
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research model of panel data analysis in this study was used as the dependent variables and the business characteristics of the welding industry were reflected in the research model for systematic analysis of the effect of welding technology on the welding industry. As a result of the existing research, the domestic welding technology is seriously encroaching on the domestic welding industry between the United States, Japan and China. There is no quantitative statistical analysis on this aspect. In this study, the panel data analysis is used to indicate differences in explanatory power by numerical values of POLS model, fixed effect and random effect. And the prior studies on the current status of welding industry related to arc welding, special welding, multiple welding, welding and bonding technology are applied by the panel data analysis. Therefore, the problems of existing research are diagnosed while presenting the future research directions.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: A backpack is available equipment for moving some objects. Most studies have found that the appropriate weight limit of backpack for students is between 10% to 15% of their body weight (BW). However, Some students should carry a backpack heavier than 15% of BW. Therefore, It is associated with abnormal shoulder and neck posture on students. Objects: This study tested the effects that various amounts of weight carried by university students in their backpacks had on their cervical posture and electromyography of neck muscle. Methods: The subjects consisted of 12 students (6 male, 6 female) in university. There were three loading conditions tested: no backpack, a backpack that weighed 10% and 15% of the student’s BW. The dependent variables were the craniovertebral angle (tragus to C7) and the neck muscle activities (sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius). All 12 subjects were asked to walk while wearing a backpack for 5 minutes and were then instructed to rest for 2 minutes. Results: When assessing the craniovertebral angle, the results of this study were significantly decreased in the order of 0%, 10%, and 15%. And then, there were significantly increased electromyography of neck muscles that comparison of the weight of 10% and 15% on 0%. It was found that as the weight of the backpack increased, the craniovertebral angle decreased (p < 0.05) and the muscle activities increased (upper trapezius p = 0.012, sternocleidomastoid p = 0.013). Conclusion: Our study recommended that some students shouldn’t carry on over the 15% backpack of own weight, and also they should distribute backpack load to equal on body for optimal posture.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 보행이 가능한 편마비 장애인의 가정환경수정 중재 자료로 활용될 지침을 개발하고자 실시하였다. 연구방법 : 전문가 5명을 대상으로 델파이 연구를 시행하였다. 1차 조사는 모두 개방형 질문을 사용하여 실시하였고, 2차 조사는 1차 조사 결과와 선행 연구를 기본으로 하여 조사도구를 만들어 실시하였으며, 4점 척도의 폐쇄형 질문을 사용하였다. 3차 조사는 본인의 의견에 대해 수정할 수 있는 기회를 제공하였다. 결과 : 연구 결과 내용 타당도 지수(content validity index; CVI) 최소값 0.78점 미만 및 수렴도 0.50점 초과인 31개의 항목을 제외하고, 총 96개의 항목을 지침으로 선정하였다. 이는 각 항목의 내용을 요소로 나누었을 때, 기능적 지원성은 49개, 이동과 출입의 용이성은 34개, 접근성은 23개, 공간의 기능과 효율성은 9개로 나타났다. 결론 : 본 지침은 가정환경수정 중재를 실시할 때 필요한 구체적인 내용을 포함하고 있으므로, 지역사회작업치료에서 활용할 수 있을 것이다.