영남 평야지에서는 추석전 햅쌀 출하를 목적으로 조기재배나 극조기재배가 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 그러나 극조기 벼 수확 이후에 후작물로 적합한 작목이 없어서 휴경을 하는 농가가 많아 적합한 작부체계 개발을 위한 재배법 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 시험은 극조기 벼 수확 후 이모작 작부체계에 적합한 벼 품종 및 재배시기 설정을 위해 수행하였다. 조생종 14개 품종을 4월 7일, 4월 14일, 4월 21일, 4월 28일에 각각 이앙하였을 때, 극조기 벼 이모작을 위한 기준 출수기인 7월 10일 이전에 출수가능한 품종은 백일미, 주남조생, 중모1032, 진옥이었다. 이 품종들의 적산온도로 추정한 적정 이앙시기는 4월 10일에서 4월 20일 사이로, 이 시기에 이앙할 경우 8월 20일 이내에 수확이 가능하여 8월 하순 후작물과의 작기연결성에 유리한 적합 품종으로 판단된다.
The genus Meganola (Nolidae, Nolinae) was established by Dyar (1898), with the type species Meganola conspicua Dyar, 1898, from America (Type locality: Texas, Colorado, Arizona). This genus comprises 80 species described in the Palaearctic and Oriental region.
In this study, genus Meganola Dyar is reviewed from Korea, with description of a new species. We redescribed 12 species and one new species. Illustrations of adults and genitalia of all Korean species are provided, with a key to the genus of Meganola based on the male genitalia.
최고품질 벼 칠보의 적정 수확시기를 구명하고자 농업환경이 서로 다른 밀양, 사천, 함양, 상주, 울진 등 5개 지역에서벼를 재배한 후 각 지역별 최적 수확시기를 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다.
1. 기후대에 따라 출수기에서 출수 후 60일까지의 평균기온은 사천이 가장 높았고, 상주가 가장 낮았다. 상주는 평균기온의 저하정도가 다른 지역에 비해 컸으며 울진은 등숙기 평균기온은 낮았지만 온도저하 정도는 가장 적었다.
2. 지역별로 최고수량을 나타내는 수확시기는 지역간의 차이가 있었는데, 백미수량은 밀양과 함양이 60일, 울진과 상주는 55일, 사천은 45일이었고, 완전미 수량은 상주, 사천, 함양은 60일, 밀양, 울진이 50일로 대체로 출수후 50 ~ 60일 사이었다. 이를 적산온도로 환산할 경우 밀양, 함양은 1,200oC, 상주는 1,050oC, 사천, 울진은 1,100oC 부근이었다.
3. 각 지역별로 최고수량을 나타낸 수확시기의 수량을 100으로 표준화하고 나머지 수확시기별 수량을 상대적 비율로 수정하여 적산온도와의 관계를 검토한 결과 칠보의 백미 및 완전미 수량은 적산온도가 1,100oC가 될 때까지 증가하였으며,증가속도는 적산온도 100oC마다 5% 정도였다. 적산온도1,100oC 이후에는 수량증가는 보이지 않았으나 지나친 수확지연은 품질저하가 우려되므로 칠보의 수확적기는 지역에 관계없이 출수 후 적산온도 1,100 ~ 1,200oC 범위로 판단되었다.
In this study, growth and yield characteristics of 14 potato varieties were analyzed in the uncultivated field Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land in spring season cropping and to select suitable varieties for the cultivation. The shoot emergence has been started about 20 days after planting and has been continued for 10 ~ 22 days after first emergence. All varieties showed 90% or higher emergence rate. The potato varieties yield was classified into three groups depend on the total yield. High yield varieties; Atlantic, Chuyeong, Seohong, Chubaek and medium yield varieties; Chudong, Goun, Haryung, Jopung, Dejima, Superior and low yield varieties; Hongyoung, Jayoung, Jowon, Namseo. For the marketable yield, Jowon, Altantic, Chuyeong, Jopung, Seohong, Goun, Superior and Haryung varieties showed 70% or higher while Hongyoung showed the lowest with 47%. According to the results of virus detection test after two year successive cultivation in reclaimed tidal land, very low amount of Potato virus Y (PVY) was detected only on Seohong sprouts (fitst year) and Dejima leaves (second year) while other varieties were shown no symptom of virus. From the survey with consumers, Haryung, Superior, Goun, Dejima and Chuyeong varieties were found to be relatively higher in the purchase preference for the shape, color and taste. The measurement of antioxidant activity showed Jayoung variety to be excellent with the total phenol contents and DPPH antioxidant activity. Atlantic, Chuyeong, Seohong, Goun, Haryung and Jopung varieties showing high total yield and marketability of 70% higher were considered to be suitable for cultivation in the sandy loam of Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land. According to the above results, the growing possibility of spring potatoes in he sandy loam of newly Saemangeum reclaimed tidal land.
