The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the verbal interactions of earth science gifted depending on their communications structures and group status in small group activities. To this end, a small group activity was conducted to measure the density of the earth, and 8 small groups were selected, including 4 coownership type and 4 monopolistics type groups with different communication structures. And then, the framework was developed for analyzing verbal interactions to compare the differences in characteristics between small groups. The results are as follows. First, regardless of the communication structures, there were showing a simple pingpong-type communication structures for all small groups. Second, negative interactions such as ‘restraint’, ‘command’, ‘complaint’, and ‘lack of confidence’ predominantly appeared in all small groups. Third, the students in the status of out-lookers in small groups were mainly verbal interactions, such as instructing the other person, acting against the other person’s actions, and expressing dissatisfaction with the attitudes and abilities of members. Therefore, teachers should guide students to use higher-level verbal interactions in their group activities in small group activities, and engage in students communication to prevent negative interactions from occurring. The teachers also need to check the level of achievement for students in the status of out-lookers in advance and guide them to participate more actively in small group activities. This study is meaningful in that it can be sued to design teaching and learning to improve students’ problem solving and communication skills.
목적 : 본 연구는 작업 중심 회상치료가 치매노인의 의사소통과 상호작용기술에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다.
연구방법 : 2012년 5월 30일부터 7월 18일까지 구로구 ○○데이케어센터에 내원한 경 . 중등도 치매노인 7명을 대상으로 8주 동안 주 1회 40분의 작업 중심 회상치료를 실시하였으며 치료 전후 의사소통과 상호작용기술에 미치는 효과를 검증하기 위한 유사 실험연구로써 단일군 전·후 실험설계를 적용하였다. 평가는 Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills; ACIS를 이용하여 시행하였다.
결과 : 작업 중심 회상치료 실시 전에 비하여 실시 후에 치매노인의 의사소통과 상호작용기술이 통계적으로 유의미하게 증가하였다(p<.05). 또한 경도치매와 중등도 치매 사이에 ACIS 점수 변화량에는 통계적으로 유의미한차이는 없었다(p>.05).
결론 : 본 연구의 결과를 통해 지역사회에 거주하는 치매노인에게 있어서 작업 중심 회상치료가 의사소통과 상호작용에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 향후 작업치료사들이 작업 중심 회상치료에 대한 전문지식을 습득하여 다양한 프로그램을 개발할 때 작업 중심 회상치료에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행될 것이다.
Larry Dwan Chong. 2000. Linguistic Interactions on Computer-Mediated Communication. Studies in Modern Grammar 22, 215-233. In order to explore the role of production and perception constraints in computer-mediated communication, I review Lindblom`s (1990) Hypo- and Hyper-form theory of phonetic variation and propose a new model of linguistic production in CMC. Netizens use CMC communication as conceptually oral, medially written. The reason to use chat-mode is that it saves time and space (the principle of least effort); here sound, not spelling, is the first thing to be considered. With respect to production in the proposed model, effort is no longer equated with articulatory movement, but rather with the number of keystrokes involved in typing an utterance. The production of hypo- and hyper-forms will vary according to the sender`s estimation of signal-complementary processes and his attempts to compensate for the restricted context.