
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 48

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The IUU Fishing Index is composed of 40 indicators. These indicators were grouped by state responsibilities (flag, coastal, port, and general including market) defined in the FAO IPOA-IUU (2001) and then by type into vulnerability, prevalence, and response. A total of 152 coastal nations was surveyed. Korea's total combined IUU Fishing Index was 2.49 in 2019 and 2.91 in 2021, indicating a drop in the ranking to the third worst out of 152 countries followed by China and Russia in 2021. The indicators that increased the IUU fishing risk in 2021 compared to 2019 included seven indicators of prevalence and two indicators of response while those reducing the risk included one prevalence and one response indicator. The IUU Fishing Index revealed that many fisheries observers and monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) practitioners active in the waters of RFMOs jurisdiction where Korean distant water vessels operate have mentioned concerns about the compliance with RFMO conservation measures or fishing practices. It suggested that strengthening management intervention in the fishing sector is needed. The primary tool for management is the MCS system. Given the logistical difficulty of oversight from land, air and at-sea, there is a need to enhance MCS strategies through logbook data, at-sea observer and electronic monitoring program. It also suggested that MSC fisheries certification and fisheries improvement projects, which are widely used for improving fishing sector performance, could contribute to the eradication of IUU fishing and the promotion of sustainable distant water fisheries.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        돼지의 체세포 핵이식(Somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)은 인간에게 약리적 효과가 있는 단백질, 이종 간 장기이식(xenotransplantation)에 사용되는 장기, 질병 연 구 목적의 모델 동물을 제공한다. 특히 형질전환 돼지를 활용한 심장 이식이 세계 최초로 성공한 후 형질전환 돼 지 생산의 안정화는 다음 연구를 위한 중요한 점으로 대 두되고 있으나, 미니돼지의 체세포 핵이식 배아의 생산 효율은 아직 낮은 실정이다. 형질전환의 성공은 양질의 SCNT 배아 생산에서 시작되어야 한다. 이러한 SCNT 배 아의 생산 효율을 향상할 수 있는 요인 중에는 공여 세포 의 형태가 있으며, 성공적인 공여 세포의 생산을 위해서 는 종축에 따른 세포의 특성을 파악하여야 하고, 혈액형 의 차이에서 발생하는 문제점 해결을 위해 OO 타입의 선 별이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 지속적인 계대 배양을 통 하여 공여 세포로 사용되는 미니돼지의 태아섬유아세포의 계대 배양 조건을 확립하고자 한다. 또한 미니돼지의 혈 액형을 PCR 기반으로 분석하여 분류하고 OO 타입의 선 별을 통하여 이종 간 이식에 용이하게 공여 세포의 조건 을 확립하였다. 이후 sgRNA(single guide RNA)를 사용하 여 CRISPR-Cpf1로 GGTA1(α-1,3 galactosyl-transferase) 유전자를 knock-out 한 미니돼지의 생산으로, 급성면역반 응을 유발하는 Gal(1,3)Gal epitope이 제거된 미니돼지의 세포 주를 구축 및 체세포 핵이식을 통해 GGTA1 knock-out 미니돼지를 생산하였으며, 이러한 연구는 이후 체세포 핵이식 및 이종 간 장기이식에 중요한 기초자료로 사용될 것이라고 생각된다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 이슬점에 대한 중학생들의 개념 이해를 평가하기 위한 루브릭을 개발하였다. 이를 위해 국가 수준 학업성취도 평가의 다층 서답형 문항에 대한 중학생의 응답을 분석하였다. 학생들의 응답 특성에 따라 유형을 분류하고, 성취도 점수 평균에 따른 응답 유형의 분포를 분석하였다. 이를 토대로 이슬점 개념 이해를 평가하기 위한 루브릭을 작성하였다. 연구 결과 다음과 같다: 첫째, 포화수증기량 곡선에서 이슬점 찾기에 대한 학생 응답을 분석한 결과, 다수의 학생들이 이슬점에 대한 개념이 없거나 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 이슬점에서 수증기 응결과정에 대한 학생 응답을 분석한 결과, 과학적 개념 유형의 비율은 매우 낮았으며, 오개념 유형의 비율이 상대적으로 높았으며 유형 또한 다양하였다. 셋째, 성취도 점수 평균에 따른 학생 응답 유형 분포 분석을 토대로 4수준의 평가 루브릭을 작성하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 지구과학 분야에서 개념 이해 평가를 위한 루브릭 개발과 활용 측면에서 제언을 하였다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to Livestock Inspection Standards, the piglets enter the feedlot at approximately 30 kg, and the inspection starts after the preliminary feeding period. The reason for applying the preliminary feeding period is to select inspection piglets with no diseases after the complete growth of the internal organs until 10 weeks of age. Furthermore, the age of 10 week is the time when the muscle fibers grow to their maximum size and the piglets are prepared for fat deposition at the later fattening period. In the study, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed through the mlma command of the genome-wide complex trait analysis (GCTA) program with 703 purebred Landrace population, and the candidate genes associated with the weight of 10 week were searched. The GWAS identified 3 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, which have a significant genome-wide suggestive level, on chromosome 6 (DIAS0002615; p-value=1.62×10-6, MARC0083933; p-value=4.94×10-6, ASGA0028717; p-value=5.40×10-6). The 2 genes (Ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 4; UBR4, WD and tetratricopeptide repeats 1; WDTC1) in which these 3 SNP markers are located are positional candidate genes of the weight of 10 week of the purebred Landrace population. 