The buffer green space of Sihwa industrial complex is located on the boundary of residential areas and industrial areas, and this regions have been the ability to mitigate environmental impact of noise, vibration, atmospheric. In this area, the survey of vegetation and bird was conducted to understand the biology structures and function of buffer green space from biology habitats and natural recovery for ecology restoration. The survey was performed four times according to the season. As a result, vegetation were distributed to the most widely Pinus thunbergii community (72.2%) in the whole survey area (approximately 0.32 km2), and grasslands (6.6%), Amorpha fruticosa community (4.1%), Koelreuteria paniculata community (4.0%), Acer buergerianum community (3.9%) in the order of distribution. The characteristics of vegetation distribution were mainly planted Pinus thunbergii in outlying areas, and Koelreuteria paniculata, Acer buergerianum, Sophora japonica, Quercus acutissima were planted in the middle areas. The birds observed in this area were a total of 37 species, 912 individuals, the species of legal protection were observed Falco tinnunculus 1 individuals. The most of birds observed in this area were the resident that can be observed easily in the park and greenland surrounding urban. The waterfowl almost were not observed because of lacking water space. Thus, as providing safe habitats and movement passageway of wildlife, the connection of ecological green areas will be strengthened.
This study was conducted to analyze the distributional status of endangered birds inhabit in Seongmo, Gyodong, Boreum Islands in 2009 from spring to autumn. The endangered birds observed in this area were a total of 16 species. The areas preferred to endangered birds were largely divided into the forest type of low mountain areas, the coast type of foreshore and mudflat areas and the open type of agricultural land. The forest type was mainly observed birds of prey, the coast type was mostly identified water birds and the open type was shared with birds of prey and water birds. The information in these endangered birds is determined that can be used as a basis data for protecting certain birds and habitats.
일반인들의 생물다양성 인식정도를 지방자치단체 및 기초자치단체의 자연상징물 (새, 꽃, 나무)의 종수로 파악 한 결과 전체 종다양성은 40목 59과 90속 114종이 자연 상징물로 지정되어 있었다. 상징새 38종, 꽃 40종, 나무 36종이 지정되어 있었으며, 새는 까치, 꽃은 철쭉, 나무는 은행나무가 높은 빈도로 지정되었다. 연안에 위치한 지역 에서는 갈매기과에 속한 새와 동백꽃, 소나무과에 속한 종을, 내륙에서는 까치나 비둘기와 같은 텃새류와 진달래 과에 속한 식물종 등 주변에서 흔히 관찰되는 종들이 자 연상징물로 지정되어 있었다. 자연상징물로 지정된 종들 은 크기가 크거나 화려하며 대중적으로 인식정도 높은 종을 선정하였기 때문에 지역간 중복지정된 종들이 많았 다. 대중들이 관심을 갖는 생물종들에 대한 정보가 축적 되면 깃대종 또는 상징종을 지정기준을 설정하고 서식처 보전에 상징종을 이용하는 방안을 수립하는 데도 도움이 될 것으로 보인다.