산업화로 인한 급격한 도시 개발은 오늘날 도심 골목길의 쇠퇴와 직결 되어 있다. 본 연구는 급격한 도시 개발과 도심 주거지 형태의 변화로 인해 사라질 위기에 처한 지역 문화자원인 골목길의 가치를 분석하고 활 성화 전략을 고민하기 위해 진행되었다. 특히 골목길의 문화적, 사회적, 경제적 가치를 살펴보고 골목길 쇠퇴와 지역공동체 형성 간의 직·간접적 인 상관관계를 규명하고자 한다. 본 연구는 이러한 분석 결과를 바탕으 로 세 가지 결론을 제시하고 있다. 첫째, 골목길은 화석화된 문화유산이 아니라 살아있는 문화유산이다. 따라서 골목은 지역의 과거와 현재의 모 습을 모두 담고 있으며 그 지역의 정체성을 대변한다. 둘째, 골목길은 근 린주구의 공간이며 근린주구 커뮤니티의 장소로서 기능할 수 있다. 왜냐 하면 이미 우리는 골목길이 이웃과의 소통의 장이 될 수 있다는 것을 경 험한 바 있기 때문이다. 셋째, 골목길은 기존 상권과는 다른 새로운 상권 이다. 뿐만 아니라 새로운 문화산업의 중심지이기도 하다. 이러한 세 가 지 이유만으로도 골목길은 중요한 지역 문화 자원이라고 할 수 있으며 보호될 필요가 있다.
전 세계 해양의 대부분을 차지하는 공해는 해양바이오산업 성장에 필수적인 귀중한 해양 자원을 보유하고 있다. 이러한 글로 벌 노력의 최전선에는 한국의 공해 자원 확보 및 기초효능(기초물질) 탐사사업이 있다. 이 연구는 대중의 인식을 측정하고 프로젝트의 이 점을 정량화하여 향후 정책 결정에 대한 통찰력을 제공하고자 했다. 결과에 따르면, 연평균 지불의사액(WTP)은 3,778.8원으로, 전체 국민 으로 확장하면 약 815.4억 원에 해당하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 의미는 두 가지이다. WTP를 기반으로 공해상 해양생명자원 확보의 경제적 가치는 연간 약 815억 원에 달할 정도로 상당하다. 이는 투자에 대한 WTP를 고려할 때 향후 정책 수립을 위한 중요한 참고 자료 로 제공 가능하다. 해양생물자원에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있는 반면, 대중의 인식은 상대적으로 낮은 편이다. 그러나 본 사업은 해양바이 오산업에 필수적인 데이터베이스를 구축하고 국제 해양생물자원을 확보하는데 있어서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 대중의 관심과 지속적인 지원은 이 사업 뿐만 아니라 향후 정책 구현에도 매우 중요하다. 대중의 인식을 높이는 전략은 필수적이며, 연구 결과는 향후 정책 결정 에 귀중한 의견을 제공한다.
With increasing demand for resources worldwide, Korea has been negotiating with resource-holding countries to achieve conservation of energy resources. Among them, Russia is the third largest resource-producing and exporting nation in the world and has several resource materials such as nickel, platinum group metals, gold, and other reserves. As a result, there is growing interest in cooperation between Korea and Russia. The aim of this article is to summarize the current status of market flow of Russian energy resources as well as Russia’s economic cooperation with Korea. Notably, South Korea needs to focus on investing in overseas mines for a stable supply of rare metals. Nevertheless, securing rare metals is a major task by understanding the flow and policy direction of Russian material mines.
The objective of this study is to examine and provide guidelines for regional governments, communities, and the private sector in planning and implementing poverty-reduction activities that are more effective, efficient, and targeted. Besides, this research’s specific aims are: 1) increasing the rate of regional economic growth through optimization of potential sources of local income, 2) increasing per-capita income, and 3) reducing poverty, unemployment, and social-economic inequality of the community. The study was conducted in North Morowali District, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, in 2018-2019. The research approach used quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. Data sources include sources from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Regional Statistics. The results of this study are based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) indicators that there are four priority scales in poverty reduction, namely, Health and Infrastructure (Priority I), Education (Priority II), Food stability (Priority III), and Population and Employment (Priority IV). Therefore, as a solution to poverty alleviation strategies, the cost approach through regional economic optimization and local income sources and community empowerment factors are essential. Apart from that, the involvement between elements (government, organizations, society, universities, and institutions) is expected to continue as an effort to realize poverty reduction can be optimally overcome.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the economic potential of the regions from the mining sector of North Morowali, Central- Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the formulation of pro-business regional development management that aims to create synergy between the local government and mining sector entrepreneurs. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by taking data in the form of primary data from FGD and secondary data observations from statistical bureau data in the North Morowali, Indonesia. The analysis unit uses SWOT analysis to determine the economic potential of the North Morowali and Location Quotient (LQ) to analyze the economic potential of the mining sector. The research period covers one year (2018-2019) in North Morowali, Indonesia. All the mining products have considerable potential as a financing unit in North Morowali, while mining potential has not been maximally exploited. The absence of regulations, facilities such as road access, and optimal land and sea transportation are the causes of the difficulty of optimization and access to explore mining products comprehensively. As a new province at Central Sulawesi, more efforts and the role of government are needed to focus attention to North Morowali as an area with great potential in the mining sector.
The 13th “Five year plan” clearly puts forward the goal of making cultural industry become the pillar industry of national economy in the next five years, which means cultural industry becomes a new development momentum, and are attached much greater importance by the government. Cultural resources are the material basis for the cultural industry, to scientifically classify and evaluate the cultural resources is the key to transform cultural resource advantage into industrial advantage. Firstly, referring to the method of national tourist resources classification, the cultural resources in the Shandong peninsula blue economic zone can be divided into seven types, which are natural landscape culture resources, historical culture resources, folk customs culture resources, religious culture resources, festival events culture resources, literature and art, reality culture resources. Then, the development potential of cultural resources in the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone were evaluated using the multilevel grey method. The evaluation results showed that the development potential of the cultural resources in the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone is the highest and the development potential order of each type was W (natural)>W(historical)>W(folk)>W(literaryarts)>W(festivalevent)>W(Religion)>W(real), among which natural landscape culture resources and history culture resources has the greatest development potential, festival event culture resources and reality culture resources has a comparative advantage, literature and art resources has a advantaged talent and outstanding development characteristics, and festival events culture resources has great potential market demand and expected development benefits.
The direct-runoff of South Korea's representative dams (Soyanggang, Chungju, Andong, Daecheong, and Seomjingang) and precipitation were analyzed mainly with the evenly distributed spring rainfall events across the country for the last five years. For precipitation, an increasing was presented during the period 2008-2011, but did not continue to increasing 2012. The average precipitation of the five dams displayed a similar trend. Except for Chungju and Andong Dams, the trend of runoff was similar to the one shown in the precipitation. Despite the precipitation of 2009 increased, the runoff volume decreased for Andong and Chungju Dams. In addition, Chungju Dam remarkably showed a bigger runoff volume compared to other dams. As for the Sumjingang Dam, the runoff volume was the smallest, and the difference is as great as over 15-fold when compared to other runoff values. After the result of analyzing the relation between a single runoff event and synoptic weather patterns, pattern 4 contributed to the greatest impact on this event and weather patterns. The total runoff volume of the five dams for spring rain event for the last five years that exhibited this characteristic was estimated at 5.68 billion tons(106m3). Lastly, the value of this estimation was assessed as approximately 273.1 billion KRW.