해수의 수송이 바다목장화 해역에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 조석과 바람, 수온 및 염분의 효과를 고려한 해수 유동 모델을 관측한 자료를 토대로 하여 구축하였다. 현장 관측 결과 중층에서 유속이 가장 강하게 나타났으며, 조화분해 결과 반일주조가 강한 혼합조의 형 태로 나타났다. 조류 효과만을 고려하였을 경우, 해수는 어류목장에서 갑각류목장으로, 갑각류목장에서 패류목장으로 수송되었다. 조석과 바람, 수온 및 염분의 효과를 고려한 잔차류의 경우에는 어류목장에서 갑각류목장으로, 패류목장에서 갑각류목장으로 해수가 수송되었다. 한편, 해수 의 최대 수송은 조류나 잔차류의 2가지의 경우 모두가 동일하게 어류목장에서 갑각류목장으로 이동할 때 나타났다.
The volume transport and turnover time of the Deukryang Bay, located at the southern area of Korea, were calculated based on the current meter(RCM-7,ACM 16M) data observed at the three gateways of the Bay in May and October of 1996. Dominant tidal current component was calculated through harmonic analysis from raw data to estimate influence tidal current and also residual current was measured by integrating observed data and then averaging on time.
Maximum speed of current was about 100㎝/sec during the spring tide at the waterway between Kumdangdo and Kogumdo. The total water volume transports through three entrances of the bay in May and October were 3.9×10^-2 Sv, 3.4×10^-2 Sv(1Sv=10^6㎥s^-1) and turnover time were 0.97day, 1.12day, respectively. Semidiurnal tides were predominant (70∼85%). The water volume transports by residual currents were 2∼4% of total water volume transports.
The average fraction of fresh water calculated by tidal prism method using salinity difference between inflow current and outflow current through three entrances in Deukryang Bay was about 0.06% of total volume and the flushing time of fresh water was estimated as 0.97day.