
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Forecasting of box office performance after a film release is very important, from the viewpoint of increase profitability by reducing the production cost and the marketing cost. Analysis of psychological factors such as word-of-mouth and expert assessment is essential, but hard to perform due to the difficulties of data collection. Information technology such as web crawling and text mining can help to overcome this situation. For effective text mining, categorization of objects is required. In this perspective, the objective of this study is to provide a framework for classifying films according to their characteristics. Data including psychological factors are collected from Web sites using the web crawling. A clustering analysis is conducted to classify films and a series of one-way ANOVA analysis are conducted to statistically verify the differences of characteristics among groups. The result of the cluster analysis based on the review and revenues shows that the films can be categorized into four distinct groups and the differences of characteristics are statistically significant. The first group is high sales of the box office and the number of clicks on reviews is higher than other groups. The characteristic of the second group is similar with the 1st group, while the length of review is longer and the box office sales are not good. The third group's audiences prefer to documentaries and animations and the number of comments and interests are significantly lower than other groups. The last group prefer to criminal, thriller and suspense genre. Correspondence analysis is also conducted to match the groups and intrinsic characteristics of films such as genre, movie rating and nation.
        2016.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        韓国国内で2006年7月に公開された、ポン・ジュノ監督の映画グエム ル-漢江の怪物は、当時、韓国歴代最大観客動員数を記録し、同年9月 には映画配給会社角川ヘラルド(現在の角川映画)によって日本でも封切ら れた。しかし日本での人気は当初の予想とは異なる低調な成績に終わ り、韓流映画に対する全般的な期待自体低下させる契機となった。 『グエムル』の日本興業失敗の原因は既に様々な角度から分析されてい る。しかし筆者は、映画の中に描写された韓国社会の秩序意識に対し て、日本人が感じる違和感もその原因の一つとして作用したと考える。 筆者の考えを確かめるため、本論文では、日本と韓国の怪獣映画作品の 中に描写される社会秩序を考察し、これを比較分析する。そしてさらに 韓国人と日本人の考え方の違いに関して、まず李御寧と小倉紀藏の論理 を検討し、そこから出発して、筆者なりのアプローチで、社会制度に対 する信頼感ならびに社会秩序に対する考え方の違いの原因について明ら かにしようと試みる。