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the trunk and the lower limb muscles during quiet standing on an unstable surface while wearing low-heeled shoes (3 ㎝), high-heeled shoes (7 ㎝) and without footwear (0 ㎝) in 20 young healthy women. The subjects stood on an unstable surface for 30 seconds. We examined the differences in the EMG data of the erector spinae, rectus abdominis, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, and the gastrocnemius medialis muscle. A one-way repeated analysis of variance was used to compare the effects of shoe heel height on the EMG activity with the level of significance set at α=.05. The EMG activity of the erector spinae and the rectus femoris were significantly increased (p<.05) in the subjects who wore elevated heel height, while the tibialis anterior and the gastrocnemius medialis were significantly decreased (p<.05). However, the rectus abdominis and the biceps femoris exhibited no significant difference among the three conditions. The above results indicate that wearing high-heeled shoes may change the postural strategy. The findings of this study suggest that excessive heel height could contribute to an increased fall risk during quiet standing.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the variations in gait parameters in terms of the type of arm sling used in hemiplegic patients. Ten patients with hemiplegia and ten healthy adults participated in this study and walked at self-selected speeds on a GAITRite-instrumented carpet. The activities of the opposite shoulder girdle muscle including the latissimus dorsi, anterior deltoid, and posterior deltoid were simultaneously recorded using surface EMG during gait. They were randomly assigned a condition: without an arm sling, a single strap arm sling, a Harris hemi arm sling, a Rolyan humeral cuff arm sling, and a Bobath roll arm sling. The following gait variables were analyzed: the temporo-spatial parameters of velocity, step length, stride length, swing phase, stance phase, single support, step time and toe in/toe out. The statistical analysis was one-way ANOVA with repeated measures to compare the variation of each variable. In comparison of parameters in each trial in the hemiplegia group, the non-affected side stride length, single support, and toe in/toe out resulted in statistically significantly changes (p<.05). But without an arm sling group did not show any gait parameter differences with arm slings. This study found that several arm slings varied gait patterns in patients with hemiplegia and in healthy adults. In the EMG analysis, the Rolyan humeral cuff arm sling and the Bobath roll arm sling were higher muscle activity for the latissimus dorsi muscle than did the single strap ann sling. Further study should examine the problems that appeared in patients who worn arm slings by focusing on a larger number of subjects and by studying the variety of responses in more detail using an assessment tool that measures variation.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 장애인의 재활을 위한 재활보조공학 서비스와 기구를 전달하는 전문 인력 중 작업치료사들의 재활보조공학에 대한 활용도를 조사하여 이용 실태와 현황을 알아봄으로써 작업치료 영역에서 재활보조공학을 활성화하기 위한 기초자료를 제시하기 위한 것이다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 2006년 10월 28일부터 동년 11월 4일까지 작업치료사 256명을 대상으로 재활보조공학에 대한 활용수준과 임상 활용도에 대한 자기기입식 설문조사를 실시하였다. 결과 : 1. 재활보조공학에 대한 접근을 적용한 경험이 있는 경우가 82명(32.0%)이었으며, 적용대상자는 신체장애가 가장 많았고, 치료환경에서의 활용도는 ‘낮다’와 ‘매우 낮다’가 165명(64.4%)이었다. ‘향후 재활보조공학을 활용할 계획’은 127명(49.6%)이 긍정적으로 응답하였다. 2. 재활보조공학에 대한 작업치료사의 임상 활용도는 12점 만점에 평균 1.70점으로 낮았다. 3. 작업치료 영역에서 재활보조공학 활용도 향상을 위한 방안으로 교육기회 제공, 재정적 지원, 인식향상, 전문인력 보충의 순으로 응답하였다. 4. 작업치료사들의 재활보조공학에 대한 활용도는 학력에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.01). 결론 : 재활보조공학은 작업치료 영역에서 광범위하게 적용되고 있다. 재활보조공학의 효과적인 활용을 위해서는 협회차원의 보수교육 및 워크샵과 같은 전문적인 교육 기회가 확대되고 재정적인 지원이 마련되어야 할 것이다.
