The online shopping market is expanding, with online shopping malls now subdivided into personal computer(PC) and mobile versions. Meanwhile, various efforts to promote online sales are being carried out in a bid to improve performance, and detailed research is required to inform such strategies. The purpose of this study was to classify online shopping mall types into PC fashion malls and mobile fashion malls with the aim of assessing sales promotion satisfaction and investigating the relationship between sales promotion satisfaction and consumers’ behavioral intentions. Data were collected by a survey firm in June 2023, and 248 copies of the data were used for analysis. SPSS 28.0 was used to process the data, and frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were performed. The satisfaction factors for various sales promotions used by PC and mobile fashion shopping malls were empirically subdivided in consideration of consumer perspectives, and potentially effective marketing strategies were presented. Differences were observed in the type of satisfaction with sales promotion between PC fashion shopping malls and mobile fashion shopping malls and in the effect of sales promotion satisfaction on behavioral intention. Based on the study’s findings, effective sales promotion strategies that can increase satisfaction and enhance behavioral intention may be developed and implemented through the use of various and different sales promotion strategies in PC and mobile fashion shopping malls.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether strategic alliance sales promotions have short-term or long-term or sales or communication effects in the family restaurant industry. The hypotheses were tested in family restaurant settings using a sample of customers visiting and enjoying food in the metropolitan city of Daegu. Empirical results confirmed that strategic alliance sales promotions had short-term and long-term effects, as well as sales and communication effects. Therefore, family restaurant managers should adopt or keep sales promotion strategic alliances with credit card companies. Furthermore, family restaurant managers should adopt or keep sales promotions with other companies. In a future study, more variables should be selected to test the sales promotion effects of strategic alliances.
본 연구는 플라워 샵의 경영자들의 윈도 디스플레이에 대한 관심도를 높여서 판매촉진을 유도 할 수 있도록 하기 위해 지역별로 나누어 윈도디스플레이에 대한 여러 가지 관심도를 조사해 보았다.조사방법은 서울, 대구,경주의 플라워 샾의 경영자를 대상으로 설문조사하였다. 플라워 샵 경영자들은 디스플레이가 판매량에 많은 영향을 미치고 있다고 생각하고 있었으며 디스플레이 교체는 경영자가 주로 하는 편이었고 연간 교체 횟수는 3~4회 정도 하고 있는 경우가 많았다. 경영자들이 플라워 샵의 판매 촉진을 위해서 추구하는 이미지는 지역별로 다르게 나타났는데 서울은 다양한 상품 구색, 대구는 독특한 상품 포장, 경주는 고객 서비스로 나타났다. 그리고 판매 촉진을 위해서 가장 중점을 두는 곳은 윈도이었으며 설치 유형은 거의 개방형으로 하고 있었다. 디스플레이는 단순형이나 다양형 디스플레이가 많았다.조명기구는 형광등, 할로겐 등을 주로 사용하였고 조명은 베이스라이트가 많았다. 앞으로 플라워 샵 경영자들은 판매를 촉진시키기 위해 독특하고 개성있는 윈도 디스플레이 디자인을 개발해 나가야 할 것이다.