본 연구는 체성숙이 완료된 15개월령 이상의 한우 암소로부터 초음파 측정 장치를 활용하여 조사된 등지방두께(UBF), 배장근단면적(UEMA), 근내지방도(UMS)의 형질들에 대한 유전능력을 추정하기 위한 통계분석방법을 도출하기 위한 연구로써 신체충실지수 및 월령에 대한 사전 보정의 효율성을 알아보고 유전평가를 위한 형질별 유전모수를 추정함으로써 유전능력 추정의 효율성을 향상하기 위한 방안을 도 출하고자 실시하였다. 분석에 이용된 자료는 2001년부터 전국의 1,004농가에서 사육중인 15개월령 이 상의 한우 암소 38,663두로부터 조사된 초음파 측정 육질관련 형질들에 대하여 조사된 자료를 이용하였다. 흉위 및 도축형질들에 대한 성장곡선함수식을 추정하기 위하여 농가-년-월(HYM) 및 신체충실지 수(BCS)에 대한 통계모형식을 통하여 사전보정을 실시하고 Von Bertalanfy함수식을 이용한 비선형 성장곡선 함수식을 추정하였다. 또한 도축형질들에 대하여 개체별로 조사된 관측치는 성장곡선 함수식에 대한 편차로 자료변환한 후에 유전모수를 추정한 결과, 각 형질별 유전력은 UBF에서 0.29, UEMA는 0.56 및 UMS에서 0.49의 추정치를 보였다.
Hanwoo young bulls are selected based on performance test using the weight at 12 months and pedigree index comprising marbling score. Pedigree index was not based on the progeny tested data but the breeding value of the proven bulls; resulting a lower accuracy. The progeny testing of the young bulls was categorized into testing at farm and at the test station. The farm tested data was difficult to compare with those from test station data. Farm tested bulls had different slaughter ages than those for test station bulls. Therefore, this study had considered a different age at slaughter for respective records on ultrasound traits. Records on body weight at 12 months, ultrasound measures at 12 and 24 months(uIMF, uEMA, uBFT, and uRFT), and carcass traits(CWT, EMA, BFT, and MS) were collected from steers and bulls of Hanwoo national improvement scheme between 2008 and 2013. Fixed effects of batch, test date, test station, personnel for measurement, personnel for judging, and a linear covariate of weight at measurement were fitted in the animal models for ultrasound traits. The ranges of heritability estimates of the ultrasound traits at 12 and 24 months were 0.21-0.43 and 0.32-0.47, respectively. Ultrasound traits at 12 and 24 months between similar carcass traits was genetically correlated at 0.52-0.75 and 0.86-0.89, respectively.
The aim of this study was to compare ultrasonic measured traits (Eye muscle area : EMA, backfat thickness : BF and marbling score : MS) of Hanwoo cows by months of age and periods around 1st calving. The data used in this study were taken 2,636 cows which were measured from 20 months old to 28 months old and within 5 months around 1st calving. According to comparison of cows' month of age, ultrasonic measured EMA, BF and MS were not significantly different between 21 months old and 26 months old, 21 months old and 25 months old and 23 months old and 27 months old, respectively. According to comparison of periods around 1st calving, ultrasonic measured EMA, BF and MS were not significantly different between -45 days and 30 days, -15 days and 75 days, -105 days and 90 days around 1st calving, respectively. The selection of cows could be possible based on the phenotypic ultrasonic measurement performance if the traits are measured between 23-month old and 25-month old and between - 15 days and 30 days around 1st calving.