본 연구는 DNA바코드를 이용하여 자나방류의 정확한 동정을 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 전국 주요 산림지역 12개소에 대한 채집조사를 실시하여 자나방류 등 총 293종 1,997개체를 확보하였고 외부형태 및 생식기 검경을 통해 정확한 분류 동정 을 실시하였다. 또한 분류․동정자료의 보완을 위해 한남대학교 자연사박물관 50종, 국립산림과학원 51종, 국립농업과학원 35종 등의 대조표본 검경을 수행하였다. DNA바코드 작성용 연구 재료에서 약 25 mg의 조직 (뒷다리 1개 기준)을 핀셋으 로 각각 적출한 후 universal primer를 이용하여 PCR과정을 실시하였다. 이 과정을 통해 확보된 mt COI DNA 시료를 증폭시킨 후 전기영동을 실시하여 확인한 결과 자나방류 mt COI DNA로 예상되는 약 648 bp 크기의 DNA fragment가 다량 확보 되었고 총 190종의 COI DNA바코딩을 완료하였다. 본 연구 결과를 종합하여 DNA 바코드 정보, 외부형태, 생태특성 및 출현시기 등에 대한 정보가 수록된 자나방류 산림해충 진단정보 Data Sheet를 작성하였다.
This study was conducted to evaluate Geometridae (Lepidoptera) species as pests and the damage they cause in citrus orchards in Jej u, Korea. Seven geometridae species occurred in citrus orchards: Ascotis selenaria, Ectropis excellens, Menophra senilis, Biston panterinaria, Ourapteryx nivea, Odontopera arida and Hypomecis punctinalis. Among them, A. selenaria was most abundant, followed by E. excellens and M senilis. Most Geometridae larvae fed on citrus leaves, but A. selenaria larvae ate fruits and leaves. Fruit damage of Citrus unshiu appeared as gnawed scars caused by young larvae feeding on fruit surface. Fruit damage on Shiranui fruits appeared as a wide hole or deep scars caused by feeding by mature larvae (6th instar). Citrus leaves damage due to Geometridae larvae was high during May to June. Fruit damage started in late June as the spring-shoots of citrus hardened and increased sharply in late July. In the field experiment, fruit damage in the late season reached 4.2% in both 2008 and 2009 and reached 5.2% in 2010. In citrus orchards, A. selenaria larvae started to appear in mid-May and their populations peaked in mid June, late July, and early to mid-September. Adult males of A. selenaria had a maximum peak in mid-May, and two other peaks in early to late July and late August to early September. A. selenaria male adults were collected in a pheromone traps constantly throughout Jeju Island.
This study was conducted to develop an artificial diet for the mugwort looper, Ascotis selenaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), which is an insect pest to leaves of citrus (Citrus unshiu). Corn and soybean powder were selected as main nutrient sources for larvae of A. selenaria after several diets consisted of wheat germ, corn, kidney bean and/or soybean were tested for larval development and survival. A higher amount of the main nutrients in the diet increased the larval survivorship. Addition of yeast and cholesterol in diet increased the larval survivorship. Finally the composition of diet was decided as followings, corn 100 g, soybean 100 g agar 25 g, Brewers’ yeast 30 g, cholesterol 0.5 g, Vanderzant vitamin mixture 2 g, Wesson’s salt mixture 2 g, sorbic acid 2 g, ascorbic acid 2 g, and methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 2.5 g, and distilled water 1 liter. Development periods of larvae and pupae, survival rate and fecundity of A. selenaria reared on the diet were not significantly different with those on the host plant, citrus leaves. Larvae of early instars were reared in a group, while larvae of later instars (5-6th) were reared individually. Adult mating was conducted in a plastic cage and an oilpaper covered with a gauze was provided as an oviposition site.
한국산 애기물결자나방속을 정리한 결과 2차로 11종이 분류 동정되었으며 이들중 E. okadai Inoue, E. scribai Prout, E. perpaupera Inoue, E. kobayashii Inoue, E. tripunctaria Herrich-Schaffer, E. virgaureata Doubleday 등 6종이 우리나라 미기록종으로 확인되었기에 보고한다. 저자(1992)에 의해 신종으로 기재된 E. bicornuta는 재검토 결과 E. hamogrammata의 수컷으로 밝혀져 후자의 동정이명으로 정리한다. 따라서 1차로 발표한 13종을 합하면 한국산 Eupithecta속은 총 24종이 된다.
한국p산 애기물결자나방속을 정리한 결과 1차로 14종이 분류 동정되었다. 이중 1신종, 애기물결자나방, E. bicornuta sp. nov.를 기재 발표하고 이른봄애기물결자나방, E. clavifera, lnoue, 삼각무늬애기물결자나방, E. signigera Butler , 둥근날개애기물결자나방, E. supercastigata lnoue , 흰애기물결자나방, E. viidaleppi Vojnits , 실무늬애기물결자나방, E. addictata Dietze , 긴점애기물결자나방, E. repentina Vojnits et Laever , 연갈색애기물결자나방, E. antaggregata lnoue , 너도애기물결자나방, E. consortaria Leech와 긴날개애기물결자나방, E. kamedai Inoue등 9종을 우리나라 미기록종으로 보고한다.
자나방과(科)의 5종(種): 우수리가지나방, Mefeima mediorufa gilva D., 황갈물결자나방, Idiotephria evanescens(S.), 줄점물결자나방, I. debilitata(L.), 각시애기자나방, Scopula modicaria(L.), 노랑띠각시자나방, Polythrena coloraria H.S 등이 우리나라에서는 처음으로 보고되었으며 그외 과거 북한 등지에서 기록되어 왔으나 표본확인이 되지 않았던 8종이 함께 채집 확인되었다.