서왕모 신화 소재 전통 회화는 배경 서사에 따라 세 유형으로 분류하여 상세하게 분석하였다. ‘서왕모회군’ 유형은 서왕모와 군왕의 만남을 주목왕(周穆王)과 한무제 (漢武帝) 두 인물로 나눌 수 있으며 이들은 각각 밀접하게 연관된 상징 팔준마(八駿 馬)와 반도(蟠桃) 복숭아로 변별한다. ‘선경과 여선’ 유형은 낭원(閬苑)과 요지(瑤池) 를 배경으로 여성 인물만 등장하며 도교 선경 신앙과 여선 신앙이 그 바탕이 된다. 반도대회 유형은 서왕모의 반도원(蟠桃園) 고사와 팔선과해(八仙過海) 신화가 반도대 회라는 시공간을 배경으로 결합한 서사를 뿌리로 삼는다. 이들 작품은 단순히 축수 (祝壽) 기능을 넘어 신화라는 서사와 회화의 상관관계를 확인할 수 있는 중요한 예 술 형식이며, 또 중국 신화의 발전과 변형을 추적할 수 있는 매개체이기도 하다.
This study is based on a case study, in which an interactive teaching method has been applied to teach beginning level of Chinese to Korean college students. One of the lessons from the textbook, Speaking Basic Chinese (2013) has been used for teaching 21 students. The method suggests three stages of interactions by including: (1) word learning, 2) sentence production, and (3) sentence application. The stage of word learning is further divided into 3 steps: (1) pronunciation and understanding meaning, (2) inducing student participation, (3) confirmation and self-inspection. The second stage of sentence production is also divided into 3 different steps: (1) sentence production using learned words, (2) practicing sentences, (3) practicing sentences by role-plays. Likewise, the final stage of sentence application includes 2 practical steps: (1) interpreting basic sentences, (2) interpreting more complex sentences. This case study has found that the students feel more interested and motivated in learning activities through diverse interactions between the instructor and the students, and also interactions between the students. It is suggested that this kind of interactive approaches be applied to teaching the beginning Chinese conversation and higher levels as well. Finally, the finding of the present case study should be examined with more and in-depth studies and experiments in the future.
The purpose of this study is to seek some characteristics of Korean translation of Chinese idiomatic expressions. The paper uses an intermediate-level Chinese conversational textbook titled New Speaking Chinese. The data consist of 90 Chinese idiomatic expressions. Whether a Chinese expression is replaced with a Korean idiom, Chinese idioms can be classified into the two major types: 1) mutable idioms, and 2) immutable idioms. Then mutable idioms are further divided into two subtypes: 1A) identical/similar images, and 1B) substitutional images. Likewise, immutable idioms can be divided into two subtypes: 2A) idioms with general explanations requiring no ethnic information about China, and 2B) idioms with special explanations requiring special background knowledge about Chinese cultures and history. The results show that type 1 is only responsible for 39% of all the Korean translations. Type 2 is responsible for 61% of the translations. For further analysis, type 2A has been most frequently used, with 55% of all data, and type 2B has been least used, with 6% only, but draws particular attentions of translators. For the other two types, there were type 1A with 26% and type 1B with 13%, respectively. Pedagogical skills for appropriate translation of Chinese idioms along with classroom activities are suggested.
This study will analyze the problems of the backward (obsolete) textbook contents and the stereotyped (imprisoned) teaching methods in classroom implemented by the Korean universities who teach advanced Mandarin conversation lesson in this digital era, and then put forward one possible solution called the model of “Flipped Learning”(“Flipped Classroom” is also included), which could teach advanced Mandarin conversation lesson by flexibly using Internet E-books. The existing education’s paradigm is discarded by teachers and students, and the textbooks’ role is changing rapidly and dramatically along with the education spread and knowledge diffusion via Internet. Through the flexible usage of the latest Internet E-books, not only the politics, economics, cultures, media and press of Chinese modern society could be known, but also our young generation (post 90s, post 00s)’s thought and vision. In a “Flipped Classroom” which gives conversation lesson, it could be expected that weak study will and motivation could be stimulated; uninterested and dull lessons could be inverted into spirit-lifting ones which contain endless lively activities; and those students who used to learn passively could maximize their ability to solve problems all by themselves in their learning process.
The essence of Chinese landscape architecture is realization of a space that embraces nature and human integrating the openness and encloseness. The concept of landscape architecture that artificially furnishes natural elegance into urban areas coincides with the spiritual basis of Chinese literati-painting which subjectifies the scenery of objective world and entrusts personal feelings on that. In other words, the ultimate ideal of Chinese landscape architecture is embodying the Utopia of confucian intellectual in a city. This paper has tried to shed a light on inter-relationship of literati-painting theory and Chinese landscape architecture theory through comparing them. It is the identical spiritual basis they shared harmoniously that made landscape architecture, poetry and painting possible to meet.