
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cinema is a medium which develops narrative by image and sound. In Digital cinema times, it began to use diverse digital language to arrange diverse images in one screen image. The director Peter Greenaway uses digital hieroglyph to express diverse images in one shot. Pillow Book adopts skins to write letters (Hanzi) and develops narrative. By writing on screen space of skin this space transforms into Haptic space. In this movie Nakico’s father writes her name in her face. This writing name considers as creating rite which God creates human beings and gives their name. It becomes a rite in her birthdays. Her father's sister reads Pillow Book which does as a servant in a kingdom. Nakico always a writer who can write on her face and marries her husband who is a son of bookstore. But he does not write her name on her face and tears up her books. She divorces her husband and begins to work as a model in Paris. She happens to meet Jerome who tries to write her name on her face. But she does not satisfy because of her bad caligraphy and Jerome asks her to write letters on his skin. Afterwards, she became a writer and makes 13 pillow books. In this end part Nakico does writing rite on her daughter. The rite of writing of name on her daughter becomes a continuous task of family and a way of developing narrative.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 한국의 산업화가 진행된 1960∼1970년대 노동자의 육체적 힘이 가지는 의미와 가치에 대해 고찰하고자 한다. 농업 중심의 산업체제제에서 육체적 힘은 남보다 우월한 노동력을 발휘하였으며, 이는 남보다 더 많은 노동 생산성을 의미하였다. 하지만 기계 중심의 공장제 산업에서 육체적 힘은 그가치를 제대로 인정받지 못하였다. 김승옥의 「力士(역사)」와 황석영의 「장사의 꿈」은 보통사람보다 탁월한 힘의 소 유자가 자본주의 체제하의 도시적 삶에 대한 대응의 방식과 좌절의 양상을 보여주고 있다. 자신의 힘을 헛된 노동에 사용하지 않으면서 자신의 가치를 지키는 「力士(역 사)」의 서씨와 타락한 도시의 욕망에 순응하다 좌절하는 「장사의 꿈」의 일봉 모두 산업화 시대의 도시적 삶에 적응하지 못한 패배자의 모습을 보여준다. 결국 기계 중심의 산업화 시대에 육체적 힘의 가치는 약화되었으며, 이들의 힘은 교환가치로 전락한 노동력에 불과한 것이다.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The assembly line balancing problem has been focused by many research works because the efficient management of the assembly line might influence not only the quality of the products but also the working conditions for the workers. This paper deals with U
        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As love poets, Donne and Yeats have things in common: both, breaking from the conventional views of woman and love, search for the reconciliation and harmony between man and woman, as well as body and soul. They seem to be well aware it is not realistic to see the female image as “a complete beauty and perfect morality,” as is usually supported and reinforced by society and its literary conventions. The social demand for chaste, heavenly woman and its literary representation rob woman of her true, humane beauty and of her true virtue as well; on the other hand, they confine man to a role of chivalric, submissive, but hopeless suitor. Donne and Yeats believe that the distorted image of woman and her relationship with man hinder true love or communion between them. The two poets try to understand both sexes on the same condition, that is, the condition of human being. And this idea is magnificently realized not only in Donne’s The Songs and Sonnets but also in Yeats’s “Crazy Jane poems” and in some of his pieces in A Woman Young and Old. As for the matter of body and soul, both poets criticize the binary way of thinking in which human body is nothing but a mean, vulgar exterior while soul is a holy, ideal interior where we should reside for good. Donne and Yeats are wise enough to know that body and soul are interdependent, and that it is, therefore, impossible to exclude or disregard either of them. They agree that the two elements are indispensable for true relationship between man and woman. To embody this perspective effectively, Donne and Yeats introduce some characteristic personae in their poetry: an unfaithful woman who betrays and dosen’t feel guilty, one who boldly follows her feelings and desire, and one who relishes the pleasure of body and values it as high as, or even higher than, her soul. Through these unconventional female personae, Donne and Yeats are able to disclose the futility of moral, spiritual values that do not have true understanding of human nature. They subvert the false conception that soul is superior to body, and paint a new and true picture of human being: an inevitable dynamism, balance and harmony between body and soul.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        동방박사들의 여정 에 나타난 동방박사들의 육체적·영적 여정은 단순히 아기예수의 탄생을 맞이하기 위한 긴 여정일 뿐만 아니라 이교도로서 영적 죽음을 경험하게 되는 고행이다. T. S. 엘리엇은 복음서의 내용과 렌슬럿 앤드류의 설교를 극적 독백 형식을 통해 병치시킴으로써 화자, 청자, 사건 등이 여정에 잘 녹아 있다. 이 작품에서 시인은 동방박사들이 기독교에 동화되어 이교들의 삶을 정리하기까지의 육체적·영적고통을 여정에 투영시켜 개종의 고통을 알레고리적으로 묘사한다. 화자의 회상에 따르면, 그들이 아기 예수 탄생의 장소에 도착했을 때 탄생의 고통과 죽음의 고통을 구별할 수 없었다고 고백한다. 이 논문에서 는 화자가 느끼는 죽음·탄생의 복합적 고통들을 서로 분리하지 않고 공시적으로 의미를 분석해 그 고통의 순간이 엘리엇의 주장하는 정점의 순간으로 보고자한다. 나아가서 그 고통의 감정 속에는 다층적인 의미들이 존재하기 때문에 알레고리적 읽기로 영적·육체적 여정이 하나의 정점에서 동시에 발생할 수 있음을 입증해 보려한다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effects of wormwood (Artemisia sp.) addition on the growth performance, nutrients utilization and abdominal fat deposition of broiler chickens. Two hundred twenty five and two-day old Arboracre strain male commercial broiler chicks were distributed to 5 treatments with wormwood supplementation levels; C(0%), T₁ (1%), T₂ (3%), T₃ (5%), and T₄ (10%) and with 3 replications each with 5 birds for five weeks. Body weight gain during the experiment was improved in T₁ (1723.0g) compared with that of T₃ (1557.7g) and T₄ (1450.7g) (P<0.05). Feed intake was significantly (P<0.05) increased as the levels of wormwood addition increased (C: 2653.8g, T₁: 2852.0, T₂: 2900.3, T₃: 2900.7g, T₄: 2954.7g). Feed conversion rate (feed/gain) was significantly (P<0.05) increased as the levels of wormwood addition increased (C: 1.55, T₁: 1.66, T₂: 1.70, T₃: 1.86, T₄: 2.04). The days reaching to 2.0㎏ of body weight were expected to be 43.2 days in control, whereas those of group T₁ were reduced to 42.6 days by 0.6 day from control. Nutrient utilization and abdominal fat deposition in the experiment were significantly decreased (P<0.05) and small intestine contents in the broilers was significantly increased (P<0.05) as the levels of wormwood addition increased. Therefore, although there was no significant improvement for the performance of broiler chickens with the dietary supplementation of wormwood meal, less than 1% addition of wormwood to broiler diets might have beneficial for human health by reducing the abdominal fat deposition of the broiler chickens.