Despite increasing public concern following mass media coverage regarding the risk of radon to human health and the need to control it, there remains a lack of infrastructure for measuring and mitigating radon. Against this backdrop, this paper is part of an effort to formulate an environment-management framework that can help resolve environmental issues relating to radon, ease fears regarding the associated risks, and provide radon-specific quality services. This study aimed to suggest locally applicable measures for training experts specializing in the fields of measuring and mitigating radon mainly based on US cases in which radon measurement and mitigation certification programs have been systematically run and supervised. Given the lack of both awareness on radon and experts in Korean circumstances, it is necessary to come up with a scheme to develop a radon-specific education program and a framework for expert accreditation. Thus, as groundwork for their introduction considering local circumstances, top-down measures led by the relevant department of government-led organizations, which will act as the control tower, should first be implemented to best utilize the insufficient human resources in this area. In addition, more systematic and detailed educational programs and an expert certification system need to be developed in accordance with the established foundations, and to support their consistent operation, a relevant administrative system should be constructed.
Indonesia is facing a serious problem in education. The problem is reflected in the form of low learning outcomes as shown by low PISA and TIMMS scores compared to other students of PISA and TIMMS participating countries. These results are believed to have correlation with the low quality of teachers. The Teachers and Lectures Law No. 14 Year 2005 requires teachers to be competent by mastering the four teacher competencies, i.e. pedagogical competency, personal competency, social competency, and professional competency. However, only a few are regarded as competent. Since the quality of teachers is the most important factor in improving the quality of education, the Indonesian government held a teacher certification program to increase the quality of education in Indonesia by improving teacher quality, accompanied by the provision of a professional allowance equivalent to one month’s base wage. By 2015 all teachers have been certified and only certified teachers are allowed to teach in Indonesia.
This study aims to describe the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and teaching performance of junior secondary language teachers based on the tests administered during the teacher certification program, and identify the correlation between both variables. It involved 124 junior secondary school teachers, consisting of 70 Indonesian language teachers and 54 English language teachers, from various schools in West Java Province, Indonesia. To organize research procedures, this study adopted a descriptive method used to describe the characteristics of teachers who participated in the teacher participation program, their current pedagogical content knowledge and teaching performance based on the test results. Findings show that PCK has a strong correlation with teaching performance. However, other factors such as employment status, academic qualification, and age have significant effects on the mastery of those two main variables. A further study should be conducted to gauge more sound findings.
최근에 개정된 중 저준위 방사성폐기물 인도규정에서는 폐기물시설운영자는 처분 전 방사성폐기물이 인도규정에 적합함을 보장하기 위한 계획을 수립하여 운영할 것을 요구하고 있다. 앞으로 건설될 방사성폐기물 처분시설에서 방사성폐기물 인수 시에 충족되어야할 방사성폐기물인수기준이 수립될 것이며, 이 인수기준에는 물리화학적 및 방사선학적 특성규명, 물리화학적인 제한사항, 금지품목, 포장, 인식표, 라벨, 문서요건 등을 규정할 것으로 예상된다. 이들 규정을 준수하기 위하여 방사성폐기물 발생자는 방사성폐기물이 폐기물 인수기준에 만족하는지를 확인하는 폐기물 인증프로그램을 수행하여 방사성폐기물이 그 기준에 만족하는지 확인하여야 하며, 방사성폐기물에 대한 모든 인증서류를 폐기물 처분시설에 제출할 책임이 있다. 본 방사성폐기물 인증프로그램계획은 한국원자력연구소에서 발생되는 방사성폐기물의 인증프로그램에 대한 예비프로그램으로서 개발된 것이며 앞으로 처분장의 인수요건이 구체적으로 확립될 때까지 수정 보완되어야 한다.