2 candidate genes have been reported to be associated with fattening. Therefore, the positional candidate genes in this study, UBR4 and WDTC1, are expected to be usable as genes for traits associated with the weight of 10 week weight and fattening through additional experimental research with other population.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to take a stock assessment of blackthroat seaperch Doederleinia seaperch regarding the fishing effort of large-powered Danish Seine Fishery and Southwest Sea Danish Seine Fishery. For the assessment, the state-space model was implemented and the standardized catch per unit effort (CPUE) of large powered Danish Seine Fishery and Southwest Sea Danish Seine Fishery which is necessary for the model was estimated with generalized linear model (GLM). The model was adequate for stock assessment because its r-square value was 0.99 and root mean square error (RMSE) value was 0.003. According to the model with 95% confidence interval, maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of Blackthroat seaperch is from 2,634 to 6,765 ton and carrying capacity (K) is between 33,180 and 62,820. Also, the catchability coefficient (q) is between 2.14E-06 and 3.95E-06 and intrinsic growth rate (r) is between 0.31 and 0.72.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to manage and rebuild fishery resources, the fishing effort should be controlled effectively. Especially in the setting up of the proper level of fishing efforts, economic standards as well as biological standards must be carefully considered to promote the sustainable and economically viable development of fisheries. This study is aimed to estimate optimal fishing effort of giant octopus by combo fishing which uses longline in Gangwon with statistical data. The result showed that current fishing effort is 28% higher than EMEY. Unit fishing cost for each voyage will be 27% lower and unit fishing profit will be 17% higher than the current situation when the fishing effort meets EMEY. Although current fishing effort is similar to the EMSY, current catching is 16% higher than MSY and 22% higher than MEY.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        돼지의 생시체중은 생존율과 폐사율에 밀접한 관련이 있어 양돈산업에서 자돈 관리와 직결된 중요한 경제형질이다. 본 연구는 Genome-Wide Association Study(GWAS) 분석을 통해 순종 랜드레이스의 생 시체중과 관련된 위치상 후보유전자 탐색을 실시하였다. 생시체중의 유의적 관련 분석 결과, genomewide suggestive level에서 유의성 있는 single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) marker는 3번 염색체 (ASGA0098921, P=2.41×10-5)와 4번 염색체(H3GA0013451, P=2.47×10-5)에서 각각 1개씩 동정되었다. 이들 SNP marker가 위치한 3개의 유전자(LOC110260055, LOC100156472, LOC100157689)들은 순종 랜드레이스 생시체중의 위치상 후보 유전자이며, 이들 유전자 정보를 이용해서 순종 랜드레이스 생시 체중을 선발할 수 있는 기초 연구 자료가 될 것으로 사료된다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The age and growth of Pleurogrammus azonus in the coastal of Gangwon-do, East Sea were determined, from monthly samples of commercial catches, caught by the gill net and set net fishery from January to December in 2008. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) began to increase in September, and reached the maximum between November and December. After spawning GSI began to decrease from January. The annuli of P. azonus are formed once a year, with the boundary between opaque and translucent zones forming from December to January. The relationships between fork length (FL) and body weight (BW) were BW = 0.005 FL3.240(R2 = 0.963) for females and BW = 0.006 FL3.238(R2 = 0.946) for males. The FLs at annuli formation in otoliths were back-calculated from the otolith-length relationship and were adjusted to von Bertalanffy growth curves to FLt = 70.54 (1–exp(-0.099(t+1.188))) for females and FLt = 51.87 (1–exp(-0.135(t+1.697))) for males. Until the age of 3 years, males grew faster than females; however, from the age of 4 years, females grew faster than males. In the future, we want to study the relationship between early growth and water temperature changes in the East Sea