Twelve species of the genus Nola, including a new species, Nola longicosta sp. nov. are recognized from Korea. Among them, six species, Nola cristatula(Hubner), N. yoshinensis(wileman & West), N. japonibia(Strand), N. nami(Inoue), N. ebatoi(Inoue), and N. okanoi(Inoue) are reported for the first time from Korea. Genital characteristics of the species are briefly described with illustration, and all available collecting data are given.
To fit the market demands for functional rice such as black and red color rice, ‘Sugary’a high free sugar content line was backcrossed to the black rice ‘Milyang152. The pedigree method was adapted in selection and generation advance. A high polyphenol content line, YR19646-3-2-1-1-2-2 showing red pericarp was selected and designed as ‘Milyang234’ followed by variety name ‘Geonganghongmi’ in 2010. Heading date of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was Aug. 19, medium-late maturing cultivar. ‘Geonganghongmi’ showed resistance to leaf blast and rice stripe virus while susceptible to major diseases and insects. The total polyphenol content of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was high as much as 24.2mg/g compare to that of 4.9mg/g of ‘Nampyeongbyeo’ and 17.2mg/g of a red pericarp rice ‘Jeogjinju’ at 70% ethanol extraction conditions. In local adaptability tests, yield of ‘Geonganghongmi’ was 4.5MT/ha about 86% of ‘Nampyeongbyeo’ and 102% of ‘Jeogjinju’, respectively. ‘Geonganghongmi’ is suitable for southern and middle plain area of Korea.
We investigated the physicochemical properties and starch structure of various rice varieties including 15 colored cultivars. NKHC showed the highest level of protein, lipid, and total dietary fiber levels. Reddish brown rice showed higher lipid content than that in black rice cultivars. Apparent amylose content of waxy and non-waxy colored rice varieties was within the range of 3~5% and 15~18%, respectively. IP exhibited the highest total starch (TS) content, whereas, NKHC and HJJ showed lower TS content than that in other cultivars. Pasting temperature of all colored rice cultivars, except IP, was about 68°C. Peak viscosity of IP, JJJ, Hong, and GGHM showed high values of 138, 130, 128, and 124, respectively. All the colored rice cultivars presented A-type X-ray diffraction pattern and polygonal shapes of starch granules were observed using scanning electron micrographs (SEM). Major groups of amylopectin chain lengths were B (12 < DP ≤ 24) and A (DP ≤ 12). SMHC showed the highest B chain content and the lowest A chain content (P < 0.05). These experimental results provided useful information for scientists and the food industry regarding colored rice starches.
Even though phosphorus (P) is essential element for plant growth and development, it is not enough for crop production in soil. To breed more P deficient tolerance rice, screening and selection in rice population is needed. We tried to develop more simple and rough screening method for breeding of P deficient tolerance rice. In P deficient condition, tiller number was dramatically decreased among yield components in rice. Though this result, we confirmed tiller number could be the best marker in screening of P deficient tolerance rice. 480 rice genetic resources were cultivated in rice bed tray filled with P deficient soil for four weeks and each dry weight was measured. Among them, the 55 kinds of genetic resource were selected then cultivated in paddy field with 3 fertilizer conditions. Plant dry weight and tiller number in ripening stage were shown significant difference according to P condition. Plant dry weight and tiller number in ripening stage was highly correlated especially in P deficient condition. Furthermore, the tiller number in ripening stage and plant dry weight in rough screening were shown high degree correlation. Though these results, we might expect measuring of plant dry weight after cultivation in rice bed tray filled with P deficient soil could be a simple and effective screening method in selection of P deficient tolerance rice.
