마늘은 백합과 알리움속에 속하는 작물로 약용, 양념채소로 많이 소비되어져 왔다. 마늘은 6월에 수확하여 1개월 간의 건조과정을 거치게 되는데 보통 장마기와 겹치게 되어 연평균 부패율은 5%이상으로 높다. 마늘의 저장중 병해충은 뿌리응애, 마늘혹응애, 마른썩음병 등으로 섭식에 따른 부패를 유발하며, 건조시기를 단축하고 효율적인 건조를 통하여 감모율을 줄이는 것이 중요하다. 마늘의 병해충 피해를 줄이기 위해 개발한 열풍 흡기식 건조장치를 포함하여 관행, 열풍 건조기, 흡기식 건조 등 4가지 방법으로 마늘을 건조하였으며, 방법별 건조소요 일수, 부패율 등을 조사하였다. 연구결과 열풍-흡기식 건조장치의 순환 공기의 온습도는 외기대비 7.8℃ 높았고, 28.6% 낮았으며, 건조 소요일수는 관행건조 대비 31% 수준으로 우수하였다. 또한 병해충 피해 양상은 관행 건조 대비 4.4%p낮아 건조 기간 및 정상품율이 관행 대비 우수하여, 관행 건조를 대체 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
고추는 조미채소의 한 종류로 우리나라 채소시장에서 큰 비중을 차지하는 품목이다. 대부분 고추의 이용은 건고추의 분말형태인 고춧가루로 가공하여 이용되고 있으므로, 고추건조에 대한 품질과 생산성 향상이 중요한 부분이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 고추의 건조방법에 따라 고춧가루의 품질을 좌우할 수 있는 성분의 변화에 대하여 비교하고, 생산비를 고려하여 적정 건조방법을 제시하고자 실험을 수행하였다. 건조방법으로는 관행으로 많이 이용되는 양건과 화건을 이용하였으며, 제습기를 이용한 제습건조방식을 추가 적용하여 건고추 생산성과 품질을 비교하였다. 고추의 건조방식에 따른 건조율은 화건이 85.1%로 제일 높았고, 이에 따라 고춧가루의 수분함량도 13.5%로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 고추의 색택을 좌우하는 ASTA(American Spice Trade Association) 색도는 양건처리에 비해 화건과 제습건조처리가 높은 결과를 보였다. 고춧가루의 신미성분인 capsaicinoid 함량은 양건처리에 비하여 화건과 제습건조처리에서 모두 낮게 나타나 이에 대한 추가적인 적정 건조조건에 대한 연구가 추가되어야 된다. 당함량은 건조시간이 비교적 짧았던 화건과 제습건조처리에서 양건에 비해 높게 나타났으나 두 처리간에는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 건고추 생산비용은 제습건조처리가 화건처리에 비해 9.9% 효율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 화건과 제습건조가 당함량의 증진과 건고추의 색 발현 측면에서는 효과적이었음을 알 수 있었다. 고추의 신미성분인 capsaicinoid함량 증진을 위해서는 화건과 제습건조처리에서 적정한 건조온도와 건조시간에 대한 연구가 추가되어야 될 것으로 판단되었다.
The purpoose of this paper is to analyze the relative effciency of dreid laver processing companies in Korea and provide the development direction and improvement plan for the dried laver industry. Data on 76 dried laver processing companies were selected as the subjects for Dea.
As a result of Dea, the average efficiency rate is shown that the technical efficiency is 84.90%, the pure technical efficiency is 93.83%, and the scale efficiency is 86.65%. and based on BCC results 38 companies are relatively efficient. comparing pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency, it showed that inefficiencies caused by scale of the company was greater than inefficiencies caused by the scale of technical matter. It implies that expanding the size is essential for achieving high-efficiency of dried laver processing company. In the inefficiency factor analysis, the result reveals that unstable supply of raw materials, quality management, capital flexibility and distribution ability influence the efficiency of laver processing company.
