Due to the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large amount of radioactive material was released into the atmosphere, and consequently, it spread over a wide area and was deposited into the soil. As a result of this, a wide area of radioactive contamination site was created. Due to the contaminated site, the need for research on various exploration platforms for efficient situation management and field response is being emphasized. Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment is useful for creating a contamination maps containing information such as Dose Rate, Radionuclide, Activity Concentration accompanied by spatial analysis when performing a Scan Survey that moves with a backpack on a wide area site. contamination maps are based on accurate radiological characteristic information. However, there is a problem in that the accuracy of the evaluation results is lowered due to changes in environment conditions or the variability of the dose rate and counting rate during scan survey. This problem should be solved by applying the influence of each variable to the underlying data. However, prior to this, it is most important to prepare the base underlying first. And this can be obtained through evaluation of detection performance through static survey. Therefore, in this study, the change in detection efficiency for the measurement height and radius of the backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment based on the 3"×3" NaI(Ti) detector was evaluated. First, the height of the source and Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment was evaluated from 0 cm to 1 m, which is the height of the soil and detector when an adult male wears a backpack. The experiment was conducted using the 137Cs (383 kBq) point source, which is a nuclide mainly detected at the contaminated site. The measurement time was measured five times per one minute, considering that it was backpack-type equipment and a future scan survey. In addition, in order to evaluate the detection radius, the measurement was performed by changing the measurement distance up to 5 m at intervals of 50 cm. As a result of evaluating the detection performance of the backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment, it was confirmed that increasing the detection height and radius reduces the count rate in the form of an exponential function. In addition, it was confirmed that the detected radius varies depending on the height. Based on these results, we plan to conduct additional research to understand the scan survey and its sensitivity to various factors. Through this, the company plans to develop various models for exploring the site by improving the accuracy of backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment.
Background: Backpacks are one of the most widely used accessories in modern society. However, previous studies have shown that carrying a backpack can cause various musculoskeletal problems.
Objectives: To investigate the effects of a body-adhesive backpack on craniovertebral angle, sagittal shoulder angle and the muscle fatigue in the upper extremity.
Design: Randomized cross-over design.
Methods: For this study, 36 healthy university students participated in this study. The experiment was conducted three times using common backpack, and body-adhesive backpack condition. The angles of the cervical spine and shoulder joints of the subjects were calculated without the backpack. Electrodes were placed at upper trapezius, lower trapezius, rectus abdominis and erector spinae to check for muscle fatigue. Subjects carried a backpack and walked on a treadmill for 15 minutes at 4 km/h. The muscle fatigue signal was also measured while walking. After walking, the craniovertebral and sagittal shoulder angles were measured again while subjects carried backpack.
Results: As a result of this study, body-adhesive backpack condition showed significant decrease and significant increase in craniovertebral angle and sagittal shoulder angle than common backpack (P<.05). Body-adhesive backpack condition showed significant decrease in upper trapezius, lower trapezius, erector spinae, and rectus abdominis when compared to a common backpack (P<.05).
Conclusion: This study suggests that a body-adhesive backpack is more beneficial in correcting body posture than a common backpack.
Background: A backpack is available equipment for moving some objects. Most studies have found that the appropriate weight limit of backpack for students is between 10% to 15% of their body weight (BW). However, Some students should carry a backpack heavier than 15% of BW. Therefore, It is associated with abnormal shoulder and neck posture on students.
Objects: This study tested the effects that various amounts of weight carried by university students in their backpacks had on their cervical posture and electromyography of neck muscle.
Methods: The subjects consisted of 12 students (6 male, 6 female) in university. There were three loading conditions tested: no backpack, a backpack that weighed 10% and 15% of the student’s BW. The dependent variables were the craniovertebral angle (tragus to C7) and the neck muscle activities (sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius). All 12 subjects were asked to walk while wearing a backpack for 5 minutes and were then instructed to rest for 2 minutes.
Results: When assessing the craniovertebral angle, the results of this study were significantly decreased in the order of 0%, 10%, and 15%. And then, there were significantly increased electromyography of neck muscles that comparison of the weight of 10% and 15% on 0%. It was found that as the weight of the backpack increased, the craniovertebral angle decreased (p < 0.05) and the muscle activities increased (upper trapezius p = 0.012, sternocleidomastoid p = 0.013).
Conclusion: Our study recommended that some students shouldn’t carry on over the 15% backpack of own weight, and also they should distribute backpack load to equal on body for optimal posture.
목적 : 초등학교 학생들이 메고 다니는 책가방 무게와 종류에 대해 알아보고, 체중에 비례한 책가방 무게의 비율과 책가방무게로 기인하는 통증의 경험을 조사 하는 것이다.
연구방법 : 본 연구는 강원도 원주시에 소재한 1개의 초등학교에서 513명의 학생을 대상으로 실시하였다. 등교시 학생들의 책가방 무게와 몸무게, 책가방의 유형, 사물함 사용 여부, 통증 유/무를 조사하였다. 책가방 무게는 저울로 측정하였고 학생들의 몸무게는 학교 자료를 이용하였으며, 그 외의 정보는 인터뷰를 통하여 자료를 수집하였다. 자료 입력 및 분석은 SPSS 윈도우 버전 12.0을 사용하였다.
결과 : 실험에 참여한 학생 중에서 남녀 학생 비율은 여학생이 225명(43.86%), 남학생이 288명(56.14%)이였다. 사물함을 사용하는 학생은 388명(75.63%)이였고, 사물함을 거의 사용하지 않거나 사용하지 않는 경우는 125명(24.37%)이었다. 책가방으로 인해 통증을 경험한 학생은 226명(44.05%)이었으며, 책가방 유형은 양쪽 어깨에 메는 유형이 478명(93.18%), 한쪽 어깨에 메는 유형이 11명(2.14)%이였고, 손으로 드는 유형이 23명(4.48%)이였다. 바퀴가 달린 가방을 사용하는 학생은 단 1명뿐(0.19%)이었다. 학생들이 들고 다니는 평균 책가방의 무게는 3.91 kg으로 학년이 올라 갈수록 증가하였으며 체중에 대한 평균 책가방 무게의 비율은 12.30%였다.
결론 : 본 연구를 통하여 초등학교 학생들의 책가방 무게가 체중에 비해 무거웠으며 통증과의 상관관계는 없었다. 과중한 책가방무게가 잠재적으로 학생들의 근골격계통에서의 문제를 야기 시킬 수 있기에 이를 예방하기 위한 교육적, 인간공학적, 사회와 부모의 관심이 필요하다고 사료된다.