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to investigate influence of moon light to the fishing of squid jigging fishery in the southwest Atlantic Ocean based on analyses of date taken from 127 vessels in Falkland fishing ground by squid jigging fishery from 2010 to 2015. Catch and CPUE were analyzed between the new moon and full moon phases. Catches of the new moon phase were higher than those of the full moon phase by 7.6% and CPUE expressed in mt/day-vessels and mt/line-day were also higher by 18.2%, 18.2% respectively. However, as a result of statistical analysis at a significance level of p > 0.05, no significant statistical differences in catch, mt/day-vessels and mt/line-day were found between the new moon and the full moon as a result of statistical analysis at a significance level of p > 0.05.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to suggest the methodology to improve to estimate back-calculated fish growth parameters using weighted average. It is to contribute to correct errors in the calculation of back-calculated growth equation with unequal numbers of sample by age. If the numbers of sample were evenly collected by age, each back-calculated length at age was equal between arithmetic and weighted averages. However, most samples cannot be evenly collected by age in reality because of different catchability by fishing gear and limitation of environment condition. Therefore, the estimation of back-calculated length by weighted average method is essential to calculate growth parameters. There were some published growth equations from back-calculated length using a simple arithmetic average with different numbers of samples by age when searching for back-calculated growth equations from 91 relevant papers. In this study, the process of deriving growth equation was investigated and two different average calculations were applied to a fish growth equation, for example of Acheilognathus signifer. Growth parameters, such as L∞, k and t0, were estimated from two different back-calculated averages and the growth equations were compared with growth performance index. Based on the correction of back-calculated length using weighted average by age, the changes by female and male were -14.19% and -5.23% for L∞, and 59.28% and 18.91% for k, respectively. The corrected growth performance index by weighted average improved at 7.05% and 2.46% by female and male, respectively, compared to the arithmetic averages.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the swine industry, growth related traits are important economic traits directly linked to profitability. Representative growth traits include daily gain, back fat thickness, and carcass weight. This study was conducted to search for positional candidate genes associated with the carcass weight through a genome-wide association study(GWAS) using suggestive levels of statistical thresholds in pigs. As a result of the genome-wide analysis of the associations with carcass weight, the single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) markers with suggestive significance were identified in 1 SNP marker on chromosome 2(ALGA0015365) and 1 SNP marker on chromosome 4(ALGA0023678). We could select positional 2 candidate genes, located close to the SNP markers with suggestive significance levels. The SNP markers in adjacent to the 2 genes(LOC100519538, LOC100737583) may provide basic data regarding the marker-assisted selection for the carcass weight trait in pigs.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Commercial split beam echosounder (ES70) installed on a krill fishing vessel was calibrated in order to utilize it in estimating biomass of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). The method of calibration was to analyze the difference between the bottom backscattering strength of the commercial split beam echosounder (i.e. ES70) and the scientific echosounder (i.e. EK60) at one of transects near South Shetland Islands designated by CCAMLR. 38 kHz and 120 kHz were used for the calibration, and krill swarm signal levels obtained from multi frequencies, was examined to verify the calibration result. The analysis result indicated possibility of calibration by bottom backscattering strength, since the proportion of krill swarm signals within 2 dB < SV 120 kHz-38 kHz < 12 dB (i.e. a common SV 120 kHz-38 kHz range of 38 kHz and 120 kHz to be an indicator of Antarctic krill) over the total acoustic signals were 26.95% and 92.04%, respectively before and after the calibration.