The onion thrips, Thrips tabaci, is a serious global pest attacking many agricultural crops such as onion and Welsh onion. The thrips, assumed to originate in the Mediterranean region, has been reported for a long time in South Korea. According to worldwide molecular works, the species composes of three genetic lineages (LI, L2 and T) which related to reproductive mode (arrhenotoky vs. thelotoky). To understand the genetic diversity of T. tabaci in South Korea, we investigated genetic lineage and haplotype composition, using about 80 mitochondrial COI gene sequences (369bp) along with foreign sequences from GenBank and BOLD. The COI gene analysis shows that both of thelotokous L1 and arrhenotokous L2 population distribute in South Korea. Among 97 COI-haplotypes worldwide, only six haplotypes are found and thelotokous H1 dominantly distributes.
The migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, is one of the famous insect pests in the world. Although the species revealsseveral morphological variations, it is largely divided into two lineages, Southern (Africa, Southern Europe, Southern Asia,and Australian) and Northern (East Asia, Eurasian continent). In 2014, a large number of L. migratoria nymphs withred-brown color were suddenly occurred in the southern region (Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do) of Korea. In this study, mitochondrialCOI sequences were analyzed to recognize the genetic identity of L. migratoria with nymph or adult samples collectedfrom 15 localities in Korea. The analysis results reveal that most of all samples are belonging to the Nothern lineage,and the Southern lineage was discovered only in Iksan and Chunju of Korea.
담배가루이는 경제적으로 매우 중요한 농업 해충들 중의 하나이며, 전세계적으로 40개 이상의 종들로 구성된 종복합군(species complex) 으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 담배가루이 종복합군의 유전적 변이와 구성하는 종들의 수를 550개의 COI 염기서열들을 바탕으로 재평가하였 다. 담배가루이의 유전적 변이는 0% - 27.8%이며(평균 11.1%), 이는 담배가루이 종복합군이 서로 다른 속들 혹은 아과들에 속하는 다양한 종들 로 구성되어 있음을 나타낸다. 217개 COI 염기서열들을 바탕으로 분석된 계통수는 담배가루이 종복합군이 잠재적인 신종(Java)을 포함한 43개 종들로 구성되어 있고, 이 가운데 9종(Australia, Asia II 1, Asia II 6, Asia II 7, Asia II 10, Mediterranean, New world, New world 2, Sub Saharan Africa 1)의 종내 유전적 변이는 기존의 종구분 한계인 4.0%가 담배가루이 종복합군의 종들을 구분하는데 적합하며, 높은 종내 유전변이를 보이 는 종들은 은밀종과 관련이 있을 것으로 판단된다.
The migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, is one of the famous insect pests in the world. Although the species reveals several morphological variations, it is largely divided into two lineages, Southern (Africa, Southern Europe, Southern Asia, and Australian) and Northern (East Asia, Eurasian continent). In 2014, a large number of L. migratoria nymphs with red-brown color were suddenly occurred in the southern region (Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do), Korea. In this study, mitochondrial COI sequences were analyzed to recognize the genetic identity of L. migratoria with nymph or adult samples collected from 9 localities in Korea. The analysis results reveal that all individuals are belonging to the Northern lineage.
The migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, is one of the famous insect pests in the world. This species reveals several morphological variations; however, it is largely divided into two lineages, Southern (Africa, Southern Europe, Southern Asia, and Australian) and Northern (East Asia, Eurasian continent). In 2014, a large number of L. migratoria with red-brown color were suddenly occurred in the southern region (Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do) in Korea. Generally, L. migratoria collected in Korea has revealed green color, indicating that the occurrence of the red-brown L. migratoria is unprecedented. In this study, mitochondrial COI sequences of 6 red-brown and 6 green individuals of L. migratoria were analyzed to examine 1) linage of the Korean L. migratoria and 2) co-relation between color and genetic difference. The analysis results reveal that all 12 individuals are belonging to the Northern linage; however, they have genetic divergences from 0% to 0.9%, consisting of five haplotypes. In addition, the red-brown and green individuals did not show genetic differences. Our study suggests that the Korean L. migratoria has genetic divergence which do not related with color differences. Additional studies should be need to examine the origin of the Korean L. migratoria and their geographical relationships.
