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        검색결과 3

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1939, Bupeyong was rapidly urbanized and industrialized for the purpose of constructing military logistics base of the empire of Japan. Based on Kyungin urban planning of 1940 and industrial land development plan of Kyeonggido, many military factories and arsenal were constructed, and great amount of housing were also built for their workers from 1939 to 1944. Although the initial urban planning was unfinished, urban change from rural area to military industrial city in the late Japanese colonial era, made identity of city of Bupyeong. Workers houses which built during five years vary in different size and type, and somewhat reflects discussions about housing attempts to solve the housing shortage. This study aims to analyze architectural characteristics of workers housing related with discussions of housing, and to evaluate its value as an industrial heritage which constitute the urban landscape of the industrial city of Bupyeong. Workers houses in Bupyeong were constructed by military factories, construction company, and Chosun housing administration, with land readjustment planning. As the war became serious, workers housing became smaller and simpler. Construction of workers housing was essential part of modern military industrial city, bupyeong, and many of workers housing are still remained whereas most of factories were demolished, thus workers housing of bupyeong has significant meaning as industrial heritage of Bupyeong.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper analyzed the excavational data from Bupyeong-office in Ulsan county in Chosun Dynasty, examined the composition of the community estimated at station community, and studied the duration of the community by using the excavated relics. In addition, the paper compared the excavational data with documentary records, studied the location Bupyeong-office, and investigated the size of station community overall. Community compositions such as buildings, residential place, pits, stoves, hemp kilns, cremation tombs, and farming appliances were identified. When compared to excavated relics such as tiles, white porcelain jars, agrayish-blue-powdered celadons, and celadon porcelains from building, residance, and pits, the community existed during 14C~17C. The station location was on the west side to the quarters for Byongmajuldosa of the Left Gyeongsangdo at King's location according to the old maps and documentary records. It is widely expected that No, 201 foundation stone buildings at Pyungsan relicⅠ was related to the station because there was a distinctions on the stone pillar waterway and high quality of location in the size(the front 9 sections × the side 1 section) and the community. According to the building's functions and duplication relations in the community, it is regarded that there were 33~40 ground buildings, 40~45 pitting buildings, storages or 15~30 other purpose buildings, and 5~7 public buildings around No, 210 building in Bupyeong-office town.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gravity survey was conducted to investigate subsurface structure of the Bupyung caldera. Two profiles of about 23 ㎞ and 21㎞ length were chosen across the caldera and gravity values were measured at 333 points on those profiles. The regional gravity trend of the survey area is mainly attributed to isostasy. The maximum negative gravity anomaly over the caldera appears to be -8.5m gal. Gravity profiles were analyzed and interpreted by using power spectrum analysis, Marquardt-Levenberg inversion and ideal-body inversion methods. The result of 2-D inversion shows the existence of the low density structure of about 8km surface width and 3km depth under the caldera. Since the caldera has three dimensional, 2-D gravity inversion results in relatively large error as compared with 3-D modeling. Fortran subroutine was coded to calculate the gravity anomalies caused by 3-D subsurface bodies. The result of 3-D modeling shows the Bupyeong caldera can be approximated by basin-shaped low density body whose depth reaches to 3㎞. At this depth level we assume that there exist a nearly flat boundary between granite batholith and metamorphic rock out side of the caldera. The negative anomaly of Bupyeong caldera appears to be caused by density contrast between low-density granite inside the caldera and surrounding metamorphic complex. Relationship between the defect mass and the diameter of Bupyeong caldera satisfies general relationship observed in world-wide volcanic calderas.