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Growth traits, such as body weight, directly influence productivity and economic efficiency in the swine industry. In this study, we estimate heritability for body weight traits usinginformation from pedigree and genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip data. Four body weight phenotypes were measured in 1,105 F2 progeny from an intercross between Landrace and Jeju native black pigs. All experimental animals were subjected to genotypic analysis using PorcineSNP60K BeadChip platform, and 39,992 autosomal SNP markers filtered by quality control criteria were used to construct genomic relationship matrix for heritability estimation. Restricted maximum likelihood estimates of heritability were obtained using both genomic- and pedigree- relationship matrix in a linear mixed model. The heritability estimates using SNP information were smaller (0.36-0.55) than those which were estimated using pedigree information (0.62-0.97). To investigate effect of common environment, such as maternal effect, on heritability estimation, we included maternal effect as an additional random effect term in the linear mixed model analysis. We detected substantial proportions of phenotypic variance components were explained by maternal effect. And the heritability estimates using both pedigree and SNP information were decreased. Therefore, heritability estimates must be interpreted cautiously when there are obvious common environmental variance components.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To estimate the movement of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus in the Korean Southeast Sea, three type tags were used. A total of 97 Pacific cod were tagged and released with either archival tags or conventional tags. Of these releases, commercial fishermen recovered thirteen conventional tags, and five of seven pop-up tags transmitted data to Argos satellites. Pacific cod began to move towards East Sea after release, and they spent most of their time at depths of 100 to 300m, water temperatures of 0.8 to 14.0°C. However, geographical ranges of their movement limited to area around the southern East Sea. Pacific cod attached conventional tag were recaptured near the release site(Jinhae Bay: main spawning ground) about one or two year after release. Data obtained from tagging investigations suggest that they migrated annually from spawning ground to habtat of the Korean Southeast Sea.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Species composition in the coastal waters off Ulleungdo of Korea were examined based on catches bimonthly collected by trammel net in 2013. A total of 711 individuals and 181.9 Kg were caught and catches were composed of 4 classes 15 orders 27 families 52 species including 44 Pisces, 4 Gastropoda, 3 Cephalopoda, and 1 Echinodermata. The dominant species in biomass were File fish (Thamnaconus modestus), Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus), and Greenling (Hexagrammos otakii). Data were summarized using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) to examine similarity in species composition for each month, and community structure in Ulleungdo was divided into two groups. Community structures in February, April and December with low temperature and well-mixed surface water were distinguished from those in June, August and October with high temperature and strong stratification, which could be attributed to temporal changes in dominant species. Atka mackerel and Spear squid mainly caught in February and April, disappearing in June, August and October, and File fish outburst was shown in October. Because the water off Ulleungdo has been under low human pressure, it could be a good case study to elucidate effects of climate change on community structure and ecosystem in the East sea. Continuous surveys and further studies are required to demonstrate migration route and distribution of dominant species and long-term changes in community structure in the water of Ulleungdo.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is utilized to manage krill resources using acoustic data collection and a scientific observer program operating on the fishing boats. However, the acoustic data were contained seriously noise, example of background, spike, and intermittent noise, due to purpose of fish boats. In this study, the noise removal techniques were confirmed the potential of the acoustic data analysis. Acoustic system and frequency used in the survey were commercial echosounder (ES70, SIMRAD) and 200 kHz split beam transducer. Acoustic data were analyzed using Echoview software (Myriax), and general data analysis and new noise removal method was used. Although a variety of noise, most of the noises have been removed using the noise removal processing. We confirmed the possibility of analyzing the acoustic data obtained from fish boats. The results will be useful for analysis of the acoustic data acquired from krill fishing boats.
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