        2007.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 본 연구의 목적은 현재 우리나라 작업치료사들의 현황을 파악하고, 작업치료사들의 대학(교) 교육과정 중 재활보조공학 관련 교육 과목을 조사하고, 작업치료사들의 재활보조공학(assistive technology)에 대한 인식을 파악하는 것이다. 연구방법: 본 연구는 크게 두 부분으로 진행하였다. 첫째, 국내 작업치료(학)과가 개설된 대학(교) 중 30개 대학(교)의 교과과정을 분석하고 작업치료 양성 현황을 조사하였으며, 연구기간은 2006년 3월 2일부터 동년 6월 30일까지였다. 둘째, 국내에서 작업치료사 면허를 취득한 후, 임상경험을 갖고 있는 256명을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였으며, 연구기간은 2006년 10월 28일부터 동년 11월 4일까지였다. 결과: 현재 국내 작업치료대학(교) 중 30개 대학(교)의 교육과정 내 재활보조공학 관련 교과목이 4년제 10.9과목, 3년제 9.3과목이 운영되고 있었다. 재활보조공학에 대해 들어본 경험이 있는 치료사는 230명(89.8%)으로 이 중 136명(53.1%)이 대학(교) 수업을 통해 알게 되었다고 하였다. 대부분의 작업치료사들은 재활보조공학이 작업수행에 도움이 된다고 하였으며, 가장 도움이 되는 영역을 일상생활활동 영역이라 하였다. 재활보조공학에 대한 인식 개선을 위해 가장 필요한 사항은 대학 교육과정 과목 개설, 협회차원의 보수교육, 타 전문영역과 연계한 워크샵, 전문자격증 제도 도입의 순으로 응답하였다. 재활보조공학에 대한 작업치료사의 인식도는 28점 만점에 평균 10점 정도를 나타내어 인식도가 낮게 나타났다. 작업치료사의 재활보조공학에 대한 인식도는 임상경력이 높을수록(p<.05), 학력이 높을수록(p<.01) 높게 나타났다. 결론: 향후 작업치료사가 재활보조공학 전문가로 체계적으로 양성되기 위해서는 대학교육과정에 재활보조공학 관련 핵심교과목 개설과 전문적인 교육이 필요하다.
        2007.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to discover the effects of the short-term home visiting physical therapy program involving patients with some chronic brain disorders at Gimhae City, Kyongnam. Recovery of activities of daily living (ADL) is a very important factor of rehabilitative procedures, and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is a useful standard of evaluation for it. The FIM is widely used in brain disorder research because it measures real functional activities of daily living. We applied the physical therapy exercise program twice per week (10~15 times repeatedly); a warm-up and cool down exercise performed every ten minutes by active & active-assistive ROM and stretching exercises. Main exercises were composed of getting up & laying down in bed, standing training, walking exercise in the room, and window or wall sliding exercise using affected upper limbs for a total duration of 30 minutes. We collected the data from 20 patients with chronic brain disorders at his/her home and analyzed by means of SPSS/PC+ program (Ver. 10.0). After the six week long physical therapy exercise program, the average was 56.10±22.59 point compared with initial 50.55±19.12 point by FIM, improved functional ADL ability about 5.55 point, and these changed scores were statistically significant (p=.000). We also studied another factor regarding patient's satisfaction. The majority of subjects (10 people) rated the program with the maximum score of ten points (50.0%), and three people rated it a seven point program (15.0%), the other two subjects gave a rating of nine and eight points (10.0%). Because the program was effective at improving the physical ADL ability and satisfaction of each subject, we suggest continual development and implementation of a home visiting physical therapy program. Further study should involve a longer period of observation with a larger population that is involved in an individually designed home physical therapy program.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to discern the effects of a balance training program on the performance of lower extremities in order to improve strength (muscle power, flexibility, walking power), balance control and walking ability in the elderly. The subjects selected were aged 65 years and over, with no known relevant medical history that may disturb their balance, and have also been visiting the Gimhae Senior Welfare Center. The variable group consisted of 30 subjects, of whom were people who had been participating in balance training programs (One Leg Standing; OLS, Functional Reach; FR, Timed Get Up and Go; TUG) as an intervention for 8 weeks 3 times per a week. They were examined in order to identify their balance control before and after. The control group consisted of thirty subjects who preferred to exercise without any intervention relating to balance training program. The subjects were measured before and after balance training in order to determine the effectiveness of exercise and the effectiveness of exercise combined with the aid of a Balance Performance Monitor. 1. Mean time on OLS test with left and right sided extremities in the experimental group was 35.44 sec, 42.10 sec longer than control group respectively. In FR tests applied to the left and right side, mean reaching distance was increased up to 5.56 cm, 6.73 cm in experimental group respectively. Mean time on TUG test from a chair in experimental group was decreased to 2.33 sec. 2. Mean value of decline in the level balance control, both left and right side, decreased to 2.24% as examined by the Balance Performance Monitor. Mean scores for sway level after balance training decrease to .98% and for balance control both anterior and posterior directions decreased to mean 1.07% and 1.44%, respectively.