
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the manufacturing industry, dispatching systems play a crucial role in enhancing production efficiency and optimizing production volume. However, in dynamic production environments, conventional static dispatching methods struggle to adapt to various environmental conditions and constraints, leading to problems such as reduced production volume, delays, and resource wastage. Therefore, there is a need for dynamic dispatching methods that can quickly adapt to changes in the environment. In this study, we aim to develop an agent-based model that considers dynamic situations through interaction between agents. Additionally, we intend to utilize the Q-learning algorithm, which possesses the characteristics of temporal difference (TD) learning, to automatically update and adapt to dynamic situations. This means that Q-learning can effectively consider dynamic environments by sensitively responding to changes in the state space and selecting optimal dispatching rules accordingly. The state space includes information such as inventory and work-in-process levels, order fulfilment status, and machine status, which are used to select the optimal dispatching rules. Furthermore, we aim to minimize total tardiness and the number of setup changes using reinforcement learning. Finally, we will develop a dynamic dispatching system using Q-learning and compare its performance with conventional static dispatching methods.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop an agent-based computing platform enabling simulation of on-farm produce contamination by enteric foodborne pathogens, which is herein called PPMCS (Preharvest Produce Microbial Contamination Simulator). Also, fecal contamination of preharvest produce was simulated using PPMCS. Although Agent-based Modeling and Simulation, the tool applied in this study, is rather popular in where socio-economical human behaviors or ecological fate of animals in their niche are to be predicted, the incidence of on-farm produce contamination which are thought to be sporadic has never been simulated using this tool. The agents in PPMCS including crop, animal as a source of fecal contamination, and fly as a vector spreading the fecal contamination are given their intrinsic behaviors that are set to be executed at certain probability. Once all these agents are on-set following the intrinsic behavioral rules, consequences as the sum of all the behaviors in the system can be monitored real-time. When fecal contamination of preharvest produce was simulated in PPMCS as numbers of animals, flies, and initially contaminated plants change, the number of animals intruding cropping area affected most on the number of contaminated plants at harvest. For further application, the behaviors and variables of the agents are adjustable depending on user’s own scenario of interest. This feature allows PPMCS to be utilized in where different simulating conditions are tested.