Background : Agastache rugosa (A.rugosa), belongs to the Labiatae family, is a perennial plant distributed in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China. It is commonly called korean mint and commercially consumed as a medicinal plant in many countries since the crop contains monoterpenes and phenylpropanoids including rosmarinic acid, tilianin and acacetin. Achievement of hairy root cultures (HRCs) through infection of A rhizogenes is a valuable alternative approach, resulting from genetic and biochemical stability, rapid growth rates and synthesis of natural products. Methods and Results : The hairy root, obtained from the explant of A.rugosa, was cultured in the basal half-strength MS (Murashige & Skoog) medium. The dry weights (DW) of hairy roots was measured after 4-days freeze dryer. The highest levels of DW were obtained at hairy roots cultured in the basal medium supplemented with glucose, galactose and sucrose. The lowest weight was recorded after HRCs in the control, meant that the medium did not contain any carbon sources. Sucrose, glucose and galactose are the most suitable for the growth of korean mint hairy roots. the rosmarinic acid contents in the hairy roots varied responding to various carbohydrates. The basal media added with sucrose resulted in the highest value of rosmarinic acid, followed by the basal media with galactose and glucose. The control showed the lowest amount of rosmarinic acid. Conclusion : In this study, carbon source are of importance for growth and accumulation of rosmarinic acid accumulation in korean mint hairy roots. Especially, the accumulation of rosmrinic acid and hairy root growth was the most appropriate carbohydrate. The current study suggests HRCs of korean mint could provide an valuable alternative approaches for the enhanced production of rosmarinic acid.
배초향 국내 수집종의 생육특성 및 수확시기별 로즈마린산과 정유함량을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 수집종들의 개화기는 8월 13일~8월25일로 진도 수집종이 가장 늦었고 초장은 120~170cm, 주당 분지수는 13~21개, 화방군(花房群)의 길이는 10~15cm였으며, 화방군(花房群)의 수(數)는 13~22개로 수집종간에 유의성이 없었다. 2. 수집종들의 부위별 건물수량 (kg/10a)은 꽃 109~156kg, 잎 135~252kg, 줄기 421~932kg, 뿌리172~394kg으로 꽃과 뿌리에서는 유의성이 없었으며 건물수량은 개화 중기 (9월 20일)에 수확한 것이 가장 많았다. 3. 수집종들의 로즈마린산 함량은 모든 부위에서 유의성이 인정되었는데 꽃 0.32~2.34%, 잎 0.97~1.64%, 줄기 0.03~0.21%, 뿌리 0.91~6.56%로 뿌리의 함량이 가장 높고 줄기의 함량이 가장 낮았다. 4. 잎의 로즈마린산과 정유함량은 개화전(開花前)이 각각 3.76%, 5.78%로 개화후(開花後)의 1.55%, 2.10%보다 더 높았으며 지상부의 로즈마린산 함량은 개화전에 가장 높았으나 정유 함량은 개화말기에 가장 높았다.