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 신체장애인들이 사용하는 보조기기가 일상생활활동 수행 능력과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한 것이다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 경상남도 김해시에 거주하는 신체장애인 40명을 대상으로 2004년 8월 1일부터 동년 8월 31일까지 각 가정을 방문하여 일상생활활동 능력 평가 및 설문조사를 실시하였다. 자료 수집을 위해 사전 지도와 FIM 평가에 대한 훈련을 받은 6명의 연구원들이 장애인과 개별적 면접을 통해 시행하였다. 설문지는 장애인의 일반적인 특성 9문항과 보조기기관련 7문항, 5점 척도의 재활의료서비스, 가족 지지정도, 지역사회참여 정도에 대한 만족도 항목 3문항으로 구성되었다. 결과 : 보조기기 사용 유무에 따른 신체장애인의 일상생활활동 수행 능력은 차이가 없었다. 재활의료서비스 만족도는 보조기기 사용집단과 미사용집단 간에는 통계학적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 가족지지 만족도와 지역사회참여 만족도는 보조기기 미사용집단보다 사용집단에서 모두 높은 만족도를 보였다(p<0.05). 결론 : 신체장애인들이 보조기기를 사용한 경우 가족지지와 지역사회참여 만족도에서 보다 높은 만족도를 보였다(p<0.05). 보조기기 사용유무에 따른 일상생활활동 수행 능력과 재활의료서비스 만족도에서는 통계학적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 앞으로의 연구에서는 지역별 특성을 고려하여 여러 지역의 많은 장애인을 대상으로 보조기기 사용 특성에 대한 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find prevalence and the relevant factors of low back pain among taxi-drivers. Information were obtained by a self-administered questionnaire during september, 2004, from 83 taxi-drivers in Gimhae, Kyung Nam province. The data were analyzed by chi-square test and Multiple Logistic Regression(if this is a proper noun, it needs to be capital, if not it needs lower case) by using SPSS 10.0 program. The result were as follows: 1) The prevalence rate of low back pain during lifetime was 81.9% among 83 taxi-drivers. 2) Statistically significant factors related to low back pain during lifetime were sleeping time(p<.05). 3) Through the multiple logistic regression, significantly relevant factors with low back pain were alcohol drinking (OR=.017, 95% CI=.001~.509), and sleeping time (OR=.111, 95% CI=.020~.636). It is necessary to study on a preventive measure of low back pain and systematic human engineering approach through objective clinical research.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the factors involving clinical practice which have an influence on the satisfaction of students majoring in physical therapy at colleges or universities located in the Pusan and Kyungnam area. We investigated using a self-reporting method 305 students receiving a grade point average between 2.0 and 4.0 and who had finished their clinical practice. We also investigated the characteristics of clinical settings which make up the clinical practice, the general characteristics of the students involved and the characteristics of a clinical teaching method performed by physical therapists versus a teaching method by a professor of a university. The number of students divided according to educational background are as follows: 149 people (48.9% of the total group) were 4 year students, 156 people were 3 year students (51.1% of the total group). Sixty-nine students' or 22.6% of the group were men while women consisted of 236 persons or 77.4% of the group. Four year students had a longer clinical practice period than that of the 3 year students (p<.05). An average satisfaction score of students with their clinical practice was 3.84. The satisfaction scores showed no significant difference between genders, educational backgrounds, and grades. (p>.05). There were no significant differences in the satisfaction score of students with their clinical practice was 3.84. The satisfaction scores showed no significant difference between genders, educational backgrounds, and grades. (p>.05). There were no significant differences in the satisfaction scores regarding the student management system among varying gender or educational backgrounds between the 3 year and 4 year programs. The average satisfaction score with the environment of the physical therapy room was 3.35. And there were no significant differences in the physical therapy room satisfaction score based on sex or educational system (p>.05). The most influential factor of determining clinical practice satisfaction was a student management system of the clinical practice (p<.01). The next most influential factors were the clinical practice period (p<.05), size of facilities (p<.01) and relationship with physical therapists (p<.01) (=.554).
