The book Shuowen Jiezi Yizheng (说文解字翼徵) written by Piao Xuan-Shou, which is a book specializing in the study of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) in the late Joseon Dynasty, is the first one to utilize materials of bronze inscriptions objects and stone inscriptions to make supplements and textual criticism of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字). The article organizes the stone-carved material of Zuchu Wen (詛楚文), which is quoted in the book, and analyzes it from the aspects of the meaning of the quotation, the source of the quotation, the quotation and the copying. After that, this paper revises and supplies the situation of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) by quoting Zuchu wen (詛楚文) in the book,and combines with specific examples of characters to annotate and comment. According to whether there is any interpretation, whether there is any new content in the interpretation, etc., it is divided into three categories. And under each word, the original content of Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) quoted in the book, the supplementary ancient characters as well as the main content of the interpretation are cited firstly, and then explains Piao’s analysis of the words’ form and meaning appropriately, and Piao’s viewpoints are evaluated by making full use of ancient character materials and the results of the existing studies and interpretations. The purpose of this article is to clarify the factual situation of Piao’s quotation of the Zuchu Wen (詛楚文) , evaluate the gains and losses of Piao’s textual criticism of the Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) objectively, and supply the shortages of current research on Piao’s quotation of materials other than the bronze inscriptions.
한자는 한자문화권에서 오랫동안 권력의 중심에 위치한 문자인 동시에, 시대, 지역, 사용자에 따라 다양한 異體를 양산한 문자다. 한자가 시대나 지역에 따라 권력의 강화 내지 통치의 효율을 위해 조정되거나 제정, 반포된 현상이 한자의 강력한 정형성과 권위성을 보여준다면, 한자의 다양한 異體의 발생 현상은 당대의 문화 인식이나 筆寫者 자신의 사유라는 문화성과 개성을 보여준다. 전자가 통일, 제어, 표준화를 지향한다면 후자는 문화의 다양성과 인식의 개성이라는 인문학적인 요소를 담아낸다고 볼 수 있다.
본고는 漢字의 異體에 반영된 문화성과 개성적인 측면에 초점을 두어 그 특징을 고찰하고 오늘날 漢字를 접근, 운용하는 데에 어떠한 인문학적 참고가치를 지니는지 고찰하는데 주요 목적이 있다. 구체적인 논의에서는 異體字라는 개념과 범위, 평가는 역사적으로 다양할 뿐 아니라 오늘날에도 시대와 함께 변모하고 있음을 살펴보았다. 異體字는 다양한 생각과 가능성을 담아내는 문화 기억과 지식의 저장소로 시대에 맞는 正字를 구상하는데 있어 중요한 資料庫로 활용될 뿐 아니라 전통적인 텍스트를 史的으로 이해하는 데 있어, 그리고 오늘날 한자교육에 있어서도 인문학적 접근과 사고를 풍부하게 하는 데 유용한 가치를 지님을 강조하였다.
This study is focused on the variant form which created and broke the character components by stroke change. This variant form is made through add and reduction and change the stroke, as a result that is produced another new graph.This study reserches for these type variant forms which is how to made and there are how many types and what is the characteristic.
In the oral literature of Qing Dynasty, there are a lot of Chanese characters with variant forms, including the standardized and vulgar forms, the traditional and simplified forms, and the ancient and modern forms. These variant forms of the same character ususlly can tell us the evolution of the word meaning and pronunciation, and also can tell us the new difference of the wording meaning and pronunciation between the forms of the character in Qing Dynasty, such as “得dĕi-得„ (《Yu yen tzuerh chi》)、哪-那„ (《Yu yen tzuerh chi》)、狠/哏-很、這麼-這們、喝-欱、他-怹tān(《Yan jingfuyu》)”. Therefore, the variant forms of the same character have great value in the history of words. In the literature of dialect in Qing Dynasty, the words of dialect recorded the pronunciation of dialect very well, yet these dialect words have not been paid much attention to in academic research. It is expected that these variant forms of the same character can draw more attention in researching of ancient books.