2000년도 이후로 많은 분자 연구 논문들이 육각강에서 진행되었으며, 그 결과 방대한 양의 미토콘드리아 유전자 염기서열이 생산되었다. 본 연구에서는 2000년도부터 2009년까지 육각강에 보고된 COI 염기서열과 이들을 활용한 분자 연구 논문들을 분석하기 위하여, 58,323개의 COI 염기서열들을 바탕으로 보고된 488개의 분자 연구 논문들을 26개 목들과 사용된 COI 염기서열들의 5', 3', 중간 위치에 따라 재분류하였다. 세 지역의 COI 염기서열을 이용한 연구 논문의 수는 26개 목들에 따라 매우 다양하였다. 하지만, 7개 목들은 특정 지역의 COI 염기서열들이 선호되었음을 나타내었다. 예를 들어, 파리목과 메뚜기목에서는 5' 지역의 COI 염기서열을 사용하는 논문의 수가 가장 높았으며, 이에 반해 딱정벌레, 이목, 잠자리목, 더듬이벌레목, 대벌레목에서는 3' 지역의 COI 염기서열을 사용하는 논문의 수가 가장 높았다. 2000년 이전에 보고된 84개의 분자 연구 논문들과의 비교를 통해, 2000년부터 2009년까지 딱정벌레목, 파리목, 이목, 대벌레목에서는 1999년 이전에 각 목들에서 주로 사용되었던 COI 염기서열의 특정 지역과 같은 지역을 사용하는 경향성을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 육각강에서 2000년에서 2009년까지 보고되었던 분자 연구 논문 뿐만 아니라 이들 논문에서 사용된 COI 염기서열에 대한 전체적인 경향을 이해하는데 유용한 정보를 제공한다.
The bumblebee, Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera: Apidae), is a valuable natural resource that is widely utilized for greenhouse pollination in South Korea. Understanding the magnitude of genetic diversity and geographic relationships is of fundamental importance for long term preservation and utilization. As a first step, we sequenced a partial COI gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) corresponding to the “DNA barcode” region and the complete internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA from 88 individuals collected in nine South Korean localities. The complete ITS2 sequences were longest among known insects, ranging in size from 2,034 bp ~ 2,052 bp, harboring two duplicated 112-bp long repeats. The 658-bp long mtDNA sequences provided only six haplotypes with a maximum sequence divergence of 0.61% (4 bp), whereas the ITS sequences provided 84 sequence types with a maximum sequence divergence of 1.02% (21 sites). The combination of the current COI data with those of published data suggest that the B. ignitus in South Korea and China are genetically a large group, but those in Japan can be roughly separated into another group. Overall, a very high per generation migration ratio, a very low level of genetic fixation, and no discernable hierarchical population were found to exist among the South Korean populations of B. ignitus, which suggests panmixia. This finding is consistent with our understanding of the dispersal capability of the species.
Previously, several levels of phylogenetic relationships in an insect order Odonata have been estimated using morphological and molecular markers. For the molecular phylogeny rRNA sequences were mainly, but other markers were not frequently employed. In this study, we sequenced both two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S rRNA) and nuclear genes (28S rRNA and elongation factor-1α), composed of ~4,002 bp from 71 species of Odonata, occurring mostly in South Korea. These concatenated sequences were utilized to test the previous phylogenetic hypotheses of Odonata via Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithms, along with the data partition option available in BI method. Each families and superfamilies represented by multiple taxa consistently supported monophylies with the highest nodal supports in both Anisoptera and Zygoptera. A close relationship of Anisozygoptera to Anisoptera represented by a single species was obvious. On the other hand, familial relationships within each suborder of Anisoptera and Zygoptera have shown two compelling topologies. The topology obtained by BI method with partitioning of the four genes showed an unresolved relationship among Gomphidae, Aeshnidae, and the suborder Anisozygoptera in Anisoptera clade, presenting the relationships ((((Libellulidae + Corduliidae) + Macromiidae) + (Gomphidae + Aeshnidae + Anisozygoptera)) + (((Coenagrionidae + Platycnemdidae) + Calopterygidae) + Lestidae)). Another topology obtained by both BI and ML methods without partitioning, on the other hand, placed Anisozygoptera the basal lineage of Anisoptera, but Lestidae in Zygoptera was placed as the sister to Anisoptera + Anisozygoptera, presenting the relationships (((((((Libellulidae + Corduliidae) + Macromiidae) + Aeshnidae) + Gomphidae) + Anisozygoptera) + Lestidae) + ((Coenagrionidae + Platycnemdidae) + Calopterygidae)). Topological test to find out better supported tree turned out a slight higher support for the former topology, but the monophyly of Zygoptera with the inclusion of Lestidae was supported only poorly (BPP = 0.68) in the former topology.
