이 글에서는 제4차 APEC 교육장관회의를 위한 사전준비 심포지엄인 2008년 1월 중국 시안회의 및 4월의 제30차 HRD WG의 EDNET 필리핀 보홀 회의 그리고 6월 페루 리마에서 개최되었던 본 회의언 제4차 APEC 교육장관회의에서 다루어졌던 의제 및 이들 관련자료,그리고 연구자의 중국 시안 회의 참여관찰 등을 바탕으로 APEC 회원국 및 우리나라의 진립기술교육현황을 살펴보고,이 분야에서의 APEC 회원국간 상호 호혜적 국제협력을 위한 시사점 및 몇가지 제안을 제시하였다. 진로/기술교육 분야에서 우리나라가 제안할 수 있는 협력 사업으로APEC HRD WG의 EDNET 진로/기술교육 분야 소그룹 회의 아래에도 특정 진로/기술교육 관련 정책에 대하여 관심이 있는 이해당사국끼리 의견 및 정보를 교환할 수 있는 온라인/오프라인 지원체제 구축과 회원국의 진로/기술교육 발전을 도모하기 위한 정기적인 진로/기술교육EXPO 개최를 제시하였다.
Keong Yeun Ku. 2017. Development of Korean Elementary School Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence through Telecollaboration with American Peers. Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 271-290. The purpose of the study is to investigate effects of asynchronous telecollaboration with American peers on Korean elementary school students’ intercultural communicative competence(ICC) and their perception of the asynchronous telecollaboration. A total of 32 elementary school students of grade six divided into two groups, a control group of 16 students and an experimental group of 16 students, participated in the study. All participants’ ICC levels were evaluated with 21 questions based on Fantini’s ICC assessment scale before and after the telecollaborative learning with American peers. While telecollaborating with 28 American peers of grade five, the experimental group shared information on 8 different topics for two academic semesters. On the completion of collaborating with their American peers, the experimental group was only expected to answer the 20 questions related to the experience on the telecollaboration with American peers. The study found that (1) the elementary school students benefit from asynchronous telecollaboration with American peers in developing their ICC, (2) especially, the telecollaboration is of a great use in developing their knowledge and awareness of other culture, and (3) the students perceived the experience of telecollaboration to be an effective learning in terms of satisfaction, understanding, and concentration on class. At last, the implication and the study limitations were given.
In this paper, we present a practical palce and object recognition method for guiding visitors in building environments. Recognizing palces or objects in real world can be a difficult problem due to motion blur and camera noise. In this work, we present a modeling method based on the bidirectional interactionbetween places and objects for simulataneous reinforcement for the robust recognition. The unification of visual context including scene context, object context, and temporal context is also. The proposed system has been tested to guide visitors in a large scale building environment(10 topological places, 80 3D objects)