Recently, concerns have been voiced about the high eating quality rice in the market. To cope the high quality demands in rice market, a rice cultivar ‘Jinsumi’ which is showing high grain quality and multi-resistant to diseases was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang, Korea. ‘Jinsumi’ was derived from a three-way cross of ‘Milyang165’and F1 plant of YR16195-B-B-B-21-1/Milyang169. The pedigree of ‘Jinsumi’ was YR21999-B-B-B-17-3-1 and designated as ‘Milyang 218’ in 2005. Heading date of ‘Jinsumi’ was August 15 as mid-late maturing ecotype. ‘Jinsumi’ showed multi resistant to rice stripe virus (RSV), bacterial blight races of K1, K2, K3 and moderately resistant to leaf blast disease. The grain appearance of ‘Jinsumi’ was translucent and showed 96.6% of head rice ratio. The milled rice yield of ‘Jinsumi’ was 5.74 MT/ha at ordinary transplanting of local adaptability test. ‘Jinsumi’ would be adaptable to the plain area of Yeongnam province in Korea.
The study aims to analyze economic of biogas plant in transition of recognition that waste resources has become renewable energy. The traditional investment valuation method using the NPV or IRR has a limitation in a sense that uncertainty of the future is not reflected. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to assess the value of the business by taking advantage of the real option. Biogas plant simulation is applied to the case of Garak Market using the binomial options among a variety of real options. With this analysis, it is assessed that operational expand option is the largest of the value of the binomial options.
벼흰잎마름병은 국내에서 가장 주요 병해 중 하나이다. 벼흰잎마름병 저항성유전자 xa5는 국내 흰잎마름병 레이스에 광범위 저항성을 보인다. 2010년 국립식량과학원 기능성작물부에서는 벼흰잎마름병 저항성 유전자 xa5를 가진 벼 신품종 ‘신백’ 육성하였다. ‘신백’은 고품질 복합내병성인 ‘익산469호’를 모본으로 사용하고, 흰잎마름병 저항성유전자 xa5를 가진 계통 HR23966-22-1-2를 부본으로 사용하였다. ‘신백’의 출수기는 보통기 보비재배에서 8월 11일로 ‘남평벼’보다 5일 빠른 중생종이다. 간장은 76 cm로 단간이며 수수가 적고 수당립수가 많으며, 등숙율은 남평벼보다 낮은 편이다. ‘신백’은 흰잎마름병 검정에서 K1, K2, K3및 K3a에 강하였고, 바이러스병인 줄무늬잎마름병에 강하다. 잎도열병은 중정도 저항성이며, 목도열병은 이병율이 낮은 편이다. ‘신백’은 쌀의 심복백이 없으며, 아밀로스함량과 단백질 함량은 ‘남평벼’와 비슷한편이고, 도정특성 및 완전미율은 남평벼보다 약간 낮은 편이다. ‘신백’의 쌀수량은 보통기 보비재배에서 5.75 MT/ha, 이모작 재배에서 5.49 MT/ha, 만식재배에서는 5.18 MT/ha이였다.
초다수성이며 복합내병성인 고품질 통일형 벼를 육성하고자 복합내병성이며 수량성이 높은 ‘밀양160호’(‘아름벼’)와 준조생이며 내만식성이 높고 복합내병성 다수성 품종인 ‘용주벼’(‘수원333호’)를 부본으로 인공교배를 하여 ‘세계진미’를 육성하였다. ‘세계진미’의 출수기는 평야지 보통기 다비재배에서 8월 17일로 중만생종이며, 간장은 82 cm로 ‘다산벼’보다 약간 크고 수당립수는 ‘다산벼’보다 적은 편이며 현미 천립중은 22.2 g으로 ‘다산벼’와 비슷하였다. ‘세계진미’는 불시출수, 수발아 및 포장도복은 없었으며, ‘다산벼’에 비해 내냉성은 약한 편이다. ‘세계진미’는 잎도열병, 목도열병, 줄무늬잎마름병, 오갈병 및 흰잎마름병(K1, K2, K3, K3a)에 강하고, 검은줄오갈병에는 중정도의 저항성을 보였으나 벼멸구에는 감수성이다. ‘세계진미’의 단백질함량은 7.9%로 ‘다산벼’에 비해 다소 높은 편이나, 아밀로스함량은 17.2%로 ‘다산벼’와 비슷하였다. 특히 ‘세계진미’의 물리성과 밥맛 관능검정결과 일반벼인 ‘추청벼’ 수준 이상의 양호한 취반특성을 보였다. ‘세계진미’의 쌀수량성은 2006부터 2008년까지 3년간 실시한 지역적응시험 보통기 다비재배(6개소)에서 7.01 MT/ha로 ‘다산벼’ 대비 8% 증수 되었다. ‘세계진미’의 적응지역은 중부 및 영호남 평야지이다.