The issue of using information system to ensure competitive power in the market is rising. The outsourcing methods that entrust activities of information system of companies to other expert agencies are increasing as the enterprises make a lot of effort
The issue of using information system to ensure competitive power in the market is rising. The outsourcing methods that entrust activities of information system of companies to other expert agencies are increasing as the enterprises make a lot of efforts to put their resources to their heart of business in the process of adopting information system. Recently, ASP (Application Service Provider) as new information technology outsourcing method appears due to development of network technology and spreading of peculating software. ASP defines as a software leasing service which is supplied through networks instead of purchasing application software with high price. For successful implementation of ASP, it is necessary to develop a certification program to ensure safety and reliability of ASP. This paper provides the safe and reliable certification program for ASP. In order to develop it, the critical issues related to service quality and certification of ASP are identified and then evaluation methodology for ASP certification program is proposed. This paper presents application certification as the part of ASP certification program.
Web-based services have fundamentally confidential problems due to characteristics of internet environment such as anonymity. These problems are serious obstacles to grow the web-based services. The security and confidence of web-based services rely on both service provider and users' opinion. But the former has difficulty in trusting the service provider and the latter takes too long time to propagete all users after converging their opinion. Therefore it is necessary to establish the objective and confidential evaluation and certification program for web-based service. In this paper, the internal and external web-based services evaluation and certification programs are compared and analyzed. The critical factors and evaluation methodology for secure and confidential web-based service are identified. Finally, this paper provides the improvement and strategy for web-based services evaluation and certification program.
본 연구는 대학생을 대상으로 DS 인성교육 인증프로그램을 실시하고 인성지수와 자아정체 감의 효과를 살펴보았다. 본 연구에서 실시된 프로그램은 Lee et al(2015)이 대학생을 대상으로 개발한 DS인성교육 인증 프로그램지침서를 토대로 진행되었다. 본 프로그램 구성은 총 6회기 이며, 매 회기는 2시간으로 진행되도록 구성하였다. DS 인성교육 인증 프로그램효과를 검증하 기 위해 중간에 누락된 대상을 제외한 실험집단 80명, 통제집단 72명을 최종 분석 대상으로 하 였고, 인성지수, 자아정체감 사전검사를 공변인으로 하여 실험집단과 통제 집단간 공변량분석 을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 사전, 사후 검사에서 DS인성교육인증프로그램을 실시한 실험집단 은 통제집단에 비해 인성지수의 사회성, 도덕성, 감성세가지 차원과 각각에 해당하는 하위요인 인 배려/봉사, 정직/정의, 책임, 윤리(어른공경), 긍정적 자기이해, 자기조절 모두에서 통계적으 로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 그리고 자아정체감 전체점수와 자아정체감의 하위요인인 주체성, 자기수용성, 미래확신성, 목표지향성, 주도성, 친밀성, 정체감 유예, 정체감 혼미 모두에서 통계 적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 따라서 DS인성교육인증프로그램은 대학생들의 인성, 자아정 체감 향상에 전반적으로 도움이 되는 것으로 나타났다.
1994년 성수대교 붕괴사고 이후 강구조물의 품질 관리를 위해 철강구조물제작공장 인증제도가 건설기술관리법에 도입되어 법정임의 인증제도로 운영되고 있다. 그러나 콘크리트 부재의 공장 생산 방식인 PC (Precast Concrete)에 대해 국가적인 품질인증 체계는 마련되어있지 않다. 이에 건축 구조용 PC를 대상으로 적절한 품질인증제도 도입을 위해 북미, 유럽, 일본 등의 PC 품질인증제도를 조사하였다. 북미에서 PC 공장인증제도를 운영하고 있는 곳은 PCI, NPCA, CPCI 등이 있다. 유럽에서 PC 제품을 판매하기 위해서는 CPR 305/2011을따르도록 법으로 정해져 PC 제품을 포함한 모든 건설 제품은 2013년 7월부터 CE 마크를 의무적으로 부착해야 한다. 일본의 경우 토목용PC 제품은 제품인증인 JIS 마크 인증을 받도록 되어 있고 건축 구조용 PC를 생산하는 공장은 일본 프리패브협회의 심사를 받고 있다. 이런 조사 결과에 근거하여 국내 인증 체계에 부합될 수 있도록 건축 구조용 PC 제품의 인증제도의 도입 방향을 이 논문에 제시하였다.