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objectives: To quantify the range of motion of upper limb while eating with and without a universal cuff (UC). Method: The feeding cycle was divided into pre-feeding and feeding phases. The pre-feeding phase was operationally defined as scooping water with a spoon. The feeding phase was operationally defined as bringing the spoon to the mouth. A three-dimensional CMS70P analysis system was used to record upper limb motion during eating activities. Ten male and eight female healthy volunteers participated in this study. Results: (1) in pre-feeding phase: when a spoon without a UC was used, wrist was flexed and shoulder was adducted. However, when a UC with a spoon, the wrist was extended and shoulder was abducted. Also, the range of motions (ROMs) of shoulder flexion and internal rotation were significantly increased (p<0.05). (2) In feeding phase: when a spoon without a UC was used, wrist was flexed and radially deviated. However, when a spoon was used in a UC with a spoon, wrist was extended and ulnarly deviated. The ROMs of forearm supination, shoulder abduction, and external rotation were significantly increased(p<0.05). Conclusion: The ROMs of upper extremities with UC were significantly different from without UC. Therefore, when applying a universal cuff on patients, appropriate ROMs for a universal cuff should be considered prior to OT treatment.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In most of the medical literature that discusses the common problem of movement in patients with cerebral lesions. This critical problem is ascribed to a mechanism involving uninhibited neural activity. The goals of neurological physical therapy are focus on reduce of muscle hypertonicity, facilitates muscle activities, and improve of performance in living environment. A variety of studies suggest that spasticity is a distinct problem and separate from the muscle weakness. It has become increasingly recognized that the major functional deficits following brain damage are largely due to negative features such as muscle weakness and loss of performance rather than spasticity. Adequate recruitment of prime mover, not release was able to carry out the movement tasks well. The strengthening exercise of spastic limbs on changes in muscle properties and performance skill, the repeated motor practice has been identified as crucial for motor recovery. This article support the concept that strengthening is an appropriate intervention to improve the quality of physical function in patients with central nervous system lesions. Further studies and therapeutic approaches should be efforts at improving motor neuron recruitment in agonist rather than reducing activity in antagonists while retraining muscle strengthening.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this research were to investigate home care rehabilitation services in rural areas and to collect basic data about disabled persons necessary when for carrying out rehabilitation services. Respondents were selected from six of a total of eight townships (Myon) and one town (Eup) in the Wonju city area. Wonju is in Kangwon Province (Do). Of a total of 338 names provided by the Myon offices, 298 persons were located and included registered and non-registered persons. Conditions included stroke, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy in addition to disabilities classified as first, second or third degree, in the case of registered cases. Respondent demographic characteristics, medical characteristics, rehabilitation service needs, willingness to receive rehabilitation service and individual opinions regarding rehabilitation services were analysed by frequency and percentage. The results were as follows: 1) Rehabilitation services received by disabled persons living at home in the rural areas surrounding Wonju city were medical rehabilitation (41.7%), diagnosis (36.5%), rehabilitation assistive devices (7.6%), social assistance (7.1%), rehabilitation counseling (3.0%), vocational rehabilitation (1.8%), educational rehabilitation (1.6%) and housekeeping services (0.5%). The majority of rehabilitation services were medical rehabilitation provided at hospitals and oriental medicine hospitals. 2) Sixty point eight percent of respondents expressed their willingness to receive home care rehabilitation services. Needs expressed were highest for medical rehabilitation (27.0%), followed by social assistance (19.4%), medical examination (12.4%), physician-generated diagnosis in the home setting (11.6%), sociopsychological rehabilitation (9.3%), vocational rehabilitation (7.6%), rehabilitation engineering (6.0%), educational rehabilitation (3.3%), and housekeeping services (3.3%). 3) Rehabilitation service needs were analyzed by severity classification: 65.8% of first degree, 62.7% of second degree and 55.6% of third degree disability classification, and 62.7% of non-registered disabled individuals responded that rehabilitation service was necessary. 