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        검색결과 167

        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Increasing number of churches are adopting church social volunteer programs. A major issue in organizing social volunteering concerns the management that are most effective for recruiting member participation. Grounded in previous research and discussion, this study develops and estimates a model identifying the relationships of religiosity, church social volunteer recruitment management, and level of church members’ social volunteering. Using survey data from 1,490 church-going Christians and employing multiple regression method, this study demonstrates the importance of organizational intervention such as church social volunteer recruitment management to promote Christians’ social volunteering. This study discusses directions for future research on same research topics.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean missionaries and Korean diaspora churches are all around the world now. In fact, Korea is widely known as the second-largest missionary sending country in the world, and the country where the biggest church in the world is located. However, although Korean diaspora churches are located in strategic places for world mission, many are reaching out to only Koreans. Of course, they are engaging in various forms of mission. But mission is not their main pursuit. They tend to focus more on internal programs, and differentiate those programs from mission. Missional churches, on the other hand, have a different understanding. They think of the church as having one vocation: participation in the missio Dei—that is, the Triune God’s own mission. In other words, traditional churches have programs, some of which focus on mission; in contrast, missional churches focus mainly on mission and seek to bring all their programs to bear on that task. This study, in which the author commends the latter ecclesiological stance, explores how Korean diaspora churches in North America might be able to move from a traditional stance to a missional one. Utilizing three transformation theories as a framework for analysis, and working from data from interviews with leaders from ten Korean churches in North America and North American-based Korean missional leaders, plus library research and the records and histories of the churches studied, this study concluded that the authoritarian model of pastoral leadership in first generation Korean diaspora churches in North America militates against the employment of any change process that does not focus first and foremost on senior pastors. Given the support of the senior pastor, the study further recommends a strategy for change that is tailored to the culture of first generation North America Korean churches.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is intended to explore the relationship of korean churches and the shamanism from the missional perspective. July 7, 2007 the very interesting article was reported in ‘The New York Times’. It bears the title, “Shamanism Enjoys Revival in Techno-Savvy South Korea”. According to this report, there are an estimated 300,000 shamans in south-korea. By contrast it is approximately 120,000 protestant pastors in south korea. Until now the shamanism and the mudangs are estimated so negative by reason of their ‘health and wealth gospel’. Specially the korean church took it as the mammonism. But the health and wealth gospel of shamanism aims the worldy centered worth, not the mammonism. By religious ritual named ‘gut’ they will find a solution to one's problem, but will not accumulate wealth. They think that the most problem of human beings arise from the distorted relationship between the divine beings and the livings. So by the gut they try to reconcile the livings with the divine beings. For this, the mudangs serve their gods with all their hearts; they pray every early morning with the lustral water, support their gods with fresh new fruits. This faithful devotion is called ‘chiseong’ in korean, and this could be comepare with the spiritual discipline. By this ‘chiseong’ the mudangs can be recognized as the spiritual psychics. And this will afford an excellent lesson to the korean churches, for the church as a missionary organ have to witness the presence of the living God in this world.