The leaf beetle, Chrysolina aurichalcea (Coleoptera: Chysomelidae), is a pest damaging plants of Compositae. In order to understand the genetic diversity and geographic variation we sequenced a portion of mitochondrial COI gene (658 bp) and complete nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the species collected from seven Korean localities. A total of 17 haplotypes (CACOI01 ~ CACOI17), with the maximum sequence divergence of 3.04% (20 bp) were obtained from COI gene sequence, whereas 16 sequence types (ITS2CA01 ~ ITS2CA16), with the maximum sequence divergence of 2.013% (9 bp) were obtained from ITS2, indicating substantially larger sequence divergence in COI gene sequence. Phylogenetically, the COI gene provided two haplotype groups with a high nodal support (≥ 87%), whereas ITS2 provided one sequence type group with a high nodal support (≥ 92%). The result of COI gene may suggest the presence of historical biogeographic barriers that bolster genetic subdivision in the species. Different grouping pattern between COI gene and ITS2 sequences were interpreted in terms of recent dispersal, reflected in the ITS2 sequence. Finally, finding of unique haplotypes and sequence types only from Beakryeng-Islet population was interpreted as an intact remnant of ancient polymorphism. As more samples are analyzed using further hyper-variable marker, further fruitful inference on the geographic contour of the species might be available.
The leaf beetle, Chrysolina aurichalcea (Coleoptera: Chysomelidae), is a pest damaging plants of Compositae. In order to understand the genetic diversity and geographic variation of the species we sequenced a portion of mitochondrial COI gene (658 bp) and complete nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) collected from seven Korean localities. A total of 18 haplotypes (BARCA01 ~ BARCA18), with the maximum sequence divergence of 3.04% (20 bp) were obtained from COI gene sequence, whereas 17 sequence types (ITS2CA01 ~ ITS2CA17), with the maximum sequence divergence of 2.013% (9 bp) were obtained from ITS2, indicating substantially larger sequence divergence in mitochondrial gene sequence. Phylogenetically, the mitochondrial DNA has shown several haplotypes formed independent groups with substantially high node support (≥ 90%), whereas no such grouping was evidenced for ITS2, indicating different behaviors of the two molecules. Such difference may reflect a diverse dynamics of the species such as biogeographic history, mating behaviors, and also possibly different mode of inheritance of the two molecules, but requires further scrutinized examination of the dataset. In terms of population genetic perspective, overall no population subdivision was detected from both molecules, except for locality 7 (Eocheong islet) from mitochondrial DNA. As more scrutinized analysis is performed, further fruitful inference on the geographic contour of the species might be available.
