyptiliini (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae) distributed in the Afrotropical and Palaearctic regions and rarely from the Pacific and Nearctic region, with 107 species (Gielis 2003) known from all over the world. From the Palaearctic region, 25 species have been described: 6 from Japan, 3 from China, and 11 from Russia, and two species, Platyptilia suigensis Matsumura and P. farfarellus Zeller from Korea. Recently, we recognized 5 species, including a new species and two species new to korea: Platyptilia ignifera Meyrick and P. nemoralis Zeller.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fourteen species of the genus Aulacorthum Mordvilko 1914 (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) are recognized from the Korean Peninsula. One new species, Aulacorthum artemisiphaga sp. nov. on Artemisia princeps and Artemisia stolonifera (Asteraceae) was compared with the seven congeneric species based on their morphological and molecular characteristics. Morphometric analysis using 29 morphological characters shows that A.artemisiphaga sp. nov. can be distinguished from the seven congeneric species. In comparisons of COI and CytB genes, A. artemisiphaga sp. nov. had inter-specific genetic distances (average 7.5% for COI and average 7.4% for CytB) similar to those of other congeneric species. Host plants of the Korean Aulacorthum are reviewed.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Odontepyris sp. nov., a new ectoparasitoid on the caterpillar of Telorta divergens (Butler, 1879) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is recognized from Korea. After rearing the larvae on the host insect, adult females were obtained and described. Revising all known species of genus Odontepyris, a key to the species of the genus Odontepyris is presented for the Eastern Palearctic region.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new species of Adoxophyes is described, illustrated, and distinguished from closely resembling species. Larvae of this species were discovered on sweet cherry (Prunus avium) imported from China and intercepted under plant quarantine inspection at Korean sea- and airport. They were reared to adult in the laboratory for identification. We provide a full description of the new species based on adult of female external structures. In addition, we conducted a comparative study of three related species (A. orana, A. honmai, and A. new species) and provided a key to distinguish them. To confirm the identity of new species, we compared barcoding sequences (~472 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene from 11 specimens of three Adoxophyes species. As a result of this study, we confirmed the identity of Adoxophyes new species. We also provided pairwise p-distances among the species and their neighbor-joining tree.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera) commonly known as 'plume moths' is cosmopolitanand comprises 1,136 species in the world (Gielis, 2003). Of these, approximately 250 species are known in the Palaearctic Region (Arenberger, 1995). In Korea, since two species of the family, Platyptilia rhododactyla (Denis et Schiffermller)) and P. suigensis Matsumura were reported by Matsumura (1931) and Park (1983) listed 7 species for the fauna of Korea, excepting P. suigensis, no additional species has been reported from Korea. The genus Nippoptilia, belonging to subfamily Platyptilinae,is a small group with only 7 described species in the world. Of them, 4 species Nippoptilia eochrodes (Meyrick), N. issikii Yano, N. minor Hori, and N. vitis (Sasaki) have been known in the Palearctic Region (Gielis 2003), distributing 3species from Japan (Gielis, 2003) and a single species from China, and N. vitis (Sasaki) from Korea respectively. This paper is aimed to review all known species of the genus Nippoptilia in Korea, based on material deposited in all available collections in Korea. All the type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect collection, Korea National Arboretum, Korea.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Tribe Prosternini of the subfamily Dendrometrinae comprises approximately 530 species in 39 genera through the world. Especially about 250 species in 20 genera with 13 subgenera has been known in the Palaearctic region. In process of the taxonomic study on the members belonging to this tribe in Korea, the authors recognized a new genus including to three new species. This new genus has close affinities with species of the genera Acteniceromorphus Kishii 1955, Liotricus Kiesenwetter 1858, and Actenicerus Kiesenwetter 1858. The novel genus differs from mostly allied to the genus Acteniceromorphus in its specialized paramere shape in the male genitalia, lacking unicarina on the pronotal hind angles, and the character state of the prosternal process. This presentation is given that above four genera including the new genus from Korea are compared to discuss their place in classification by basis of morphological information.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper we represent a new species, Cteniobathynella ahnerti sp. nov., from South America. The new species is characterized by the heterodont teeth on free margin of labrum, the spine row of the mandible consisting of four thick spines, the presence
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