
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modern railway construction by Japanese had a great influence on the urbanization, transformation of urban structure and landscape during the Japanese imperialism and compressive increasing period in Iri(Iksan). This paper aims to find out the effect of railway on the modern urban structure and urban landscape in Iri(Iksan). Railways in Iri, Honam railway, Kunsan railway, Jeonla railway have been constructed progressively during 1911 and 1915 with Iri and old Iri(east-Iri) station. From the analysis of land registration maps and street plans, old photographies and historical records, some significant features underling railway construction can be followed in view of modern urbanization process in Iri. Firstly railways cut off the possibility of developing urban structure based on traditional spatial structure of Iksan. Secondly railways made dual spatial structure in Iri. Japanese and Korean life zone were divided into separate district around urbanization area and market place. Thirdly traditional space cognition system based on four cardinal directions were changed to front and rear space of railway station. Fourthly railways and stations caused neo-baroque spatial order and imperialistic urban landscape of Iri with axis, vista and gridiron plan. Fifthly break points and fringe belts garbling modern urbanization process are created. Sixthly modern cultural and consumptive urban spaces were taken their seats in relation with daily urban life.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 화양계곡의 훼손된 문화경관 및 자연경관 개선을 위한 관리방안을 제시하고자 속리산국립공원 화양계곡을 대상으로 화양구곡의 주요 경관특성 및 화양계곡 전체의 식생경관 분석을 실시하였다. 고문헌 분석을 통해 화양계곡과 계곡 내 구곡의 경관원형을 분석하였다. 화양계곡의 경관원형은 여울이 있는 높은 산과 암반, 천연의 소나무군락 경관이었으며 구곡의 경관은 암반, 맑은 소, 소나무군락 등으로 구성되었는데 대부분 식생발달에 의한 암반경관 차폐, 모래퇴적에 의한 소멸, 인공림에 의한 자연경관 훼손 등의 문제점이 분석되었다. 식생경관에서는 계곡 주변으로 은사시나무, 아까시나무, 잣나무 등 인공식생이 분포하여 자연경관 및 원래 화양계곡 경관과 이질적인 경관을 형성하였다. 화양계곡 및 구곡의 경관 관리는 조선시대 은일적 문화경관과 뛰어난 계곡 자연식생경관 보전을 목표로 하였다. 문화경관 보전을 위한 구곡경관 관리방안으로 식생 및 이용자 관리를 통한 구곡 경관대상 부각 및 조망점 관리를 제안하였고 구곡의 배경이 되는 화양계곡 전체의 식생경관관리는 소나무군락 유지, 천이유도를 위한 인공림의 인공수종 제거 및 밀도관리를 제시하였다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to interpret Landscape of Naeap Village which still preserves the Confucian culture and the traditional clans among the ideally settled villages mentioned in Joong Hwan Lee’s 『Taengniji』and 『Joseon’s Fengsui』from the time of Japanese Imperial Rule, from CPTED principles. The following are the findings of this study: First, in terms of access control and zoning, Naeap Village was controlling access from the outside with the natural environment of Banbyeoncheon River and the hills surrounding the village, the artificial environment of human-scale walls around the head house and the dead ends, and the reformation by the Confucian ideologies. Naeap Village, in particular, is prominently configured by the hierarchy of zones; the Gaehosong pine trees, Gyeongpodae, and Naeapssu by the entrance to the village are considered the village itself and the landscapes and valleys are managed by the head house. Second, the Confucian culture across the village, the traditional vegetation method that does not hide the visibility, and the workers in the farms allow natural monitoring. The surrounding visibility is also applied to the spirit of mutual cooperation in the farming society, the culture of commoners at the common well and laundry site, and the culture of ruling class at the towers and pavilions. Third, Traditional villages show the efforts to preserve and maintain the villages with the village rules, the organizational decrees of the clan, and active response to national disasters