2000년대 후반 국내 쌀 소비량의 지속적인 감소와 MMA물량으로 인한 국내 양곡 재고부담이 가중되면서 쌀가공품에대한 관심과 함께 원료곡의 원가절감 대안으로 초다수성 품종이 재조명을 받게 되었다. 따라서 가공용으로 사용되는 원료곡의 가격경쟁력을 높이기 위해서 복합내병성이며 수량성이 높은 ‘한아름2’를 육성 하였다. ‘한아름2’의 출수기는 평야지 보통기 다비재배에서 8월 14일로 중생종이며, 간장은 76㎝로 ‘다산벼’보다 약간 크고 수당립수는 ‘다산벼’보다 약간적은 편이나 등숙률이 85.7%로 높고 현미천립중은 23.0g으로 비슷하다. ‘한아름2’의 불시출수와 수발아 및 포장도복은없었으며, 내냉성은 약한 편이다. 잎도열병, 목도열병, 줄무늬잎마름병, 오갈병 및 흰잎마름병(K1, K2, K3, K3a)에 강하고,검은줄오갈병에는 중정도의 저항성을 보였고 벼멸구에는 감수성이다. 쌀알은 맑고 심백이 약간 있으며 단백질함량은 8.2%로 ‘다산벼’보다 높았으나 아밀로스함량은 17.5%로 ‘다산벼’보다 낮았다. ‘한아름2’의 쌀수량성은 2008년부터 2010년까지 3년간 실시한 지역적응시험 결과 보통기 다비재배(6개소)에서 7.58MT/ha로 ‘다산벼’대비 13% 증수되었다. ‘한아름2’는 중부 및 영호남 평야지가 적응지역이다.
Field experiments were conducted to investigate persistence of Chinese milk vetch(CMV) seed under naturally reseeded CMV-rice cropping systems during the period of 2007~2009. Persistence of the CMV seeds were evaluated in the naturally reseeded CMV-rice field on different tillage methods and soil depths based on the seed number recovered and the seed longevity in soil. Field observation in the naturally reseeded CMV rice field showed that as many as 917~2,185 CMV seeds m-2 were found from 0~15cm soil depth in the rotary tillage and 250~10,105 CMV seeds in minimum tillage rice cultivation in autumn. The recovered seed germinated 25~33%, 23~43% but still had high percentage of hard seed having 64~72% and 51~77%. Field experiment showed that the CMV seedling still emerged even after 2 years of continuous destructive killing of emerged CMV plant by rotary tillage in naturally reseeded CMV-rice field, indicating that CMV seeds persistent at least two years in rice field.
Experiments were conducted to investigated the change of primary dormancy and viability of Chinese milk vetch(CMV) seed buried in soil both as seed and pod with seeds under CMV-rice cropping system during the period of 2007~2009. The freshly harvested CMV seed alone and pods with seeds were buried in rice field at 0, 5 and 10cm depths and determined change of seed dormancy and viability at one to three month intervals for 10 months. The CMV seed had high dormancy of 95%, showing only 4~5% germination at the beginning in June but the seed dormancy was gradually broken at rice harvest time in autumn, showing 25 to 35% for seed and 55 to 61% for pod with seeds. The viability loss was faster in the seed than in the pod with seeds regardless of depths of placement in the soil base on decayed seeds. Also the seed placed on the soil surface lost viability faster than the 5~10 burial depths. However, appreciable number of CMV seeds still remained at even 4 months after burial in soil. These results indicate that seed dormancy was enable CMV plant to regenerate naturally from the remained soil seed bank at rice harvest time in autumn.