운문산 상류 수계의 저서성 대형무척추동물상 조사 및 생물학적 수질평가는 2007년 11월에서 2008년 9월까지 시행되었으며 조사결과 4문 5강 13목 61과 106속 140종이 조사되었다. 전 지점을 종합해 볼 때 날도래목의 네모집날도래 KUa가 우점종이며 지점별 우점도지수(DI)를 살펴보면 2지점이 0.553으로 가장 높았으며 7지점이 0.354로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 다양도지수(H')에서는 7지점이 2.18로 가장 높았으며 2지점이 1.75로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 저서성 대형무척추동물 생태점수(ESB)애서는 4지점과 7지점이 85로 가장 높게 나타나 '최우선보호수역'으로 판정되었으며 5 지점이 51 로 가장 낮게 나타나 '보호수역'으로 판정되었으며 전 지점 모두 오수생물계열에서 '변부수성'을 나타냈다.
본 연구는 1999년 9월부터 2000련 8월까지 1년간 강원도 평창군 소재 평창강 일대의 15개 조사지점을 대상으로 계절별로 저서성 대형무척추동물을 채집, 분류, 동정하고 현지 수질을 생태학적으로 평가한 것이다. 총 4문 4강 10목 31과 77속 109종이 채집되었으며, 조사지점 중 진부면 간평리에서 53종(48.0%)이 채집되어 가장 많은 종들이 출현하였고 마하리와 창동리에서도 각각 51종(46.7%), 50종(45.8%)이 채집되었다. 그러나 수
Community dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrates and biological evaluation of water quality were investigated at Gigyecheon of Pohang and Gyeongju, Korea. The survey was carried out at 8 sites from May to October, 2017. As a result, total of 104 species under 54 families, 15 orders, 8 classes in 4 phyla with 5,052 individuals were revealed. The number of species was the most abundantly identified in aquatic insects, 76 species under 34 families, 6 orders. Among them, the order Odonata was the most abundant taxon as 21 species(20.2%). The most abundant individuals were collected in the phylum Mollusca as 1,453 individuals(28.8%). Various species appeared dominantly at each site by season, and the most dominant species was Caridina denticulata denticulata belonging to the class Malacostraca with 0.08 of dominance index. According to the results of community structure analyses, the diversity and richness indices were the highest at site Ⅱ, the evenness index was the highest at site Ⅰ, and the dominance index was the highest at site Ⅳ. The number of species and individuals of gathering collectors were the highest among functional feeding groups. Those of sprawlers were the highest among habitat orientation groups. The ESB showed a tendency to change according to season and site, and it was the highest in May at most surveyed sites. The KSI was also somewhat fluctuated according to season and site. From these indices, average biological water quality was evaluated as class Ⅱ.
In the present study, the community distribution, functional feeding groups, and habitat groups of the benthic macroinvertebrates from Gayasan National Park were investigated at eight different sites from 2015 to 2016. The correlation between habitat altitude and each group type was analyzed statistically. Biodiversity indices, including dominance, diversity, richness, and evenness indices, were calculated. The results showed a total of 4,216 individual benthic macroinvertebrates were collected, including 4 phyla, 6 classes, 16 orders, 40 families, and 100 species. Gammarus sobaegensis was dominant with 0.141% dominance, and the subdominant species was Epeorus nipponicus with 0.088% dominance. The EPT group(Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Tricoptera) accounted for 71.00% of the total species and 67.69% of the total individuals. The number of scraper species was highest, and the number of gathering collector individuals was highest among functional feeding groups. The individual number of scrapers(r=-0.358, p ˂ 0.05) and gathering collectors(r=-0.343, p ˂ 0.05) decreased with increasing altitude. The numbers of species and individuals of clingers and sprawlers were highest among the habitat groups. The individual number of clingers(r=-0.547, p ˂ 0.01) and burrowers(r=-0.331, p ˂ 0.05) significantly decreased with increasing altitude. The diversity and richness indices were higher in St. 3 than in the other sites. The dominance index was highest in St. 2, and the evenness index was highest in St. 7. We evaluated the biological water quality with several known methods, and concluded that ESB(Ecological score of benthic macrovertebrates community) and GPI(Group polution index) were more suitable than KSI(Korean saprobic index) and BMI (Benthic macrovertebrate index) to assess the biological water quality of Gayasan mountain stream water.
