Iron (Fe) is a vital element for plants and other organisms, involving in several physiological processes including respiration, chlorophyll biosynthesis, and photosynthesis. Unfortunately, how Fe accumulation regulates in response to light quality has not been well established in plants. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the mechanism of Fe homeostasis by light quality. In this study, we found morpho-physiological attributes were significantly improved in response to blue (λmax: 450) compared to white (λ max: 500) and red (λmax: 660) light. The root-shoot length, plant biomass, photosynthesis efficiency (Fv/Fm) and leafgreen (SPAD) significantly declined in response to white and red light. However, these parameters were improved and iron deficiency was substantially alleviated by blue light exposure in alfalfa seedlings. This study might be useful to the forage breeders and farmers for improving alfalfa yield and nutritional benefits.
Salicylic acid (SA) is an essential plant growth regulator that functions as a signaling molecule in plants. The purpose of this study was to clarify how the exogenous application of SA counteracts aluminum stress-induced growth and biomass yield reduction in alfalfa exposed to aluminum (Al) stress. Two-week-old alfalfa seedlings were exposed to a combination of AlCl3 (0 μM, 50 μM and 100 μM, respectively) and SA (0.1 mM) for 72 hours. We observed, Al stress-induced plant growth inhibition and forage yield reduction are Al stress-dependent manner. A significant reduction of plant height (42.0-52.9%), leaf relative water content (13.0-21.4%), root length (35.4-48.7%), shoot fresh weight (31.2-25.9%), root fresh weight (15.4-23.3%), shoot dry weight (12.7-22.2%), roots dry weight (47.3 -53.5%), were observed in alfalfa. In contrast, SA alleviated the Al-stress and enhanced growth and biomass yield in alfalfa. This study provides useful information concerning the role of SA that counteracts aluminum stress-induced growth and yield reduction in alfalfa.
Post-translational modifications of nucleosomal core histones play important roles in biological processes via altering chromatin structure and creating target sites for proteins acting on chromatin. Molecular genetic studies with Arabidopsis have verified several epigenetic factors that regulate flowering time. However, the roles of chromatin remodeling factors have not been well explored in rice. Here, we identified chromatin remodeling factors, OsVIL1, 2, and 4 (Oryza sativa VIN3-LIKE) genes, that regulate grain yield. OsVIL proteins contain a plant homeodomain (PHD) finger, which is a conserved motif of histone binding proteins. We showed that plant height and number of spikelets per panicle were increased in the OsVIL2-overexpression (OsVIL2-OX) and osvil4 plants, respectively. Each mutants (OsVIL2-OX and osvil4) exhibited longer internodes and thicker stems than wild type controls. Histochemical analysis revealed that cells are smaller in OsVIL2-OX and osvil4 plants. We performed an RNA-seq using 1st internodes of WT and OsVIL2-OX stems and got the suppressed target genes in the OsVIL2-OX. OsCKX2, which encodes cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase is one of the suppressed genes in the OX plants and we verified decrease of that gene using qRT-PCR and closed chromatins of OsCKX2 were enriched in the OX plants by using ChIP. As results of these, cytokinins were enriched in the OX plants. These demonstrate that OsVIL2 and OsVIL4 antagonistically regulate plant height and number of spikelets by controlling cytokinin contents. Like OsVIL2-OX and osvil4 plants, besides, OsVIL1-OX plants were also shown increased plant height and biomass. We propose that OsVILs may be used for improving grain yield by increasing biomass.
‘목양’은 국립식량과학원 벼 육종연구진이 총체 사료용 벼 품종을 육성할 목적으로 2001년 하계에 SR24592-HB2319 를 모본으로 하고 신초형 IR73165-B-6-1-1을 부본으로 교배 하여 계통육종법으로 육성한 품종으로 2010년 12월 농작물 직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 국가목록등재품종으로 선정 됨과 동시에 ‘목양’으로 명명하였다. ‘목양’의 출수기는 보통 기 재배에서 8월 23일로 ‘녹양’보다 8일 정도 늦은 만생종이 다. ‘목양’은 도열병, 줄무늬잎마름병, 오갈병에는 ‘녹양’보다 강하지만, 흰잎마름병, 벼멸구에는 약한 편이다. ‘목양’은 ‘녹 양’보다 탈립에 강하고, 후기녹체성이 우수하였다. ‘목양’은 가소화양분총량(TDN) 함량이 높고 중성세제불용섬유소(NDF) 와 산성세제불용섬유소(ADF)가 낮았다. ‘목양’의 총체수량은 지역적응시험에서 2008년부터 2010년까지 평균 17.7 MT/ha 로 ‘녹양’보다 25% 증수하는 경향을 보였다. ‘목양’은 가소화 양분총량(TDN)은 59.5%였으며 ADF와 NDF가 낮아 상대적 사료가치가 ‘녹양’에 비해 높은 품종이다. ‘목양’의 정조 수량은 보통기 재배에서 5.59 MT/ha로 ‘녹 양’보다 16% 증수되었다. 재배적지는 중부 및 남부평야지 1 모작 지대이다.
Green manure crops play an inportant role in organic farming. Field experiment was conducted at paddy soi1 (fine loamy, mixed, nonacid, mesic family of Aeric Fluvaquentíc Endoquepts) ín 2008/2009 to 2009/2010 at the Natíonallnstítute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA, Suwon, Gyeonggí provínce, Korea. This expe꺼ment was carried out to evaluate the biomass of haíry vetch (Vicia víllosa) and growth of rice (Oryza satíva) by cjífferent seedíng rates. Seeding rates of hairy vetch consisted of 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-' by broadcasting before rice harvesting. The biomass af)d nitrogen production of hairy vetch were not significantly different between 60 kg ha-’ and 90 kg ha-’ of seeding rates. Also, rice yield was not siginicantly differnt between seeding rate 60 kg ha-’ of hairy vetch and conventional pratice for two years. Therefore, we suggested that seeding rate of hairy vetch should be reduced by continuous cropping and incoportion of hairy vetch under rice-based cropping system.
녹양'은 초다수 총체사료용 벼 품종을 육성하기 위하여 1996년 하계에 국제미작연구소에서 다수성인 용문벼를 모본으로하고 신초형 IR67396-16-3-3-1을 부본으로 교배하여 계통육종법에 의하여 육성한 품종으로, 2006년 12월에 직무육성신픔종선정위원회에서 국가목록등재품종으로 선정됨과 동시에 '녹양'으로 명명하였으며, 지역적응시험 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. '녹양'의 출수기는 보통기 재배에서 8월16일로 '다산벼' 보다 5일 정도 늦은 중만생종이다.