This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of culture methods on development of embryos with each developmental stage after heat shock in bovine oocytes. The results obtained were as fellows. 1. The culture method after heat shock on development of embryos was better drop-culture than co-culture. 2. The medium without amino acids were not effect of heat sock on development of embryos but it was in need of amino acid during formation of blastocyst.
Essential and non-essential amino acids supplemented to culture medium stimulate mammalian embryo development in vitro. Amino acids such as glycine, taurine and alanine are concentrated in the lumen of oviduct and uterus and it can he thought that these amino acids may have physiological role on fertilization and embryo development. Our aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of essential and non-essential amino acids, taurine or glycine supplemented to fertilization medium on the cleavage and subsequent in vitro development of bovine oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro. Immature oocytes were obtained from slaughtered Holstein cows and heifers and matured in TCM199 containing 10% fetal calf serum, 2.5 g /mL of FSH and LH and 1 g / mL of estradiol with granulosa cells in vitro. After maturation, oocytes were coincubated with sperm in fertilization medium supplemented with Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) essential and non-essential amino acids, taurine (3.75 mM) or glycine (10 mM) for 30 hours in vitro. Inseminated oocytes were cultured in synthetic oviduct fluid medium (SOEM) containing MEM essential, non-essential amino acids and 1 mM glutarnine up to 8 days after fertilization.Supplementation of fertilization medium with MEM essential and non-essential amino acids lowered significantly (p<0.05 and p<0.001) the cleavage rate after 30 hours of IVF (53.3%) and at Day 3 (62.7%: Day 0: the day of I VF) compared to control (64.3% and 77.3%, respectively). Subsequent developmental rates to morulae (Mo) and expanding blastocysts (ExBL) also significantly decreased (p<0.001 and p<0.05 for Mo and ExBL) when oocytes were coincubated with sperm in the medium containing MEM amino acids. Taurine added to fertilization medium have not increased the cleavage rate over the control, whereas glycine showed significantly lower (p<0.01) cleavage rate at Day 3 than that of taurine, but there was no significant difference in the developmental rates to Mo and ExBL of bovine embryos irrespective of the supplementation of taurine or glycine to fertilization medium. In conclusion, supplementation of fertilization medium with essential and non-essential amino acids, taurine or glycine has no beneficial effect on in vitro cleavage and development of bovine oocytes matured and fertilization in vitro.
하이아미'는 필수 아미노산 함량 및 조성이 우수한 신소재를 육성할 목적으로 1998년 하계에 EMS를 처리한 진미벼에 5-methyltryptophan (5MT)을 처리하여 단백질 내성 후대 계통을 육성하고 줄무늬잎마름병에 저항성이고 다수성인 계화벼를 인공교배하여 SR24568을 부여하였다. 1999년 F1 18개체를 양성하여 꽃가루 배양을 실시하여 2001년 AC1 75개체를 육성하였다. AC2 세대부터 계통 선발법에 의해 주요 병해충 및 미질검정을