The distribution characteristics of functional feeding groups and biological evaluation of water quality with benthic macroinvertebrates were investigated from 2013 to 2014 in the mountain streams of Jirisan National Park. Both quantitative and qualitative collection had been performed six times during study periods in twelve sites located at upstream, midstream and downstream of four valleys, Chilsungol, Baemsagol, Daesunggol and Piagol of freshwater ecosystem in Jirisan National Park. As results, the total collected benthic macroinvertebrates were 3 phyla, 4 classes, 11 orders, 37 families, 107 species and 4,028 individuals. In 2013, 3 phyla, 4 classes, 10 orders, 32 families, 89 species and 1,829 individuals were collected. And in 2014, 3 phyla, 4 classes, 9 orders, 31 families, 80 species and 2,199 individuals were identified. The total dominant species was Ecdyonurus kibumensis, and EPT groups occupied 80.39% of total species number. Biotic indices were also compared to site and to season. The dominant index (DI) was highest at the downstream of Baemsagol in the spring of 2013, and the evenness index (J') was highest at the downstream of Daesunggol in the summer of 2013. Both diversity index (H') and richness index (RI) were highest at the upstream of Baemsagol in the summer of 2014. The correlation between altitude above sea level and functional feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates was also researched in this study. As a result, the species number of shredders and predators have significantly increased according to the increase of the altitude of their habitat. On the other hand, individuals of gathering collectors have increased according to the increase of altitude. The biological water quality was evaluated and compared with several methods in this study, and we suggest that ESB and GPI are more appropriate than KSI and BMI to evaluate biological water quality of mountain stream water.
금번 연구에서는 낙동강 유역내 주요하천을 대상으로 자연도 평가와 수질을 분석하였다. 하천 자연도의 종합평가 결과는 의 1등급과 4등급으로 평가되었으며, 부문별 평가 결과는 하천형태의 평가지수가 로 2등급에서 4등급으로, 하천환경의 평가지수는 의 1등급에서 4등급으로 평가되었다. 수질 평가 결과는 수소이온농도는 이었으며, 생물화학적 산소요구량은 , 용존산소량 , 부유물질은 이었다. 하천 자연도 평가 지표의 독립성과 유사성을 판단하기 위하여 하천 자연도
밀양강 수계 7개 지점에 대하여 1997년 4월부터 12월까지 5회에 걸쳐 채집된 저서성 대형무척추동물의 군집분석 및 저서성 대형무척추동물에 의한 생물학적 수질평가 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
분류군은 총 3문 8강 15목 37과 45속 81종으로서 빈모류 1종, 거머리류 2종, 복족류 6종, 부족류 5종, 갑각류 2종, 곤충류 65종으로 곤충류가 가장 많았다.
전체 지점에 대한 평균 개체수 현존량은 815개체/㎡였다. 이 중 곤충류(약80%)가 가장 많았으며, 다시 곤충류 중에는 하루살이류(약 70%)와 날도래류(약 18%)가 주를 이루었다. 각 지점별 평균개체수 현존량을 보면, 제1지점인 청도천의 경우 262개체/㎡(32.2%)로서 가장 많은 출현율을 보였고, 제7지점인 밀양강 끝지점의 경우 38개체 /㎡(4.7%)로서 가장 출현율이 낮았다.
전체 평균 수준에서의 제1우점종은 Ecdyomurus levis Navas였으며, 우점도지수는 0.3이었다. 각 지점별 우점종을 보면 제1지점부터 제5지점까지는 Ecdyomurus levis Navas이였고, 제6지점과 제7지점은 Hirudinidae sp.1이었다. 그리고, 전체 평균 수준에서의 다양도지수는 2.66이었다. 조사지점별 평균 다양도 지수를 보면 제4지점이 가장 높았으며(H'=3.47), 다음은 제2지점, 1지점, 3지점, 5지점, 6지점, 7지점의 순이었다.
생물학적 지표종을 중심으로한 수질평가에 의하면, 밀양강 전체의 평균은 군오염지수(GPI) 1,49로서 β-mesosaprobic의 II급수로 평가되었다. 각 지점별로는 제3지점의 경우 Oligosaprobic의 I급수로서 가장 양호한 수질이었고, 제1지점과, 제2지점, 제4지점, 제5지점은 β-mesosaprobic의 II급수로, 제6지점은 β-mesosaprobic의 III급수로 평가되었다. 그리고, 제7지점은 α-mesosaprobic의 III급수로서 가장 수질이 불량한 것으로 평가되었다.
This study was carried out to evaluate off-shore water quality and to draw marine pollution map to Southern sea in Korea by bioassay using gametes and early development system of Asterias amurensis. From the bioassay, it was determined that the water qualites of Southern sea maintained the grade Ⅱ, because development of A. amurensis were moderately inhibited. However, Sunchon, Kwangyang, and Jinhae Bay belonged to grade Ⅲ, because development of A. amurensis were strongly inhibited. This could be due to the inflows of several river systems and poor water circulation.
The water quality at Yosu island was the grade I, because A. amurensis were not inhibited in its early development.