A cut slope mudstone formed due to construction work has usually been accompanied such as a joint and fracture zone so it especially is required to be significant care when cutting rock construction.
Therefore, in this study was analyzed about engineering characteristics through case of a slope activity. In addition, two-dimensional finite element analysis with construction stages and actual measurement results were compared by each displacements.
Through this, application between finite element analysis and actual field condition was investigated for stable slope design and construction.
We plan to run the two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element analysis to build a tunnel behavior DB along the fracture zone for making the development of behavior characterization method of construction of the destabilizing factors for each of the future.
본 터널은 대규모 단층파쇄대가 존재하여 기존 설계시 강관다단그라우팅 보강공법을 적용하여 보강이 완료된 터널이다. 본 터널굴착공사는 상반굴착 완료후 1년간 중지된후 하반굴착을 위하여 공사안전 확인 계측을 실시한 결과 최대 천단부에서 28cm 이상의 변위와 하반 측벽부에서 융기가 발생되어 원인분석과 추가적인 보강대책을 적용하지 않을 경우 대규모 붕락 발생가능성 높은 터널에 대한 변형원인과 보강대책에 대하여 분석하였다.
A soft rock fracture zone is an important element for rock slope or earth retaining, however stability studies of earth retaining wall have been lack. Therefore, this study is analyzed for a behavior of earth retaining wall with condition of fracture zone or no fracture zone and then a numerical analysis (Finite Element Method) was performed considering interaction with field monitoring data between ground and structures. As a result, applied horizontal displacement on retaining wall is correspond between result of numerical analysis and field monitoring data and displacement point stress distribution with fracture zone condition analyzed to be stable side but no fracture zone condition is expressed to be unstable side. The results of this study is purpose for applying safety construction as a top priority at field when designing for future.
입실 단층 파쇄대에는 다양한 종류의 단층점토가 산출된다. 이들 단층점토에 대한 X-선회절분석, 고해상도분말회절분석, 전자현미경 관찰 등을 통하여 단층점토의 광물조성에 대한 연구를 하였다. 입실 단층 파쇄대에서 나타나는 단층점토는 색깔에 따라 광물 조성의 차이가 나타난다. 입실단층에서 나타나는 단층점토의 특징적인 광물은 로몬타이트이며, 주변암석에서 이 광물이 나타나지 않는 것으로 보아 풍화 변질 산물인 것으로 추정된다. 입실 단층의 단층점토의 주 구성광물은 스멕타이트이다.