이 연구의 목적은 고대와 중세의 대척지의 개념과 대척지가 지도학적으로 표현되는 방식을 살펴보는 것이다. 지구를 북 또는 구의 형태로 간주한 그리스 철학자들은 대척지의 존재를 가정했다. 대척지의 개념은 크라테스에 의해 정립되었고, 키케로를 통해 로마 철학자들에게 영향을 미쳤다. 비록 중세에는 어거스틴에 의해 대척지의 존재는 부정되었지만, 크라테스의 대척지 개념은 마크로비우스를 통해 중세에도 계속 지속되었다. 대척지가 표현된 마피문디는 지대형과 4구분형인데, 대척지 명칭을 직접 표기하거 나, 간접적으로 백과사전의 관련 내용을 언급하여 대척지임을 암시했다.
This research focuses on the cadastre and cartographic tradition regarding the representation of Rome that had lasted until the middle of 18th Century. Since the early period of Roman Republic until the early 18th Century, map was considered as a effective medium to record the status of urban facts and also a manifestation of changing perception of reality. These facts allow to diagnose social and conventional changes that had occurred in the field of representation techniques and methodologies derived from diverse intention and objective in elaboration of each map. Cartography also has affinity to architectural drawing as many categories of individuals are involved, clients, researchers, craftsmen, publisher and collectors. Fundamental task of documenting the contemporary physical reality was given to the map, however, as architects had practiced through the drawings, cartographers also reconstruct in subjective way specific buildings and urban aspects according to various needs and demands. As such, philology and imagination play important role as two constitute extreme poles in the evolution of the cadastre. Through analysis of paradigmatic examples in the genealogy of cartography of Rome, it was possible to understand the changing episteme that testify the mentality and custom in the field of visual representation.
본 연구는 고대 그리스 건축과 조각에 남겨진 색상에 관한 역사를 다루고, 고대 채색 전통에 관한 연구에서 도출된 최근의 고고학적, 미술사학적 결과를 조명하고 그 미술사적 의의를 다루고자 한다. 고대 조형물에서 채색은 사실적인 표현을 구현하고 입체감을 강화해 조형물의 가시성을 높여 관람자에게 편의를 도모하도록 기능했다. 지난 몇 세기 간 백색의 그리스와 로마의 조형물은 서유럽의 문화적 우월성의 상징이자, 고전미의 정수로 간주되어 왔었다. 하지만, 이제 고전 미술의 채색 연구는 이러한 패러다임에 도전하고 있다. 이 도전은 국내 연구자들에게 유럽적 미술사관의 한계를 넘어서 고전 미술을 이해하고 연구할 수 있는 새로운 관점을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
This study is caused by the argument of Wendy Meyer, who argues that to characterize Chrysostom as a “lover of the poor” is to misunderstand him against the argument of Peter Brown. She insists that it is more accurate to call him not “champion of the poor,” but “champion of the voluntary poverty.” But the author is not to focus on the contrast argument of above two scholars but to investigate their argument from view point of the monk-bishop leadership. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to present how the leadership of monk-bishop leadership is forming and figuring out. In fact, “the lover of voluntary poverty” and “the lover of the poor” seems to have the deep gap, which could not overcome. Nevertheless, the new leadership, which evolves above two strange factors, is emerging in the name of monk-bishop leadership in late Antiquity.
By focussing on life, work and time of John Chrysostom, this investigation will, portray the transitions of how “the lover of voluntary poverty” and “the lover of the poor” are connecting. John Chrysostom (d.407) lived the monastic life for the several years in the mountain. And he was the presbyter and bishop of Antioch and the Bishop of Constantinople. He is very strong position. in its examination of late-antique poverty. He had an enduring influence on his communities with abundant references to the poor and/or almsgiving to be found in his 823 homilies, 242 letters and fourteen treatises. Particulary, in studying of church and state in late Antiquity, this work has great depts on the study of Peter Brown.