        2011.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to deal with the background of emergence of the missional church, to analyse changing cultural context in Korea, to suggest indicators of the missional church, and to delineate the essence, leadership and ministry, and structure of the missional church. In conclusion, it simply evaluates the Korean church based on the practical discourse of the missional church and suggest a future outlook of the Korean church. The emergence of the missional church(or the missional ecclesiology) orginated from Lesslie Newbigin's mission work and his mission theology. It has been expanded to the movement, so-called “the Gospel and Our Culture conversation” in the early 1980s in England. The missional challenge Lesslie Newbigin faced was the missional response in between the gospel and western worldview. Influences of the movement has spread by American missiologists as it formed a “network” in the mid 1980s in north America. In the early 1990s north American churches had been loosing social credibility due to the influences of materialism and secularism. In this situation “Gospel and Our Culture Network” became spreading its influences on the church and society by producing books and articles which contained missional insights and analyses of the north American church and American culture. The church's reaction to changing cultural context can be shown in three modes: (1) relevancy; (2) resistance; and (3) adaptation. But these approaches distort the essence of the gospel and cannot properly cope with the rapidly changing context. So we need a new approach in order to overcome the limits of these approaches. This must be a missional church that is grounded on the Bible and sensitively responds rapid culture change, and is created and led by the Holy Spirit. The missional church that firmly responds to a changing cultural context is a forming and reforming church as being called by the triune God and sent to the world. That is, the church must be both confessional and missional. The missional church reveals the triune God in the encounter between the gospel and culture. The very reason that the missional church exists in the world is not because of human purpose or hope, but the result of creating and redeeming work of God in the world. Therefore to participate in the mission of triune God(Missio Dei ) who calls the church, sends it to the world, and renews it in the power of the Holy Spirit is a long journey that A key of the formation of a missional community is missional leadership. The essence of the church, being the church, determines the ministry and structure of the church. The missional leadership is incarnational(servant leadership) and apostolic leadership. The holistic leadership that mobilizes believers to various ministries is closely related to the doctrine of priesthood of all believers and is a leadership form which equips believers to be ministers. The five leadership roles, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, which are shown in the book of Ephesian, are decisive factors determinating on the church's ministry. These concepts of Christian ministry claims a paradigm shift from clergy-centered hierarchical leadership to divine gift-centered lay leadership. In order to verify the fact that the church is missionary in essence, the church must rediscover the gospel. A church trying to restoring the gospel can find crucified and risen Jesus Christ, and firmly realizes the meaning of Christian discipleship in carrying out the great commission, and is empowered to live out the gospel in every sphere of its life.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The unification mission of the Korean church is carried out with more Diakonia than Kerygma. It has the positive effects on the national product as well as on the food-and nutrition status in North Korea, besides on the personal relations between South and North Korea. It has also the positive mission effect in North Korea, although that is not confirmed exactly with number. But because of the exclusionism of the North Korean regime transparency and efficiency of the aid become hot issues and induced the ‘South-South conflict’. Not only that, the humanitarian aid is under the strong influence of the political situation. Moreover in the year 2010 because of the attacking Chunan-Ham and the bombardment Yunpyung-Do the diaconal activity of the Korean church must be closed. In order to exceed these limitations an another diaconal method can be proposed. That ist the commercial aid with return beside the contributive aid without return. The commercial aid with return has not few advantage: ⑴ It ist a international business, that is political neutral furthermore protected by government. ⑵ The commercial aid produces value-added, that can be the self-supporting ground for the partner. ⑶ Therefore the commercial aid does not induce the partner to fall in the ‘Samaritan’s dilemma’. ⑷ The commercial aid is self-sustaining and can be enlarged, if it makes a profit. ⑸ The material resource of aid is invested in business and in production system, not concentrated on a place. ⑹ The commercial aid does not make ‘agent problem’, nor the problem of low transparency and low efficiency on the level of the contributive aid. But what ist more important, is the harmony of Korean churches to make a unified organization, that takes care of the commercial aid. This organization can concentrate the unification power of the Korean churches, because it could treat the problem of the internal competition between Korean churches themselves, the overlapping of aids, the monitoring etc. In the end the harmony of Korean churches determines the time of the Unification in the korean peninsula.