In this study, we evaluated the effect of the type of sewage sludge (digested, non digested) on drying efficiency according to the polymer injection rate. The drying characteristics were shown using a near-infrared ray (NIR) and a microwave. As a result of the drying characteristics with NIR at a polymer dose ratio of 8%, the heating up period is up to 6 minutes after the start of the drying experiment. Afterwards, the constant rate drying period of the digested sludge (A, C and G sites) was 6 minute → 18 minute, showing a rapid decrease in moisture. On the other hand, non digested sludge (B, D, E, F, H, I, J and K sites) showed gradual drying characteristics compared to digested sludge until complete drying (10%). As the polymer dose ratio of 10% and 12%, the heating up period for digested sludge is up to 6 minute after the start of the experiment. Afterwards, the constant rate drying period of the digested sludge was 6 minute → 20 minute, showing a rapid decrease in moisture. On the other hand, the heating up period of non digested sludge was up to 10 minute after the start of the experiment, and the constant rate drying period was 10 minute → 22 minute, which was shorter than digested sludge. As a result of the drying characteristics with microwave at a polymer dose ratio of 8%, 10% and 12%, the constant rate drying period the digested sludge was 4 minute → 20~22 minute, showing a rapid decrease in moisture. On the other hand, non digested sludge of the constant rate drying period was 4 minute → 22~30 minute, which was longer than digested sludge.
The amount of sewage sludge emission is gradually increasing every year. However, the Ocean dumping of sewage sludge was prohibited since 2012 by london convention 96 protocol. Therefore, ground disposal method for recycling organic waste or utilizing to energy technology was needed. The heat is generated when sewage sludge has decomposed with the aerobic microbes. In this study, the heat would be applied to dehydrate sewage sludge. The drying efficiency was evaluated according to Air Flow Rate(AFR) and the mixing proportion of the returned sludge. At the experiments used returned sludge Which was dried at 40% moisture content. As a result, the most high temperature was indicated when it mixed 30% and optimal AFR for maintaining aerobic condition was 200 mL/min.kg. During 14days of Biodrying, the highest temperature of reactor was 46℃ and maintained 5~7days are higher than 40℃. and also 18.8% of moisture was eliminated. These results show that using Biodrying to sewage sludge has economic potential compared to hot-air drying and can be one of the method to produce SRF with additional treatment.
The amount of sewage sludge that is emitted is gradually increasing every year. However, since 2012, because of the London Protocol, the oceanic dumping of sewage sludge has been prohibited. Therefore, for recycling organic waste, either the ground disposal method has to be used or technological solutions that develop energy from such waste have to be identified. Heat is generated when the sewage sludge has decomposed by aerobic microbes. In this study, to dehydrate sewage sludge, heat was applied and the drying efficiency was evaluated according to the air flow rate (AFR) and the proportional mixing of the returned sludge. For the experiments, returned sludge that was dried to 40% moisture content was used; consequently, the highest temperature was obtained when the moisture content was 30% and, for maintaining aerobic conditions, the optimal AFR was 200 ml/min·kg. During biodrying for 14 days, the highest temperature of reactor was 46℃, which was maintained at higher than 40℃ for 5-7 days; moreover, 18.8% of moisture was eliminated. These results show that using biodrying for treating sewage sludge has economic potential compared to hot-air drying; moreover, with additional treatment, biodrying can be one of the methods for producing Bio Solid Refuse Fuel (Bio-SRF).
The technology for sludge drying using a microwave is a primary process in producing solid refuse fuel in the waste-toresource process. In this paper, the drying efficiency is improved by investigating chamber types such as square and circle with various mechanical conditions such as the magnetron power, the height of microwave irradiation, and the sludge thickness. In identical conditions, the moisture content was generally uniform in the circle chamber due to the uniform distribution of microwave irradiation, and the drying efficiency was higher in the circle chamber compared to the square chamber. In the case of the circle chamber, the drying rate was increased by more than 30% and the energy for sludge drying 507.9 kcal/kg of water was reduced. Hence, the application of a circle chamber should save energy consumption in sludge drying.