While protecting its lives and property from natural disasters such as floods and droughts, North Korea needs to develop into an informationized industrial society by securing renewable energy power in the era of energy transition. In addition, existing research has considered that a policy of continuous and consistent expansion of renewable energy based on the safety of the lives of ordinary people could be the solution. South Korea needs to recognize that the supply of energy for a minimum of living is more important to the North Korean people than the economic benefits of securing North Korea's renewable energy market. Therefore, in this paper, from that point of view, we have calculated the amount of electricity that North Korea lacks necessary for the lives of its inhabitants that can be replaced by renewable energy, and considered ways to estimate the market value.
미술 작품의 가치에 대한 무수한 담론은 시대를 아우르며 형성되어왔다. 현대 미술계는 20 세기 이후로 급진적으로 변화하여 다양한 유통 체제가 발전하였고 시장은 미술품의 생산과 소비 뿐 아니라 작품의 본질에까지 영향을 미치는 현상을 초래했다. 이에 따라 미술작품의 상품화 경향이 심화되며 현대미술과 자본과의 관계에 대한 쟁점이 대두되었다. 본 연구는 현대미술계에서 미술품의 상업적 가치가 작품을 평가하는 기준이 되는 현상에 대하여 부정적 결론을 도출하기 이 전에 미술 작품의 가치 평가가 어떠한 이론 과정을 통해서 정의되어 왔는지, 작품의 본질적, 상업적, 사회적 가치를 살펴보고 관계적 가치에 대해 모색한다. 또한 예술제도론을 토대로 미술 작품의 가치를 결정하는 예술계의 체계를 탐구한다. 본 연구에서는 미술 시장의 흐름에 따라 변화된 가치 형성 체계의 주체를 후원자, 화상/비평가, 경매로 정의하고 현대 미술계에서 자본과 상호작용하며 시대에 맞게 진화해나가는 미술계를 고찰한다.
The Korean government has been carrying out the marine ranch development project since 1998 with the purpose of responding to the decrease in coastal fishery resources and fishery income, preparing a systematic management system for the sustainable use of fishery resources and realizing advanced fisheries power by expanding and upgrading fisheries resource development projects. In addition, the government established the Korea Fisheries Resources Agency and promoted projects for the protection and management of fishery resources by increasing basic productivity by artificially creating marine forests in areas where whitening events occur. Since the project of building marine ranches and marine forests requires immense government financial support, it is important to estimate the economic value and thoroughly evaluate the feasibility of the project. In this paper, the project of non-market economic value of the development of marine ranches and the development of marine forests was estimated. CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) was applied as a methodology for benefits estimation. Prior to the analysis, a one-on-one interview survey was conducted with participation of 512 residents and 514 residents respectively for the project of creating a marine ranch and developing a marine forest. A DBDC (Double-Bounded Dichotumous Choice) model was applied in the WTP (Willingness To Pay) analysis model and the socioeconomic variables of the surveyor, such as sex, age, education and income, were reflected in the model. The economic benefits from the two projects, namely, building of marine ranches and developing marine forests were estimated to be equal to 4,608 won and 7,772 won per household per year, respectively. According to the results of the survey, it seems that respondents think that marine forests are more valuable than marine ranches. This is as a result of ordinary citizens’ thought that the marine ranches are more cost-effective than the marine forests. The benefits estimated through this study can be used for analysis of economic feasibility prior to carrying out the project of building marine ranches and developing marine forests, and are considered to be the valuable for policy-making purposes and finding social and economic consensus.
인천연안은 인천광역시, 경기도 김포시·시흥시·안산시 일대로, 양식장에서 발생하는 쓰레기, 어업활동 후 버려진 어구·어망, 육상에서부터 한강을 타고 흘러오는 쓰레기 때문에 인천연안의 해양생태계의 변화가 우려되고 있다. 인천연안이 심각하게 오염되자 해양수 산부는 인천연안을 특별관리해역으로 지정하여 해양환경 자산인 해역수질을 보존하고 있다. 이러한 배경 하에서 본 연구는 인천연안 해역수질의 비시장 가치를 선택실험법(choice experiment)을 이용하여 평가한다. 이를 위해, 전국 1,000 가구를 대상으로 면대면 설문조사를 실시하였고, 속성 각각의 한계지불의사액(MWTP, marginal willingness to pay)을 추정한다. 인천연안 해역수질의 속성별 가치(가구당 연간 한 계지불의사액)를 추정한 결과, 가구당 연간 해역수질 1%p 개선의 MWTP는 75원, 동물종의 다양성 증가의 MWTP는 135원, 식물종 다양성 증가의 MWTP는 309원, 해양쓰레기 1%p 저감의 MWTP는 72원으로 나타났다. 모든 추정결과는 유의수준 1 %에서 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 본 논문의 주요 결과는 정책당국에 해양환경 관리정책 수립과 평가에 유용하게 활용될 수 있다.