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thirty years have passed since the first Korean missionary Youngja Kim had arrived in India in 1980. Korean missionaries have filled up the vacancy of Western missionaries after they had gone home. They have done excellent job particularly in the field of church planting where the Western missionaries found it hard. Unfortunately, however, Korean missionaries have worked tirelessly without having any chance to get feedback from Indian natives and churches. This article shows the present situation and some problems of Korean missions. Its aim is to evaluate Korean missions in India by the reflection on Indian culture and Indian critic of foreign missions carried out in India. Korean missionaries have worked mainly among so-called the scheduled caste people and the scheduled tribe, namely the lowest strata of Indian society. The religion of S. C. and the S. T. is Buddhism, Sikhism, Animism and Totemism unlike the mainline Hinduism. The Korean missionaries' work is mostly focused on church planting, along with teaching ministry in seminaries and schools, and social service. Indian Christians examined themselves and confessed that 90% of their evangelistic efforts are carried out among about 4% Christians of their country. They proposed that their focused missionary efforts should be made among the main line caste Hindus who have not heard the Gospel. Secondly, Indian Christian leaders like R. C. Das demanded that foreign financial assistance should be stopped right now unless western missionaries would ruin the native initiative and the spirit of self-reliance which is essential to the fulfillment of Indian evangelism. Thirdly, they suggested that church building is culturally irrelevant in India where spirituality is raised by parents and elders rather than by the appointed paid Christian workers. Based on these criticism, Korean missionaries have to shift the traditional paradigm of missions in India as following. First, Korean missionaries should strike a balance by focusing on missions among the higher caste Hindus or middle class people in cities. Second, Korean missionaries should stop the financial assistance to the Indian workers and churches, and rather plant the independent spirit and the gospel faith.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It could be said that the Korean Church has improved through continuous diverse debates and division in its history. The debate in Korean Church history has begun after missionaries who came in early Korean Church history, so that it became different denominations. It my theses, I will study the diverse debate forms in the history of the Korean Church. For this, I will divide the Korean Church history in several periods according to the most important events. The first period is the 1910's in this period the Korean Church was established. The second period is 1930's, where there was theological debate between conservative theologies and liberal theologies. The third period is 1950's, when the Korean Presbyterian Church began to divide. The fourth period is 1970's: in this period there was a lot of debate over indigenization and 'Minjung' theology and also the conservative theology which made the churches grow. The final period is 1990's, in this period, conservative theologians and church leaders made super-size churches expel two liberal theologians who tried to establish the Korean theology in a Korean context. In my thesis, I will study the debate forms of each period and transitional phases in Korean Church history. It would not be possible, of course, to study all the denominations of the Korean Church. Therefore, I will research the Korean Methodist Church and the Korean Presbyterian Church, as the Korean Methodist Church has been in existence since the arrival of early missionaries who first came to Korea and also the Korean Presbyterian Church which has been most divided of the different denominations in Korean Church history. It could be helpful to find the new way of mission for unity and forgiveness in Korean church history.
        2009.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the 1930s, new theologians who studied abroad, due to Japan’s cultural policy of the 1920s, wanted to recognize the Bible and theology of their own subjective opinion, and get out of the fundamental conversation of theology of the early Western missionaries. It caused a debate between Conservative and Progressive theology in the early churches in Korea. Through the “Hypothesis of Moses Copyright negation” and “Problem of the Interpretation of Women’s Rights”, which were condemned issues by Presbyterians in 1934, and also the “Abingdon Bible Commentary Incident in 1935”; early Korean church leaders, pastors, and even missionaries, who were educated by Conservative western missionaries, judged the change of the new theologians’ view. Pastor Sun Joo Kil, a leader of the “Pyong Yang Revival Movement” which was initiated by Missionary Hady in 1907, held his Bible crusades, and his successful spiritual revival movement kept until 1910. After him, Pastor Ik Doo Kim started the Healing Crusade, as a new step of the spiritual revival movement in 1920. There was also another man who wanted to revive the Korean church, based on the contemporary churches. He tried to reform the churches, not to be conservative but to be focused on spiritual approaches. His name was pastor Yong Do Lee. Unfortunately, Pastor Yong Do Lee’s Shimuyan, works were only recorded for five years from 1928 to 1933. He died when he was only 33. In spite of his short life, the Korean Churches were influenced greatly and changed by him. He was also thought as an enthusiastic and mystic theologian, and also even a preacher who had the element of heresy. The main theme of this thesis focuses on the renewal missions of today's Korean Churches based on Pastor Yong Do Lee’s works for renovating them. This research guides and provides the material to find out a certain way to build up the revival of the Korean Churches’ growth and advance.
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