The seven-spotted lady beetle, Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), known also as the seven-spot ladybird, is natural enemy for aphids and has a broad ecological range, living almost anywhere there are aphids for it to eat. In order to understand the genetic diversity and geographic variation of the species we sequenced a portion of mitochondrial COI gene (658 bp) and complete nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) collected from nine Korean localities. A total of 21 haplotypes (CSCOI01 ~ CSCOI21), with the maximum sequence divergence of 4.56% (30 bp) were obtained from COI gene sequence (from 78 individuals), whereas 65 sequence types (CSITS201 ~ CSITS265), with the maximum sequence divergence of 2.06% (11 positions) were obtained from ITS2 (from 79 individuals), indicating substantially larger sequence divergence in mitochondrial gene sequence. Both COI gene and ITS2 shows the distribution pattern that only a few haplotypes or sequence types are widely distributed, whereas majority of them are highly restricted in one geographic location, even represented as a single individual. Unlikely the ITS2 sequence types the mitochondrial COI haplotypes evidenced the presence of two main phylogenetic groups, reciprocally monophyletic to each other. Geographically, these two groups are spread in all localities surveyed. Considering both COI gene and ITS2 sequence together, current our data may suggest the presence of ancestral polymorphism, rather than on-going speciation, but more scrutinized analysis will be performed soon. Due partially by the presence of both COI groups in all surveyed localities, the genetic diversity estimates of all localities are similar from the perspective of COI gene, but ITS data showed extremely lower genetic diversity of one islet locality, Anmyeon-do (locality 2; 0.002530 vs. 0.008054 ~ 0.012060). Analysis of gene flew estimates between localities indicates that most populations are highly interconnected to each other. However, one islet locality, Anmyeon-do (locality) has shown statistically significant distance from the remaining localities on the basis of only ITS2 data (FST = 0.19 ~ 0.34), requiring scrutinized phylogeographic inference on this population with expanded sampling. As more scrutinized analysis is performed, further fruitful inference on the geographic contour of the species might be available.
The phylogenetic relationships among true butterfly families (superfamily Papilionoidea) have been a matter of substantial controversy, and that debate has led to several competing hypotheses. Two of the most compelling of those hypotheses involve the relationships of (Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + (Pieridae + Papilionidae) and (((Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + Pieridae) + Papilionidae). In this study, approximately 3,500 nucleotide sequences from cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA), and elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1α) were sequenced from 83 species belonging to four true butterfly families, along with those of eight outgroup species belonging to the skipper family (superfamily Hesperioidea). These sequences were subjected to phylogenetic reconstruction via Bayesian Inference (BI), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Maximum Parsimony (MP) algorithms. All phylogenetic analyses among the four true butterfly families strongly indicated a sister relationship between the Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae on one hand, and relatively strongly indicated a sister relationship between the Pieridae and Papilionidae on another hand, thus supporting the hypothesis: (Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + (Pieridae + Papilionidae).
The bumblebee, Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera: Apidae), is a valuable natural resource that is one of the most notably utilized for greenhouse pollination in Korea. In order to understand the nature of genetic relationships, gene flow, and population structure of the species we sequenced a partial COI gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) corresponding to “animal barcode” region and the complete internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) collected from Korean localities. Although the 658-bp long mtDNA sequence provided only six haplotypes with the maximum sequence divergence of 0.61% (4 bp), the ITS sequences provided 84 sequence types with the maximum sequence divergence of 1.02% (21 sites), confirming better applicability of the ITS sequences to the study of intraspecific variation. The complete ITS2 sequences of B. ignitus were shown to be longest among known insects, ranging in size from 2,034 bp ~ 2,052 bp, harboring two duplicated repeats. Overall, a very high per generation migration ratio, a very low level of genetic fixation, and no discernable hierarchical population/ population group were noted to exist among populations of B. ignitus on the basis of both molecules, thus suggesting that the B. ignitus populations on the Korean peninsula are panmictic, which is consistent with our understanding of the dispersal capability of the species
There has been a substantial controversy on the phylogenetic relationships among butterfly families and several competing phylogenetic hypothesis have been suggested. Among them the relationships of (((Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + Pieridae) + Papilionidae) has been further widely accepted. In this study, we sequenced EF1-α, COI, and 16S rRNA from 62 species belonging to four true butterfly families, Papilionoidea. Phylogenetic analyses using BI, ML, and MP showed that the traditionally recognizable families were strongly supported as monophyletic groups, with the exception of Nymphalidae, wherein the singly included species of Danainae was placed as basal lineage of the Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae group. Phylogenetic relationships among families supported the sister group relationship of Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae strongly by all analyses and placed Papilionidae as the most basal lineage of the Papilionoidea. On the other hand, the relationships of Nymphalidae and Lycaenidae group to Pieridae were either unresolved, revealing trichotomy, or the relationships of (((Nymphalidae + Lycaenidae) + Pieridae) + Papilionidae) as previously supported by several morphological and molecular works supported. Detailed within-family relationships among some genera also are shown in the presentation.