4) Rehabilitation service needs were also analyzed by diagnosis: 62.6% of stroke, 85.5% of amputation, 60.0% of spinal cord injury and 52.4% of traumatic brain injury respondents answered positively that they were willing to receive rehabilitation service if it were to be provided. Rehabilitation service utilization data of disabled individuals living at home in rural areas were investigated and their rehabilitation needs analyzed. This critical information can be used when community-based rehabilitation programs for disabled persons living at home are planned for provision out of a public health center or when community-based rehabilitation welfare policy is formulated.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the treatment effect of three interventions on the disuse atrophy of rat hindlimb after two weeks suspension. Forty-eight 11~12 weeks old female Sprague-Dawley white rats were divided into four intervention groups: 1) suspension only (S; n=10), 2) intensive weight bearing treadmill (IWBT; n=10), 3) electrical stimulation (ES; n=9), 4) 2)+3) (ES/IWBT; n=9). Another 10 rats received no intervention or hindlimb suspension and served as controls (C). After the interventions, 1) the cross-sectional area (CSA), 2) the ratio of white muscle fiber composition (WMFC), 3) isometric tetanic tension (ITT), and 4) muscle weights (MWs) were measured from the four calf muscle specimens. The results were as follows: 1. In all intervention groups, the CSAs of medial and lateral gastrocnemius (MG LG), soleus (SOL), and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) decreased when compared to the control (C) group (p<.05). The CSA increased in FDS and LG for the IWBT group, in SOL for the ES/IWBT group compared to the S only group (p<.05). 2. The ratios of WMFC in MG, LG, SOL, and FDS increased compared to the C group for all interventions (p<.05). The ratios of WMFC decreased in SOL and LG for the IWBT group, in SOL for the ES/IWBT group compared to the S only group, and decreased in SOL for the ES/IWBT group compared to the IWBT group (p<.05). 3. The ITT in the MG, LG, SOL, and FDS decreased compared to the C group for all interventions (p<.05). The ITT increased in MG LG/FDS, SOL, and the whole calf muscles (WCMs) in the IWBT, ES and ES/IWBT groups compared to the S only group (p<.05). 4. The MWs in MG LG/FDS, SOL, WCMs decreased compared to the C group for all interventions (p<.05). The MWs increased in MG LG/FDS and WCMs for the IWBT group, in SOL for the ES group, and in SOL for the ES/IWBT group compared to the S only group (p<.05). 5. In atrophied muscles, the IWBT group showed the best recovery and the ES/IWBT and ES groups followed in decreasing order. The most susceptible muscle to disuse atrophy was the SOL. But conversely, it showed the best recovery in the ES/IWBT group. After two weeks of hindlimb suspension, the calf muscles of rats atrophied and their isometric tension decreased. These changes were best reversed by hindlimb-focused treadmill activity. The next best results were achieved by electrical stimulation combined with the treadmill followed by only electrical stimulation. These findings indicate that full weight bearing treadmill activity alone or in combination with electrical stimulation are effective treatments for non-weight bearing induced muscle atrophy. Further study of the effect of different intensities of electrical stimulation and variations in the duration period of full weight bearing treadmill activity on disuse atrophy is recommended.
        2000.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the influence of cane length on the weight distribution of the elderly in a standing position. Thirty participants were evaluated using two different cane lengths based on measurements of distal wrist crease to ground (WC cane), and distance of greater trochanter to ground (GT cane). A limloader was used to determine the weight distribution on the subject. It was found that 6.5% of body weight was supported on a GT cane and 7.7% of body weight supported on a WC cane in a standing position. Results suggests that more weight is distributed on a WC cane than a GT cane in the elderly.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not the physical therapist's explanation of the treatment prior to electrical stimulation affects the subjects level of anxiety. Eighty healthy subjects participated in this study and were assigned either to the experimental group receiving information on the treatment (=40) or to the control group not receiving information on the treatment (=40). Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), a sphygomamometer and the Spielberger State Anxiety Scale Questionnaire were used to investigate the threshold of anxiety. Analysis of data revealed significant differences in pulse and diastolic blood pressure compared to the control group when the subjects were stimulated electrically after receiving information on the treatment. We found significant differences between the two groups. The results of the study indicate that the patient's anxiety can be reduced by the physical therapist's explanation on the treatment.
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