한국어는 ‘-이-, -히-, -리-, -기-’ 등과 같은 접미사가 첨가되어 흔 히 단일 피동문을 형성하는데 ‘-어지-’를 가하여 이중피동이라고 칭하고 구성된 것이다. 이 연구는 ‘피동접미사 + -어지-’ 구성을 대상으로 삼아, 이의 실제 언어 현실에서 구어로 많이 사용되는 양상과 통사 및 의미 특 징을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로, ‘피동접미사 + -어지-’ 구 성에서 ‘-이/히/리/기-’와 ‘-어지-’가 함께 사용될 때, ‘-이/히/리/기-’ 가 피동의 의미를 유지하면서 ‘-어지-’의 피동 의미가 약해지고 다른 의 미가 발생한다는 주장을 제시한다. 연구 방법론은 국립국어원의 일상 대 화 말뭉치 2020(버전 1.1)을 중심으로 자료를 수집하고, 필요에 따라 인 터넷 자료를 보완적으로 활용한다. 이를 통해 ‘피동접미사 + -어지-’ 구 성의 양상을 추출하고, 다음으로는 통사적 특징을 서술어 제약, 시제나 양태를 나타내는 어미 제약, 보조용언 제약, 부정문 제약으로 구분하여 논의한다. 마지막으로, ‘피동접미사 + -어지-’ 구성의 의미 특징을 검토 하면서 ‘-어지-’의 의미는 ‘동작의 진행’을 강조하는 강조법과 ‘능력’이나 ‘무의도’의 양태 의미로 분석한다. ‘피동접미사 + -어지-’ 구성의 사용이 점차 늘어가고 있는 추세에서 보면 본 연구가 이 구성이 문법적인 표현으로 인정하는 것을 힘써서 일반적인 언어 변화의 양상을 고찰한 의의가 있다.
Climatologists have warned rapid climate change of the earth and it will cause a big disaster worldwide. the rapid climate change is mostly due to emission of greenhouse gases. To reduce greenhouse gases, many countries have prepared protocols, agreements, and treaties. IMO(International Maritime Organization) have established the protocol to decrease ship’s greenhouse gases emission and they consider the nuclear power source is an option to replace fossils fuels. Our study focused on elemental technologies related to a nuclear powered ship and, the passive residual heat removal system(PRHRS) is one of topics in our study. As the mandatory of the post Fukushima accident, PRHRS for a nuclear powered ship has been studied. We invented the new concepts of PRHRS which is optimized to a nuclear powered ship. The numerical analysis results indicated that the system is very reasonable. Based on the numerical analysis, an experiential loop was set and we preliminary tested the performance of the system under the reduced scale. The experimental results came with the numerical analysis results well.
This paper examines the difference of degree of acceptability for suffix passive constructions and -eojida passive constructions, and the double-passive constructions in which both are combined. Afterwards, claim that the doublepassive constructions should be regarded as a well-formed passive constructions like the other two passive constructions. For this, we compare the acceptability of the acceptability of the double-passive constructions, suffix passive constructions and the -eojida passive constructions using descriptive statistics and one-way repeated measures ANOVA. As a result, the acceptability of the suffix sentence is highest, followed by the double-passive constructions and the -eojida passive constructions. Although double-passive constructions is treated as a non-grammatical sentence in school grammar, some items have the highest acceptability of double-passive constructions, as can be seen from the descriptive statistics. In addition, it is higher than the acceptability of the -eojida passive constructions in all questions. Taking these results into consideration, a double-passive constructions can be regarded as a qualified passive sentence, just like the other two passive constructions. In consequently, double-passive constructions can be interpreted as a combination of passive and other meanings (potential, unintentional, etc.).