For the sustainable development, companies are making a lot of efforts such as activities of sales increase and cost reduction. Among these, efforts to use limited resources efficiently and effectively is still being made steadily. And many methods for management innovation are being introduced and used. However there were partial or temporary effects only. So there are not enough to achieve operations performance to cover the entire system. Therefore, in order to maximize performance or to improve sustainability across the companies, it is necessary to rebuild the existing system with process perspective not with existing functional perspective. This study was performed to achieve the objective that is operation performance improvement of certification body. So literature review was researched and analyed about the process innovation and the process approach. And basic model which is compatible with ISO/IEC 17021 requirement for the certification body was established in this study. Based on this model, one of the certification body was selected and operation system for this organization was established, documented and implemented through the process approach method. In the result, operations performance of certification body on the side of efficiency and effectiveness is analyzed and the effect of reconstruction of system on operations performance was figu
This paper deals with conformity assessments requirements for accreditation and certification bodies. This study also introduces conformity guidances of product certification and code of good practice. This paper presents general requirements for accreditation, recognition and registration bodies of environmental quality system and product certification.
목적 : 본 연구는 작업치료 교육기관 증가에 따른 교육기관 인증제 도입의 필요성에 대한 인식정도를 작업치료(학)과 교수 및 재학 중인 학생들을 대상으로 알아보고자 하였다.연구방법 : 연구의 대상은 작업치료(학)과에 재직 중인 교수 26명과 3, 4학년 재학 중인 170명을 대상으로 하였다. 연구도구는 설문지를 이용하였고, 한국작업치료교육인증위원회에서 수렴된 의견을 기초로 20개의 항목으로 구성하였다. 설문분석은 기술통계량인 빈도와 백분율을 사용하여 각 문항별 인식정도를 알아보았다.결과 : 인증제도의 필요성 여부에 교수는 88,5%, 학생은 90% 찬성하였고, 인증제가 도입될 경우 평가를 희망한다는 의견이 교수는 84.6%, 학생은 94.7%로 높게 나타났다. 평가결과에 대한 신뢰여부도 교수는 73.1%, 학생은 77.6%로 신뢰할 수 있을 것이라는 결과를 보여주었다. 표준화된 교과과정 수립 필요여부는 교수는 100%, 학생은 99.4%가 필요하다는 답변을 하였다. 인증제 도입시 포함되어야 할 항목으로 상위 5개 항목으로 교수는 전공관련 교수수, 교과목의 학습내용, 교수의 임상경험 유무, 교과목 종류, 평가도구의 종류 순이었고, 학생은 교과목의 학습내용, 교수의 임상경험 유무, 교과목 종류, 전공관련교수수, 실습도구 순으로 나타났다.결론 : 본 연구결과 작업치료(학)과 교수 및 학생들 모두 교육기관 인증제 도입의 필요성이 매우 필요하다는 의견에 동의하였고, 한국 작업치료의 질적 수준을 향상시키기 위한 교육제도의 표준화가 절실함을 알 수 있었다.
Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes of Korean occupational therapists toward introducing an accreditation system of occupational therapy education programs. Method : The self-administering written questionnaire was employed for this survey research. The questionnaire was developed and reviewed by the Accreditation Board for the Education of Korean Occupational Therapists and was composed of 18 items which included both closed-ended and open-ended questions. The questionnaire was distributed to Korean occu-pational therapists who attended at the 10th annual conference of Korean Association of Occupational Therapists in October 2002.Results : Among 106 respondents, 80.2% expressed their concern about the sudden increase of new occupational therapy education programs and they believed that the curricula of new in-stitutions and the quality of the institutes’ graduates would be different. On the question of ne-cessity of introducing the accreditation system of occupational therapy education programs, 89.7% responded that it was necessary. All respondents agreed that clinical fieldwork experience was necessary and the preferred length was 16, 24, and 12 weeks in order. The areas to be in-cluded in the accreditation were the number of qualified professors, fieldwork hours, and the contents of curricula in order. 77.4% of the sample responded that they would trust the result and process of the accreditation. Conclusion : Based on the result of the survey, it could be inferred that the majority of oc-cupational therapists were concerned about improving quality of the profession rather than its quantitative expansion. Therefore, it is expected that the accreditation system of occupational therapy education programs would ensure the qualitative growth of occupational therapy pro-fession in Korea.