본 연구는 연구개발스톡과 6개의 지식스톡(특허의 질적 가치)이 기업의 시장가치에 미치는 영향을 포함하는 연구모형을 설정하여 기업의 시장가치와의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 구체적으로 토빈Q 모형을 사용하여 우리나라 402개 기업의 미국특허등록 108,851건(연 도관측치 2,795건)의 특허를 분석하였다. Hall모형의 확장 모형 분석결과, 연구개발스톡/자산, 청구항스톡/특허스톡, 인용스톡/특허스톡 등이 기업의 시장가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 유의수준이 높진 않지만 피인용스톡/특허스톡, 발명자스톡/특허스톡 등 도 기업의 시장가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과에 따라 특허경영시대에 특허의 질적 수준 고도화와 특허의 가치 제고를 위한 정책 방안이 마련되어야 할 것으로 보인다.
Purpose - The focus of this study is to investigate the structural influences such as brand value, relationship value, market orientation, long-term orientation, and performance. The effects of brand value and relationship value on the differences on transaction performance in b2b was investigated.
Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this study was a liquor and beverage distribution company that deals in b2b. The research hypothesis is based on literature of the preceding research analysis of brand value, relationship value, market orientation and long-term orientation. This study has constructs that was defined operationally by referencing previous studies. Operational questionnaire was used to investigate the target key staff who work in the liquor and beverage distribution company. 178 survey data were used for empirical analysis to prove the hypothesis. This study used structural equation techniques(AMOS) to prove the research hypothesis.
Results – The main results of this empirical study were as follows. First, supplier’s brand awareness has a positive effect on market orientation, but did not affect long-term orientation. Brand awareness of suppliers indicates that they are not directly related to long-term orientation. Second, supplier’s brand image has a positive effect on market orientation and long-term orientation in b2b transaction. So, the brand image and reputation of the supplier suggest that it is important for the b2b transaction to have a market orientation tendency or a long-term orientation. Third, supplier’s relationship value has a positive effect on long-term orientation, but does not affect market orientation. Relationship value indicates that they are not directly related to market orientations of the buyer. Fourth, Market orientation has a positive effect on long-term orientation and marketing performance and long-term orientation has a positive effect on marketing performance in b2b. Additionally, the buyers market and long term orientation are important factors in marketing performance in b2b. ’
Conclusions – Based on empirical results, this study confirmed that brand image rather than brand awareness positively influenced long-term orientation as well as market orientation in b2b. Relationship value can be found in transactions, which is important for long-term orientation. Especially, these findings are suggestive in the consumer goods distribution market.
In accordance with the 1996 London Protocol, the marine dumping of wastewater generated from food was totally banned from 2013. Therefore, establishing a food wastewater bio-gasification facility for stable and continuous food wastewater treatment is necessary. The biogas produced from the wastewater can be used as fuel for electricity generation or for heating in power plants and can be sold as gas in cities as well as fuel for vehicles after undergoing a refining process. Thus, the South Korean government is trying to expand the bio-gasification facility of wastewater generated from food. In this study, we try to obtain information about the public value of such an expansion. For this purpose, the household willingness to pay (WTP) for the expansion is determined by applying the contingent valuation (CV) approach. A total of 1,000 South Korean households were involved in the CV survey, which had questions with dichotomous choices. The mean yearly public value WTP for expansion is estimated at 2,564 KRW per household. If this WTP is extrapolated from the sample to the nation’s population, the expansion in the national value is worth 50.1 billion KRW per year. These results indicate that the expansion of food wastewater bio-gasification facility is supported by Korean households.
As economic growth and development of the living standard causes increasing production of organic waste, the desire to take advantage of organic waste to produce energy is also increasing. Organic waste-to-energy can contribute to improving energy independence through domestic energy security as well as improving the environment by reducing the need for landfills. This paper attempts to quantitatively analyze the non-market benefits arising from the organic waste-to-energy policy. To this end, we apply a contingent valuation (CV) that is most widely used to measure the nonmarket benefits. As for the willingness to pay (WTP) elicitation method, we employed the one-and-one-half-bounded dichotomous choice (DC) model, which produces higher statistical efficiency than the single-bounded DC model and yields greater consistency than the double-bounded DC model. In the CV survey result of 1000 Korean households, a total of 586 households (58.6%) revealed zero WTP. This implies that the use of the mixture model to deal with zero WTP responses was a suitable approach in our study. The yearly mean WTP was computed as KRW 3598 for the next ten years per household, which is statistically significant at the 1% level. Expanding the value to the national population gives us KRW 67.3 billion per year and this value demonstrates the non-market benefits of the organic waste-to-energy policy. This quantitative information could be utilized as a significant reference in the implementation of the organic waste-to-energy policy.